WikiLeaks Will Drop the Atom Bomb on November 5, 2016

They say it's always darkest before the dawn. Perhaps it is true. I've been feeling it, since before I even started posting on here on July 24, 2014:

I've got a confession to make. Back in the day I always paid attention to politics, but around 8 years ago I pretty much decided to curl up in my comfy chair and ignore... well... pretty much everything. Long story short; I basically got fed up with the division and... well bluntly put, hatred.

I did not feel we were the "United" States of America for a good while there... I stopped flying the flag at my house, took the flag decals off my truck, even pondered moving out of the country, and... I'm ashamed to admit, I didn't even vote in the last presidential election. Yeah, I know, I know.

That all said, I feel that I have an obligation to stomach it. As nice as other places might sound, I just can't bring myself to leave. Dammit, I still love America. For the past year or so I've been trying to catch up/keep up/read up, because I simply cannot, in good conscious, 'not' get "re-involved."

The disheartening part is the division has gotten far, far worse. The things I read, not from politicians hamming for votes, but from individuals speaking to other individuals of this country... it almost depresses me. It's not any arguments for or against anything in particular, but rather the unbridled hatred toward each other that hits me hardest. Why do things have to be that way folks?

I don't fit the mold of any party -- Independent. I was chuckling the other day when an affiliation test was sent to me and I came out 86% Libertarian, 83% Republican, 67% Democrat, 62% Green Party, and 17% Socialist. I don't know how valid that test was, but I believe what I believe, for reasons, and... ya know, this country isn't, shouldn't be, just R or D, red or blue, or ANY one party.

We need 'real' compromise, not just throwing down some party line and refusing to even consider redrawing it. Yes, that takes some 'extra' work and effort, but this country is worth it, and I think folks need to keep that in mind that when they draw those proverbial lines.

Anyway, as my handle expresses, I'm curious about 'all' positions, viewpoints, and possible solutions. I also enjoy a decent debate so hopefully I'll be in some topic near you soon.

Fair warning: I type faster than I can talk so I've been accused of wall-of-texting more times than I can count heh

It's only gotten worse still. Catastrophically. I've almost given up on her. Hell Maybe I did give up on her. My passports are ready, I bought tickets, my house has been listed for a week, and I've been picking through what I'll give up and what I'll keep... 43 years in my hometown, 15 years in my house, five kids... Almost an entire lifetime of memory and pride... Maybe I don't deserve it, that little scrap of hope I have left, sometimes I figure I should just go, cave into the bastards like @Charwin on here (and others like him) who declare me a traitor for thinking things like "I don't hate Russia..." Maybe I'm wrong, all my intelligence, but I've been wrong before. I don't get "sad" - I have Synesthesia so I'm actually just extremely... "Gold"

Still. I want things to be made right. Make it right. All you religious bastards go pray, I'll do my luck belly rubbing, and maybe it will get out in time, maybe the non-extreme left will see what's happening under their noses - and most importantly - that they'll actually care...

~Cue that song~
More deflection... Can't deal with the facts that surround her, clearly.

New Sources Suggest Eric Braverman is in FBI Protective Custody - PM Nightly News

Last week, we reported the disappearance of former CEO of the Clinton Foundation Eric Braverman. Intel provided suggested that he fled the country fearing for his life, seeking asylum in Russia.

That was nine days ago, and there has still been no word from (or sightings of) Eric Braverman.

However, a new source within the intelligence community suggests that was misinformation intentionally spread through social media by several sources, and in fact, he is being held in protective custody by the FBI in exchange for his testimony against Hillary Clinton....

Braverman is the man who exposed the most serious Clinton scandal – the Clinton Foundation.

The internal Clinton Foundation power struggle between Chelsea Clinton and Doug Band was exposed in Wikileaks emails. It began in 2011 when, Chelsea started to take a more prominent role at the Clinton Foundation.

She became increasingly concerned about an internal audit that exposed glaring conflicts of interest throughout the Foundation with an emphasis on Doug Band and his company, Teneo, who she thought had inappropriately sought favors from the State Department during Hillary’s tenure as Secretary of State.

