Why Yates Had to Go...

They erroneously claim that Trump’s executive order violates the Constitution, statutory law, American tradition, and human decency.
Are you a lawyer? Because Yates is, and she said the order was unconstitutional. I'll give her legal expertise more weight than your opinion.

I completely agree it is the President's perogative to fire anyone in the Executive branch who tells him he is wrong.
Why Yates Had to Go

It is a very simple proposition. Our Constitution vests all executive power — not some of it, all of it — in the president of the United States. Executive-branch officials do not have their own power. They are delegated by the president to execute his power. If they object to the president’s policies, their choice is clear: salute and enforce the president’s directives, or honorably resign. There is no third way.

No one knows this better than high-ranking officials of the Department of Justice. That is why President Trump was right to fire Acting Attorney General Sally Yates.

Over the weekend, President Trump issued an executive order temporarily restricting the admission into the United States of aliens from various Muslim-majority countries, as well as aliens from Syria and elsewhere who are claiming refugee status. Naturally, this has triggered protests by Democrats and the Left.

They erroneously claim that Trump’s executive order violates the Constitution, statutory law, American tradition, and human decency.

For inexplicable reasons, the new president left Yates in place to run the Justice Department in anticipation of the confirmation of Senator Jeff Sessions. A faithful Obama-appointed progressive, Yates obviously knew which way the political wind was blowing in her tribe.

Like most Democrats, Yates objects to the president’s executive order. Fair enough. But she is not a political operative, she was a Justice Department official — the highest such official. If her opposition to the president’s policy was as deeply held as she says, her choice was clear: enforce the president’s policy or quit.

Instead, she chose insubordination: Knowing she would be out the moment Senator Sessions is confirmed, she announced on Monday night that the Justice Department would not enforce the president’s order. She did not issue this statement on the grounds that the order is illegal. She declined to take a definitive position on that question. She rested her decision, rather, on her disagreement with the justice of the order. Now, she’ll be a left-wing hero, influential beyond her heretofore status as a nameless bureaucrat. But she had to go.

To make an analogy, there are many federal judges who oppose abortion. They apply Roe v. Wade even though they disagree with it intensely, because their duty is to obey superior courts. As every official in the Justice Department knows, if one disagrees with the law one is called upon to apply, or the policy one is bound to enforce, one is free to resign. Staying on while undermining government policy is not an act of courage. It is an act of sabotage.

It was foolish of President Trump to leave officials such as Acting Attorney General Yates in place. The president has issued a raft of executive orders in his first eight days. His obvious intent is to change governance significantly, which means he needs entirely new personnel. Yates never should have been in the position to undertake her grandstanding in the first place — but at least that particular error has now been corrected.

Read more at: Why Yates Had to Go

This opinion piece is just flat wrong.

Separation of Powers
The division of state and federal government into three independent branches.
Balance of powers

"""""The first three articles of the U.S. Constitution call for the powers of the federal government to be divided among three separate branches: the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary branch. Under the separation of powers, each branch is independent, has a separate function, and may not usurp the functions of another branch.

However, the branches are interrelated. They cooperate with one another and also prevent one another from attempting to assume too much power.

This relationship is described as one of checks and balances, where the functions of one branch serve to contain and modify he power of another. Through this elaborate system of safeguards, the Framers of the Constitution sought to protect the nation against tyranny.''''

Apply all of those statements to Obama.LMAO!

the hypocrisy of the left. They never questioned obozo's EOs. Just bowed and worshiped him like the brainless sheep that they are.

Eat it, Guppy: "The courts, given the sole power to interpret the Constitution and the laws, can uphold or overturn acts of the legislature or rule on actions by the president."""
Section 1182(f) of Title 8, U.S. Code: "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate”

Sorry, Sparky. Constitution bans denial of anyone based on religion. The law you quote doesn't say the POTUS can do this based on religion.

And Justice Yates KNEW what this asshole was doing. Grow the fuck up. You probably saw him say this on air, but you "forgot".

Why Yates Had to Go

It is a very simple proposition. Our Constitution vests all executive power — not some of it, all of it — in the president of the United States. Executive-branch officials do not have their own power. They are delegated by the president to execute his power. If they object to the president’s policies, their choice is clear: salute and enforce the president’s directives, or honorably resign. There is no third way.

