WikiLeaks Will Drop the Atom Bomb on November 5, 2016

Today is Guy Fawkes Day. The dominoes will fall next week my brothers and sisters. Hope no one does anything stupid.

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Anyone know the first name of Braverman? I remember looking him up earlier, but con't find the information now.
Found it...Eric Braverman, former CEO of the Clinton Foundation...he's missing. Many rumors.

Yeah but I thought that WikiLeaks said they got the info from a CIA or FBI person?
We'll just have to wait and see. Rumors were flying that he was seeking asylum. Chelsea Clinton hired him to look into the corruption of the Clinton Foundation. All rumors until we know for sure.

Also Doug Band is interesting. He and Chelsea did not have a good relationship. Chelsea said he was profiting at Teneo with the connection to the Clinton foundation.

Since you are afraid to show the available sources for this rumor, I will do it for you. Transparency and facts are not your thing, I get it.

Google search shows no reliable news outlet reporting on your regurgitated breakfast:

Where in the World is Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman ... › 2016 Election News
Oct 25, 2016 - Former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman is missingand rumors are surfacing that he may be hiding from the Clinton death machine due to a recent WikiLeaked email. ..., a waaaaaay left-leaning “fact-checking” website, immediately called the Bravermanasylum story ...
Clinton Foundation CEO Goes Missing After Trump's Top Money Guru ...
5 days ago - Clinton Foundation CEO Goes Missing After Trump's Top Money Guru ... this morning that former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman, who ...
Are There More Dead Bodies Surrounding Hillary? Where is Eric ...
3 days ago - Eric Braverman used to be the Chief Executive Officer of the Clinton Foundation. It looks like he's among the missing. Where oh where could he ...
Did Eric Braverman Seek Asylum with Russia? |
Oct 25, 2016 - Rumors are spreading like wildfire that Eric Braverman, former Clinton Foundation CEO, sought asylum with Russia. But is there any basis to ...
Has anyone heard of what happened to Eric Braverman? If he is ...
4 days ago - #SpiritCooking had almost 800k tweets and was at the top of trending on Twitter and just suddenly disappeared from trending completely.
CEO Eric Braverman Dead? Seeking Asylum In Russia After Exposing ...
Oct 26, 2016 - Reports came out stating that former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman was missing while speculations said that he was in hiding.
CEO Eric Braverman's Death Connected To Donald Trump's Financial ...
5 days ago - Earlier it was reported by Morning News USA, that former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman was missing, while many believed he was in ...

I read all of those. It was interesting and mildly compelling, but I was hoping for something to come out on Drudge and not be an innuendo.

Thank you, Waiting.
I fully "agree' we should all trust an Australian who can't step out of his safe embassy because he's wanted for rape.....I mean, those right wing social values be damned..LOL.

Glad you agree, they have never released anything fake. I know that bothers you, because they have something on your demonic candidate, that you just refuse to give up on, even if she ate children.... Because you are the acolyte of evil.

And you can prove none of it was ever faked? Who are you, Sherlock?
emails contain meta data, Sherlock. That's why they are considered legitimate forms of communication. If any are forged it will be easy to prove.

Give me a break. All they have to do is get a handful of these emails and then make copies of the email and source code and alter them at will. What Wikileaks provides you with is EASILY manipulated, then duplicated or cloned then altered. It's just HTML, idiot.
You are a liar, it's all you ever do. No one would care about emails if your story was correct. Why bother hacking or leaking emails if it's so easy to alter them? Why are emails considered legitimate forms of communication if you can simply change what you were sent.

Grow a brain maggot, you aren't very good at this.

I could tell you about some things I did with Photoshop and HTML that would make your slack jaw drop so far you'd never get it back in place.

"Why bother hacking or leaking emails if it's so easy to alter them?" Huh? You still don't get it. The idea is to actually hack and assume control of an email address. Assange didn't commandeer them, he hacked and acquired enough of them to where he can dummy up others at will.
Anyone know the first name of Braverman? I remember looking him up earlier, but con't find the information now.
Found it...Eric Braverman, former CEO of the Clinton Foundation...he's missing. Many rumors.

Yeah but I thought that WikiLeaks said they got the info from a CIA or FBI person?
We'll just have to wait and see. Rumors were flying that he was seeking asylum. Chelsea Clinton hired him to look into the corruption of the Clinton Foundation. All rumors until we know for sure.

Also Doug Band is interesting. He and Chelsea did not have a good relationship. Chelsea said he was profiting at Teneo with the connection to the Clinton foundation.

