Why won’t Merrick Garland release the affidavit for the Mar A Lago invasion?

A biased magistrate with an axe to grind?
Awwwww, dat’s a bad case of victimhood sycophant
Awww, the former 1-term president as a victim. How about the he doesn’t possess classified materials at his golf resort.
How about you go to an actual Federal Judge to obtain a warrant to raid the home of an Ex President and not a Magistrate who's basically a "junior" judge! You're telling me that after two years of knowing this material was in Trump's possession it became critical to have this warrant right away so that was why they asked this judge to do it for them...but then once they HAD the warrant they didn't conduct the raid until days later? That scenario works for you, Otto?
Why am I not surprised you can't do a simple search.

This site used to have a photo forum where I posted a bunch up.

Tell you what, I am about to fly out to Ely for some business, we can do a travel thread where we post up pics from our travels later on tonight

You made the claim and will not back it up.

When I made such a claim you demanded I back it up and I did....to which you ran away and never came back.
Show me anything connected to our President
Show me anything prosecutable
It's ALL connected to Joe Biden, Winger! The Biden family has been making MILLIONS for decades influence peddling access to first Senator Biden and then Vice President Biden! The Hunter Biden lap top simply exposed what they've been doing! The lesson learned is that if you're going to sell your influence don't do it through a crack smoking idiot who leaves the evidence lying around!
How about you go to an actual Federal Judge to obtain a warrant to raid the home of an Ex President and not a Magistrate who's basically a "junior" judge! You're telling me that after two years of knowing this material was in Trump's possession it became critical to have this warrant right away so that was why they asked this judge to do it for them...but then once they HAD the warrant they didn't conduct the raid until days later? That scenario works for you, Otto?
What was invalid about the Warrant?

It turned out to be accurate
What was invalid about the Warrant?

It turned out to be accurate
The warrant means nothing, Winger. It's the affidavit that will determine how much of political hit job this was. When that is released we'll be able to see on what basis that raid was granted. If there isn't iron clad proof a crime was being committed then those that applied for the warrant and the judge that issued it are in deep shit.
He seems to be hiding something. Why all the secrecy on what they told the judge to get the search warrant?

Given the track record of the FBI lying to courts one would think he would be more transparent

Lol, another retard repug. They Ave mole and will continue to use the mole. It's not rocket science retard.
The warrant means nothing, Winger. It's the affidavit that will determine how much of political hit job this was. When that is released we'll be able to see on what basis that raid was granted. If there isn't iron clad proof a crime was being committed then those that applied for the warrant and the judge that issued it are in deep shit.
Lol, 15 boxes of of classified material recovered retard. Exactly what the warrant was for was found. What a retard.
Wow, lie much?
With all due respect, BWK...that's the excuse that the authorities ALWAYS use when they're trying to hide how they conducted a suspect investigation! I'm sorry but the FBI doesn't warrant blind belief anymore. They've shown that the 7th floor in Washington has become totally political. With all of the things that look bad with this raid they need to show the affidavit so that people think they're not up to their old tricks again.
If it's an excuse, you'll need to provide proof of that. Beyond that, it's a lie.

And this is smart on the part of the DOJ. Why give Trump a chance to interfere with an ongoing investigation, harass potential trial witnesses and hone his obstructionist lies ahead of a potential trial. Garland Merrick is way ahead of Trump.
Yeah....why give Trump the chance to do what the Democrats have done in trials and Supreme Court decisions.
He would not be the next boss as each POTUS always brings in their own AG.

In the end this is just a case like any other case, Trump is not special, Trump is not above the law, he is just a private citizen like you and I
Well, I guess we can look forward to a string of jailed former Presidents going forward then, won't you be proud as America looses standing around the globe?
Saying this DOJ operates as an apolitical agency was hilarious. Garland hates Trump so bad he can't see straight.
And? If that were true, it has nothing to do with doing your job. I hate your stupidity and ignorance. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop pursuing the truth and accurate information. Get it? Of course not. That's way over your head.
Well, I guess we can look forward to a string of jailed former Presidents going forward then, won't you be proud as America looses standing around the globe?
We'll, I guess you are wrong, because no president in our history has been involved in RICO like Trump.
Like I said...why would you go to a Magistrate for a warrant for something this earth shattering.
I'm not the FBI, so IDK, exactly.
They're judges that preside over misdemeanor and petty offense cases! So you go to one of THOSE to get a warrant to raid the home of an Ex President of the United States? Really?
Do you realize that pressure?
The evidence and reliability must have been overwhelming.
All the I and T's crossed.

No, other judge or lawyers have came out and stated "It's illegal".

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