Why You Can't Fire Government Employees


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
It's called the Merit Systems Protection Board. Never heard of it? Neither have I. It was set up to replace the Civil Service Commission under Title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations which you can find @ Merit Systems Protection Board.

So, what's the story? Congress enacted laws to make it easier to fire employees, specifically aimed at the VA. The new director comes in and uses the law to fire three executives who got the most bad press. He then fired another. But, this board of anonymous bureaucrats overturned them for being discriminatory. It you want to read more of this atrocity, go to Board reverses firing of another VA executive
It's called the Merit Systems Protection Board. Never heard of it? Neither have I. It was set up to replace the Civil Service Commission under Title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations which you can find @ Merit Systems Protection Board.

So, what's the story? Congress enacted laws to make it easier to fire employees, specifically aimed at the VA. The new director comes in and uses the law to fire three executives who got the most bad press. He then fired another. But, this board of anonymous bureaucrats overturned them for being discriminatory. It you want to read more of this atrocity, go to Board reverses firing of another VA executive
Once merit is no longer the priority, it's all downhill from there.
The System has to protect itself from the ravages of merit and equal treatment.
Senators Introduce Bill to Give VA Bosses Power to Fire Employees

Will it override the powers of the Merit System Protection Board that routinely overturns firings? What good is a law when this appointed board has the final authority of who stays and who goes? Especially as their record is overwhelmingly to restore inept and even criminal people to their government jobs!

Read the story that says absolutely nothing about this travesty @ Senators Introduce Bill to Give VA Bosses Power to Fire Employees | Military.com
VA Fights Back Against MSPB

VA Deputy Secretary Sloan Gibson vowed to ignore the order to restore Weiss to her director's job and to award her back pay.

Does this mean there can actually be realistic changes in the VA? An interesting article that deals with a subject important to many millions of vets @ VA Won't Reinstate Fired Employee, Despite Judge's Ruling | Military.com

But then comes this story: Senators Demand End to Retaliation Against Phoenix VA Employee @ Senators Demand End to Retaliation Against Phoenix VA Employee | Military.com

Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, told McDonald that since whistleblower Brandon Coleman testified before Congress in December 2014 about problems at the Phoenix facility, he has been subjected to retaliation.

Explaining the VA Demotions and Subsequent Overrulings @ Explaining the VA Demotions and Subsequent Overrulings
you should have worded your title different.....in my time with the PO i seen and read about quite a few over the years being terminated...
you should have worded your title different.....in my time with the PO i seen and read about quite a few over the years being terminated...

Yes, and over 20+ years in the military I personally encountered the near-impossibility of firing Civil Service employees. The title is clearly to gather attention to the atrocity.

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