WikiLeaks Will Drop the Atom Bomb on November 5, 2016

I wonder what rightwing nut job website he got that from?
In the meantime: FALSE: Hillary Clinton to Be Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges
Oh, noes! Snopes cant find a turd under their pillow but it proves that Hillary is INNOCENT?

IF the information is true Hillary MAY FACE indictment.

Can anyone make it any plainer than that to you morons?
Cracks me up how you rightards react to snopes like a vampire reacts to a cross.

It's November 5.

Has it happened yet?

Yes, Anonymous released Part 1.

Nothing new, rehashed old stuff, links to sites/articles/reddits etc.

No idea how many more parts are scheduled either.

Also, cereal_killer, I thought we weren't supposed to post stuff from other boards.

Am I incorrect?

Toro don't be the forum dope by trying to compare 4chan and/or Reddit to a competing site.

You still think the atom bomb is gonna drop today?
You another one with short term memory issues and/or reading comprehension problems? Don't ask me asinine questions.

Here's a good email to read over on your spare time though. Seems Clintons own people saw that the Foundation taking foreign donations could bring down her candidacy.

Warning to Hillary Clinton - WikiLeaks

I'm sorry, CK. I didn't realize that I was asking you an asinine question. Did you answer that question already today? I missed it. Has the bomb been called off?

Let me say this clearly for you. I don't care how much money that the Clinton Foundation....a global charity which has saved many, many lives and improved the lives of millions....receives from foreign nations. I hope they get billions. Unless you can point to a definitive case of Hillary taking that money led her to do something that wasn't in the interests of this nation, this is not an issue.

Now....I know I'm pissing in the wind by expecting you to refrain from posting rumors and unsubstantiated accusations in the stead of evidence...but I did it anyway. Maybe you'll shock me.

Unless you can point to a definitive case of Hillary taking that money led her to do something that wasn't in the interests of this nation, this is not an issue.
Uranium One.
I wonder what rightwing nut job website he got that from?
In the meantime: FALSE: Hillary Clinton to Be Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges
Oh, noes! Snopes cant find a turd under their pillow but it proves that Hillary is INNOCENT?

IF the information is true Hillary MAY FACE indictment.

Can anyone make it any plainer than that to you morons?
Cracks me up how you rightards react to snopes like a vampire reacts to a cross.

Is that how welfare Democrats reacts to a job?
It's November 5.

Has it happened yet?

Yes, Anonymous released Part 1.

Nothing new, rehashed old stuff, links to sites/articles/reddits etc.

No idea how many more parts are scheduled either.

Also, cereal_killer, I thought we weren't supposed to post stuff from other boards.

Am I incorrect?

Toro don't be the forum dope by trying to compare 4chan and/or Reddit to a competing site.

You still think the atom bomb is gonna drop today?
You another one with short term memory issues and/or reading comprehension problems? Don't ask me asinine questions.

Here's a good email to read over on your spare time though. Seems Clintons own people saw that the Foundation taking foreign donations could bring down her candidacy.

Warning to Hillary Clinton - WikiLeaks

I'm sorry, CK. I didn't realize that I was asking you an asinine question. Did you answer that question already today? I missed it. Has the bomb been called off?

Let me say this clearly for you. I don't care how much money that the Clinton Foundation....a global charity which has saved many, many lives and improved the lives of millions....receives from foreign nations. I hope they get billions. Unless you can point to a definitive case of Hillary taking that money led her to do something that wasn't in the interests of this nation, this is not an issue.

Now....I know I'm pissing in the wind by expecting you to refrain from posting rumors and unsubstantiated accusations in the stead of evidence...but I did it anyway. Maybe you'll shock me.

Unless you can point to a definitive case of Hillary taking that money led her to do something that wasn't in the interests of this nation, this is not an issue.
Uranium One.
She says thats bullshit.

You can post video and audio of it and she'd still deny it.
It's November 5.

Has it happened yet?

Yes, Anonymous released Part 1.

Nothing new, rehashed old stuff, links to sites/articles/reddits etc.

No idea how many more parts are scheduled either.

Also, cereal_killer, I thought we weren't supposed to post stuff from other boards.

Am I incorrect?

Toro don't be the forum dope by trying to compare 4chan and/or Reddit to a competing site.

You still think the atom bomb is gonna drop today?
You another one with short term memory issues and/or reading comprehension problems? Don't ask me asinine questions.

