Why Would Gay Muslims Want To Kill Gays

Muslims for the most part are a bunch of homos. I have seen pictures of two raghead men walking down the street and holding hands. That is really gay. But it doesn't cause anybody else in muslim countries to even give it a second thought. Also, in many muslim countries, it is legal to have as many wives as you want. But with the ratio of men to women basically being 50/50, that obviously would leave many men with no women. Only morons or the stupid islam religion would expect them to be celibate.

Another thing is that in many muslim countries, they keep their sisters or daughters on a short leash. (Along with their wives of course) That makes dating pretty difficult. Leaving many men with the alternative of performing fellatio or doing penile anal probes on each other. Also, in some muslim countries, pederasty is still practiced. Just like it was in ancient Rome or Greece.

So with all this rampant homosexuality and so many driving factors for it going on, why would any gay muslim want to kill gays. Such as the gay muslim who recently killed all those gays at that gay bar recently. Was he pissed off because of our lax attitudes about it here were causing him to be gayer? I wish that all muslims would kill all gays. Because that would leave the world with very few muslims.

Yes but said homo's have to stay in the closet when it comes to Islam. If you are out of the closet they kill you. As an answer to your question why would a gay muslim kill other gays?

:gay:***Amateur psychoanalysis Alert***:gay:
Here's a guy who's as gay as a Richard Simmons in a ballet performance of the Nutcracker and he can't express that even in the USA because his family is Islamic and they make no allowance for anyone being gay. Obviously He didn't feel he could tell his family and probably felt being gay was the cause for all the problems in his life. Bascially he probably felt like he was being forced to comply with a lifestyle he hated because the message he has been hearing since birth is homosexuality is wrong and gays should die. This has to be right because Allah and the prophet said it therefore there is no other way to think. Almost the same thing Jews and Christians go through but Islam is way less forgiving as they still kill gays. Wouldn't be surprised if he felt the only way he was going to get into "paradise" was Martyrdom because he had these feelings and used the massacre as showing allegiance to allah. He killed the feeling by killing himself and the people he was sinfully tempted by. He probably felt he couldn't stay in the closet anymore and therefore offed himself in proper Islamic fashion.
. No proof he was gay, so why does he have to be gay in the situation ? Does it fit better with a narrative that is hoping to derail this cat as being a real Islamist homegrown terrorist who found Islam, and believed it ?
There cant be a gay Muslim. A Muslim cant be a gay. The same way there cant be a gay Judaic or gay Christian.
All three of you are idiots, clearly.

Sexual abuse of children is rampant in Islamic and Christian countries.

Sexual abuse of children is more rampant in muslim countries. Especially in the ones where pederasty is practiced.
You live a very sequestered life than if you believe that.

I don't believe it. I KNOW it! I SAW a documentary about it on PBS once. They SHOWED and TALKED to a dancing boy-prostitute in what I think was Afganistan. In the crowd of men they showed at one point watching him dance, one of the men in the audence looked WAY too excited. Tell me, do you like to watch boys dance? Would you ever walk down the street holding a male friend's hand? Also, what was it Osama bin Laden had. Was it 12 or 20 wives. Also, there have been instances of muslims in this country who murdered their daughters for "acting Western." No doubt that included wanting to date boys. In some muslim countries, they cut off girls clits. Etc. etc. etc. etc. Is any of this "sequestered" enough for you?
Muslims for the most part are a bunch of homos. I have seen pictures of two raghead men walking down the street and holding hands. That is really gay. But it doesn't cause anybody else in muslim countries to even give it a second thought. Also, in many muslim countries, it is legal to have as many wives as you want. But with the ratio of men to women basically being 50/50, that obviously would leave many men with no women. Only morons or the stupid islam religion would expect them to be celibate.

Another thing is that in many muslim countries, they keep their sisters or daughters on a short leash. (Along with their wives of course) That makes dating pretty difficult. Leaving many men with the alternative of performing fellatio or doing penile anal probes on each other. Also, in some muslim countries, pederasty is still practiced. Just like it was in ancient Rome or Greece.

So with all this rampant homosexuality and so many driving factors for it going on, why would any gay muslim want to kill gays. Such as the gay muslim who recently killed all those gays at that gay bar recently. Was he pissed off because of our lax attitudes about it here were causing him to be gayer? I wish that all muslims would kill all gays. Because that would leave the world with very few muslims.

If this is about the Orlando Radical Islamist slaughtering the 50 plus gays, there's nothing to suggest he was gay himself, it's all just hearsay etc.

What a lot of Islamist men are is paedophiles, they think nothing of screwing little boys *, but they get very angry at adult men getting it on with other adult men, and then want to shoot them or throw them off rooftops, which just says that they're messed up in the membrane.

* Screwing little girls also, following the lead of the paedophile Mohammed in the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult, or as Leftists refer to it as, The Religion of Peace :rolleyes-41:

After the first or second day of reporting about the gay bar slaughter on the news, they stopped talking about the fact that the shooter was gay. They showed a picture of him that he posted on a gay website. They talked to others who said that he was a regular at the gay bar. Do you know what it means when you are a "regular" at a gay bar?

Next, everybody knows that mohammed was a pedophile. But let's not leave out the babyfucking jews. I will give you a quote from the talmud. "In one, for instance, where her husband had intercourse with her before the age of three and found blood, and when he had intercourse with her after the age of three he found no blood."
. His dad said he wasn't gay, and that he was just scouting the lifestyle or internet sites out, and he did this why ? Was it in order to have the right rage built up in order to carry out what he had done ? Might be why they cooled down on trying to paint him as gay, because they couldn't actually find the evidence to charge him as such in the case as it was found quickly within the court of media consumption or either within the quicker case of public opinion.

