WI Teachers Union: Making You an Offer You Can't Refuse

Why should we have people elected when less than half the people vote for them, but when it's left up to getting over 50% of the people who work at a business it's somehow called unfair.

The problem with the way things are done now with businesses, they have 2/3 months to coerce their employees everyday and employees can't say a thing about it. They fire employees and then claim that they are bad employees for reasons that have never been brought forward before as reason, when everyone knows it's because they want rights that businesses won't give them.
The Declaration of Human Rights

..... Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms,

Article 23.
(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
(2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
(3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
(4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed by the US government and it is now the obligation of the federal government to intervene when American states violate international law.

Our conservative "friends" are quick to discount the validity of international agreements that the US has signed, but this is the very same group that uses upholding UN Sanctions as the justification for the Bush Administration's entry into Iraq.
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Why should we have people elected when less than half the people vote for them, but when it's left up to getting over 50% of the people who work at a business it's somehow called unfair.

The problem with the way things are done now with businesses, they have 2/3 months to coerce their employees everyday and employees can't say a thing about it. They fire employees and then claim that they are bad employees for reasons that have never been brought forward before as reason, when everyone knows it's because they want rights that businesses won't give them.

Do you work at Noodles Restaurant?

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The Declaration of Human Rights

..... Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms,

Article 23.
(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
(2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
(3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
(4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed by the US government and it is now the obligation of the federal government to intervene when states violate international

Our conservative "friends" are quick to discount the validity of international agreements that the US has signed, but this is the very same group that uses upholding UN Sanctions as the justification for the Bush Administration's entry into Iraq.

Please, take a civics class.

This declaration is not binding law in the U.S.

There is a store in my neighborhood that has a sign in the window, "Proud Supporters of the Tea Party". I never once thought as I avoided shopping there that they were being extorted in to displaying that sign but this thread makes me wonder.


well, i'm sure someone would have pointed out that kind of thuggery if it was part of an organized campaign.

like you, for example.

Sounds like believe organized boycotts are thuggery...Is that correct? Simple question...

...from a simple person.

By no stretch of the imagination do the dismal service levels provided by government employees these days qualify as "cadillac", bub.

Here's what we've gotten for our Cadillac Spending:


NO come on now your not that S T U P I D are you?

The truth is 5000.00 in 1970 amounts to 28000.00 in 2009 if you had a clue.

and are you thinking that because you pay more for an apple in 2009 compared to an apple you 1970 that apple should be twice as good or for that matter 5 times as good?
Large, dynamic solidarity protest in DC outside Wisconsin GOP fundraiser
Wed Mar 16, 2011

..... The occasion for the protest in DC was the arrival of the Wisconsin Republican state Senators facing recall. They were in town for a $1,000-per-head fundraiser, hosted at the offices of corporate lobbyists. They must have felt right at home, given what was happening both inside and outside the building.

Daily Kos: Large, dynamic solidarity protest in DC outside Wisconsin GOP fundraiser
If certain businesses support the position(s) of the Wisconsin GOP by providing financial contributions - that's their right.

Conversely, that support should be public knowledge so that those who oppose the position(s) of the Wisconsin GOP can exercise their democratic rights by making an infomed decision as to where to spend their money!

Is the OP (Dr. Drock) arguing that the Wisconsin GOP legislators are allowed to openly attend "a $1,000-per-head fundraiser, hosted at the offices of corporate lobbyists" in Washington, but their opponents are not allowed to inform their supporters concerning the names of the businesses these corporate lobbyists represent?

the OP wasn't dr drock.

you remain a fuckwit.

carry on
By no stretch of the imagination do the dismal service levels provided by government employees these days qualify as "cadillac", bub.

Here's what we've gotten for our Cadillac Spending:


NO come on now your not that S T U P I D are you?

The truth is 5000.00 in 1970 amounts to 28000.00 in 2009 if you had a clue.

and are you thinking that because you pay more for an apple in 2009 compared to an apple you 1970 that apple should be twice as good or for that matter 5 times as good?

Apparently I'm much smart than you. The graph is already in 2008 constant dollars.

Reading for comprehension and retention is a useful skill. Too bad you didn't acquire it.
Tea Party: Boycott Businesses That Backed Obama | FrumForum

Jesse Jackson isn’t the only activist that can use corporate boycotts for political purposes. Starting next year, the huge Tea Party organizer FreedomWorks will urge supporters to punish huge corporations like General Electric and Johnson and Johnson for backing President Obama’s progressive agenda.


His project partner, Tom Borelli, director of the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project, added: “Big businesses are now on notice that there is a measurable business risk for actively supporting the Obama, Reid, and Pelosi progressive public policy agenda.”


The poll also found that 81 percent of conservative voters active in the Tea Party would be “less likely to buy products from companies that actively lobbied to pass Obama’s $787 billion stimulus plan,” and 61 percent would blog, Facebook, or upload a YouTube video urging backers to boycott their products.

Pure thuggery?

unadulterated stupidity?
Didn't say any laws were broken.