No one knows this better than high-ranking officials of the Department of Justice. That is why President Trump was right to fire Acting Attorney General Sally Yates.

Over the weekend, President Trump issued an executive order temporarily restricting the admission into the United States of aliens from various Muslim-majority countries, as well as aliens from Syria and elsewhere who are claiming refugee status. Naturally, this has triggered protests by Democrats and the Left.

They erroneously claim that Trump’s executive order violates the Constitution, statutory law, American tradition, and human decency.

For inexplicable reasons, the new president left Yates in place to run the Justice Department in anticipation of the confirmation of Senator Jeff Sessions. A faithful Obama-appointed progressive, Yates obviously knew which way the political wind was blowing in her tribe.

Like most Democrats, Yates objects to the president’s executive order. Fair enough. But she is not a political operative, she was a Justice Department official — the highest such official. If her opposition to the president’s policy was as deeply held as she says, her choice was clear: enforce the president’s policy or quit.

Instead, she chose insubordination: Knowing she would be out the moment Senator Sessions is confirmed, she announced on Monday night that the Justice Department would not enforce the president’s order. She did not issue this statement on the grounds that the order is illegal. She declined to take a definitive position on that question. She rested her decision, rather, on her disagreement with the justice of the order. Now, she’ll be a left-wing hero, influential beyond her heretofore status as a nameless bureaucrat. But she had to go.

To make an analogy, there are many federal judges who oppose abortion. They apply Roe v. Wade even though they disagree with it intensely, because their duty is to obey superior courts. As every official in the Justice Department knows, if one disagrees with the law one is called upon to apply, or the policy one is bound to enforce, one is free to resign. Staying on while undermining government policy is not an act of courage. It is an act of sabotage.

It was foolish of President Trump to leave officials such as Acting Attorney General Yates in place. The president has issued a raft of executive orders in his first eight days. His obvious intent is to change governance significantly, which means he needs entirely new personnel. Yates never should have been in the position to undertake her grandstanding in the first place — but at least that particular error has now been corrected.

Read more at: Why Yates Had to Go

Her oath was to protect and defend the constitution. Not the president.

She served in the executive branch, he was her boss. She should have quit if she wasn't going to act in his best interest. But I agree she did not break a law or the oath, she just had low integrity. Anyway, Trump fixed it ...
This opinion piece is just flat wrong.

Separation of Powers
The division of state and federal government into three independent branches.
Balance of powers

"""""The first three articles of the U.S. Constitution call for the powers of the federal government to be divided among three separate branches: the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary branch. Under the separation of powers, each branch is independent, has a separate function, and may not usurp the functions of another branch.

However, the branches are interrelated. They cooperate with one another and also prevent one another from attempting to assume too much power.

This relationship is described as one of checks and balances, where the functions of one branch serve to contain and modify he power of another. Through this elaborate system of safeguards, the Framers of the Constitution sought to protect the nation against tyranny.''''

Apply all of those statements to Obama.LMAO!

the hypocrisy of the left. They never questioned obozo's EOs. Just bowed and worshiped him like the brainless sheep that they are.

Eat it, Guppy: "The courts, given the sole power to interpret the Constitution and the laws, can uphold or overturn acts of the legislature or rule on actions by the president."""
Section 1182(f) of Title 8, U.S. Code: "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate”

Sorry, Sparky. Constitution bans denial of anyone based on religion. The law you quote doesn't say the POTUS can do this based on religion.

And Justice Yates KNEW what this asshole was doing. Grow the fuck up. You probably saw him say this on air, but you "forgot".

Sorry Sparky, but people trying to enter the US who are not citizens don't have Constitutional rights. How could you possibly not know that? You're government educated, huh?
They erroneously claim that Trump’s executive order violates the Constitution, statutory law, American tradition, and human decency.
Are you a lawyer? Because Yates is, and she said the order was unconstitutional. I'll give her legal expertise more weight than your opinion.

I completely agree it is the President's perogative to fire anyone in the Executive branch who tells him he is wrong.
Not my opinion. It is the law!

