Whywas security at Benghazi progressively rduced as attacks worsened in elect season?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
It's a subject most people don't seem to be talking about much. Even most news shows are talking about whether to blame a video afterward. But in fact, the question of deteriorating defense at the consulate even while attacks were increasing, is by far the most important question about the situation leading up to the attack on Sept. 11, 2012, where four Americans were killed including a U.S. Ambassador.

All that spring and summer leading up to September, terrorists were shooting into the compound, throwing bombs over the wall, ambushing convoys going to and from that and other diplomatic facilities in Libya, etc. Ambassador Stevens and other officials on the spot, kept begging Washington for more security forces to protect the diplomatic personnel. But the only response from the Obama administration, was to continually reduce security, sending American forces home, and often replacing them with Libyan personnel who were not even armed.

It seemed to be the outlook of the Obama administration that if American forces looked genteel and non-threatening, Americans would be treated more nicely. How this viewpoint persisted through the escalating attacks on the weakest of the U.S. diplomatic posts, remains unexplained. Obama was also stressing his "victories" over Al Qaeda as the November presidential election loomed - an agenda that would have suffered if he had acknowledged that we needed more guards at diplomatic posts instead of fewer. So he simply didn't provide any, despite increasing hostility.

At one point, terrorists blew a hole in the consulate wall, large enough to drive a truck through. Shortly afterward, the Obama administration removed almost the last of the American security forces, leaving a grand total of three American security guards to protect the dozens of personnel at the site.

Even while other embassies and consulates got lavish upgrades to their facilities, security, bigger diplomatic budgets etc., security at the Benghazi compound became pitiful. When Ambassador Stevens arrived in early September he brought two personal bodyguards... which nearly doubled the number of American security forces there, briefly.

When a well-organized attack finally destroyed the compound and killed four Americans inside, they didn't stand much chance.

Questions today about who lied afterward, who blamed whom for talking points after the fact etc., seems ludicrously irrelevant, next to the real question:

Who decided that security at the compound would be reduced week after week, month after month even as terrorist attacks mounted and increased? And why did he decide to reduce the forces protecting our personnel? Was it just to pretend the President was doing a better job against middle Eastern terrorists, than he was?

Were four American lives sacrificed, including a U.S. Ambassador, just so Barack Obama could look better during an election season, to an American public who wasn't paying much attention?
It's a subject most people don't seem to be talking about much. Even most news shows are talking about whether to blame a video afterward. But in fact, the question of deteriorating defense at the consulate even while attacks were increasing, is by far the most important question about the situation leading up to the attack on Sept. 11, 2012, where four Americans were killed including a U.S. Ambassador.

All that spring and summer leading up to September, terrorists were shooting into the compound, throwing bombs over the wall, ambushing convoys going to and from that and other diplomatic facilities in Libya, etc. Ambassador Stevens and other officials on the spot, kept begging Washington for more security forces to protect the diplomatic personnel. But the only response from the Obama administration, was to continually reduce security, sending American forces home, and often replacing them with Libyan personnel who were not even armed.

It seemed to be the outlook of the Obama administration that if American forces looked genteel and non-threatening, Americans would be treated more nicely. How this viewpoint persisted through the escalating attacks on the weakest of the U.S. diplomatic posts, remains unexplained. Obama was also stressing his "victories" over Al Qaeda as the November presidential election loomed - an agenda that would have suffered if he had acknowledged that we needed more guards at diplomatic posts instead of fewer. So he simply didn't provide any, despite increasing hostility.

At one point, terrorists blew a hole in the consulate wall, large enough to drive a truck through. Shortly afterward, the Obama administration removed almost the last of the American security forces, leaving a grand total of three American security guards to protect the dozens of personnel at the site.

Even while other embassies and consulates got lavish upgrades to their facilities, security, bigger diplomatic budgets etc., security at the Benghazi compound became pitiful. When Ambassador Stevens arrived in early September he brought two personal bodyguards... which nearly doubled the number of American security forces there, briefly.

When a well-organized attack finally destroyed the compound and killed four Americans inside, they didn't stand much chance.

