
It is hard to take someone in 2023 whining about mixed race couples.

I cannot even begin to imagine how much hate and racisms a person would have to feel to be upset by the mere a mixed race couple.

Didn’t Conservatives ever hear of Clarence Thomas?

only in the big crime filled cities run by dems, most of America is conservative and/or GOP. We do not have a pure democracy, we have a representative republic. All I want is fair and open elections with the true winner being declared the winner, no cheating, no media indoctrination.

Dirt doesn't vote, people do.

If you still support Trump, you support the overthrow of elections simply because the outcome isn't to your liking.

Lying about the election just cost Fox News 3/4 of a billion dollars with more lawsuits to come.
Why are we allowing tiny minorities to reshape our culture? Gays, trannys, mixed race couples are all tiny minorities of the US population. Why are we sitting silently while the media tries to indoctrinate us that mixed race couples are the norm, that sexual transvestites are a significant number and that every family has to have several gay members?

what hppened to the majority view being the prevailing view?

70% of Americans favour gay rights, trans rights, and abortion rights. All the things Y0U just said should be determined by the majority view.

All the people you hate have full rights in Canada, and our culture hasn't changed. We mind our own business and don't try to force religion on others. Pierre Trudeau said that "The state has no place in the nations bedrooms". What goes on between consenting adults is no one's business but theirs.

Gay marriage passed with barely a murmur more than 20 years ago, and almost nothing changed. Gay couples hold hands in public now. That's about the only change I see.

We're having the same problems filling jobs as you. We have 1 million job openings. We're tripling immigration to fill these jobs. We already take in more refugees than any other first world country. Both our country and our culture are thriving as a result.

Fear and paranoia are all Republicans are selling.

Because Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for supper

As a society, we stand up for the rights of sheep

That includes gays, mixed race couples and trannys.
They have a right to exist in our society

There's a difference between standing up for the rights of minorities versus pushing the minority lifestyle over the majority lifestyle by a high percentage in pop culture, law, corporations' country wide, 'media', and social 'media'. It permeates everything to a degree that goes way beyond standing up for rights. And if you disagree with the amount of permeation in our society, you're labeled a bigot and/or a racist, ad nauseum. It's gotten to the point where voicing your opinion is dangerous and has deep repercussions, so you are using blackmail to get silence. You're not 'changing the culture', you're stifling it, yet you cheer like a bunch of loons and celebrate your 'progress' when in reality all you're doing is stirring up real hate and resentment tht didn't exist prior. It will come back to bite at some point. And they know this, which is why they are permeating it throughout the culture and going after the children.

I've never been against gay people, I always thought that they had a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I supported gay marriage 20 years ago, but it has gone way beyond that at this point. Lefties treat them like their favored pets, they're nothing but a useful tool for you to push your agenda, you don't give a damn about them or any other minority. All you have to do is look at the state of the black population today, they are no better off after 30 years of allegiance to your bullshit.
No one is representing them as the norm or as the majority.

You are seriously deluded.

It only feels that way to you because you are a bigot.

Bullshit. All you have is 'bigot', scream 'bigot' every time someone doesn't conform to your belief system. Sounds an awful lot like 'sinner', doesn't it? You're no different than the authoritarian religious right that you've tried for 40 years to stamp out. No different. You've simply replaced them.
70% of Americans favour gay rights, trans rights, and abortion rights. All the things Y0U just said should be determined by the majority view.

All the people you hate have full rights in Canada, and our culture hasn't changed. We mind our own business and don't try to force religion on others. Pierre Trudeau said that "The state has no place in the nations bedrooms". What goes on between consenting adults is no one's business but theirs.

Gay marriage passed with barely a murmur more than 20 years ago, and almost nothing changed. Gay couples hold hands in public now. That's about the only change I see.

We're having the same problems filling jobs as you. We have 1 million job openings. We're tripling immigration to fill these jobs. We already take in more refugees than any other first world country. Both our country and our culture are thriving as a result.

Fear and paranoia are all Republicans are selling.
i hope you are right. The real test comes when things are not good. When they are nasty. And that happens.
There's a difference between standing up for the rights of minorities versus pushing the minority lifestyle over the majority lifestyle by a high percentage in pop culture, law, corporations' country wide, 'media', and social 'media'. It permeates everything to a degree that goes way beyond standing up for rights. And if you disagree with the amount of permeation in our society, you're labeled a bigot and/or a racist, ad nauseum. It's gotten to the point where voicing your opinion is dangerous and has deep repercussions, so you are using blackmail to get silence. You're not 'changing the culture', you're stifling it, yet you cheer like a bunch of loons and celebrate your 'progress' when in reality all you're doing is stirring up real hate and resentment tht didn't exist prior. It will come back to bite at some point. And they know this, which is why they are permeating it throughout the culture and going after the children.