Section 1182(f) of Title 8, U.S. Code: "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate”
Yates is following the tradition of the resistance that rightly developed to Nixon, when he went so far over the line of ethics that something had to be done. I have hopes that this will grow until Trump ends up in the same dustpan of history,
I doubt if anyone minds that Yates was fired. Hell, democrats feel that Kim Davis should have lost her job. The fact is that Yates refused to to enforce what she saw as an unlawful order. Instead of doing that, she took a stand, doing what she saw as the right thing. I am sure that she was not surprised that she was fired. She expected it. But, she stood up for what she believed was right. She is an inspiration to those that resist, and I am sure that there will be many others, until Trump has an entire administration of toadies and yes men. I actually feel sorry for a lot of these people who Trump appoints. I seriously doubt if even Trump respects them.

Yates grandstanded because she has literally nothing to lose. The SECOND Sessions is confirmed, she and all the rest of the Obama toadies are gone.

Yates was smart enough to take advantage of the seething hate the left has for Trump (and America.) By engaging in her dereliction of duty, she has made her name known among the Soros klan, who as you know, own the democratic party. Yates will not work as a federal prosecutor of any type while Trump and Pence remain in office. HOWEVER, in 8, 12, or 16 years, when Soros' democrats again gain power, Yates will be on a short list for possible AG appointments.

Her move was illegal, but it was strategic and could work to her advantage. She is playing a long game.
This opinion piece is just flat wrong.

Separation of Powers
The division of state and federal government into three independent branches.
Balance of powers

"""""The first three articles of the U.S. Constitution call for the powers of the federal government to be divided among three separate branches: the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary branch. Under the separation of powers, each branch is independent, has a separate function, and may not usurp the functions of another branch.

However, the branches are interrelated. They cooperate with one another and also prevent one another from attempting to assume too much power.

This relationship is described as one of checks and balances, where the functions of one branch serve to contain and modify he power of another. Through this elaborate system of safeguards, the Framers of the Constitution sought to protect the nation against tyranny.''''

Apply all of those statements to Obama.LMAO!

the hypocrisy of the left. They never questioned obozo's EOs. Just bowed and worshiped him like the brainless sheep that they are.

Eat it, Guppy: "The courts, given the sole power to interpret the Constitution and the laws, can uphold or overturn acts of the legislature or rule on actions by the president."""
Section 1182(f) of Title 8, U.S. Code: "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate”

Sorry, Sparky. Constitution bans denial of anyone based on religion. The law you quote doesn't say the POTUS can do this based on religion.

And Justice Yates KNEW what this asshole was doing. Grow the fuck up. You probably saw him say this on air, but you "forgot".

So you are going to ignore Section 1182 of Title 8???? Not a good move, SPARKY!
Yates is following the tradition of the resistance that rightly developed to Nixon, when went so far over the line of ethics that something had to be done. I have hopes that this will grow until Trump ends up in the same dustpan of history,

Soros Bullshit.

When Elliot Abrahms thought Nixon overstepped, he resigned.

Yates just tried to get her name in the press.
Did she discuss the matter with her boss President Trump, then resign? No she chose to undermine the President in a very public way. Well she got her ass fired as would any one of us if we did the same to our boss.

Look liberals are backstabbers, understand them.
Since when is refusing to comply with a lawful and legal order, somehow "fighting evil?"

I swear all Liberals are Heroin Junkies that come here all liquored up and hallucinating and just post shit that isn't even relevant or remotely true.
Yates is following the tradition of the resistance that rightly developed to Nixon, when he went so far over the line of ethics that something had to be done. I have hopes that this will grow until Trump ends up in the same dustpan of history,

Trump did nothing unethical here, she just politically disagreed with him. She had the right to speak, he had the right to fire her. And he did as any boss would do to someone objecting to his policies. She shouldn't have been there in the first place, she's a left wingnut
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Apply all of those statements to Obama.LMAO!

the hypocrisy of the left. They never questioned obozo's EOs. Just bowed and worshiped him like the brainless sheep that they are.

