Why won’t Merrick Garland release the affidavit for the Mar A Lago invasion?

You are being incited by the ones you believe in, and repeating this Nazi thing without any call for it.

Trump is no political opponent. He has not announced anything. What Presidential race? This is not 2024.

Trump did not release the Warrant, the DOJ did.

The FBI does search warrants on anyone, Republicans or Democrats, or Independent. There is no "Reich".

Russia was found to have intervened in the 2016 elections. Proven by a Bipartisan committee in 2018.

No collusion, but I do find it odd that the day after Trump asked Russia to release Clinton's emails, those emails were hacked and released.

No collusion? Maybe. But did he not welcome any help he could get?
When did the Russian's release Hillary's missing emails? I know that Wikileaks hacked and released the DNC/Podesta emails during the 2016 election which showed that the DNC had screwed Bernie Sanders but I don't recall any hacked Clinton emails from her server other than those that the government finally released.
democrats ARE Nazis - that's just a fact.

Playing make believe and pretending that what is right in front of our face isn't real is delusional and how the fascists have gotten away with the war they wage on the Constitutional Republic for so long.

I won't pretend the emperor has the most extravagant new clothes while he is naked.

The democrats are Nazis and goosestepping the EXACT path that Adolf Hitler did.

The democrats are a Reich that seeks the central planning and control of the economy under an authoritarian, central ruler where liberty is snuffed out in favor of group privilege, where the party has absolute control of the press who are nothing more than propaganda for the Reich, where a race (whites) are singled out as a scapegoat and painted by the Reich press as the enemy of the people to be reviled and oppressed by both social and governmental powers. Where religion is forcibly suppressed and permitted only where it promoted the goals of the Reich, where political opposition is violently suppressed and any challenge to the party is termed "sedition" or "treason." Where speech against the party or Reich is a criminal act. Where expression is controlled by the party and any speaking against the party are cancelled.
You are projecting what the Republicans have been doing for the past 20 years, and especially for the past seven.

The Democrats are not the ones with weapons trying to attack the Capitol or any other Government building or institutions simply because they heard gossips of this and that as the Republicans, like yourself, have been exposed to in the past few years.

What party voters are carrying weapons and threatening the lives of Poll Workers, House representatives, Senators, FBI, etc?

Not the Democrats.
They never hold a presser to make statements trying to cover their ass either, Simp.

But Gestapoland did. Like I said, go look up unprecedented.

Like you, all irrelevant. Again, the DoJ doesn't share the details of their investigations to suspects until they're indicted.
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Little fascist, it's not us screaming that the FBI needs to die.

All the violence comes from your side. The fact that you chose to run cover for it indicates how enthusastically you endorse that violence.
why do you need them?
When did the Russian's release Hillary's missing emails? I know that Wikileaks hacked and released the DNC/Podesta emails during the 2016 election which showed that the DNC had screwed Bernie Sanders but I don't recall any hacked Clinton emails from her server other than those that the government finally released.

Trump asked Russia to find Clinton’s emails. On or around the same day, Russians targeted her accounts​

Little fascist, it's not us screaming that the FBI needs to die.

All the violence comes from your side. The fact that you chose to run cover for it indicates how enthusastically you endorse that violence.
wasn't it you all whining about defund police?
You in a coma during all those months of BLM riots, looting, and burning
Trump has already cleared the way for its release. Bring it out. The warrant was only for documents they said were not his. It's been proven they belong to him already. We're playing the cat and mouse game like they did with the FISA court again.

The classified and top se try documents belong to the United States. He stole them, and were illegally in possession of them. It is now being investigated if he sold them to an enemy of the United States, of which he is one. The warrant is as legally obtained, and legally served. The affidavit stays hidden to protect the chain of evidence, the integrity of the investigation, and to protect the presumption of innocence, if charges are filed, and arrests made.
wasn't it you all whining about defund police?
No, the Democrats did not want to defund the police. That was Omar and a few others, not the leadership, not Biden.

Reforming the Police is what the Democrats have been saying.

The ones who started with the idea of Defund the Police , meaning doing away with the police, were some protesters at the time of Floyd's death.

In the wake of the widespread protests galvanized by George Floyd’s death, the idea of “defunding” the police, a fringe proposal consigned to university campuses and left-wing activist groups as recently as a few weeks ago, is now being debated seriously by politicians, media commentators, and organizers across the country. Most Americans are skeptical of the policy; but its presence has become an increasingly influential feature of our political discourse.