His father is a lying piece of shit. In an interview on the news, they CAUGHT him telling an outright lie. The guy was gay all right. The only reason why they haven't been going into it a lot is because they don't want to offend gays.
Self hatred is the reason.

If that were the case, he should have shot himself. As I said, he was probably pissed off at how easily a gay lifestyle could be persued in this country. And he was mad that the infidels were making him gayer.
Self hatred is the reason.
. Self hatred based on what reason when killing these gays ? Are you suggesting he was gay, and therefore he hated himself along with those for whom he figured he would add to his list of those in which he would hate just like himself ? Not buying it, because I don't think he was gay, and if he was there is no precedent or history of such a thing like this to ever had happened or would happen. It was probably just a soft target, gun free zone where the most damage could be done. Think about it, where as what the identity of the site was, it really didn't matter at all, but what the ease of it all was, could have fit right into his wheel house in order to accomplish the most damage as possible in the attack, and it looks like he was right in his studies or studying of the location. I think it was the location, ease of access, the deception, a gun free zone, huge concentration of people in which made for a perfect terrorist plot to get the most damage done. Heck me and the family hate going to big events, resteraunts, gatherings and such these days, and many Americans are feeling the same now. So are the terrorist winning in America, and are they fundamentally changing America with their activities ? If allowed to keep on, they will be highly successful.

If you were casing gays, would you join a gay website? And according to others, he was a "regular" at that gay bar. He probably was at others too. Will you not be satisfied until they dig up a picture of him puffing a peter? Also, if you were a muslim and thought that gays were bad, wouldn't you think that what was bad for America would be good for them? So why go kill people who are bad for America.
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Muslims for the most part are a bunch of homos. I have seen pictures of two raghead men walking down the street and holding hands. That is really gay. But it doesn't cause anybody else in muslim countries to even give it a second thought. Also, in many muslim countries, it is legal to have as many wives as you want. But with the ratio of men to women basically being 50/50, that obviously would leave many men with no women. Only morons or the stupid islam religion would expect them to be celibate.

Another thing is that in many muslim countries, they keep their sisters or daughters on a short leash. (Along with their wives of course) That makes dating pretty difficult. Leaving many men with the alternative of performing fellatio or doing penile anal probes on each other. Also, in some muslim countries, pederasty is still practiced. Just like it was in ancient Rome or Greece.

So with all this rampant homosexuality and so many driving factors for it going on, why would any gay muslim want to kill gays. Such as the gay muslim who recently killed all those gays at that gay bar recently. Was he pissed off because of our lax attitudes about it here were causing him to be gayer? I wish that all muslims would kill all gays. Because that would leave the world with very few muslims.
Not getting any action, what with the no deodorant law with Muslims..
You stink bigot. LOL

It must be pretty nice to make statements without me being allowed to defend myself. Take a good look at my avatar.
Next, everybody knows that mohammed was a pedophile. But let's not leave out the babyfucking jews. I will give you a quote from the talmud. "In one, for instance, where her husband had intercourse with her before the age of three and found blood, and when he had intercourse with her after the age of three he found no blood."
to be fair to the jews, religious law is a lot like science, a lot of questions in pursuit of the truth, but dealing with spirituality, morality, and ethics. similar to how the constitution gets amended from time to time, so does judaism. if you find a community of jews in america that says babyfucking is a perfectly acceptable practice, then you can call me a liar, but if the tradition that has developed over many generations condemns babyfucking, then babyfucking is against the religious law regardless of what any cherry-picked verse you might find from the talmud has to say.

What religion is better. One that used to condone babyfucking or one that never did. As to anything else thas has to do with the jews, debating the matter isn't allowed on this forum. One reason is that if you aren't a jew, you are their slave. Let me demonstrate the truth of it. Jews only make up about 2% of the U.S. population. But being a slave, you think that such an extreme minority matters in the slightest.
All three of you are idiots, clearly.

Sexual abuse of children is rampant in Islamic and Christian countries.

Name one Western Christian country where it's legal for a man to marry an 8 year-old girl and legally have sex with her.
name one moslem country where it's legal for a man to marry an 8 year-old girl

If mohammed himself did it, what muslim country be against it. Also, wasn't is about a year ago that some muslims kidnaped a couple hundred schoolgirls in Nigeria?
The hand holding thing is cultural I've seen similar things in South Korea. No homosexuality involved.

If Korea is anything like Japan or China, homosexual relationships are widespread and accepted. So you can't tell me that there is no homosexuality involved.
The hand holding thing is cultural I've seen similar things in South Korea. No homosexuality involved.

If Korea is anything like Japan or China, homosexual relationships are widespread and accepted. So you can't tell me that there is no homosexuality involved.
Didn't say it was in all cases but I knew a few Koreans they where not homosexuals.
The hand holding thing is cultural I've seen similar things in South Korea. No homosexuality involved.

If Korea is anything like Japan or China, homosexual relationships are widespread and accepted. So you can't tell me that there is no homosexuality involved.
Didn't say it was in all cases but I knew a few Koreans they where not homosexuals.

Probably having heard what the average American view on the matter was, they probably wouldn't have told you if they were. Also, unfortunately, I was in the navy. And also unfortunately, it is overrun with homosexuals and bisexuals. If I knew before hand that it was basically a gay club, I would have never joined. But back when I was in there, they didn't even have that "don't ask, don't tell" rule. (Though now it is probably "Ask! Tell!") From what I heard, you could actually be caught having sex with another guy. But as long as you told them that you weren't gay at your court marshal, you wouldn't get into any trouble.

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