Why would America's President celebrate Cino De Mayo on any level? Remember the Mexican American War....Mexico killed 13,000 Americans

The best part is they dont even celebrate cinco de mayo in mexico.
Just like they don't really celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Ireland (except for tourists)....they are both ****-American holidays as they always have been.
You mean the war that the United States started on a pretext in a massive land grab? That war?

That war (the Mexican-American War) with America claiming Texas was independent.....was a precursor to the Russians declaring the Ukrainian Donbas independent.

Lotsa parallels.

For further reading:

Amazon product ASIN 1984880098
Unlike you who eat nasty mexican pussy without even a douche.
Well, there it is folks.
Front and center.
Can't help but wonder if Conservatives/GOP is proud of all the folks who stake out membership in the MAGA slice of their world.
IMHO, there be some low-ender leave-behinds over there.
No disrespect intended. ;)
That war (the Mexican-American War) with America claiming Texas was independent.....was a precursor to the Russians declaring the Ukrainian Donbas independent.

Lotsa parallels.

For further reading:

Amazon product ASIN 1984880098
Texas was independent after whipping Santa Ana at San Jacinto in 1836 until the mistake of 1845. It was in all the papers.
Up in post #24 I attempted to link to an Amazon page illustrating the bookd "Forget the Alamo".

And as has happened on other occasions (tho not all) that Amazon link doesn't show. For some reason.

Anyway, here is the book shown in another site (GoodReads).

The book, controversial because Governor Abbot and his RWNJ Attorney General got all hissy-fitty about it and publicly condemned it and wouldn't allow the state museums or libraries to offer venues for an 'Author Speaking' engagment, as is done a gabillion times in library-world.

Abbot et al were cranked because the book offered a bit more penetrating insight into the quality of character of some ginormous Texan heroes, e.g., Travis, Bowie, Crockett, etc.
Plus, it offered the view that the Mexican conflicts were a land grab with the intent to expand slavery.

The Russian attempts at the Donbas is not an out-of-line comparison.

The Extreme Nationalists go marching on. Was this before or after we swapped out the Slavery in Perpetuity for the Negro Race model for the Share Cropper/Apartheid model?
Like St Patrick's Day.
Yes. He is the patron saint of IRELAND.

Though he was not an Irishman...it is still an Irish thing...a religious feast started in Ireland by Irish people.

Could give two shits about that dank scum spot in the ocean.

Glad my family left that shithole.
Why are you such a bigot? Does it bother you that almost every ounce of fruit and vegetable you and yours have eaten your entire lives was cared for and harvested by Mexicans?
One does not have to be a bigot to understand that no nation should ever support or talk highly of a nation that continues to fuck it’s people over…..NO other nation has 20-40 million illegal unvetted trespassers amongst its citizenry, no other nation rewards illegal trespassers with free shit paid for by the very people they’re fucking over.
Extract your head from your ass…you bleeding heart globalists are bizarre as fuck.
As I watch Joe (almost dead) Biden praise Mexico from the People's White House on national television I can't help but wonder what other nation fucks America more than Mexico does? What other nation do we celebrate that killed 13,000 of our people?

Finally we agree that Trump was not a real American....

“Today, we honor the heritage of our neighbors to the south, and we celebrate the significant contributions of Mexican Americans to the United States,”
“Melania joins me in sending our best wishes for an enjoyable day. Feliz Cinco de Mayo!”
It is true it isn’t Celebrated in Mexico and truthfully it shouldn’t even matter to us except the left knows it pisses of those like the OP…

So Happy Cinco whatever and just drink that beer and eat your Taco Bell!

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