A Politico article from March 2015, summarized Chelsea’s rise at the Foundation and how it threatened some long-time Clinton allies who had grown quite accustomed to the status quo, zero hedge reported.

Veteran Clinton aides had powerful and lucrative positions which they acquired after years with the Clintons. The CEO Bruce Lindsey and President Doug Band felt marginalized by Chelsea Clinton who Band described as an uncaring spoiled brat.

Ira Magaziner is another old-time Clinton colleague who continually shows up in the Wikileaks emails and he too found his role diminished during Braverman’s tenure.

WikiLeaks emails have revealed additional details behind the the man, Eric Braverman, who was brought in as CEO by Chelsea to change the controversial practices of the Foundation but abruptly resigned a short time later after being pushed out by long-time Clinton loyalists who had apparently grown very comfortable with the status quo.

In an email exchange, Neera Tanden the president of CAP, warned John Podesta to “keep tabs on Doug Band who she thought was the insider who told NBC to “follow the money and the find the real HRC scandal”.

John Podesta quickly wrote back to identify the real source as former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman which shocks Tanden who replies, “Holy Moses.”
Great, another fake news site. Rightards can't get enough of these. didn't exist until this past April.


Can't you idiots get any news from verifiable authentic news sources?

Never. They rely on websites that are created and edited by rightwing nut jobs like themselves. It's called the BUBBLE.
YOu bet I would! But it hasn't come out that he actually had stuff on her. Hoping it does come out, TBH, though
If there is a RICO case against the Clintons involving their CF activity, dont you think that Braverman would be a key witness as he tried to clean things up and got sacked for it instead?
There is no RICO investigation.
We'll just have to wait and see. Rumors were flying that he was seeking asylum. Chelsea Clinton hired him to look into the corruption of the Clinton Foundation. All rumors until we know for sure.

Also Doug Band is interesting. He and Chelsea did not have a good relationship. Chelsea said he was profiting at Teneo with the connection to the Clinton foundation.

Since you are afraid to show the available sources for this rumor, I will do it for you. Transparency and facts are not your thing, I get it.

Google search shows no reliable news outlet reporting on your regurgitated breakfast:

Where in the World is Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman ... › 2016 Election News
Oct 25, 2016 - Former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman is missingand rumors are surfacing that he may be hiding from the Clinton death machine due to a recent WikiLeaked email. ..., a waaaaaay left-leaning “fact-checking” website, immediately called the Bravermanasylum story ...
Clinton Foundation CEO Goes Missing After Trump's Top Money Guru ...
5 days ago - Clinton Foundation CEO Goes Missing After Trump's Top Money Guru ... this morning that former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman, who ...
Are There More Dead Bodies Surrounding Hillary? Where is Eric ...
3 days ago - Eric Braverman used to be the Chief Executive Officer of the Clinton Foundation. It looks like he's among the missing. Where oh where could he ...
Did Eric Braverman Seek Asylum with Russia? |
Oct 25, 2016 - Rumors are spreading like wildfire that Eric Braverman, former Clinton Foundation CEO, sought asylum with Russia. But is there any basis to ...
Has anyone heard of what happened to Eric Braverman? If he is ...
4 days ago - #SpiritCooking had almost 800k tweets and was at the top of trending on Twitter and just suddenly disappeared from trending completely.
CEO Eric Braverman Dead? Seeking Asylum In Russia After Exposing ...
Oct 26, 2016 - Reports came out stating that former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman was missing while speculations said that he was in hiding.
CEO Eric Braverman's Death Connected To Donald Trump's Financial ...
5 days ago - Earlier it was reported by Morning News USA, that former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman was missing, while many believed he was in ...

I read all of those. It was interesting and mildly compelling, but I was hoping for something to come out on Drudge and not be an innuendo.

Thank you, Waiting.

Drudge? Holy crap.
They have always been on target. They are right leaning, but the news they pit up is bonafide. Don't kill the messenger. Show me where they have been wrong.

10 Totally Fake Stories Bannered By Drudge This Year
Matt Drudge continues to capture the attention of the polical media “because of his brand recognition and, in 2012, because he has a direct line to the Romney campaign.”