Eat it, Guppy: "The courts, given the sole power to interpret the Constitution and the laws, can uphold or overturn acts of the legislature or rule on actions by the president."""
Section 1182(f) of Title 8, U.S. Code: "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate”

Sorry, Sparky. Constitution bans denial of anyone based on religion. The law you quote doesn't say the POTUS can do this based on religion.

And Justice Yates KNEW what this asshole was doing. Grow the fuck up. You probably saw him say this on air, but you "forgot".

Sorry Sparky, but people trying to enter the US who are not citizens don't have Constitutional rights. How could you possibly not know that? You're government educated, huh?

I didn't say they had Constitutional rights, I said they cannot be banned because of religion. Do you not understand?
I doubt if anyone minds that Yates was fired. Hell, democrats feel that Kim Davis should have lost her job. The fact is that Yates refused to to enforce what she saw as an unlawful order. Instead of doing that, she took a stand, doing what she saw as the right thing. I am sure that she was not surprised that she was fired. She expected it. But, she stood up for what she believed was right. She is an inspiration to those that resist, and I am sure that there will be many others, until Trump has an entire administration of toadies and yes men. I actually feel sorry for a lot of these people who Trump appoints. I seriously doubt if even Trump respects them.

Yates grandstanded because she has literally nothing to lose. The SECOND Sessions is confirmed, she and all the rest of the Obama toadies are gone.

Yates was smart enough to take advantage of the seething hate the left has for Trump (and America.) By engaging in her dereliction of duty, she has made her name known among the Soros klan, who as you know, own the democratic party. Yates will not work as a federal prosecutor of any type while Trump and Pence remain in office. HOWEVER, in 8, 12, or 16 years, when Soros' democrats again gain power, Yates will be on a short list for possible AG appointments.

Her move was illegal, but it was strategic and could work to her advantage. She is playing a long game.
She wasn't playing any game. As the Democrats go...she got orders from above and was stupid enough to do it.
They erroneously claim that Trump’s executive order violates the Constitution, statutory law, American tradition, and human decency.
Are you a lawyer? Because Yates is, and she said the order was unconstitutional. I'll give her legal expertise more weight than your opinion.

I completely agree it is the President's perogative to fire anyone in the Executive branch who tells him he is wrong.
Not my opinion. It is the law!

Section 1182(f) of Title 8, U.S. Code: "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate”
Again, you are not a lawyer. The AG is.

Here's her letter: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/01/30/us/document-Letter-From-Sally-Yates.html
For inexplicable reasons, the new president left Yates in place to run the Justice Department in anticipation of the confirmation of Senator Jeff Sessions.

Jeff Sessions backs off Muslim ban at confirmation hearing

  • He insisted he does not support a ban on immigration from Muslim countries, only beefed-up background checks.

Ooops! Oh, it won't matter. Sessions will crawl further up Trump's ass and still get confirmed.
Yates is following the tradition of the resistance that rightly developed to Nixon, when he went so far over the line of ethics that something had to be done. I have hopes that this will grow until Trump ends up in the same dustpan of history,

Trump did noting unethical here, she just politically disagreed with him. She had the right to speak, he had the right to fire her. And he did as any boss would do to someone objecting to his policies. She shouldn't have been there in the first place, she's a left wingnut

I, too, once refused an order of my boss, and lost my job as a result. However, I ended up testifying against him in front a of a grand jury, and he ended up pleading guilty for fraud. Yes, that is what liberals do. deal with it.
the hypocrisy of the left. They never questioned obozo's EOs. Just bowed and worshiped him like the brainless sheep that they are.

Eat it, Guppy: "The courts, given the sole power to interpret the Constitution and the laws, can uphold or overturn acts of the legislature or rule on actions by the president."""
Section 1182(f) of Title 8, U.S. Code: "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate”

Sorry, Sparky. Constitution bans denial of anyone based on religion. The law you quote doesn't say the POTUS can do this based on religion.

And Justice Yates KNEW what this asshole was doing. Grow the fuck up. You probably saw him say this on air, but you "forgot".

Sorry Sparky, but people trying to enter the US who are not citizens don't have Constitutional rights. How could you possibly not know that? You're government educated, huh?

I didn't say they had Constitutional rights, I said they cannot be banned because of religion. Do you not understand?

Um ... yes ... you did say that ...

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