Hey!...Here's an idea!....How 'bout they ask "participating" businesses to hang a portrait of Uncle Joe or Chairman Mao in their shop windows?

I said before that I would go out of my way to shop, or eat, at any establishment that publicly told these public leech thugs to go fuck themselves.

And you have every right to do that....and IF the majority of WI people are not supporting the unions and feel like you do, this is a winning situation for those businesses who do not want to support the unions.

How come no one besides myself is toting that?

my guess would be an iq above room temp.
Dr.House said:
Again, reread Oddball's posts and try to compreheand what he's actually saying...
oddball's whole outrage is predicated on the idea that "liberal"="violence", which I don't buy. Somehow no one seems to get that the folks in question have a right to shop where they want.

So until you can substaniate threats of violence, you're down to trying to argue against Capitalism. Good luck with that.

perhaps you'd be good enough to provide a quote where oddball equates liberal with violence?

good luck with that
Oh for crying out loud! The teachers are exercising their right as private consumers, not acting in their professional capacity. Are folks really so dense they don't understand that private citizens can shop wherever the hell they want using whatever reasoning they want?

of course they can. they can also not so subtly threaten private citizens livelihoods if they won't overtly support the union by posting some bullshit mandated by the union in their window. what could be more american than that?

it's all good.
I said before that I would go out of my way to shop, or eat, at any establishment that publicly told these public leech thugs to go fuck themselves.

And you have every right to do that....and IF the majority of WI people are not supporting the unions and feel like you do, this is a winning situation for those businesses who do not want to support the unions.

How come no one besides myself is toting that?

my guess would be an iq above room temp.

Well, if that's all you've got...ok

But maybe people aren't supporting the Governor's position quite as strongly as it is made out to be. If they were, this could be a winning issue for the businesses.
Measuring Worth - Measures of worth, inflation rates, saving calculator, relative value, worth of a dollar, worth of a pound, purchasing power, gold prices, GDP, history of wages, average wage

The 5000.00 in 1970 equates to 28,000 in 2009. What part don't you understand, or do you think that we are spending 28,000 in 2009 dollars per student?

And you certainlly are not SMARTER than almost anyone I know, let alone me. Maybe my wife's cat!

God, you're dumb. Read the left axis - the dollars are 2008 dollars. The $5,000 for 1970 is in 2008 dollars adjusted for inflation.
And you have every right to do that....and IF the majority of WI people are not supporting the unions and feel like you do, this is a winning situation for those businesses who do not want to support the unions.

How come no one besides myself is toting that?

my guess would be an iq above room temp.

Well, if that's all you've got...ok

But maybe people aren't supporting the Governor's position quite as strongly as it is made out to be. If they were, this could be a winning issue for the businesses.

yeah, so they should be forced to do the union's bidding or be threatened with the loss of business. sounds good to me. maybe the businesses just want to do business and not take a position in this. maybe the businesses would like to do business with, gulp, everyone :eek:

what a concept, huh, einstein?
I don't understand the beef and everytime someone asks specifics, the only response given are more questions laden with insults.

Are people on the conservative side here against boycotts? Or against the sign hanging that they are requesting? Only "organized" boycotts? Union boycotts? What is it?
Oh for crying out loud! The teachers are exercising their right as private consumers, not acting in their professional capacity. Are folks really so dense they don't understand that private citizens can shop wherever the hell they want using whatever reasoning they want?

of course they can. they can also not so subtly threaten private citizens livelihoods if they won't overtly support the union by posting some bullshit mandated by the union in their window. what could be more american than that?

it's all good.

I guess showing up at the doors of business that clean the laundry of a business, or at the doors of patiens and workers who dare work or use a business and threaten them with the thought that they may be shot.
I don't understand the beef and everytime someone asks specifics, the only response given are more questions laden with insults.

Are people on the conservative side here against boycotts? Or against the sign hanging that they are requesting? Only "organized" boycotts? Union boycotts? What is it?

What is it about Government Employees forcing people to say something against their will (i.e., in violation of their first amendment rights) that is okay with you?
Which would be you practicing capitalism, the same way the teachers are, not one thing wrong with either instance.

You really do not understand the concept of Capitalism. Here's what it is not:

Capitalism is not GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES coercing private businesses to hang up signs (in violation of their first amendment rights, btw) in support of their collective bargaining efforts OR ELSE.

It's not. And repeating over and over again that it is, doesn't make it so.

I see, let me paint out a scenario;

A business owner posts a say that says "God loves Westboro Baptist and so do I."

A group of marines asks the owner to take it down or else they'll stop shopping there.

Would you have a problem with the marines doing this? I mean I'd be a lot more worried about potential marine violence than teachers, not because marines are worse ppl but their version of violence would be much worse.

do you favor barley over rye when constructing your strawmen?

was the business owner coerced into putting up the sign or did he wake up one morning and say *i'm going to put up a sign to show my support of the westboro church*?

you really aren't very acute, are you?

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