WIKI STRIKES AGAIN: CIA computer code hides origins of its hacking...

House Intelligence in regards to the filthy swamp is an oxymoron!
Makes me wonder if Nunes's actions of late have anything to do with this... He asserted that he went to the WH not on 'Russia'/Trump information... Could it be CIA/Trump information instead?... Or is this latest leak the first any of them had heard of what the CIA's been up to...
The real question is not the leaking BUT did the CIA via Obama admin survaill Trump under the guise of it being Russia/Trump electronic "coordination" / "collusion" / "pinging" etc. Is this a false flag scenario?
During the campaign, it was not uncommon for false information to be mixed in with legitimate information. For example, one used a forged US Senator's letterhead to say that the Democrats would steal the election. I suspect that this is false information and the reason for the release of the CIA hack was to put this information out. The leaks were meant to hurt Clinton. If the CIA wanted to help a candidate they would have helped Clinton not Trump.

We get a good look at how Russian propaganda works in the era of Trump. Russia hacks the CIA servers, gives the information to WikiLeaks to be publicly released and adds false information to the legitimate information. Russian bots using twitter and other social media trumpet the information Russia wants out. Then Trump sycophants such as Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh trumpet this. Then it is picked up by the ordinary Trump sycophants.
I think it less likely that Russia hacked the CIA servers and more likely that the CIA, via O admin spied on Trump under the guise of it being Russia and got found out...
Oh boy, Wikileaks is helping Russia, yet again.
Here's a very good article from Red State.
Red State must be fake news, right?
WikiLeaks Is Actively Working To Draw Your Attention Away From Russia
WikiLeaks Is Actively Working To Draw Your Attention Away From Russia
Ever notice when things heat on Trump, Wikileaks makes a drop of distracting data?
Now back to your work, comrade.

Red State got exposed as a globalist neo-con, Trump-hating website during the elections. They're fake news.
BREAKING : Obama’s CIA Posed as “RUSSIAN HACKERS” To Disguise their Dirty Work

Let's here a cogent argument, based of fact, or sound logic refuting the above headline...

Kind of a big story here on the CIA, forget all the tangentially related ramifications / implications

WIKI STRIKES AGAIN: CIA computer code hides origins of its hacking...
etc. etc. etc. etc. .....

Don't let your agenda keep ya from seeing the obvious here... at least have a quizzical mind about what the CIA might be up to....

Last edited:
Oh boy, Wikileaks is helping Russia, yet again.
Here's a very good article from Red State.
Red State must be fake news, right?
WikiLeaks Is Actively Working To Draw Your Attention Away From Russia
WikiLeaks Is Actively Working To Draw Your Attention Away From Russia
Ever notice when things heat on Trump, Wikileaks makes a drop of distracting data?
Now back to your work, comrade.

Red State got exposed as a globalist neo-con, Trump-hating website during the elections. They're fake news.

So in your tiny mind, if any media is against Trump, they are fake news! :laugh: What a narrow, narrow mind you have Gomer!
I wish you'd post more often, you are entertainment at it's finest. People like you make me come back to USMB again and again. Thank you! :beer:
Oh boy, Wikileaks is helping Russia, yet again.
Here's a very good article from Red State.
Red State must be fake news, right?
WikiLeaks Is Actively Working To Draw Your Attention Away From Russia
WikiLeaks Is Actively Working To Draw Your Attention Away From Russia
Ever notice when things heat on Trump, Wikileaks makes a drop of distracting data?
Now back to your work, comrade.

Red State got exposed as a globalist neo-con, Trump-hating website during the elections. They're fake news.

So in your tiny mind, if any media is against Trump, they are fake news! :laugh: What a narrow, narrow mind you have Gomer!
I wish you'd post more often, you are entertainment at it's finest. People like you make me come back to USMB again and again. Thank you! :beer:
So your 'fantastical' mind leads you to believe that WIKI is at the beckon call any time Trump gets in the supposed hot seat... is that the Kool Aid or the 'Red State' talking to you....
Last edited:
Oh boy, Wikileaks is helping Russia, yet again.
Here's a very good article from Red State.
Red State must be fake news, right?
WikiLeaks Is Actively Working To Draw Your Attention Away From Russia
WikiLeaks Is Actively Working To Draw Your Attention Away From Russia
Ever notice when things heat on Trump, Wikileaks makes a drop of distracting data?
Now back to your work, comrade.

Red State got exposed as a globalist neo-con, Trump-hating website during the elections. They're fake news.

Red State is not exposed. You are the one who being exposed as pusher of fake news.
Can you expound upon this assertion of yours... Then take a look at the plethora of news outlets running with this story just released today...

You certainly seem to have a vested interest in passing this off as 'fake news' when ALL indications are to the contrary... Did the NSA or did then not pass them selves off as Russians in their hacking.... there is nothing ambiguous here...
Last edited:
Oh boy, Wikileaks is helping Russia, yet again.
Here's a very good article from Red State.
Red State must be fake news, right?
WikiLeaks Is Actively Working To Draw Your Attention Away From Russia
WikiLeaks Is Actively Working To Draw Your Attention Away From Russia
Ever notice when things heat on Trump, Wikileaks makes a drop of distracting data?
Now back to your work, comrade.

Red State got exposed as a globalist neo-con, Trump-hating website during the elections. They're fake news.