Questions today about who lied afterward, who blamed whom for talking points after the fact etc., seems ludicrously irrelevant, next to the real question:

Who decided that security at the compound would be reduced week after week, month after month even as terrorist attacks mounted and increased? And why did he decide to reduce the forces protecting our personnel? Was it just to pretend the President was doing a better job against middle Eastern terrorists, than he was?

Were four American lives sacrificed, including a U.S. Ambassador, just so Barack Obama could look better during an election season, to an American public who wasn't paying much attention?

Link for all that nonsense? Unless you made it up all by yourself.
Strength through apology and weakness!

How's that working out for you, Ambassador?
Ask RePugs like the Resident Arsonist and Car Thief of the House of Representatives Darryl Issa, he voted against monies to upgrade security for U.S. Diplomatic Missions overseas.

Mind you, Issa also vote in favor of Fast and Furious as well.
Ask RePugs like the Resident Arsonist and Car Thief of the House of Representatives Darryl Issa, he voted against monies to upgrade security for U.S. Diplomatic Missions overseas.

Mind you, Issa also vote in favor of Fast and Furious as well.

Could you possibly be more ignorant. President "I've got a phone and pen" could have funded the security if he so desired.

The reality is that Obama's sole foreign policy accomplishment was "killing bin Laden", which he and his political organization spun into AQ being in shambles. They were willing to sacrifice personnel overseas to keep the sham going through the election cycle.
It wasn't reduced

Republicans slashed security at all embassies. They had to save money somewhere
It wasn't reduced

Republicans slashed security at all embassies. They had to save money somewhere

Historically inaccurate, as usual, bub.

The Obama's State Department reduced security in Benghazi during the 6 months prior to the attacks. It was an executive branch decision.

If Obama can find millions to fund his wife's frequent vacation, he can cover a few security guards to protect diplomats.
The better question is, why has the number of Americans who give a shit about this fake scandal being progressively reduced despite the rightwing hysteria about it getting worse and worse?

This couldn't look any loonier if the left were to resurrect 4 dead in Ohio and start ranting hysterically about it.
It wasn't reduced

Republicans slashed security at all embassies. They had to save money somewhere

Historically inaccurate, as usual, bub.

The Obama's State Department reduced security in Benghazi during the 6 months prior to the attacks. It was an executive branch decision.

If Obama can find millions to fund his wife's frequent vacation, he can cover a few security guards to protect diplomats.

Budgets, budgets, budgets

You know you have won the argument when conservatives start to bring up vacations

Don't forget the golf
It wasn't reduced

Republicans slashed security at all embassies. They had to save money somewhere

Historically inaccurate, as usual, bub.

The Obama's State Department reduced security in Benghazi during the 6 months prior to the attacks. It was an executive branch decision.

If Obama can find millions to fund his wife's frequent vacation, he can cover a few security guards to protect diplomats.

Budgets, budgets, budgets

You know you have won the argument when conservatives start to bring up vacations

Don't forget the golf

Had there been a golf course anywhere near Behghazi where The New Messiah thought He might want to play a round this never could have happened. It would have been wall-to-wall troops protecting and watering.
The Obama meme was "Bin laden is dead, GM is alive, and Al Qaeda is on the run". If they spent more money on bolstering security that lie falls apart.....