I've never been against gay people, I always thought that they had a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I supported gay marriage 20 years ago, but it has gone way beyond that at this point. Lefties treat them like their favored pets, they're nothing but a useful tool for you to push your agenda, you don't give a damn about them or any other minority. All you have to do is look at the state of the black population today, they are no better off after 30 years of allegiance to your bullshit.
I know where you are coming from

I recall the good ole days when all couples on TV were white, straight and Christian
Don’t the networks realise that is the only demographic that matters?

Today, we have mixed race couples like Clarence and Ginny Thomas prancing around like they are a normal couple. Have they no shame?
We have Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao acting like a real American couple. At least Donald Trump is willing to call him out on it and call his wife “Ching Chao”
He can be so funny sometimes
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only in the big crime filled cities run by dems, most of America is conservative and/or GOP. We do not have a pure democracy, we have a representative republic. All I want is fair and open elections with the true winner being declared the winner, no cheating, no media indoctrination.
We had that in 2020 and you pussies are still whining and crying.
Because if Dems don't SHOUT about this crap 24/7 the people might pay attention to how Dem policies have jacked up the price of everything. How much higher gas and energy costs under Dems. How millions of illegals are pouring across the border. How crime is allowed to run amok.

So the 24/7 narrative is trans homo whatever.
I know where you are coming from

I recall the good ole days when all couples on TV were white, straight and Christian
Don’t the networks realise that is the only demographic that matters?

Today, we have mixed race couples like Clarence and Ginny Thomas prancing around like they are a normal couple. Have they no shame?
We have Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao acting like a real American couple. At least Donald Trump is willing to call him out on it and call his wife “Ching Chao”
He can be so funny sometimes

Yeah, except I didn't say any of that, your responses are always outright lies, but that's morally acceptable to you as well, anything to defend and further your agenda. You can't even n honestly address what I said or have an honest conversation, that's why most people on here think you're a joke. I reply to your posts for others, not because there is any hope of saving your rancid mind.
Yeah, except I didn't say any of that, your responses are always outright lies, but that's morally acceptable to you as well, anything to defend and further your agenda. You can't even n honestly address what I said or have an honest conversation, that's why most people on here think you're a joke. I reply to your posts for others, not because there is any hope of saving your rancid mind.
You never figured out sarcasm did you?
So you just want to prevent mixed race couples from being mainstreamed into our culture.
Same goes for gays
of course not, stop misquoting. I just want the various demograhics to be presented proportrionately by our media and our government. We are not majority gay, we are not majority mixed race marriage. The majority is straight and in same race marriages. Being tolerant and accepting of those who deviate from the norms is not discrimination, it is being truthful and realistic. But I get it, your on the left have to demonize those who do not subscribe to your far left BS in order to justify it. We understand.
Dirt doesn't vote, people do.

If you still support Trump, you support the overthrow of elections simply because the outcome isn't to your liking.

Lying about the election just cost Fox News 3/4 of a billion dollars with more lawsuits to come.
no one wanted to "overthrow the election". All anyone wanted was for the allegations of vote fraud to be presented to the congress and the american people. No one would have objected to a well documented Trump loss. But the evidence of vote fraud was never heard in any court in any state. It was suppressed and dismissed by a wide variety of legal tricks, Lack of standing, no evidence, etc.
of course, and the left is trying to destroy him, because a conservative black man married to a white woman does not fit your agenda.

Who does Thomas think he is?

Doesn’t he know mix raced marriage is WOKE?
Why is he shoving it in our face?
no one wanted to "overthrow the election". All anyone wanted was for the allegations of vote fraud to be presented to the congress and the american people. No one would have objected to a well documented Trump loss. But the evidence of vote fraud was never heard in any court in any state. It was suppressed and dismissed by a wide variety of legal tricks, Lack of standing, no evidence, etc.

Allegations and evidence of voter fraud were presented to the courts (both conservative and liberal judges) and rejected.

When that failed, Trump tried to pressure local election officials and the VP to overturn the results.

When that failed, he called a mob of supporters to come to DC to pressure Congress to reject the EVs of the states
Do as you please, but shut the fuck up about it? You can dress up in a too-too and walk backwards with a dildo hanging out of your ass,but keep it to yourself :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

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