Since you are afraid to show the available sources for this rumor, I will do it for you. Transparency and facts are not your thing, I get it.

Google search shows no reliable news outlet reporting on your regurgitated breakfast:

Where in the World is Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman ... › 2016 Election News
Oct 25, 2016 - Former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman is missingand rumors are surfacing that he may be hiding from the Clinton death machine due to a recent WikiLeaked email. ..., a waaaaaay left-leaning “fact-checking” website, immediately called the Bravermanasylum story ...
Clinton Foundation CEO Goes Missing After Trump's Top Money Guru ...
5 days ago - Clinton Foundation CEO Goes Missing After Trump's Top Money Guru ... this morning that former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman, who ...
Are There More Dead Bodies Surrounding Hillary? Where is Eric ...
3 days ago - Eric Braverman used to be the Chief Executive Officer of the Clinton Foundation. It looks like he's among the missing. Where oh where could he ...
Did Eric Braverman Seek Asylum with Russia? |
Oct 25, 2016 - Rumors are spreading like wildfire that Eric Braverman, former Clinton Foundation CEO, sought asylum with Russia. But is there any basis to ...
Has anyone heard of what happened to Eric Braverman? If he is ...
4 days ago - #SpiritCooking had almost 800k tweets and was at the top of trending on Twitter and just suddenly disappeared from trending completely.
CEO Eric Braverman Dead? Seeking Asylum In Russia After Exposing ...
Oct 26, 2016 - Reports came out stating that former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman was missing while speculations said that he was in hiding.
CEO Eric Braverman's Death Connected To Donald Trump's Financial ...
5 days ago - Earlier it was reported by Morning News USA, that former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman was missing, while many believed he was in ...

I read all of those. It was interesting and mildly compelling, but I was hoping for something to come out on Drudge and not be an innuendo.

Thank you, Waiting.

Drudge? Holy crap.
The suspense is killing me.

I hope the new info is succinct enough to filter into the public awareness quickly.
i believe anonymous is the group that has released info today and have said there will be more later tonight or tomorrow morning.
I can't wait that long!

why? they've already released some info. go look it up.
I did...did not find anything good.

did you catch this? Clinton Underground Child Sex Scandal PART 1 -
Yeah, that story started on an Internet fake news site by someone anonymously calling themselves, 'admin1'...

SOURCES: NYPD looking to press charges against Bill Clinton for underage sex ring
Found it...Eric Braverman, former CEO of the Clinton Foundation...he's missing. Many rumors.

Yeah but I thought that WikiLeaks said they got the info from a CIA or FBI person?
We'll just have to wait and see. Rumors were flying that he was seeking asylum. Chelsea Clinton hired him to look into the corruption of the Clinton Foundation. All rumors until we know for sure.

Also Doug Band is interesting. He and Chelsea did not have a good relationship. Chelsea said he was profiting at Teneo with the connection to the Clinton foundation.

Since you are afraid to show the available sources for this rumor, I will do it for you. Transparency and facts are not your thing, I get it.

Google search shows no reliable news outlet reporting on your regurgitated breakfast:

Where in the World is Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman ... › 2016 Election News
Oct 25, 2016 - Former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman is missingand rumors are surfacing that he may be hiding from the Clinton death machine due to a recent WikiLeaked email. ..., a waaaaaay left-leaning “fact-checking” website, immediately called the Bravermanasylum story ...
Clinton Foundation CEO Goes Missing After Trump's Top Money Guru ...
5 days ago - Clinton Foundation CEO Goes Missing After Trump's Top Money Guru ... this morning that former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman, who ...
Are There More Dead Bodies Surrounding Hillary? Where is Eric ...
3 days ago - Eric Braverman used to be the Chief Executive Officer of the Clinton Foundation. It looks like he's among the missing. Where oh where could he ...
Did Eric Braverman Seek Asylum with Russia? |
Oct 25, 2016 - Rumors are spreading like wildfire that Eric Braverman, former Clinton Foundation CEO, sought asylum with Russia. But is there any basis to ...
Has anyone heard of what happened to Eric Braverman? If he is ...
4 days ago - #SpiritCooking had almost 800k tweets and was at the top of trending on Twitter and just suddenly disappeared from trending completely.
CEO Eric Braverman Dead? Seeking Asylum In Russia After Exposing ...
Oct 26, 2016 - Reports came out stating that former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman was missing while speculations said that he was in hiding.
CEO Eric Braverman's Death Connected To Donald Trump's Financial ...
5 days ago - Earlier it was reported by Morning News USA, that former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman was missing, while many believed he was in ...