Everything about this administration is a lie. Mindless dupes like Falsewinger will carry water for anyone as long as their is a "D" after their name...
I'm more disturbed at the progressive reduction of the word 'reduced'. Where will it end?
Just some of the incidences·*April 6, 2012, BENGHAZI*– Two Libyans who had been fired from a contractor providing unarmed static security for Consulate Benghazi, threw a small IED over the Consulate fence.* There were no casualties or damage and the suspects were arrested but not prosecuted.·*April 11, 2012, BENGHAZI*– A gun battle between an unidentified armed group and forces loyal to the Transitional National Council (TNC) occurred about 4km from Consulate Benghazi.* The unidentified armed group attacked a Ministry of the Interior building in an attempt to seize a fleet of vehicles that had belonged to the Gaddafi regime.** The gun battle included use of antiaircraft guns and RPGs.·*April 25, 2012, TRIPOLI*– A US Embassy Local Guard Force officer traveling in a diplomatically-plated vehicle was detained and his Embassy-issued radio seized at a militia checkpoint.* He was released without further incident.·*April 26, 2012, BENGHAZI*– While a Foreign Service officer stationed at Consulate Benghazi was attending a trade-related event at the International Medical University, a fistfight escalated to gunfire between security forces for the trade delegation and militia providing security for the University.* A US Foreign Service officer was evacuated by members of the 17th*of February Martyrs Brigade, a Libyan militia, stationed at Consulate Benghazi.·*April 27, 2012, BENGHAZI*– Two South African contractors were kidnapped by armed men while walking through a residential area of Benghazi.* After a brief interrogation about their nationality and purpose in Libya, they were released unharmed.·*May 1, 2012, TRIPOLI*– The Deputy Commander of Embassy Tripoli’s Local Guard Force was carjacked, beaten and detained by a group of armed youth.* He escaped by climbing over a fence and notifying the Embassy by phone.* Libyan security forces fought a gun battle with the assailants in order to recover a number of stolen vehicles and release other detainees.·*May 22, 2012, BENGHAZI*– Two RPG rounds were fired at the Benghazi office of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), approximately 1 km from Consulate Benghazi.* The attack occurred during the early morning hours and there were no casualties.* A Facebook posting that claimed responsibility for the attack said: “After we confirmed that the ICRC were giving out the Bible to the refugees of Tuwerga in Benghazi, a group of Mujaheddin attacked the HQ of the ICRC with an RPG and it targeted the meeting room inside the building. We didn’t want to hurt the Christians it is just a warning, we also didn’t want to hurt any Muslims working there. We recorded it on video and will publish it soon – so the ICRC must take down their flag with the red cross and close its offices in Libya. We announce that Libya is an Islamic State. We did not attack the Sahara Bank.* Finally, now we are preparing a message for the Americans for disturbing the skies over Derna.”·*June 2012*– Ambassador Stevens was in the habit of taking early morning runs around Tripoli along with members of his security detail.* According to sources, sometime in June 2012, a posting on a pro-Gaddafi Facebook page trumpeted these runs and directed a threat against Ambassador Stevens along with a stock photo of him.* It is reported that, after stopping these morning runs for about a week, the Ambassador resumed them.·*June 6, 2012, BENGHAZI*– Under cover of darkness, assailants placed an IED on the north gate of Consulate Benghazi, blowing a hole in the security perimeter that was described by one individual as, “big enough for forty men to go through.”·*June 10, 2012, BENGHAZI*– On or about June 10, 2012, a two-car convoy carrying the British Ambassador to Libya from a conference on reforming Libyan military law was attacked in broad daylight by a militant with an RPG.* This attack was an important escalation in the violence against Western targets in Benghazi, as prior attacks had been at night and were often preceded by warnings from the attackers.* Photos from the aftermath of the attack are attached.·*Late June 2012, BENGHAZI*– The ICRC building was attacked again, this time in broad daylight while people were inside.* Once the ICRC pulled out, the US Consulate was the last Western flag flying in Benghazi, making it an ideal target for militants.·*August 6, 2012, TRIPOLI*– Armed assailants attempted to carjack a vehicle bearing diplomatic plates operated by U.S. security personnel.·*WEEKS BEFORE September 11, 2012, BENGHAZI*– The unarmed Libyan guards employed by British contractor Blue Mountain Group were being warned by their family members to quit their jobs guarding Consulate Benghazi because there were rumors in the community of an impending attack.

It's a subject most people don't seem to be talking about much. Even most news shows are talking about whether to blame a video afterward. But in fact, the question of deteriorating defense at the consulate even while attacks were increasing, is by far the most important question about the situation leading up to the attack on Sept. 11, 2012, where four Americans were killed including a U.S. Ambassador.

All that spring and summer leading up to September, terrorists were shooting into the compound, throwing bombs over the wall, ambushing convoys going to and from that and other diplomatic facilities in Libya, etc. Ambassador Stevens and other officials on the spot, kept begging Washington for more security forces to protect the diplomatic personnel. But the only response from the Obama administration, was to continually reduce security, sending American forces home, and often replacing them with Libyan personnel who were not even armed.

It seemed to be the outlook of the Obama administration that if American forces looked genteel and non-threatening, Americans would be treated more nicely. How this viewpoint persisted through the escalating attacks on the weakest of the U.S. diplomatic posts, remains unexplained. Obama was also stressing his "victories" over Al Qaeda as the November presidential election loomed - an agenda that would have suffered if he had acknowledged that we needed more guards at diplomatic posts instead of fewer. So he simply didn't provide any, despite increasing hostility.

