Why would Trump accept the purple heart awarded to a veteran?

You know, I could see some veteran who has a Purple Heart giving his medal to Trump. Some people show their support of a candidate in different ways, and him giving his medal means that he gave up something that meant a lot to him to a candidate who is almost as important to him. It could happen.


The classless way that Trump flipped the medal around, using it for a political prop, as well as saying that he wanted to make sure he had the original and not a copy was about as classless as it gets.

First, Trump says McCain isn't a real war hero. Then, he releases the money he raised for veterans only when pressured, and now, he's denigrated a Muslim Gold Star family, as well as is using someone's hard earned medal as a political prop.

Still think Trump respects the military?
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If the man wanted to give it to him, then it was his to give.
True but that is not the point. ANYONE with an ounce of integrity & respect for what the man went through to receive that medal would have declined to accept it and expressed deep thanks for the gesture.
If the man wanted to give it to him, then it was his to give.
True but that is not the point. ANYONE with an ounce of integrity & respect for what the man went through to receive that medal would have declined to accept it and expressed deep thanks for the gesture.

Nope.............anything that Trump can use for a political prop, he will.
I am reading the vet spoke to the media BEFORE he offered it to Trump & told them it was fake.
Was this nothing more than another bait job by the left that Trump yet again failed to pass up?
If the man wanted to give it to him, then it was his to give.
True but that is not the point. ANYONE with an ounce of integrity & respect for what the man went through to receive that medal would have declined to accept it and expressed deep thanks for the gesture.

We don't know what the conversation was like nor do we know anything about the person who gave it to him....at least I haven't heard anything. Maybe it was an elderly guy who passed it on hoping that it would be something to give him pause before ordering people into combat should he be elected. Who knows.
If the man wanted to give it to him, then it was his to give.
True but that is not the point. ANYONE with an ounce of integrity & respect for what the man went through to receive that medal would have declined to accept it and expressed deep thanks for the gesture.

We don't know what the conversation was like nor do we know anything about the person who gave it to him....at least I haven't heard anything. Maybe it was an elderly guy who passed it on hoping that it would be something to give him pause before ordering people into combat should he be elected. Who knows.

When the man walks up on the stage with him Trump should have handed it back. Instead he put it in his pocket.
Yanno Dekster, that is a nice thought that some veteran would give him his Purple Heart so that Trump would think before sending troops into harm's way.

Too bad it didn't work out that way and ended up becoming a political prop he used to pander to the military.
Come on lefties, this is a B.S. issue and you know it. If you had any historic perspective you would ask how a pricked finger translates to a Purple Heart. The current secretary of state, self recommended himself to three Purple Hearts and then threw them over the White House wall (or not) during an anti-war protest. John Kerry was so desperate to get out of Vietnam that as commanding officer he recommended himself to three Purple Hearts for injuries that didn't even require a band aid. One was self inflicted when he tossed a grenade into a pile of rice and got stung on the ass when he stood too close (on purpose?). During WW2 LBJ pulled some political strings and was awarded the Silver Star for doing nothing but sitting a plane that flew over enemy territory. He wore it every day on his suit jacket.
If the man wanted to give it to him, then it was his to give.
True but that is not the point. ANYONE with an ounce of integrity & respect for what the man went through to receive that medal would have declined to accept it and expressed deep thanks for the gesture.

We don't know what the conversation was like nor do we know anything about the person who gave it to him....at least I haven't heard anything. Maybe it was an elderly guy who passed it on hoping that it would be something to give him pause before ordering people into combat should he be elected. Who knows.

When the man walks up on the stage with him Trump should have handed it back. Instead he put it in his pocket.

When I worked for a Congressman, periodically people would give us their or their relatives military medals, badges, etc. We would try to decline but there is a point at which that becomes rudeness if they were insistent. We would keep them, the Member would write them to thank them and try to get them to take them back after they were displayed for awhile. If that did not work, if the person died, we would try to get the family to take them, and in the end, they ended up getting sent back to the appropriate branch with a letter of explanation of whose they were and how they came into our possession with the hope that should any family member in the future wish to reclaim them, they could.

Trump's "Wish I had earned one" comment was odd and inappropriate, but really don't have any information to suggest taking it was.
You know.................there isn't really any such thing as a "fake" Purple Heart. They are all real medals, and the only way you can get one is to order it from the service that awarded it. If you lose one, you can get it reissued if you can prove it was awarded.

Me? Over the 20 years that I served, I had to get my medals redone because I kept earning more medals. Each time I had to get them mounted, I went out and bought or ordered more medals and kept the old ones in a shoebox.

It was an actual medal. The only "fake" attached to it is that Trump has one that he didn't earn. And, by rights, he really shouldn't have one, because he was never injured in battle.

Shoot....................I actually served for 20 years, and would never accept another soldier or sailor's Purple Heart, because I know the requirements for them, as well as understand what it takes to get one.
Dammit! Guess this means all y'all that weren't going to vote for Trump, are now gonna vote for Hillary... Dammit! This is a game changer...
It's no surprise Donald Trump accepted a Purple Heart the 'easier' way today because that's the story of his life. He never sacrifices. He always has things handed to him.

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