Why won’t Merrick Garland release the affidavit for the Mar A Lago invasion?

NOT ME................YOU...................MORON.

"This was a clear case of judge shopping. The Chief Judge for the Palm Beach Court was appointed by George W. Bush! Gee, wonder why they didn't go to HER for their warrant?

February 18 2021
WEST PALM BEACH — A new chief judge will take a seat this summer in Palm Beach County as the courts continue to navigate cases during a worldwide pandemic.

Circuit Judge Glenn Kelley was elected by fellow judges this week to replace Chief Judge Krista Marx come July 1, according to courthouse officials. Marx did not run for another term, according to Debra Oats, the public information officer for the 15th Judicial Circuit.

In criminal proceedings, magistrate judges preside over misdemeanor and petty offense cases, and as to all criminal cases (felony and misdemeanor) may issue search warrants, arrest warrants, and summonses, accept criminal complaints, conduct initial appearance proceedings and detention hearings, set bail or other conditions of release or detention, hold preliminary hearings and examinations, administer oaths, conduct extradition proceedings, and conduct evidentiary hearings on motions to suppress evidence in felony cases for issuance of reports and recommendations to the district judge.

A magistrate plays a vital role in determining the case issues, but they lack the ability to make decisions. They cannot issue a final verdict of a dispute but can propose recommendations knowing the theme of the case.

The recommendations are usually approved and signed by the Circuit Court Judge if neither party raise objections within the time limit.
Like I said...why would you go to a Magistrate for a warrant for something this earth shattering. They're judges that preside over misdemeanor and petty offense cases! So you go to one of THOSE to get a warrant to raid the home of an Ex President of the United States? Really?
That's a lie.

They took passports. They took attorney-client privilege papers. We already know that. We also know they pawed through Melania's clothes, and now the DOJ doesn't want the affidavit released.

Garland pondered for weeks about whether to go for the raid. Gosh. Does that sound like there were sensitive nuclear secrets there in those classified documents?

This is bad and it's going to get worse. For you. Not for us.

The passports were returned already.

The attorney-client privilege papers are just a rumor.

The affidavit is never released prior to charges being filed. You act like it is out of the ordinary not release it, but that just is not true.

So, is Garland just a tool of the Party abusing his power or not? if he is then why did he need to ponder anything? Seems that him taking his time to make sure it was the right thing to do is good.

None of this is bad for me. My life in 100% unaffected no matter the outcome other than the increased entertainment value on this thread.
White? Der Juden?

You have a final solution to the white problem in mind, doncha?

Seig Heil.
We do. It's called birth right citizenship and we are taking advantage of this constitutionally protected right to out breed you and diminish your social and political power. Not to eliminate you forcibly through violence. Hitler, in case you were unaware, was very much a proponent of white supremacy, which is pretty much the opposite of what we're doing. Moron.
The passports were returned already.

The attorney-client privilege papers are just a rumor.

The affidavit is never released prior to charges being filed. You act like it is out of the ordinary not release it, but that just is not true.

So, is Garland just a tool of the Party abusing his power or not? if he is then why did he need to ponder anything? Seems that him taking his time to make sure it was the right thing to do is good.

None of this is bad for me. My life in 100% unaffected no matter the outcome other than the increased entertainment value on this thread.

Why were they ever taken?

It is so sad that people like you know nothing and go forward posting bullshit, and really believing it to be true. It's close to insanity and being brainwashed by others who know nothing too.

See my post above.
It's so sad that you don't realize that you're referring to yourself in your post. You don't know anything about the reality of the warrant either but you're willing to swear to it's veracity. Some of us remember that this same FBI lied on a FISA affidavit in order to get a previous warrant and aren't willing to be Charlie Brown playing football with Lucy. You've apparently been brainwashed to believe that everything the government tells you.
I am talking about a serious issue of having our unelected, unaccountable armed bureaucracies act like the enforcement wing of one party.
Actually what they do is protect the laws and regulations of our country against partisan political hacks
NOT ME................YOU...................MORON.

"This was a clear case of judge shopping. The Chief Judge for the Palm Beach Court was appointed by George W. Bush! Gee, wonder why they didn't go to HER for their warrant?

February 18 2021
WEST PALM BEACH — A new chief judge will take a seat this summer in Palm Beach County as the courts continue to navigate cases during a worldwide pandemic.

Circuit Judge Glenn Kelley was elected by fellow judges this week to replace Chief Judge Krista Marx come July 1, according to courthouse officials. Marx did not run for another term, according to Debra Oats, the public information officer for the 15th Judicial Circuit.