At one point, terrorists blew a hole in the consulate wall, large enough to drive a truck through. Shortly afterward, the Obama administration removed almost the last of the American security forces, leaving a grand total of three American security guards to protect the dozens of personnel at the site.

Even while other embassies and consulates got lavish upgrades to their facilities, security, bigger diplomatic budgets etc., security at the Benghazi compound became pitiful. When Ambassador Stevens arrived in early September he brought two personal bodyguards... which nearly doubled the number of American security forces there, briefly.

When a well-organized attack finally destroyed the compound and killed four Americans inside, they didn't stand much chance.

Questions today about who lied afterward, who blamed whom for talking points after the fact etc., seems ludicrously irrelevant, next to the real question:

Who decided that security at the compound would be reduced week after week, month after month even as terrorist attacks mounted and increased? And why did he decide to reduce the forces protecting our personnel? Was it just to pretend the President was doing a better job against middle Eastern terrorists, than he was?

Were four American lives sacrificed, including a U.S. Ambassador, just so Barack Obama could look better during an election season, to an American public who wasn't paying much attention?

Link for all that nonsense? Unless you made it up all by yourself.
Just some of the incidences·*April 6, 2012, BENGHAZI*– Two Libyans who had been fired from a contractor providing unarmed static security for Consulate Benghazi, threw a small IED over the Consulate fence.* There were no casualties or damage and the suspects were arrested but not prosecuted.·*April 11, 2012, BENGHAZI*– A gun battle between an unidentified armed group and forces loyal to the Transitional National Council (TNC) occurred about 4km from Consulate Benghazi.* The unidentified armed group attacked a Ministry of the Interior building in an attempt to seize a fleet of vehicles that had belonged to the Gaddafi regime.** The gun battle included use of antiaircraft guns and RPGs.·*April 25, 2012, TRIPOLI*– A US Embassy Local Guard Force officer traveling in a diplomatically-plated vehicle was detained and his Embassy-issued radio seized at a militia checkpoint.* He was released without further incident.·*April 26, 2012, BENGHAZI*– While a Foreign Service officer stationed at Consulate Benghazi was attending a trade-related event at the International Medical University, a fistfight escalated to gunfire between security forces for the trade delegation and militia providing security for the University.* A US Foreign Service officer was evacuated by members of the 17th*of February Martyrs Brigade, a Libyan militia, stationed at Consulate Benghazi.·*April 27, 2012, BENGHAZI*– Two South African contractors were kidnapped by armed men while walking through a residential area of Benghazi.* After a brief interrogation about their nationality and purpose in Libya, they were released unharmed.·*May 1, 2012, TRIPOLI*– The Deputy Commander of Embassy Tripoli’s Local Guard Force was carjacked, beaten and detained by a group of armed youth.* He escaped by climbing over a fence and notifying the Embassy by phone.* Libyan security forces fought a gun battle with the assailants in order to recover a number of stolen vehicles and release other detainees.·*May 22, 2012, BENGHAZI*– Two RPG rounds were fired at the Benghazi office of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), approximately 1 km from Consulate Benghazi.* The attack occurred during the early morning hours and there were no casualties.* A Facebook posting that claimed responsibility for the attack said: “After we confirmed that the ICRC were giving out the Bible to the refugees of Tuwerga in Benghazi, a group of Mujaheddin attacked the HQ of the ICRC with an RPG and it targeted the meeting room inside the building. We didn’t want to hurt the Christians it is just a warning, we also didn’t want to hurt any Muslims working there. We recorded it on video and will publish it soon – so the ICRC must take down their flag with the red cross and close its offices in Libya. We announce that Libya is an Islamic State. We did not attack the Sahara Bank.* Finally, now we are preparing a message for the Americans for disturbing the skies over Derna.”·*June 2012*– Ambassador Stevens was in the habit of taking early morning runs around Tripoli along with members of his security detail.* According to sources, sometime in June 2012, a posting on a pro-Gaddafi Facebook page trumpeted these runs and directed a threat against Ambassador Stevens along with a stock photo of him.* It is reported that, after stopping these morning runs for about a week, the Ambassador resumed them.·*June 6, 2012, BENGHAZI*– Under cover of darkness, assailants placed an IED on the north gate of Consulate Benghazi, blowing a hole in the security perimeter that was described by one individual as, “big enough for forty men to go through.”·*June 10, 2012, BENGHAZI*– On or about June 10, 2012, a two-car convoy carrying the British Ambassador to Libya from a conference on reforming Libyan military law was attacked in broad daylight by a militant with an RPG.* This attack was an important escalation in the violence against Western targets in Benghazi, as prior attacks had been at night and were often preceded by warnings from the attackers.* Photos from the aftermath of the attack are attached.·*Late June 2012, BENGHAZI*– The ICRC building was attacked again, this time in broad daylight while people were inside.* Once the ICRC pulled out, the US Consulate was the last Western flag flying in Benghazi, making it an ideal target for militants.·*August 6, 2012, TRIPOLI*– Armed assailants attempted to carjack a vehicle bearing diplomatic plates operated by U.S. security personnel.·*WEEKS BEFORE September 11, 2012, BENGHAZI*– The unarmed Libyan guards employed by British contractor Blue Mountain Group were being warned by their family members to quit their jobs guarding Consulate Benghazi because there were rumors in the community of an impending attack.

