Why Would You Be A Great Usmb Mod?



I, myself, feel I'd be a fantastic mod.
I have no obvious bias in any subject that is discussed here, so I can view all sides of an argument subjectively.

I'm a very popular poster with no enemies on the board, with great patience and understanding of all, even the moronic idiots who should be shot.

I have experience banning total bastards from forums.
Do you feel you would be a good mod and, if so, why?
Is this a job interview? :D

I would only censor posts that are nothing but insults, especially ones that use slurs based on race, color, creed or religion. I think if the moderators deleted posts that said nothing more then "Your a moron." (spelling intentional), there would eventually be less posts with "You're a moron."
I was a mod once. I banned very few, and gave out not that many infractions yet was accused of picking on right wingers. The butt hurt is strong on USMB, don't ever be a mod.
I have no interest ever in acting as a moderator, but since the subject is up I have something to say.

Moderators should be strictly forbidden from ever personally attacking a member in a thread. I have witnessed this on more than one occasion and it crosses a line that ought not be crossed. If you become a Mod, your posting should consist of nothing more than you basic thoughts on any given subject. If you want to be an asshole, don't be a moderator.
That would be a good rule for someone who is getting paid.

But it's unfair to take away someone's assholability simply because they volunteered to keep all the other assholes in line with minimum interference.

That's why I would make a terrible moderator.
I would be a great mod because the only thing I would do is protect the forum from bots and porn. I would ignore any reports from posters about other posters unless they involved porn or spam. If someone whined about how mean or ugly another poster was being, I would ignore it.
I was a mod once. I banned very few, and gave out not that many infractions yet was accused of picking on right wingers. The butt hurt is strong on USMB, don't ever be a mod.
Being a mod removes all fun from a thread because I would stop posting.

Bias is harder to resist for some than others.

I would never participate in threads unless I had to intervene in a dispute.
There's no fun in that.
Been there; done that (on several other sites). Worked best when moderators were authorized only for a few of the forums on the site and were prohibited from posting on the forums they moderated. That didn't eliminate potential moderator bias but it did minimize it.

Being older, wiser and less patient with fools, I don't do dat no mo'.
A) I know few people here, so I have few interpersonal biases.
B) I hate liberals, but I would leave if they were not here.
C) I am sure that light is both wave and particle, although it makes no sense; just like policy.
D) I have a real job and would be here only a couple hours per day at most, then it would be a free-for-all!

Admit it, you want me to be a mod. But you can't afford me.

I don't know whether I would be a good mod for USMB or not. I enjoyed modding years ago when the rules were much more strict. Being an old debate coach and judge I do believe I could be objective and unbiased, but. . . .

If I could write my own job description and set the rules:
All the current offenses resulting in immediate bans would remain in place.
Then I would institute a point system assigning so many points to lesser infractions: say 10 points for ad hominem, 25 points for a personal insult, 50 points for using a racial slur to attack somebody, etc. Reach 100 points and you get a 3 days ban or something. The moderator could issue a general warning on a thread to alert members that the point system would be utilized for further infractions. If you have enough moderators so that each doesn't have a lot of forums to cover, it could be fun. :)

But it does need to be impartial.

(And no, I don't expect admin to institute the rules I suggest. :))

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