Wii Wii we want to know.


May 10, 2010
Alright so it is always a good thing to be "cool" and it is gratifying to get the eyes popped out how did you kkknnnooowww big hug response.

The Wii was one of last years big gifts. I don't really want to ask around the question at home because I will be sniffed out in about a second flat. So ill ask you for some ideas first before I resort to that line of questioning.

The game is Zelda. That was the "big hit" and now that it is done I want to get them a new game and surprise them. What I liked about the game was that it was not so much real life violence. It didn't have a lot of blood and guts gun fights or annoying music.

So any suggestions on something similar to Zelda for the Wii? :eusa_pray:

I don't want to get them anything to military or street gang. I am still trying to keep the violence to a minimum (for as long as I possibly can that is) Yeah I can read all of the reviews but its better if someone has payed the game and can actually give recommendation for something similar.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
I know my friend's 12 year old brother wants Green Day Rock Band or whatever for the Wii.
LMAO and what the hell is green day rock band? :lol:

Im serious I know jack about this stuff.

Green Day is a band. ;)
And Rock Band is game, but you have to have one of the instruments to play. I know they have drums, guitar, and maybe one other thing. Rock Band does all kinds of songs, but the Green Day version just does Green Day songs.
I played Rock Revolution, and Xbox verision at my friends house for an hour and half straight. My wrists hurt for three days. :lol:
Green Day is a band. ;)
And Rock Band is game, but you have to have one of the instruments to play. I know they have drums, guitar, and maybe one other thing. Rock Band does all kinds of songs, but the Green Day version just does Green Day songs.
I played Rock Revolution, and Xbox verision at my friends house for an hour and half straight. My wrists hurt for three days. :lol:

Ok so your telling me I need cool attachments along with the game. :lol:

I love the glazed over look hhhheeelllllloooooo dinner is ready.
Unfortunately, not many games on the Wii have the interactivity of the Zelda games. There is a new Zelda game coming out, but the timing has not been released.

There is a game called Dragon Quest Swords may be a bit like Zelda. It's a bit more story driven than a Zelda game, and the themes may be more mature. It's worth looking into, at least.
In Japan they have something called the Nodame Orchestra. You get to play basic instruments on it.

It looked kind of lame, until you remember kids are trying to play these pieces.
The newest Zelda game isn't coming out in 2010, that much is pretty much confirmed. By the end of 2010, both PS3 and Xbox will have similar technology to the Wii. I personally enjoy Super Smash Bros and House of the Dead for Wii.
My kid got the wii when it was released and he put major hours on the wii sports and Zelda game, after the newness wore off though he didn't touch the system for months.... Yeah, I thought what a waste but when he got his hands on Super Smash Brothers we had to constantly tell him to get off and go play outside. Might be a game to check out.
My kid got the wii when it was released and he put major hours on the wii sports and Zelda game, after the newness wore off though he didn't touch the system for months.... Yeah, I thought what a waste but when he got his hands on Super Smash Brothers we had to constantly tell him to get off and go play outside. Might be a game to check out.

Thanks Nate.

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