It's a subject most people don't seem to be talking about much. Even most news shows are talking about whether to blame a video afterward. But in fact, the question of deteriorating defense at the consulate even while attacks were increasing, is by far the most important question about the situation leading up to the attack on Sept. 11, 2012, where four Americans were killed including a U.S. Ambassador.

All that spring and summer leading up to September, terrorists were shooting into the compound, throwing bombs over the wall, ambushing convoys going to and from that and other diplomatic facilities in Libya, etc. Ambassador Stevens and other officials on the spot, kept begging Washington for more security forces to protect the diplomatic personnel. But the only response from the Obama administration, was to continually reduce security, sending American forces home, and often replacing them with Libyan personnel who were not even armed.

It seemed to be the outlook of the Obama administration that if American forces looked genteel and non-threatening, Americans would be treated more nicely. How this viewpoint persisted through the escalating attacks on the weakest of the U.S. diplomatic posts, remains unexplained. Obama was also stressing his "victories" over Al Qaeda as the November presidential election loomed - an agenda that would have suffered if he had acknowledged that we needed more guards at diplomatic posts instead of fewer. So he simply didn't provide any, despite increasing hostility.

At one point, terrorists blew a hole in the consulate wall, large enough to drive a truck through. Shortly afterward, the Obama administration removed almost the last of the American security forces, leaving a grand total of three American security guards to protect the dozens of personnel at the site.

Even while other embassies and consulates got lavish upgrades to their facilities, security, bigger diplomatic budgets etc., security at the Benghazi compound became pitiful. When Ambassador Stevens arrived in early September he brought two personal bodyguards... which nearly doubled the number of American security forces there, briefly.

When a well-organized attack finally destroyed the compound and killed four Americans inside, they didn't stand much chance.

Questions today about who lied afterward, who blamed whom for talking points after the fact etc., seems ludicrously irrelevant, next to the real question:

Who decided that security at the compound would be reduced week after week, month after month even as terrorist attacks mounted and increased? And why did he decide to reduce the forces protecting our personnel? Was it just to pretend the President was doing a better job against middle Eastern terrorists, than he was?

Were four American lives sacrificed, including a U.S. Ambassador, just so Barack Obama could look better during an election season, to an American public who wasn't paying much attention?

Link for all that nonsense? Unless you made it up all by yourself.