But Drudge has used this position to continually mislead the public and the media. Tuesday night’s “bombshell” was just one of many recent examples. Here are 10 completely fake banner stories by Drudge in 2012:

1. Obama proposed to “repeat” auto bailout for every industry in America


Obama just didn’t say that. He said he wanted to bring back manufacturing jobs to every industry. You can read the transcript.

2. Obama “admits fabricating” his girlfriend in his memoir


As the Atlantic reported: “Obama is clear at the start of the book that certain characters are composites, writing, ‘For the sake of compression, some of the characters that appear are composites of people I’ve known, and some events appear out of precise chronology.’”

3. New evidence that Obama was “born in Kenya”


It was actually just an error in a pamphlet produced by his literary agent’s assistant.

4. Obama is giving out free phones


The “Obama phone” is really a program started by Reagan and expanded by Bush that provides subsidized phone service to low-income Americans.

5. Condoleezza Rice at the top of Romney’s list for Vice President


In response to the Drudge Report banner, which recieved wide-spread attention in the press, Rice said that “all of her previous statements denying interest in being Romney’s vice presidential pick ‘still stand.’” In a June interview with CBS, Rice said “there is no way I would do this… I don’t see myself in any way in elected office.”

6. Sherrif Joe Arpaio has uncovered evidence that Obama’s birth certificate is fake


The new evidence was just a collection of warmed over theories from internet conspiracy websites.

7. David Petreaus under consideration for Romney’s Vice President


It’s unclear how President Obama would know the internal deliberations of the Romney campaign. Nevertheless, the White House “flatly denied” the report, stating “such an assertion has never been uttered by the president.” A Petraeus spokesman said “as he has stated clearly numerous times before, he will not seek elected office.”

8. Biden proposed a “global tax”


As the Hill noted at the time, Biden was referring to a tax “under which the American government would impose a domestic tax on American companies that were shipping jobs — or profits — overseas to avoid paying taxes.” The Obama administration regularly discusses the proposal.

9. Obama had time to meet with a pirate but not Netanyahu


In September, Drudge suggested that Obama found time to meet with a pirate but not Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The photo was actually taken in May 2009 for the White House Correspondents Dinner.

10. Explosive new video of “race speech” will expose Obama


The “new” video was a speech from 2007 that was widely reported at the time. The only new footage was of Obama criticizing the federal government’s response to Katrina.

In addition, Drudge regularly links to internet conspiracy websites, including those that promote the idea that 9/11 was an “inside job.”
I can't comment on some of those, but others are figments of someones imagination. #3, 4 and the Biden comment were not accurate.
YOu bet I would! But it hasn't come out that he actually had stuff on her. Hoping it does come out, TBH, though
If there is a RICO case against the Clintons involving their CF activity, dont you think that Braverman would be a key witness as he tried to clean things up and got sacked for it instead?
There is no RICO investigation.

I wonder what rightwing nut job website he got that from?
In the meantime: FALSE: Hillary Clinton to Be Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges
This is Anonymous and Wikilinks. Why would they risk everything for this? It's all some ploy to get the "wtf" Trump elected? I don't think so.
10 Totally Fake Stories Bannered By Drudge This Year
Matt Drudge continues to capture the attention of the polical media “because of his brand recognition and, in 2012, because he has a direct line to the Romney campaign.”

But Drudge has used this position to continually mislead the public and the media. Tuesday night’s “bombshell” was just one of many recent examples. Here are 10 completely fake banner stories by Drudge in 2012:

Horse shit, these are not fake stories, but literary techniques that emphasize a narrative, and all taken from actual facts.

Drudge does not write these articles himself, he simply links to them and lets the readers decide what is true, which just drives your libtards nuts, lol.

1. Obama proposed to “repeat” auto bailout for every industry in America

Obama just didn’t say that. He said he wanted to bring back manufacturing jobs to every industry. You can read the transcript.

That is Drudge's interpretation of the facts of the matter, and not a lie or a wrong story.

2. Obama “admits fabricating” his girlfriend in his memoir

As the Atlantic reported: “Obama is clear at the start of the book that certain characters are composites, writing, ‘For the sake of compression, some of the characters that appear are composites of people I’ve known, and some events appear out of precise chronology.’”