Here's a good email to read over on your spare time though. Seems Clintons own people saw that the Foundation taking foreign donations could bring down her candidacy.

Warning to Hillary Clinton - WikiLeaks

I'm sorry, CK. I didn't realize that I was asking you an asinine question. Did you answer that question already today? I missed it. Has the bomb been called off?

Let me say this clearly for you. I don't care how much money that the Clinton Foundation....a global charity which has saved many, many lives and improved the lives of millions....receives from foreign nations. I hope they get billions. Unless you can point to a definitive case of Hillary taking that money led her to do something that wasn't in the interests of this nation, this is not an issue.

Now....I know I'm pissing in the wind by expecting you to refrain from posting rumors and unsubstantiated accusations in the stead of evidence...but I did it anyway. Maybe you'll shock me.

Unless you can point to a definitive case of Hillary taking that money led her to do something that wasn't in the interests of this nation, this is not an issue.
Uranium One.

False. Proven false beyond a hair of a doubt. Do some research.
Yes, Anonymous released Part 1.

Nothing new, rehashed old stuff, links to sites/articles/reddits etc.

No idea how many more parts are scheduled either.

Toro don't be the forum dope by trying to compare 4chan and/or Reddit to a competing site.

You still think the atom bomb is gonna drop today?
You another one with short term memory issues and/or reading comprehension problems? Don't ask me asinine questions.

Here's a good email to read over on your spare time though. Seems Clintons own people saw that the Foundation taking foreign donations could bring down her candidacy.

Warning to Hillary Clinton - WikiLeaks

I'm sorry, CK. I didn't realize that I was asking you an asinine question. Did you answer that question already today? I missed it. Has the bomb been called off?

Let me say this clearly for you. I don't care how much money that the Clinton Foundation....a global charity which has saved many, many lives and improved the lives of millions....receives from foreign nations. I hope they get billions. Unless you can point to a definitive case of Hillary taking that money led her to do something that wasn't in the interests of this nation, this is not an issue.

Now....I know I'm pissing in the wind by expecting you to refrain from posting rumors and unsubstantiated accusations in the stead of evidence...but I did it anyway. Maybe you'll shock me.

Unless you can point to a definitive case of Hillary taking that money led her to do something that wasn't in the interests of this nation, this is not an issue.
Uranium One.
She says thats bullshit.

You can post video and audio of it and she'd still deny it.

You have got to be shittin' me.
Jackson You know what I think. I think Assange is hoping that if American's see him as a hero we'll grant him the asylum in Ecuador he's been wanting.
You could be right. He deserves to live somewhere safely for the rest of his life.

Why is that? Why isn't he allowed to go where he wishes?
I assume he would want to live somewhere he is safe, that's all. Don't you agree?

That's not what I asked. Why is he not able to live wherever he wants?
i believe anonymous is the group that has released info today and have said there will be more later tonight or tomorrow morning.
I can't wait that long!

why? they've already released some info. go look it up.
I did...did not find anything good.

“Good” Oh brother.

Awesome, eh? In Nutterland, bad news leaked by a foreign spy agency is seen as good news.
It's November 5.

Has it happened yet?

Yes, Anonymous released Part 1.

Nothing new, rehashed old stuff, links to sites/articles/reddits etc.

No idea how many more parts are scheduled either.

Also, cereal_killer, I thought we weren't supposed to post stuff from other boards.

Am I incorrect?

Toro don't be the forum dope by trying to compare 4chan and/or Reddit to a competing site.

That's a good indication that there's probably not anything new out there at all. If anyone had anything that was close to a game changer, it would be out by now. All of this is nothing but hype.
Easy, all that comes from wikileaks is real.

I fully "agree' we should all trust an Australian who can't step out of his safe embassy because he's wanted for rape.....I mean, those right wing social values be damned..LOL.

Glad you agree, they have never released anything fake. I know that bothers you, because they have something on your demonic candidate, that you just refuse to give up on, even if she ate children.... Because you are the acolyte of evil.
Well, that's not really true.....yesterday on one of the MSNBC evening programs they said a Congressman or Senator with a letter wikileaks dropped using his letterhead to someone at the DNC was incorrect....and this congress critter turned it over to be investigated
i believe anonymous is the group that has released info today and have said there will be more later tonight or tomorrow morning.
I can't wait that long!

why? they've already released some info. go look it up.
I did...did not find anything good.

did you catch this? Clinton Underground Child Sex Scandal PART 1 -
Thank you! I find that interesting, but it's not the stuff I was expecting. Lolita Island is already known. It didn't make much of a difference.