So in your tiny mind, if any media is against Trump, they are fake news! :laugh: What a narrow, narrow mind you have Gomer!
I wish you'd post more often, you are entertainment at it's finest. People like you make me come back to USMB again and again. Thank you! :beer:
So your 'fantastical' mind leads you to believe that WIKI is at the beckon call any time Trump gets in the suppose hot seat... is that the Kool Aid or the 'Red State' talking to you....

You are the Kool-Aid drinker. You are the last link in the Russian propaganda train. The Russians certainly understand the stupidity of Trump supporters. You are the one who is not taking critical look at this. Why does WikiLeaks never release Russian e-mails? A Ukrainian group hacked into the e-mails of one of Putin's top aides. Never saw that on WikiLeaks.
Makes me wonder if Nunes's actions of late have anything to do with this... He asserted that he went to the WH not on 'Russia'/Trump information... Could it be CIA/Trump information instead?... Or is this latest leak the first any of them had heard of what the CIA's been up to...
no, this doesn't affect the investigation at all!

BUT the Russians are hoping it will! Sadly, so are the Trumpettes!
Oh boy, Wikileaks is helping Russia, yet again.
Here's a very good article from Red State.
Red State must be fake news, right?
WikiLeaks Is Actively Working To Draw Your Attention Away From Russia
WikiLeaks Is Actively Working To Draw Your Attention Away From Russia
Ever notice when things heat on Trump, Wikileaks makes a drop of distracting data?
Now back to your work, comrade.

Red State got exposed as a globalist neo-con, Trump-hating website during the elections. They're fake news.

So in your tiny mind, if any media is against Trump, they are fake news! :laugh: What a narrow, narrow mind you have Gomer!
I wish you'd post more often, you are entertainment at it's finest. People like you make me come back to USMB again and again. Thank you! :beer:

Not at all. But based on their incredibly biased and misleading "reports". It's pretty easy to tell they are anti USA. And that makes them the enemy of the PEOPLE of this country. When they do nothing but spout propaganda they are no longer a legit news agency. They are now nothing more than the public relations arm of the globalist progressives. Thus they are not a "free press". They are nothing more than PRAVDA or TASS.
Oh boy, Wikileaks is helping Russia, yet again.
Here's a very good article from Red State.
Red State must be fake news, right?
WikiLeaks Is Actively Working To Draw Your Attention Away From Russia
WikiLeaks Is Actively Working To Draw Your Attention Away From Russia
Ever notice when things heat on Trump, Wikileaks makes a drop of distracting data?
Now back to your work, comrade.

Red State got exposed as a globalist neo-con, Trump-hating website during the elections. They're fake news.

So in your tiny mind, if any media is against Trump, they are fake news! :laugh: What a narrow, narrow mind you have Gomer!
I wish you'd post more often, you are entertainment at it's finest. People like you make me come back to USMB again and again. Thank you! :beer:
So your 'fantastical' mind leads you to believe that WIKI is at the beckon call any time Trump gets in the suppose hot seat... is that the Kool Aid or the 'Red State' talking to you....

You are the Kool-Aid drinker. You are the last link in the Russian propaganda train. The Russians certainly understand the stupidity of Trump supporters. You are the one who is not taking critical look at this. Why does WikiLeaks never release Russian e-mails? A Ukrainian group hacked into the e-mails of one of Putin's top aides. Never saw that on WikiLeaks.
You are reading into motive and passing it off as immutable fact..... Do you deny the veracity of CIA code making their hacking appear to be from a foreign nation? That is the issue and it not a subjective question... lets establish a basis upon which to disagree in interpreting the implications, motives etc. etc.

If you deny that the CIA created this code and used it... no point in discussing this further with you!!!
Kan you expound upon this assertion of yours... Then take a look at the plethora of news outlets running with this story just released today...

You certainly seem to have a vested interest in passing this off as 'fake news' when ALL indications are to the contrary... Did the NSA or did then not pass them selves off as Russians in their hacking.... there is nothing ambiguous here...

There are no contradictions to the contrary. Assange has ties to Putin and it is the same thing we saw during the election. Fake news mixed in with real news. You are so desperate for it to be true so Trump can get off the hook. You are doing the dirty work for Putin and it is disgusting.

All these so-called news outlets are Trump sycophants and they never let facts get in the way. For example, Trump working in the White House when he is golfing. The Gateway Pundit is a purveyor of fake news.
BREAKING : Obama’s CIA Posed as “RUSSIAN HACKERS” To Disguise their Dirty Work

Let's here a cogent argument, based of fact, or sound logic refuting the above headline...

Kind of a big story here on the CIA, forget all the tangentially related ramifications / implications

WIKI STRIKES AGAIN: CIA computer code hides origins of its hacking...
etc. etc. etc. etc. .....

Don't let your agenda keep ya from seeing the obvious here... at least have a quizzical mind about what the CIA might be up to....

So far all I have seen is a lot of conjecture getting thrown around, posters are putting the cart ahead of the horse.
You do know Assange has no love for your country, But that isn't important, right?
I'll wait for the dust to settle before I make any judgement.
I do know one thing, it seems every time Russia become headlines Assange releases something that not only embarrasses the US, but also helps our enemies. Which all removes the spotlight off of Russia. How convenient.

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