Why won’t Merrick Garland release the affidavit for the Mar A Lago invasion?

Nope, not a first. I have been pointing out your emotional outburst for a week now.

Interesting that you are a part of those institutions.

Um, no. I work for a local school district and am paid by the local school district. The money with which I am paid goes no higher than the state.

I'm not a fed.

And again, you continuing to point out that I was "emotional" is just another form of "Republicans Pounce!" You have nothing else, and knowing what a monumental, generational F up this is, all you can focus on is how mad we are about it.

You're right. We're mad.

Now let's see what happens.
The board is full of 'REPUBLICANS POUNCE!" this morning. This is an indicator, and a strong one, that they know they have lost this issue, and lost hard. The focus of arguments has turned from arguing on the merits to watching our response, to see how mad we'll be and how we're reacting.

This board is always full of wingers jumping off the deep end, that is what makes it so entertaining.

We have been laughing at your response since this happened, because they have been hilarious the whole time and they are just getting more so.

And in the end, we still do not know what was found or what will come of it. Those that are not emotional timebombs are waiting for more information to come forth.
This board is always full of wingers jumping off the deep end, that is what makes it so entertaining.

We have been laughing at your response since this happened, because they have been hilarious the whole time and they are just getting more so.

And in the end, we still do not know what was found or what will come of it. Those that are not emotional timebombs are waiting for more information to come forth.

They found passports and took them.

And papers under attorney-client privilege.
Um, no. I work for a local school district and am paid by the local school district. The money with which I am paid goes no higher than the state.

I'm not a fed.

And again, you continuing to point out that I was "emotional" is just another form of "Republicans Pounce!" You have nothing else, and knowing what a monumental, generational F up this is, all you can focus on is how mad we are about it.

You're right. We're mad.

Now let's see what happens.

you are still part of the government, and a part that a great many people no longer trust.

I have no fucking idea what "Republicans Pounce" means in your little mind, but it seems to be describing the post of you and those like you. You have done nothing but pounce on this and that and every little thing.

What happens is that you stay pissed off and the rest of the country moves on and gets ready for College Football season.
The board is full of 'REPUBLICANS POUNCE!" this morning. This is an indicator, and a strong one, that they know they have lost this issue, and lost hard. The focus of arguments has turned from arguing on the merits to watching our response, to see how mad we'll be and how we're reacting.


It's such a serious issue, you had to lie to make a point.
you are still part of the government, and a part that a great many people no longer trust.

I have no fucking idea what "Republicans Pounce" means in your little mind, but it seems to be describing the post of you and those like you. You have done nothing but pounce on this and that and every little thing.

What happens is that you stay pissed off and the rest of the country moves on and gets ready for College Football season.

When the Democrats can no longer talk about the merits of the story, because it's so damaging to them, they focus on the reaction of the Republicans. "Republicans pounce on story about Hunter's laptop..." and on and on and on. That's what you're doing. You want to obsess about me being emotional because it works better for you as a focus rather than talking about the merits of the event.

Or if not that, "oh well it doesn't matter." Like your college football remark.

It's such a serious issue, you had to lie to make a point.

It wouldn't matter if I did or I didn't.

Word out this morning that Garland had to ponder long about whether to go for the raid. He did, and it ruined a lot.

You live with that, rather than worrying about whether I 'lied' or not.
When the Democrats can no longer talk about the merits of the story, because it's so damaging to them, they focus on the reaction of the Republicans. "Republicans pounce on story about Hunter's laptop..." and on and on and on. That's what you're doing. You want to obsess about me being emotional because it works better for you as a focus rather than talking about the merits of the event.

Or if not that, "oh well it doesn't matter." Like your college football remark.

The merits of the event are not yet known, which is why I can laugh at people like you that have their minds made up and nothing will ever change them.

You do not need information, you do not need data, you just need your feelings.

I do not choose to operate that way.
you are still part of the government, and a part that a great many people no longer trust.

I have no fucking idea what "Republicans Pounce" means in your little mind, but it seems to be describing the post of you and those like you. You have done nothing but pounce on this and that and every little thing.

What happens is that you stay pissed off and the rest of the country moves on and gets ready for College Football season.

I am a conservative. I am favorable to local, limited government. The families I serve look me in the eye regularly, which is how it's supposed to work.
The merits of the event are not yet known, which is why I can laugh at people like you that have their minds made up and nothing will ever change them.

You do not need information, you do not need data, you just need your feelings.

I do not choose to operate that way.

That's a lie.

They took passports. They took attorney-client privilege papers. We already know that. We also know they pawed through Melania's clothes, and now the DOJ doesn't want the affidavit released.

Garland pondered for weeks about whether to go for the raid. Gosh. Does that sound like there were sensitive nuclear secrets there in those classified documents?

This is bad and it's going to get worse. For you. Not for us.
It wouldn't matter if I did or I didn't.

Word out this morning that Garland had to ponder long about whether to go for the raid. He did, and it ruined a lot.

You live with that, rather than worrying about whether I 'lied' or not.

That's irrelevant so yes, I can live with it.
That's a lie.

They took passports. They took attorney-client privilege papers. We already know that. We also know they pawed through Melania's clothes, and now the DOJ doesn't want the affidavit released.

Garland pondered for weeks about whether to go for the raid. Gosh. Does that sound like there were sensitive nuclear secrets there in those classified documents?

This is bad and it's going to get worse. For you. Not for us.

The DoJ never releases the affidavit attached to a search warrant while their investigation is ongoing.
The merits of the event are not yet known, which is why I can laugh at people like you that have their minds made up and nothing will ever change them.

You do not need information, you do not need data, you just need your feelings.

I do not choose to operate that way.

Oh honey. I was a card carrying pro-choice liberal Democrat until my mid-20s. I was a secular liberal too. I went on an anti-war march for the Gulf War with a bunch of lefties. I was one.

In my first vote ever, I voted for Jesse Jackson, the Rainbow Coalition, 1988. So really, don't tell me I can't change my mind.

Someday I might divulge what changed my mind. It happened in about three days. Not today though
Oh no, these are the 2022 brownshirts.

When reports come in of that going on? Democrats are done in America.

They'll be hanging everywhere. Americans cannot let that go very far. Not without losing everything we've known.
I wish I could agree.

We caught Lois Lerner and Obama red handed - and we did NOTHING. Lerner didn't go to prison, Obama wasn't impeached - the little Goebbels covered the whole thing up, as we sat back slack jawed.
I was encouraging Trump to release it but with the common sense that he should redact the FBI agents names.

Trump didn’t release it (although he could have day one) until Garland petitioned to release it. He didn’t have to wait till Garland said so. He had his bluff called. He’s not smart. The release of the receipt showed he had highly classified materials.
Remember, the Nazi thugs didn't leave the Warrant and Trump had to SUE the fucking criminal DOI and Garland to obtain the warrant they were OBLIGATED BY LAW to hand to him as they assaulted his home.

Trump got the warrant Thursday and released it Friday.

We rate you lie: Pathetic.
He seems to be hiding something. Why all the secrecy

His investigation. Doesn't want to tip off the target(s). It will all come out in due time, and Benedict Donald will have his day in court, if he wants.
Trust me, most Americans realize how far-reaching the implications of this bullshit is. More than 75%. Not all will act, but enough will, and it will not be pretty. Once the rule of law is lost, fuck it..ya know?
There will be a strong push to return to what used to work.

Hanging, rail rides, tarring & feathering.

The rule of law is gone - has been for a decade. But this criminal assault on a political foe rubs our face in just how lawless the Reich is.

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