In material terms, however, it remains to be seen what “defunding”—often used interchangeably with “dismantling” or even “abolishing”—actually means. Mainstream progressives have been quick to explain that the movement is merely an attempt to “reimagine” the role of police in American society, paired with a prudent reallocation of some of the tax dollars being spent on law enforcement. But this line of argument is made more difficult by the movement’s more radical advocates, who insist that the phrase should be interpreted literally. As a recent New York Times headline reads: “Yes, We Literally Mean Abolish the Police.”

The classified and top se try documents belong to the United States.
why don't you go get all of the other president's documents then? You know they exist right? tell me you aren't that fking stupid.
No, the Democrats did not want to defund the police. That was Omar and a few others, not the leadership, not Biden.

Reforming the Police is what the Democrats have been saying.

The ones who started with the idea of Defund the Police , meaning doing away with the police, were some protesters at the time of Floyd's death.

In the wake of the widespread protests galvanized by George Floyd’s death, the idea of “defunding” the police, a fringe proposal consigned to university campuses and left-wing activist groups as recently as a few weeks ago, is now being debated seriously by politicians, media commentators, and organizers across the country. Most Americans are skeptical of the policy; but its presence has become an increasingly influential feature of our political discourse.

In material terms, however, it remains to be seen what “defunding”—often used interchangeably with “dismantling” or even “abolishing”—actually means. Mainstream progressives have been quick to explain that the movement is merely an attempt to “reimagine” the role of police in American society, paired with a prudent reallocation of some of the tax dollars being spent on law enforcement. But this line of argument is made more difficult by the movement’s more radical advocates, who insist that the phrase should be interpreted literally. As a recent New York Times headline reads: “Yes, We Literally Mean Abolish the Police.”

why all the rioting then?

you fkers move the goal posts more than I change my underwear.
The affidavit will be shown in good time. The is an investigation going on which keeps them from doing it now. Only when it is over.
They have to produce the affidavit when requested or face a lawsuit.
If the communist state has nothing to hide from the public then there's no reason to seal the affidavit.
Every one of those cops is in uniform.....none of them is a CIA member who must hide his identity.
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You are being incited by the ones you believe in, and repeating this Nazi thing without any call for it.
What Garland and the Gestapo did is beyond unforgivable.

Using government troops to attack a political rival in a presidential race is an outrage never visited on this nation before.

Oh, and I'll be happy to stop identifying democrats as a Nazi party when they stop being a Nazi party.
Trump is no political opponent. He has not announced anything. What Presidential race? This is not 2024.

Funny, the second coup attempt was based on Trump asking Ukraine to abide by the treaty we have and investigate the open corruption by Joe Biden and Burisma.

The Nazi Reich said that since Biden - who had not announced at the time - was a potential rival in 2020 - they could impeach.

Isn't that EXACTLY what Xi's man Biden is doing?

Trump did not release the Warrant, the DOJ did.

That's a fucking lie.

The FBI does search warrants on anyone, Republicans or Democrats, or Independent. There is no "Reich".


Let's see coverage of the warrant served on Lois Lerner? How about John Brennan? James Clapper? Peter Strzok (who committed treason as defined by the Constitution), Eric Holder?

Seems Reich has it's privilege.

Russia was found to have intervened in the 2016 elections. Proven by a Bipartisan committee in 2018.


Uh no.

Russia has interfered in every American election going back to 1916.

Oh, and we interfere in their elections. Obama made sure his buddy Vlad would win in 2012.

No collusion, but I do find it odd that the day after Trump asked Russia to release Clinton's emails, those emails were hacked and released.

I do too - since it never happened.

Wikileaks had the cache up months before Trump made that joke.

Ah, but innuendo is the better part of demagoguery - and demagoguery is the primary tool of the fascist.
No collusion? Maybe. But did he not welcome any help he could get?

As Quid Pro welcomed help from the CCP?

I find it funny that the day Quid Pro Joe took office, he shut down domestic energy that had been crippling Russia's economy, when Quid Pro had been taking bribes from Russia for decades.

Well, Vlad needed to invade the Ukraine, and that's what he bought Biden for in the first place.
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