I read all of those. It was interesting and mildly compelling, but I was hoping for something to come out on Drudge and not be an innuendo.

Thank you, Waiting.

Drudge? Holy crap.
They have always been on target. They are right leaning, but the news they pit up is bonafide. Don't kill the messenger. Show me where they have been wrong.
First, I'm not a political animal. I do not have an axe to grind politically like those who like to argue politics. Those who know me know that I have analytical skills that help me find things, not 4chan. It lead me to places I didn't want to go. However, the Wikileakss story opens a can of worms that cannot be put back once opened. It's like we've been living in the matrix world of fake democracy under both Democrat and Republicans. We live in an oligarchy (Jimmy Carter said it in 2015 -- Jimmy Carter: America Is Now an 'Oligarchy' . The very rich billionaires run America behind the scenes. The question is how much truth can you stomach?

The Wikileaks comes with so much disgust and bizarreness that I do not know where to start. The last two had to do with the NYPD trying to arrest Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin. Why? They had jurisdiction on the Weiner sexting case and were investigating his laptop first. Rumors of both flipping and cooperating with investigators. Their case was squashed by DOJ and so they put the case to their state DOJ. Rumors of his life being in danger.

This was from yesterday and Erik Prince (not Wikileaks).
"NYPD was ready to arrest Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin. How did they get involved? Initially, they had the evidence and started their investigation first. They were pushing for arrest, but got cockblocked by the DOJ. They were pushing because...

"“NYPD was the first one to look at that laptop,” Prince elaborated. “Weiner and Huma Abedin, his wife – the closest adviser of Hillary Clinton for 20 years – have both flipped. They are cooperating with the government. They both have – they see potential jail time of many years for their crimes, for Huma Abedin sending and receiving and even storing hundreds of thousands of messages from the State Department server and from Hillary Clinton’s own homebrew server, which contained classified information. Weiner faces all kinds of exposure for the inappropriate sexting that was going on and for other information that they found.”

“So NYPD first gets that computer. They see how disgusting it is. They keep a copy of everything, and they pass a copy on to the FBI, which finally pushes the FBI off their chairs, making Comey reopen that investigation, which was indicated in the letter last week. The point being, NYPD has all the information, and they will pursue justice within their rights if the FBI doesn’t,” Prince contended.

“There is all kinds of criminal culpability through all the emails they’ve seen of that 650,000, including money laundering, underage sex, pay-for-play, and, of course, plenty of proof of inappropriate handling, sending/receiving of classified information, up to SAP level Special Access Programs,” he stated.

“So the plot thickens. NYPD was pushing because, as an article quoted one of the chiefs – that’s the level just below commissioner – he said as a parent, as a father with daughters, he could not let that level of evil continue,” Prince said.

He noted that the FBI can investigate these matters, “but they can’t convene a grand jury. They can’t file charges.”

“The prosecutors, the Justice Department has to do that,” he explained. “Now, as I understand it, Preet Bharara, the Manhattan prosecutor, has gotten ahold of some of this. From what I hear, he’s a stand-up guy, and hopefully he does the right thing.”

Still hope for justice BEFORE the election.
Breitbart News Daily - Erik Prince - November 4, 2016

This came from Wikileaks and NYPD. Was it in the NY Post?

I thought when Prince said it was underage kids, he was referring to the sexting with Weiner. This is a lot more heinous. - Exposing Feminism and The New World Order
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I fully "agree' we should all trust an Australian who can't step out of his safe embassy because he's wanted for rape.....I mean, those right wing social values be damned..LOL.

Glad you agree, they have never released anything fake. I know that bothers you, because they have something on your demonic candidate, that you just refuse to give up on, even if she ate children.... Because you are the acolyte of evil.

And you can prove none of it was ever faked? Who are you, Sherlock?
emails contain meta data, Sherlock. That's why they are considered legitimate forms of communication. If any are forged it will be easy to prove.

Give me a break. All they have to do is get a handful of these emails and then make copies of the email and source code and alter them at will. What Wikileaks provides you with is EASILY manipulated, then duplicated or cloned then altered. It's just HTML, idiot.
You are a liar, it's all you ever do. No one would care about emails if your story was correct. Why bother hacking or leaking emails if it's so easy to alter them? Why are emails considered legitimate forms of communication if you can simply change what you were sent.

Grow a brain maggot, you aren't very good at this.
i believe anonymous is the group that has released info today and have said there will be more later tonight or tomorrow morning.
I can't wait that long!

why? they've already released some info. go look it up.
I did...did not find anything good.

did you catch this? Clinton Underground Child Sex Scandal PART 1 -
Yeah, that story started on an Internet fake news site by someone anonymously calling themselves, 'admin1'...

