Why won’t Merrick Garland release the affidavit for the Mar A Lago invasion?

Yes , we know what the talking point is you’ve been groomed to say. Your leftist pals have already fallen in line and printed it 1000 times
If you guys would stop making so many death threats, maybe the “talking points” wouldn’t ring true.

Violence and intimidation have exploded among Trump worshipers. It’s not an accident.
Well, that question, and everything surrounding it, will be studied by psychologists and sociologists for a LONG time.

They have bought into the whole narrative at far beyond a political level. This is a deep, personal, emotional attachment. Obviously these people have been manipulated by voices they have chosen to trust, and this won't be fixed from the outside. This will have to come from their world. Do you seen any of that? I don't.

Why would anyone fix it internally? They're controlling the cult.
And yet, it has to happen at some level. It doesn't have to be a majority of them. Just enough brave and honest souls to stand up.

But look at this dangerous, authoritarian environment. They'd not just be risking their beloved cushy gubmit jobs, they'd be putting their lives and the lives of their families at clear risk.

There are a few brave Republicans who have stood up and said they will not sacrifice their values to the excesses of Trump.
Trump has turned his angry horde against them and they have been driven from the party that Trump now controls.

Republicans like McConnell, McCarthy, Rubio, Graham hate what their party has degraded to but they lack the integrity to try to save it.
Clearly, Garland does not want the cat out of the bag on how weak of a "case" - he has. If it were released, and it will be one day, it really is going to show just how Stalinist the Demafacist have taken this country
Yeah, I don't freakin' know. It would have to be people who (a) already have reservations and (b) finally reach their limit.

Do they even exist? I don't know.

Take it to your bevy of psychologists and have them study up Ol' Mac
Self-awareness is not their thing. They have none.

Yeah basically, "hey our nation has turned into a place where the largest armed police force in the world is being used as a political cudgel for one party. That's banana republic stuff."

And this clown uses the pat head emoticon. Okay.
You use these emoticons and laugh and dance around at the wrong things.

I wonder if you realize it.

Wrong in your eyes, but you have gone off the deep end and are no longer a reasonable, logical member of the forum. You are just an emotion bomb now.

But it is entertaining, that is for sure. :banana:
There are a few brave Republicans who have stood up and said they will not sacrifice their values to the excesses of Trump.
Trump has turned his angry horde against them and they have been driven from the party that Trump now controls.

Republicans like McConnell, McCarthy, Rubio, Graham hate what their party has degraded to but they lack the integrity to try to save it.

The mcconnels, mccartheys, romneys are a disgrace to this country.
Self-awareness is not their thing. They have none.

As you are using EMOticons to respond to the demise of our nation.

No, I am using EMOticons to mock your post of doom and gloom. The country will be fine, we survived Bush II, Obama, Trump and now we will survive this no matter how much you want the country to explode.
No, I am using EMOticons to mock your post of doom and gloom. The country will be fine, we survived Bush II, Obama, Trump and now we will survive this no matter how much you want the country to explode.

I am talking about a serious issue of having our unelected, unaccountable armed bureaucracies act like the enforcement wing of one party.

And you use the pat head emoticon for that.

And you accuse ME of being emotional. That's first.

Second, no country can withstand a populace that has no trust in its institutions. Not for long. The only question is how long will we either implode from within or will we be destroyed from without.
As posted above, situational awareness is also lost on the demented LEFT.

The board is full of 'REPUBLICANS POUNCE!" this morning. This is an indicator, and a strong one, that they know they have lost this issue, and lost hard. The focus of arguments has turned from arguing on the merits to watching our response, to see how mad we'll be and how we're reacting.
I am talking about a serious issue of having our unelected, unaccountable armed bureaucracies act like the enforcement wing of one party.

And you use the pat head emoticon for that.

And you accuse ME of being emotional. That's first.

Second, no country can withstand a populace that has no trust in its institutions. Not for long. The only question is how long will we either implode from within or will we be destroyed from without.

Nope, not a first. I have been pointing out your emotional outburst for a week now.

Interesting that you are a part of those institutions.

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