Why won’t Merrick Garland release the affidavit for the Mar A Lago invasion?

That is not what happened. No flashing lights, not even armed besides maybe small sidearms.

The search had been going on for hours, up to 6 or 7 hours, before anyone even found out. how is that possible if they were heavily armed with flashing lights?

Wow, you're quite the fucking liar.

Well, you're a democrat partisan - it's what you vermin do.

Read the second definition that you provided, bus boy.
You have to be brain dead. There cannot be another explanation. First off vegetable, I didn't post the definition. Second, what you are talking about in the second description was no attack. Can someone put this potato head out of his misery. I never dreamed stupid went to this level. Good God! :aargh::aargh::aargh::aargh:
That is not what happened. No flashing lights, not even armed besides maybe small sidearms.

The search had been going on for hours, up to 6 or 7 hours, before anyone even found out. how is that possible if they were heavily armed with flashing lights?
Trump himself broke the news of the search. No one might have heard about it otherwise.
There was communication between the FBI and US Secret Service before the search warrant was executed Monday, a person familiar with the matter said, allowing for the FBI to access the estate without any complications. There is only a small Secret Service footprint at Mar-a-Lago when Trump is not there

He'll never understand that. Believe me.
Bless your heart. Were you born stupid or did the democrats create it in you? You look at the words you type and you don't see that you are the fool you accuse everyone else of being. You want to turn a blind eye to anything that shows you your errors. It has been admitted by Biden's KGB that Trump personally told the government crew that was there in June to let him know anything else that they needed. They had full access to the stored records.

They only had access to whatever Trump's lawyers showed them. And they lied, saying that was all of it.
That doesn't mean it's a raid fool. My God, what limits are there on stupidity with these fools? Does your family know you type all this stupid shit?
Your argument this wasn’t a raid is lame, boring, stupid, and ignorant, Okay?
Wow, you're quite the fucking liar.

Well, you're a democrat partisan - it's what you vermin do.

View attachment 683260
Isn't that one of Trump secret service people?
Does it say Secret service on his left side?

  1. Trump, FBI, Mar-a-Lago home

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    Armed Secret Service agents stand guard an entrance to Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, late on Monday evening, in Palm Beach, Fla. (AP)
I heard a blogger from Florida did first, and then Trump had to. Not sure he would have otherwise
I have not heard that from any source. Only that the search would not have come out if Trump had not posted about it.

How would any blogger know what was happening at Mar O Lago, as Trump was watching it himself on his security cameras?

Someone at Mar O Lago may have called Trump and he started watching what was happening the whole day until the FBI left
It was a Breonna Taylor style raid....Garland was hoping Trump was there to take him out like LEO did her.
No....they knew he wasn't there. If he had been there might have been a shootout with the Secret Service.
You are Nazis - fact.

You don't like being exposed as what you are?

Too bad.
Calling Democrats Nazis is exactly what Palestinians do to Israelis to deflect. And it is mainly about the information they have as to why they are fighting the Israelis .

It is the same case here. The Republican voters are getting the news from leaders who want to keep control of the Senate and House and return to the White House at any cost. Yes laugh.

The Palestinian mentality is exactly the same. They will take Israel back at any cost, no matter what it takes, no matter who actually pays for it.
That doesn't mean it's a raid fool. My God, what limits are there on stupidity with these fools? Does your family know you type all this stupid shit?
Stepped on a rake, did you?

Even with the little Goebbels of the DNC propaganda corps running interference, this looks REAL BAD. You are exposed as the tin horn fascist dictatorship that this is.

And it's getting worse by the day for you Nazis.

The smear campaign you had planned through leaks in the Reich press was cut off at the knees by Trump releasing the warrant.

Using government troops to attack a political opponent is massively unamerican and America is not pleased. Your desperation to stop a Trump presidential run in 2024 is obvious and what you are doing is right out of a banana republic.

Tell me again, the second coup attempt you staged against Trump, you know, the one after Russian Collusion was proven a hoax perpetrated by your Reich, what was the justification Eva Braun Pelosi used?

Something about investigating a political rival in a presidential race?
No....they knew he wasn't there. If he had been there might have been a shootout with the Secret Service.
No such shootout. Stop turning it into the Wild West or Al Capone.

They warned the Secret Service that they were coming.
They had a search warrant the Secret Service had to honor.
They only had access to whatever Trump's lawyers showed them. And they lied, saying that was all of it.
The GSA would have had records of everything they sent to Mar-a-lago. If 20 boxes of potential classified documents were missing in June, they would not have waited until August to ask for a search warrant. It wouldn't have required a mole to know that the documents were missing. If they waited more than 6 weeks then obviously there was nothing of a nature pressing enough to require an immediate search. I don't understand why it's so difficult for partisans to see that what was done here was outside of the normal procedures used for past administrations. It's a political move, nothing more.
Stepped on a rake, did you?

Even with the little Goebbels of the DNC propaganda corps running interference, this looks REAL BAD. You are exposed as the tin horn fascist dictatorship that this is.

And it's getting worse by the day for you Nazis.

The smear campaign you had planned through leaks in the Reich press was cut off at the knees by Trump releasing the warrant.

Using government troops to attack a political opponent is massively unamerican and America is not pleased. Your desperation to stop a Trump presidential run in 2024 is obvious and what you are doing is right out of a banana republic.

Tell me again, the second coup attempt you staged against Trump, you know, the one after Russian Collusion was proven a hoax perpetrated by your Reich, what was the justification Eva Braun Pelosi used?

Something about investigating a political rival in a presidential race?
You are being incited by the ones you believe in, and repeating this Nazi thing without any call for it.

Trump is no political opponent. He has not announced anything. What Presidential race? This is not 2024.

Trump did not release the Warrant, the DOJ did.

The FBI does search warrants on anyone, Republicans or Democrats, or Independent. There is no "Reich".

Russia was found to have intervened in the 2016 elections. Proven by a Bipartisan committee in 2018.

No collusion, but I do find it odd that the day after Trump asked Russia to release Clinton's emails, those emails were hacked and released.

No collusion? Maybe. But did he not welcome any help he could get?
They only had access to whatever Trump's lawyers showed them. And they lied, saying that was all of it.
And you can prove this lie in writing?
Can you show us the affidavit?
Calling Democrats Nazis is exactly what Palestinians do to Israelis to deflect. And it is mainly about the information they have as to why they are fighting the Israelis .

It is the same case here. The Republican voters are getting the news from leaders who want to keep control of the Senate and House and return to the White House at any cost. Yes laugh.

The Palestinian mentality is exactly the same. They will take Israel back at any cost, no matter what it takes, no matter who actually pays for it.

democrats ARE Nazis - that's just a fact.

Playing make believe and pretending that what is right in front of our face isn't real is delusional and how the fascists have gotten away with the war they wage on the Constitutional Republic for so long.

I won't pretend the emperor has the most extravagant new clothes while he is naked.

The democrats are Nazis and goosestepping the EXACT path that Adolf Hitler did.

The democrats are a Reich that seeks the central planning and control of the economy under an authoritarian, central ruler where liberty is snuffed out in favor of group privilege, where the party has absolute control of the press who are nothing more than propaganda for the Reich, where a race (whites) are singled out as a scapegoat and painted by the Reich press as the enemy of the people to be reviled and oppressed by both social and governmental powers. Where religion is forcibly suppressed and permitted only where it promoted the goals of the Reich, where political opposition is violently suppressed and any challenge to the party is termed "sedition" or "treason." Where speech against the party or Reich is a criminal act. Where expression is controlled by the party and any speaking against the party are cancelled.

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