
So exist and leave people alone. Especially children

And stop trying to force acceptance, it won't end well

Children have a capability of understanding that all families are not a mommy and daddy. They are capable of accepting people who are different.

Even though their parents are not
No one says mixed race couples are the norm, dipshit. They simply say mixed race couples are NOT WRONG.

Being gay is NOT WRONG.

Stealing from the elderly at a fake university IS wrong. Committing adultery on three wives IS wrong.

All caught up now?
No one, including me, has said they are "wrong". My only point is they are a small minority but are being represented as if they were the majority. My objection is to being lied to. try to pay attention.
Therein lies the problem. Acceptance. There are those that will never accept it and espouse discrimination and violence to support their beliefs. So even simple existence is not possible.
Then you have legislation passed by the politicians who would like to play to these urchins and rock dwellers, like the ignoramus governor in FL who's currently getting pantsed...by a mouse. :)

I'll never accept some dude wearing a dress demanding I take him seriously...

Now what's your plan to make me?
No one, including me, has said they are "wrong". My only point is they are a small minority but are being represented as if they were the majority. My objection is to being lied to. try to pay attention.
No one is representing them as the norm or as the majority.

You are seriously deluded.

It only feels that way to you because you are a bigot.
Children have a capability of understanding that all families are not a mommy and daddy. They are capable of accepting people who are different.

Even though their parents are not
of course they do, no one has ever said otherwise. the point of the thread, which you on the left cannot seem to understand, is that the media and government are lying to us about the numbers of gays, trans, and mixed couples in the country. Why can't you understand what this is about?
No one is representing them as the norm or as the majority.

You are seriously deluded.

It only feels that way to you because you are a bigot.
have you watched any tv ads lately? apparently not. and I am much more less of a bigot than most of you on the left. you want to return to segregation, you want racial affirmative action. YOU are the racists and bigots.
of course they do, no one has ever said otherwise. the point of the thread, which you on the left cannot seem to understand, is that the media and government are lying to us about the numbers of gays, trans, and mixed couples in the country. Why can't you understand what this is about?

I can’t believe you are still outraged at the sight of a mixed race couple
You need to check your calendar…mine says 2023
Why are we allowing tiny minorities to reshape our culture? Gays, trannys, mixed race couples are all tiny minorities of the US population. Why are we sitting silently while the media tries to indoctrinate us that mixed race couples are the norm, that sexual transvestites are a significant number and that every family has to have several gay members?

what hppened to the majority view being the prevailing view?
You didn't know this was America with a Constitution and the rule of law?
so what? Are you saying that is good for our culture and our country?
Well I am mixed race so I may be biased. Also my culture and what I want for my country might not be the same as yours. In Jamaica, Chinese and Indian immigrants have made jamaican culture richer. One of our favorite dishes and my name sake wouldn't of come about without Asian influences. If you come from a culture of fear and cowardice I can understand how you'd feel differently.
I'll never accept some dude wearing a dress demanding I take him seriously...

Now what's your plan to make me?
I wouldn't waste my time making you do anything. But I will help see to it that you are sidelined. Marginalized. Made irrelevant. Phased out of evolutionary existence.
Least I can do. :)
Don't ever try to dictate to me again. Little man

Pedos congregate anywhere children are... what's the largest gathering places for children? Public schools... now go flap to somebody who gives an actual fck what some little Lefty spews. I don't, that's your problem
Awww, don't git triggered sassyboi.
Because that is "Faux not the News" standard strategy. SOP to generate poutrage in the flock with lies, innuendoes, and false narratives.

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