
you don't get it either, its not about hating anyone. Its about forcing us to accept that the deviant behavior of a few is mainstream and normal.

you on the left refuse to understand what the real issue is here.

Yes, it is hate. You can lie to yourself, but hate is at the heart of it all.

Mixed race marriage are as normal as any other marriage. The fact you do not agree with them does not change that fact.

Gay people, normal as well. They have exited as long as humans have existed. They are no different than you or I.
Why are we allowing tiny minorities to reshape our culture? Gays, trannys, mixed race couples are all tiny minorities of the US population. Why are we sitting silently while the media tries to indoctrinate us that mixed race couples are the norm, that sexual transvestites are a significant number and that every family has to have several gay members?

what hppened to the majority view being the prevailing view?
Its difficult to stand up for what is right. Look at how so many Americans accepted the coronavirus lockdowns. If we by large accepted that what else would we be willing to accept.? When that so-called coronavirus lockdown occurred I was in a wheelchair and I was in the hospital for two months in the beginning of the thing and when I got out I couldn’t believe the world I saw and how so many people would just willingly be wearing masks. Now the folks that questioned the lockdowns have been vindicated by science supporting them… the masks did nothing to help.

That lockdown had a significant destructive affect on so many people who became addicted to drugs, the price of homes went astronomically higher. I think history will look back on it and will be shocked and ashamed at how America reacted to this thing we should’ve led the world and said we’re not gonna do this lockdown thing. Some hundred thousand Americans die every year from the common flu and with regard to the coronavirus deaths it was already said that many of them died from something other than the coronavirus itself … a combination of the flu and some kind of health issue.

Because of all the stimulus money printed up by the government our economy is in a total mess right now. It was during that “lockdown” time the American people should’ve had a mass protest but I believe because we are a nation on dope marijuana all over the place, drugs all over the place that played a role in preventing these types of protests. Along with the fact that so much of America’s young population is locked in on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and video games all day…, that prevented a protest against the mass lockdowns.

I believe in equality for all I believe most Americans do… the problem is Americans should not have to accept people like Dylan Mulvaney or a man going into a woman’s locker room that is the problem of course. Men being able to compete in women’s sports is not in the same category as a couple that is of two different religions or two different races in my view.

Wasn’t there a mixed race in the very popular show “I love Lucy?” It was well before my time but I believe that was the case.
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no one wanted to "overthrow the election". All anyone wanted was for the allegations of vote fraud to be presented to the congress and the american people. No one would have objected to a well documented Trump loss. But the evidence of vote fraud was never heard in any court in any state. It was suppressed and dismissed by a wide variety of legal tricks, Lack of standing, no evidence, etc.
Lack of standing and no evidence are not 'legal tricks', they are reality. You are taking the word of one man (who has failed to present any evidence) over everything else. Think long and hard about that.

Fox News just paid 3/4 of a billion dollars for pushing the election lie when they knew better.
Yes, it is hate. You can lie to yourself, but hate is at the heart of it all.

Mixed race marriage are as normal as any other marriage. The fact you do not agree with them does not change that fact.

Gay people, normal as well. They have exited as long as humans have existed. They are no different than you or I.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The reality is the democrats won the white house and Senate. Magaturds refuse to live in this reality because butthurt broke their fragile little minds and they've been pouting about it ever since. They are aggrieved that the rest of the country is done dealing with their perpetual victim mentality. They are a small vocal minority trying to gaslight that the majority thinks like them.
its amazing how out of touch with reality you are. you must live in one of the big crime filled dem/;ib cities. Biden did not win, 2020 was a successful coup of the US government and you idiots are too brainwashed to realize it.
Lack of standing and no evidence are not 'legal tricks', they are reality. You are taking the word of one man (who has failed to present any evidence) over everything else. Think long and hard about that.

Fox News just paid 3/4 of a billion dollars for pushing the election lie when they knew better.
when there is standing and there is evidence, then the laws and constitution have been violated. Why do you want to live in a third world banana republic? That is what you are getting from the dems, China in the USA, wake the fuck up, your heroes are destroying our country.
Yes, it is hate. You can lie to yourself, but hate is at the heart of it all.

Mixed race marriage are as normal as any other marriage. The fact you do not agree with them does not change that fact.

Gay people, normal as well. They have exited as long as humans have existed. They are no different than you or I.
geez dude, try to pay attention to what I have said. I respect and approve of mixed race marriage, I respect and approve of gays and trans.

The only thing I object to, and the point of this thread, is the media ramming these things down our throats and demanding that we call them normal and common, neither of which they are.

These behaviors or feelings are aberarions of the human condition, but like the aberation of blindness they should be respected and not discriminated against.

It amazes me that you on the left must continue to twist this rather than comprehend what is really being said.
Why are we allowing tiny minorities to reshape our culture? Gays, trannys, mixed race couples are all tiny minorities of the US population. Why are we sitting silently while the media tries to indoctrinate us that mixed race couples are the norm, that sexual transvestites are a significant number and that every family has to have several gay members?

what hppened to the majority view being the prevailing view?
You guys have won one popular vote since 1988. What makes you think you're the majority?
geez dude, try to pay attention to what I have said. I respect and approve of mixed race marriage, I respect and approve of gays and trans.

The only thing I object to, and the point of this thread, is the media ramming these things down our throats and demanding that we call them normal and common, neither of which they are.

These behaviors or feelings are aberarions of the human condition, but like the aberation of blindness they should be respected and not discriminated against.

It amazes me that you on the left must continue to twist this rather than comprehend what is really being said.
It amazes all of us that you're comparing a lifestyle to a physical impairment.

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