Why would America's President celebrate Cino De Mayo on any level? Remember the Mexican American War....Mexico killed 13,000 Americans

It is true it isn’t Celebrated in Mexico and truthfully it shouldn’t even matter to us except the left knows it pisses of those like the OP…

So Happy Cinco whatever and just drink that beer and eat your Taco Bell!
its celebrated in the state of Puebla......
"Though he was not an Irishman...it is still an Irish thing...a religious feast started in Ireland by Irish people."

Well yeah, Irish folks over ther did kick the St.Patty-thingy off.
But American Irish ---and Irish-for-a-day ---ran with it.

But then, if you are Irish...soil, family, wish.....well, what about the Glorious 12th?
July 12th. Orangemen's Day.
That ain't no small potatoes (no pun, honest) in the Old Sod.

ps......I had a neighbor in Chicago (God bless his Mick soul, I miss him. May he rest in peace. )....anyway, he was from Belfast originally. Came over to the States when he was about 15. Following his Dad & Mum who immigrated because Dad was coming over to join his brother's plumbing business.

He called America's Catholic Irish......"Leprechaun Irish". They believe in fairies and magic mushrooms and such.

He always had a fun BBQ for the whole neighborhood on Orangemen's Day. Never fail. The whole neighborhood...even the Leprechaun ones.....looked forward to it.

Truth be told, (tho I never said it to him) the only difference I could see between Chicago's Irish drunks on March 17th and those on July 12th......was that the Orangemen mostly wore Bermuda shorts and Hawaiian shirts. They all wore Sox hats. Southsiders, you know.
Why are you such a bigot? Does it bother you that almost every ounce of fruit and vegetable you and yours have eaten your entire lives was cared for and harvested by Mexicans?
WTF! that statement is akin to----He is a good church-going young man so ignore his murderous behavior.
Well yeah, Irish folks over ther did kick the St.Patty-thingy off.
But American Irish ---and Irish-for-a-day ---ran with it.

But then, if you are Irish...soil, family, wish.....well, what about the Glorious 12th?
July 12th. Orangemen's Day.
That ain't no small potatoes (no pun, honest) in the Old Sod.

ps......I had a neighbor in Chicago (God bless his Mick soul, I miss him. May he rest in peace. )....anyway, he was from Belfast originally. Came over to the States when he was about 15. Following his Dad & Mum who immigrated because Dad was coming over to join his brother's plumbing business.

He called America's Catholic Irish......"Leprechaun Irish". They believe in fairies and magic mushrooms and such.

He always had a fun BBQ for the whole neighborhood on Orangemen's Day. Never fail. The whole neighborhood...even the Leprechaun ones.....looked forward to it.

Truth be told, (tho I never said it to him) the only difference I could see between Chicago's Irish drunks on March 17th and those on July 12th......was that the Orangemen mostly wore Bermuda shorts and Hawaiian shirts. They all wore Sox hats. Southsiders, you know.
He was a proddy!
A Norn Irishman...and an Orangeman.

A proper Irishman!
God rest his soul!
Remember when Americans looked out for Americans?
Are you thinking Americans aren’t “victims” of invading wetbacks? You aren’t that stupid…right?
Golfing Gator
Kinda like why would anyone celebrate Israel, which deliberately

attacked and murdered the ship and crew USS Liberty in cold blood in an attempt to false flag the attack on Egypt
murdered 250 US Marines in Lebanon 1983 and tried to false flag it to Hezbo
murdered 4k Americans on 911 to start 2 wars over total lies solely to help Israel

What kind of sick treasonous fucked in the head worthless zombie would call himself an "American" and cheer the country which has murdered more Americans and harmed America more than the rest of the world summed together???

Answer - a self proclaimed SUB HUMAN
Well, there it is folks.
Front and center.
Can't help but wonder if Conservatives/GOP is proud of all the folks who stake out membership in the MAGA slice of their world.
IMHO, there be some low-ender leave-behinds over there.
No disrespect intended. ;)

Oh STFU I was engaged to an Hispanic girl.
As I watch Joe (almost dead) Biden praise Mexico from the People's White House on national television I can't help but wonder what other nation fucks America more than Mexico does? What other nation do we celebrate that killed 13,000 of our people?

The Confederate States of America comes to mind.
Did Al-Qaeda on 9/11 damage America as much as Mexico has/does?
Fuck it, why doesn’t our president cut to the chase and celebrate Al-Qaeda and September 11?
“But but but Mexicos assault on America is passive and subtle.”
As I watch Joe (almost dead) Biden praise Mexico from the People's White House on national television I can't help but wonder what other nation fucks America more than Mexico does? What other nation do we celebrate that killed 13,000 of our people?
Because we have a very large and rapidly growing Mexican American population and we haven't been at war with Mexico for over a hundred years.

We've managed to mend fences with Germany and Japan much faster than that.

We also celebrate our own independence from foreign rule and so it's not really surprising.

Right now there's a major war underway as another nation once technically an enemy of the US is fighting for it's own independence against Russian Invaders and we're doing everything short of sending troops to aid them and we once were the champions of, "Self Determination" for populations seeking free and democratic rule globally so I think it's ok if we celebrate with our neighbors who are celebrating their own independence.

If Republicans want to win elections in the future and attract the single largest block of morally conservative people in the country they're going to have to start being very welcoming to and accepting of American Latinos and Hispanics of all sorts.

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