Why won’t Merrick Garland release the affidavit for the Mar A Lago invasion?

More from your shit source.

Trump may have grounds to brag about his efforts to peel back regulations, but his claim of the most or biggest regulation cuts cannot be easily verified and appears to be false. There is no reliable metric on which to judge this claim — or to compare him to previous presidents.

Your shit source claims they can't reliably judge this claim, so they just deem it a lie. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

False. He exaggerated the number of regulations he cut but then bragged about cutting more than any other president...

A database that is maintained by the White House regulatory affairs office outlines 34 “deregulatory” actions, compared to 67 in the chart. The White House did not respond to repeated inquiries to explain the discrepancy.
Here is another of their TOP LIES. Watch how they twist themselves in to pretzels to try to claim this is a lie:

“We replaced NAFTA with the groundbreaking USMCA — that’s Mexico and Canada — a deal that’s worked out very, very well.”

Trump keeps claiming that he significantly overhauled the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). It’s not a total trade revolution, as Trump promised

See, they ignore the actual comment and go back to some comment Trump made in the past saying what he intended to do. Trump did replace NAFTA and it was better for the US.

Another TOP LIE goes down in flames, Flamer. :dance: :dance: :dance:
False. He exaggerated the number of regulations he cut but then bragged about cutting more than any other president...

A database that is maintained by the White House regulatory affairs office outlines 34 “deregulatory” actions, compared to 67 in the chart. The White House did not respond to repeated inquiries to explain the discrepancy.
Your shit source says it can't be verified...........BUT IT'S A LIE ANYWAY!:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Oh my allah, he was part of the TEAM EPSTEIN legal defense, but not the lead attorney for Jeff.

Wow Farouk, you really made a point..

[Represented the employees who worked for Epstein against Epstein ]

Reinhart was elevated to magistrate judge in March 2018 after 10 years in private practice. That November, the Miami Herald reported that he had represented several of Epstein’s employees — including, by Reinhart’s own admission to the outlet, Epstein’s pilots; his scheduler, Sarah Kellen; and Nadia Marcinkova, who Epstein once reportedly described as his “Yugoslavian sex slave.”

Oh my allah, he was part of the TEAM EPSTEIN legal defense, but not the lead attorney for Jeff.

Wow Farouk, you really made a point..



No, he wasn't. He was not hired by Epstein nor did he represent Epstein.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
And you know this how, Faun? Barack Obama took 30 million documents with him when he left the White House. His people are STILL going through those before they're turned over to the National Archives. Do you think there is classified materials in those 30 million documents? Do you think the FBI should conduct a raid to make sure?
The National Archives disputes your allegations.
We are talking about classified documents.

Here is another doozy in their TOP LIES. Watch how they ignore the FACT we did become the world's number one producer of oil and gas under Trump, and then tried to credit Barry Hussein. The increase under Barry had nothing to do with Barry, it was due to the improvement in fracking technology. Almost all increases on Barry's watch came on private land.

“We also unlocked our energy resources and became the world's number one producer of oil and natural gas.”

Trump takes too much credit. The energy boom he’s referring to began during the Obama administration.

Man, I doubt your liars have a dozen real lies on their shitty list, Fuckwit.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::itsok::itsok::itsok:
Look how your shit source totally ignores what Trump actually said in this quote. They insert things he didn't say. Nowhere in this quote does he say he achieved a "record for appointing the most appeals court and district judges"

JAN 18 2021
“We appointed nearly 300 federal judges to interpret our Constitution as written for years.”

Contrary to his boasts, Trump did not achieve a record for appointing the most appeals court and district court judges

Your shitty source it swirling down the toilet, Simp. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
And another lie by your lying source. Now keep in mind, these are from their FRONT PAGE OF MOST EGREGIOUS LIES, not buried thousands deep.

“I am especially proud to be the first president in decades who has started no new wars.”

Trump appears to be referring to Jimmy Carter as the last president with no new wars, but this is highly debatable. It depends on whether one counts Barack Obama’s intervention in Syria as a “new war” or an extension of the conflict in Iraq

So they deem Barry Hussein's attack on Syria to not count so they can say Trump lied. They admit it is "debatable", but deem it a lie.

Your shit source is full of shit, Shit For Brains.:dance::dance::dance:


You dumbfuck, that was the war against ISIL. Bush started that war, not Obama.

Apparently your shitty source has some mindreaders on staff, cuz that is the only way they could possibly call this a lie.

JAN 12 2021
“Like all of you, I was shocked and deeply saddened by the calamity at the Capitol last week.”

This statement, made in a video released after Trump was impeached a second time on the grounds of inciting the Capitol riot, is not especially credible

They say it is "not especially credible", so it goes into our TOP LIES.:oops8::laughing0301::laughing0301::itsok::itsok::itsok:
And you know this how, Faun? Barack Obama took 30 million documents with him when he left the White House. His people are STILL going through those before they're turned over to the National Archives. Do you think there is classified materials in those 30 million documents? Do you think the FBI should conduct a raid to make sure?

You're lying again. Obama returned all those...

In a statement Friday, the National Archives disputed Mr. Trump’s claim, saying they assumed legal and physical custody of Mr. Obama’s records in compliance with the Presidential Records Act. The 1978 law requires presidents and their staff to turn over all documents, including confidential materials, to the National Archives at the end of their presidency.

“NARA moved approximately 30 million pages of unclassified records to a NARA facility in the Chicago area where they are maintained exclusively by NARA,” the agency said in a statement.

“Additionally, NARA maintains the classified Obama Presidential records in a NARA facility in the Washington, DC, area. As required by the PRA, former President Obama has no control over where and how NARA stores the Presidential records of his Administration,” the statement continued.
[ For anyone who wishes to bring up Obama's documents again ]

But the facts don't align with Trump's statements​

Tens of thousands of Obama's documents were transported to Chicago. But these items were shipped to a federal government facility — which is what's supposed to happen with a president's records. Federal law requires that presidents and their administrations keep a detailed collection of emails, documents, and even gifts from their time in office since all of those things are actually the property of the American people.

In Obama's case, the National Archives took legal ownership of Obama's documents and then began the long process of sorting through the material before the public could request it years later. Some of this material was then turned over to Obama's presidential library, which is the standard legal process.

On Friday, the National Archives took it upon itself to further dispel Trump's claims.

"NARA moved approximately 30 million pages of unclassified records to a NARA facility in the Chicago area where they are maintained exclusively by NARA," the archives said in a statement. "Additionally, NARA maintains the classified Obama Presidential records in a NARA facility in the Washington, DC, area. As required by the PRA, former President Obama has no control over where and how NARA stores the Presidential records of his Administration."

Apart from the long processes, Obama's presidential library will break from the precedent in that the Obama Foundation will pay for the unclassified records to be digitized in a bid to democratize access to the documents, in what has been billed to be the "first digital archives for the first digital president," according to The New York Times.

You'd think that you'd realize, with your vast experience, that once the FBI got caught lying to the FISA judge, that their credibility would be forever compromised in regards to Trump. It is typically assumed in court that if a subject lies about one thing, they'll lie about other things. Keeping on trusting what the government tells you. It's simpler than thinking for yourself.
Ah ha, you've been brainwashed. So sad, and yet so dangerous for Democracy in America. Trump is evil, and has lied and used misinformation over 30 thousand times, and you make a claim that is posted without any probative evidence or facts.


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