In criminal proceedings, magistrate judges preside over misdemeanor and petty offense cases, and as to all criminal cases (felony and misdemeanor) may issue search warrants, arrest warrants, and summonses, accept criminal complaints, conduct initial appearance proceedings and detention hearings, set bail or other conditions of release or detention, hold preliminary hearings and examinations, administer oaths, conduct extradition proceedings, and conduct evidentiary hearings on motions to suppress evidence in felony cases for issuance of reports and recommendations to the district judge.

A magistrate plays a vital role in determining the case issues, but they lack the ability to make decisions. They cannot issue a final verdict of a dispute but can propose recommendations knowing the theme of the case.

The recommendations are usually approved and signed by the Circuit Court Judge if neither party raise objections within the time limit.
Your reading comprehension isn't very good. I didn't say it was a County court. Neither did the person who wrote the article. It's a Federal Court located in the County of Palm Beach! Duh?
Remember, the Nazi thugs didn't leave the Warrant and Trump had to SUE the fucking criminal DOI and Garland to obtain the warrant they were OBLIGATED BY LAW to hand to him as they assaulted his home.

Trump got the warrant Thursday and released it Friday.

We rate you lie: Pathetic.
They left the warrant and the property receipt with Trump’s idiot lawyer and then leaked it to the press before they released it in court.

You are lying or believe someone else’s lies.
They went to the appropriate legal authority.

But, you want to go after the messenger not the message.
A biased magistrate with an axe to grind?
Gangbanging a former President with lies fed to the FBI by the current criminal Alinsky-promoting Deep State is not my idea of standing up for America. Standing up for Satan, yes, they do; for the USA, no, they don't.
I think Garland was coerced to go along with this farce. Did you see how scared he looked?
Perhaps because he had 3 of them, which is out of the ordinary.

It is? You have never travelled out of the country very much. I have four of them. Three are expired, but they still exist. People collect the visa entry stamps after all.

In other words, the passports were illegally taken by a bunch of vandals who used an illegal warrant to go fishing, and while trying on Melanias unmentionables they decided to ransack the place on GP like the low class scum they apparently are.
The Warrant said no such thing
It specified what they were looking for and where they could look

The suspicions that led to the warrant proved to be true
What in that warrant is even remotely "specific", Winger? It not only allowed the FBI to take anything related to the entire time Trump was in office but to take anything that is next to anything that was related to the entire time Trump was in office! It's literally the broadest warrant I think I've ever seen! It gave the FBI the leeway to take anything they wanted.
Seems like you people would at least be AS concerned about the espionage committed by the 45th POTUS as you are about the way LEO's do their jobs.

WHY do you hate law enforcement and your country?
Why would we worry about a democrat fantasy when we have proof that the current resident in the Whithouse and his family have been selling access to U.S policy and tax money for literal years. The people that we KNOW took money from Russia and China are currently running the county while Russia and China are seeing a resurgence in world power. Do you think that happened by accident?
It is? You have never travelled out of the country very much. I have four of them. Three are expired, but they still exist. People collect the visa entry stamps after all.

Suspect I have traveled more than you or most people. And yes, it is out of the ordinary. The fact you claim to do it does not make it the norm.
The Warrant said no such thing
It specified what they were looking for and where they could look

The suspicions that led to the warrant proved to be true
The suspicions proved to be true? LOL How so? We don't know what the "suspicions" were because the DOJ refuses to release the affidavit for the warrant! Nothing has been proven except Joe Biden's DOJ will stoop to just about anything to eliminate a political opponent! That's been proven beyond a doubt!
Why would we worry about a democrat fantasy when we have proof that the current resident in the Whithouse and his family have been selling access to U.S policy and tax money for literal years.
Little fascist, it's not us screaming that the FBI needs to die.

All the violence comes from your side. The fact that you chose to run cover for it indicates how enthusastically you endorse that violence.
If you're really this deluded you need to seek immediate help. Seattle, Portland, Dallas and so on where liberal violence has caused death and destruction and you want to say ALL the violence comes from the other side? You're dishonest .
The suspicions proved to be true? LOL How so? We don't know what the "suspicions" were because the DOJ refuses to release the affidavit for the warrant! Nothing has been proven except Joe Biden's DOJ will stoop to just about anything to eliminate a political opponent! That's been proven beyond a doubt!

Good Question

The warrant was a search for Classified information improperly stored by Trump

Not only was Classified information found, but Top Secret SCI

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