I was hoping it was the leaker (not the Russians, lol) would come out and give his story and say he has found a safe space to be in, not telling where it is. Also hope they could link one of the recent deaths to the Clintons.

WOW! hoping the clintons were nice of you.... :cuckoo:
Easy, all that comes from wikileaks is real.

I fully "agree' we should all trust an Australian who can't step out of his safe embassy because he's wanted for rape.....I mean, those right wing social values be damned..LOL.

Glad you agree, they have never released anything fake. I know that bothers you, because they have something on your demonic candidate, that you just refuse to give up on, even if she ate children.... Because you are the acolyte of evil.
First, it is common knowledge that whenever there is a big dump of hacked emails, there are ALWAYS a few emails or documents in the dumps that are fake....this is what Security experts that investigate these dumps have said.
"I've looked at a lot of document dumps provided by hacker groups over the years, and in almost every case you can find a few altered or entirely falsified documents," said Jeffrey Carr, CEO of cybersecurity firm Taia Global. "But only a few. The vast majority were genuine. I believe that's the case with the Podesta emails, as well."

"I would be shocked if the emails weren't altered," said Jamie Winterton, director of strategy for Arizona State University’s Global Security Initiative, citing Russia’s long history of spreading disinformation.

ALSO, one letter from the DNC email dump is a FAKE THAT WE KNOW with a name of who's document was doctored, and others as well....
SEE BELOW: FBI examining fake documents targeting Clinton campaign: sources

By Mark Hosenball

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI and U.S. intelligence agencies are examining faked documents aimed at discrediting the Hillary Clinton campaign as part of a broader investigation into what U.S. officials believe has been an attempt by Russia to disrupt the presidential election, people with knowledge of the matter said.

U.S. Senator Tom Carper, a Democrat on the Senate Homeland Security Committee, has referred one of the documents to the FBI for investigation on the grounds that his name and stationery were forged to appear authentic.

In a document forged to appear as though Carper was writing a letter to Clinton, Carper is quoted as saying the Department of Homeland Security had advised him of a risk that a "massive" cyber attack "could change the election results in favor of a specific candidate." The document dated October 3 was reviewed by Reuters. Read the document at

It concludes, "Any suspicious incident will be immediately reported to your assistants so that a recount of votes could be timely organized. You will not lose the election because of some compromised electronic voting systems." The fake Carper letter is one of several documents presented to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Department of Justice for review in recent weeks, the sources said.

Carper spokeswoman Meghan Pennington confirmed on Friday that the senator had sent a copy of the letter to the FBI and the Senate’s chief law enforcement officer.

"Our office became aware of a fake letter on Senator Carper’s official letterhead and immediately referred it to federal law enforcement to investigate its genesis," Pennington said.

As part of an investigation into suspected Russian hacking, FBI investigators have also asked Democratic Party officials to provide copies of other suspected faked documents that have been circulating along with emails and other legitimate documents taken in the hack, people involved in those conversations said.

A spokesman for the FBI confirmed the agency was “in receipt of a complaint about an alleged fake letter” related to the election but declined further comment. Others with knowledge of the matter said the FBI was also examining other fake documents that recently surfaced.
Last edited:
It's November 5.

Has it happened yet?

Yes, Anonymous released Part 1.

Nothing new, rehashed old stuff, links to sites/articles/reddits etc.

No idea how many more parts are scheduled either.

Also, cereal_killer, I thought we weren't supposed to post stuff from other boards.

Am I incorrect?

Toro don't be the forum dope by trying to compare 4chan and/or Reddit to a competing site.

That's a good indication that there's probably not anything new out there at all. If anyone had anything that was close to a game changer, it would be out by now. All of this is nothing but hype.
I'd agree with that. If anything develops I'll update thread and OP.
wikileaks: Fwd: HRC Final Schedule, Monwhatay, April 20th - WikiLeaks

*The information contained in this email is for your use only and is not to be shared, forwarded or duplicated in any manner. *

the podesta problem, right there. like a good robot all i did was search terms 9000 and saw this. tells me everything i need to know.
Look at those names on that list, on that server. You did great job Ozone. You did what MSM should be doing 24-7! They get paid!

Forum List