Your OP mentioned Obama 5 times but your source material did not mention Obama once. Explain?
My op? Look again. But, fyi, the state dept. falls under the executive branch and who is head of the executive branch? Think real hard, now.
Just some of the incidences·*April 6, 2012, BENGHAZI*– Two Libyans who had been fired from a contractor providing unarmed static security for Consulate Benghazi, threw a small IED over the Consulate fence.* There were no casualties or damage and the suspects were arrested but not prosecuted.·*April 11, 2012, BENGHAZI*– A gun battle between an unidentified armed group and forces loyal to the Transitional National Council (TNC) occurred about 4km from Consulate Benghazi.* The unidentified armed group attacked a Ministry of the Interior building in an attempt to seize a fleet of vehicles that had belonged to the Gaddafi regime.** The gun battle included use of antiaircraft guns and RPGs.·*April 25, 2012, TRIPOLI*– A US Embassy Local Guard Force officer traveling in a diplomatically-plated vehicle was detained and his Embassy-issued radio seized at a militia checkpoint.* He was released without further incident.·*April 26, 2012, BENGHAZI*– While a Foreign Service officer stationed at Consulate Benghazi was attending a trade-related event at the International Medical University, a fistfight escalated to gunfire between security forces for the trade delegation and militia providing security for the University.* A US Foreign Service officer was evacuated by members of the 17th*of February Martyrs Brigade, a Libyan militia, stationed at Consulate Benghazi.·*April 27, 2012, BENGHAZI*– Two South African contractors were kidnapped by armed men while walking through a residential area of Benghazi.* After a brief interrogation about their nationality and purpose in Libya, they were released unharmed.·*May 1, 2012, TRIPOLI*– The Deputy Commander of Embassy Tripoli’s Local Guard Force was carjacked, beaten and detained by a group of armed youth.* He escaped by climbing over a fence and notifying the Embassy by phone.* Libyan security forces fought a gun battle with the assailants in order to recover a number of stolen vehicles and release other detainees.·*May 22, 2012, BENGHAZI*– Two RPG rounds were fired at the Benghazi office of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), approximately 1 km from Consulate Benghazi.* The attack occurred during the early morning hours and there were no casualties.* A Facebook posting that claimed responsibility for the attack said: “After we confirmed that the ICRC were giving out the Bible to the refugees of Tuwerga in Benghazi, a group of Mujaheddin attacked the HQ of the ICRC with an RPG and it targeted the meeting room inside the building. We didn’t want to hurt the Christians it is just a warning, we also didn’t want to hurt any Muslims working there. We recorded it on video and will publish it soon – so the ICRC must take down their flag with the red cross and close its offices in Libya. We announce that Libya is an Islamic State. We did not attack the Sahara Bank.* Finally, now we are preparing a message for the Americans for disturbing the skies over Derna.”·*June 2012*– Ambassador Stevens was in the habit of taking early morning runs around Tripoli along with members of his security detail.* According to sources, sometime in June 2012, a posting on a pro-Gaddafi Facebook page trumpeted these runs and directed a threat against Ambassador Stevens along with a stock photo of him.* It is reported that, after stopping these morning runs for about a week, the Ambassador resumed them.·*June 6, 2012, BENGHAZI*– Under cover of darkness, assailants placed an IED on the north gate of Consulate Benghazi, blowing a hole in the security perimeter that was described by one individual as, “big enough for forty men to go through.”·*June 10, 2012, BENGHAZI*– On or about June 10, 2012, a two-car convoy carrying the British Ambassador to Libya from a conference on reforming Libyan military law was attacked in broad daylight by a militant with an RPG.* This attack was an important escalation in the violence against Western targets in Benghazi, as prior attacks had been at night and were often preceded by warnings from the attackers.* Photos from the aftermath of the attack are attached.·*Late June 2012, BENGHAZI*– The ICRC building was attacked again, this time in broad daylight while people were inside.* Once the ICRC pulled out, the US Consulate was the last Western flag flying in Benghazi, making it an ideal target for militants.·*August 6, 2012, TRIPOLI*– Armed assailants attempted to carjack a vehicle bearing diplomatic plates operated by U.S. security personnel.·*WEEKS BEFORE September 11, 2012, BENGHAZI*– The unarmed Libyan guards employed by British contractor Blue Mountain Group were being warned by their family members to quit their jobs guarding Consulate Benghazi because there were rumors in the community of an impending attack.

Link for all that nonsense? Unless you made it up all by yourself.