So you admit that Drudge was right. But turning it into a false claim is something you are accusing Drudge of doing, too, right? That is hypocrisy which Drudge is not doing. Next

3. New evidence that Obama was “born in Kenya”

It was actually just an error in a pamphlet produced by his literary agent’s assistant.

So OBama is not responsible for what his publishers put out?

roflmao, no but Drudge is responsible if he uses it? roflmao

4. Obama is giving out free phones

The “Obama phone” is really a program started by Reagan and expanded by Bush that provides subsidized phone service to low-income Americans.

But Obama used it to fuel a get out the vote drive, dear, which was Drudges point, not who started the program, for crying out loud.

5. Condoleezza Rice at the top of Romney’s list for Vice President

In response to the Drudge Report banner, which recieved wide-spread attention in the press, Rice said that “all of her previous statements denying interest in being Romney’s vice presidential pick ‘still stand.’” In a June interview with CBS, Rice said “there is no way I would do this… I don’t see myself in any way in elected office.”

People do a lot of speculating about who will be VP and Drudge reported on one such case. So he cant be accurate about anything else because of that?

Well, he go the blue dress right, didnt he? roflmao

6. Sherrif Joe Arpaio has uncovered evidence that Obama’s birth certificate is fake

When Obama's people put out a composite graphic of a birth certificate in answer to demands for his long form Birth Certificate, that was misleading and Arpaio got it right. The WH later put up a photo of the correct LFBC.

7. David Petreaus under consideration for Romney’s Vice President

It’s unclear how President Obama would know the internal deliberations of the Romney campaign. Nevertheless, the White House “flatly denied” the report, stating “such an assertion has never been uttered by the president.” A Petraeus spokesman said “as he has stated clearly numerous times before, he will not seek elected office.”


8. Biden proposed a “global tax”

As the Hill noted at the time, Biden was referring to a tax “under which the American government would impose a domestic tax on American companies that were shipping jobs — or profits — overseas to avoid paying taxes.” The Obama administration regularly discusses the proposal.

So Drudge was right again.

Thank you for keeping things so plainly supportive of Drudges reputation!

He is one of the few bonafide journalists left.

9. Obama had time to meet with a pirate but not Netanyahu

In September, Drudge suggested that Obama found time to meet with a pirate but not Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The photo was actually taken in May 2009 for the White House Correspondents Dinner.

Just an illustration, not a claim that Obama met a pirate instead of Netneyahu, dummy.

10. Explosive new video of “race speech” will expose Obama


The “new” video was a speech from 2007 that was widely reported at the time. The only new footage was of Obama criticizing the federal government’s response to Katrina.

So Drudge did accurately quote Obama, thanks!

In addition, Drudge regularly links to internet conspiracy websites, including those that promote the idea that 9/11 was an “inside job.”

Well, every once in while even a blind Alex Jones disinformant gets a nut. Why not use it?

See that is the problem with you Marxist ideologues; Truth can come from any number of sources, even the Devil on a cold night.
This is Anonymous and Wikilinks. Why would they risk everything for this? It's all some ploy to get the "wtf" Trump elected? I don't think so.
I think those two sources are altruistic. I can see doing this same thing if I had the goods on something in our government that is corrupt.
YOu bet I would! But it hasn't come out that he actually had stuff on her. Hoping it does come out, TBH, though
If there is a RICO case against the Clintons involving their CF activity, dont you think that Braverman would be a key witness as he tried to clean things up and got sacked for it instead?
And his life would be in danger, IMHO.
You dont cross the Chicago Outfit without risking your life, as I understand it.
Jackson You know what I think. I think Assange is hoping that if American's see him as a hero we'll grant him the asylum in Ecuador he's been wanting.
It's November 5.

Has it happened yet?

Yes, Anonymous released Part 1.

Nothing new, rehashed old stuff, links to sites/articles/reddits etc.

No idea how many more parts are scheduled either.

Also, cereal_killer, I thought we weren't supposed to post stuff from other boards.

Am I incorrect?

Toro don't be the forum dope by trying to compare 4chan and/or Reddit to a competing site.

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