Why won’t Merrick Garland release the affidavit for the Mar A Lago invasion?

If the FBI and DOJ had ANY kind of solid grounds for raiding Trump's home instead of the usual subpoena, they would be tripping all over themselves to make it public, not only for the good of the agency and their image, but because they would now have a slam dunk lock on convicting Trump of some "heinous" crime.

The DOJ is leaking like a sieve at the moment but if you notice...they're leaking anonymous things like there were nuclear secrets in the boxes. Isn't it amazing that nobody is leaking what was in the affidavit! So you've got people in the DOJ and FBI that can't wait to get negative things out about Trump as they hide behind their anonymity but at the same time the DOJ will piously announce that they can't reveal anything about an "on going investigation" like what was in the affidavit!

Deja vu all over again. This is the EXACT same game they played with the Russian collusion smear!
I am not angry at you. The CJ system is brutal if you're poor or middle class. That's why rich people don't go to jail. Well that and they write the laws to make what they do legal.

I want the affidavit released. I do not trust DOJ at all. If they lied to a Federal Judge before to go after Trump and violate a citizens civil rights what is to prevent them from doing it again?
What does a warrant have to do with an inventory?
Where's the affidavit?

Here's why the search warrant is bullshit:

What Makes A Search Warrant Valid?​

Being legal documents, search warrants must meet certain requirements:

  1. The warrant must be filed in good faith by a police officer;
  2. The warrant must be justified by “probable cause” backed by consistent information;
  3. The warrant must be issued by a neutral judge or magistrate;
  4. The warrant must state the exact address that must be searched and the items to be seized.
Only by complying with these points and limitations, a search warrant is lawful; therefore, the evidence obtained could be admissible in a trial.

View attachment 682913
All four things fulfilled.
Trump has already cleared the way for its release. Bring it out. The warrant was only for documents they said were not his. It's been proven they belong to him already. We're playing the cat and mouse game like they did with the FISA court again.
That’s just one example of how wrong you are.

None of the docs recovered were “his”. They belong to the American people.

That’s fact
Actually he didn't. Trump could have released it at any time as he had a copy.

Actually, that's exactly what happened, Trump gave the warrant to Breitbart.

One of you Nazis were on CNN over the weekend saying Trump should be prosecuted for revealing the warrant.

It's hilarious watching you vermin flail;

It was redacted. It was redacted by the court when the document was released. However, before it was released by the court, before it was officially released someone – I think we know who – managed to get it to right wing news organizations, and at least one of them published a document in total, including the names of those federal agents who were simply doing their job.
Perez also complained about the leaks of the agents’ identities.

“They went there to do their job, and then the former president’s social media platform pushed out that information, so, now it’s everywhere among his supporters,” he said. “And of course predictably, those people are now having to be protected because there are threats against them.”}

You're rats caught in your own trap.
Cult, Garland referred to moms as domestic terrorists who should be investigated.

Did you already forget?


He is as corrupt as any official I have ever seen.
There is zero corruption exposed against Garland.
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You mean after your Reich has killed or imprisoned all your enemies?

democrats operate in the shadows, shining a light on what you're doing ruins everything.
No, more likely after we have imprisoned someone with complete disregard for protecting our Nations secrets
There was no probable-cause.
The search warrant needed to be signed by a neutral judge or magistrate and Feinhart is neither.
The search warrant must spell out what they were looking for....not just "EVERYTHING THAT LOOKS SUSPICIOUS!!!"
Everything from this post is false folks. He's a liar.
I am not angry at you. The CJ system is brutal if you're poor or middle class. That's why rich people don't go to jail. Well that and they write the laws to make what they do legal.

Rich people go to jail, but ONLY if they are Republicans.

Martha Stewart
Roger Stone
Gen. Flynn

But NEVER a democrat - EVER

Reich has it's privilege..
It’s a bad analysis. The absence of leaks don’t indicate the absence of “whatever you want that isn’t leaked”. The search warrant wasn’t leaked.

It was provided in it's entirety to Breitbart - who published and cut off the democrats from lying about it.

Shame, Garland had all his leakers set to pervert and distort as a major campaign to tamper with the election.

Then Trump gave the facts to the legitimate press and the Nazis are left in the cold...

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