Your OP mentioned Obama 5 times but your source material did not mention Obama once. Explain?
My op? Look again. But, fyi, the state dept. falls under the executive branch and who is head of the executive branch? Think real hard, now.
Just some of the incidences·*April 6, 2012, BENGHAZI*– Two Libyans who had been fired from a contractor providing unarmed static security for Consulate Benghazi, threw a small IED over the Consulate fence.* There were no casualties or damage and the suspects were arrested but not prosecuted.·*April 11, 2012, BENGHAZI*– A gun battle between an unidentified armed group and forces loyal to the Transitional National Council (TNC) occurred about 4km from Consulate Benghazi.* The unidentified armed group attacked a Ministry of the Interior building in an attempt to seize a fleet of vehicles that had belonged to the Gaddafi regime.** The gun battle included use of antiaircraft guns and RPGs.·*April 25, 2012, TRIPOLI*– A US Embassy Local Guard Force officer traveling in a diplomatically-plated vehicle was detained and his Embassy-issued radio seized at a militia checkpoint.* He was released without further incident.·*April 26, 2012, BENGHAZI*– While a Foreign Service officer stationed at Consulate Benghazi was attending a trade-related event at the International Medical University, a fistfight escalated to gunfire between security forces for the trade delegation and militia providing security for the University.* A US Foreign Service officer was evacuated by members of the 17th*of February Martyrs Brigade, a Libyan militia, stationed at Consulate Benghazi.·*April 27, 2012, BENGHAZI*– Two South African contractors were kidnapped by armed men while walking through a residential area of Benghazi.* After a brief interrogation about their nationality and purpose in Libya, they were released unharmed.·*May 1, 2012, TRIPOLI*– The Deputy Commander of Embassy Tripoli’s Local Guard Force was carjacked, beaten and detained by a group of armed youth.* He escaped by climbing over a fence and notifying the Embassy by phone.* Libyan security forces fought a gun battle with the assailants in order to recover a number of stolen vehicles and release other detainees.·*May 22, 2012, BENGHAZI*– Two RPG rounds were fired at the Benghazi office of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), approximately 1 km from Consulate Benghazi.* The attack occurred during the early morning hours and there were no casualties.* A Facebook posting that claimed responsibility for the attack said: “After we confirmed that the ICRC were giving out the Bible to the refugees of Tuwerga in Benghazi, a group of Mujaheddin attacked the HQ of the ICRC with an RPG and it targeted the meeting room inside the building. We didn’t want to hurt the Christians it is just a warning, we also didn’t want to hurt any Muslims working there. We recorded it on video and will publish it soon – so the ICRC must take down their flag with the red cross and close its offices in Libya. We announce that Libya is an Islamic State. We did not attack the Sahara Bank.* Finally, now we are preparing a message for the Americans for disturbing the skies over Derna.”·*June 2012*– Ambassador Stevens was in the habit of taking early morning runs around Tripoli along with members of his security detail.* According to sources, sometime in June 2012, a posting on a pro-Gaddafi Facebook page trumpeted these runs and directed a threat against Ambassador Stevens along with a stock photo of him.* It is reported that, after stopping these morning runs for about a week, the Ambassador resumed them.·*June 6, 2012, BENGHAZI*– Under cover of darkness, assailants placed an IED on the north gate of Consulate Benghazi, blowing a hole in the security perimeter that was described by one individual as, “big enough for forty men to go through.”·*June 10, 2012, BENGHAZI*– On or about June 10, 2012, a two-car convoy carrying the British Ambassador to Libya from a conference on reforming Libyan military law was attacked in broad daylight by a militant with an RPG.* This attack was an important escalation in the violence against Western targets in Benghazi, as prior attacks had been at night and were often preceded by warnings from the attackers.* Photos from the aftermath of the attack are attached.·*Late June 2012, BENGHAZI*– The ICRC building was attacked again, this time in broad daylight while people were inside.* Once the ICRC pulled out, the US Consulate was the last Western flag flying in Benghazi, making it an ideal target for militants.·*August 6, 2012, TRIPOLI*– Armed assailants attempted to carjack a vehicle bearing diplomatic plates operated by U.S. security personnel.·*WEEKS BEFORE September 11, 2012, BENGHAZI*– The unarmed Libyan guards employed by British contractor Blue Mountain Group were being warned by their family members to quit their jobs guarding Consulate Benghazi because there were rumors in the community of an impending attack.

Your OP mentioned Obama 5 times but your source material did not mention Obama once. Explain?

True, not your OP. So you are saying first it was State's fault or are you saying first it was the Executive branch's fault, and by default Obama's, or are you saying something else?

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