SOURCES: NYPD looking to press charges against Bill Clinton for underage sex ring

More deflection... Can't deal with the facts that surround her, clearly.
These are the illuminati or satanist stories rumored. Follow the links within to get the whole stores. Maybe you've heard some like Michael Jackson, Bill Cosby and Cory Heim (Johnny Depp?). Sorry, I'm not a perv like Anthony Weiner so am naive ha ha.

Julian ASSANGE We have put CLINTON in prison, Wikileaks e mail

Note: I'm starting from the NYPD investigation and what Erik Prince said from yesterday.
He releases them for Americans... probably around 6 PM eastern... many hours to go.

I believe that you have THREE hours left, Norma.......Has your ass fairing on that edge of your seat.
Besides the illuminatio and satanist story, Wikileaks released illegal contributions to Clinton Foundation from Saudi Arabia and Quatar.

Hope I got the right video.

Note: The news is being squashed by MSM. You gotta go outside the US media.

In a nutshell, Saudi Arabia and Qatar is funding ISIS and the Clinton Foundation.
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More deflection... Can't deal with the facts that surround her, clearly.

New Sources Suggest Eric Braverman is in FBI Protective Custody - PM Nightly News

Last week, we reported the disappearance of former CEO of the Clinton Foundation Eric Braverman. Intel provided suggested that he fled the country fearing for his life, seeking asylum in Russia.

That was nine days ago, and there has still been no word from (or sightings of) Eric Braverman.

However, a new source within the intelligence community suggests that was misinformation intentionally spread through social media by several sources, and in fact, he is being held in protective custody by the FBI in exchange for his testimony against Hillary Clinton....

Braverman is the man who exposed the most serious Clinton scandal – the Clinton Foundation.

The internal Clinton Foundation power struggle between Chelsea Clinton and Doug Band was exposed in Wikileaks emails. It began in 2011 when, Chelsea started to take a more prominent role at the Clinton Foundation.

She became increasingly concerned about an internal audit that exposed glaring conflicts of interest throughout the Foundation with an emphasis on Doug Band and his company, Teneo, who she thought had inappropriately sought favors from the State Department during Hillary’s tenure as Secretary of State.

A Politico article from March 2015, summarized Chelsea’s rise at the Foundation and how it threatened some long-time Clinton allies who had grown quite accustomed to the status quo, zero hedge reported.

Veteran Clinton aides had powerful and lucrative positions which they acquired after years with the Clintons. The CEO Bruce Lindsey and President Doug Band felt marginalized by Chelsea Clinton who Band described as an uncaring spoiled brat.

Ira Magaziner is another old-time Clinton colleague who continually shows up in the Wikileaks emails and he too found his role diminished during Braverman’s tenure.

WikiLeaks emails have revealed additional details behind the the man, Eric Braverman, who was brought in as CEO by Chelsea to change the controversial practices of the Foundation but abruptly resigned a short time later after being pushed out by long-time Clinton loyalists who had apparently grown very comfortable with the status quo.

In an email exchange, Neera Tanden the president of CAP, warned John Podesta to “keep tabs on Doug Band who she thought was the insider who told NBC to “follow the money and the find the real HRC scandal”.

John Podesta quickly wrote back to identify the real source as former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman which shocks Tanden who replies, “Holy Moses.”
“Conspiracy theory is the ultimate refuge of the powerless. If you cannot change your own life, it must be that some greater force controls the world.” - Roger Cohen -

“The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory, is that conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is actually chaotic. The truth is that it is not The Iluminati, or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory.

The truth is far more frightening - Nobody is in control.

The world is rudderless.” - Alan Moore -
The FBI is examining fake documents trying to discredit Clinton's campaign that may be tied to Russia

US Senator Tom Carper, a Democrat on the Senate Homeland Security Committee, has referred one of the documents to the FBI for investigation on the grounds that his name and stationery were forged to appear authentic, some of the sources who had knowledge of that discussion said.

In the letter identified as fake, Carper is quoted as writing to Clinton, "We will not let you lose this election," a person who saw the document told Reuters.

The fake Carper letter, which was described to Reuters, is one of several documents presented to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the US Department of Justice for review in recent weeks, the sources said.

Carper spokeswoman Meghan Pennington confirmed on Friday that the senator had sent a copy of the letter to the FBI and the Senate's chief law enforcement officer.

"Our office became aware of a fake letter on Senator Carper's official letterhead and immediately referred it to federal law enforcement to investigate its genesis," Pennington said.

As part of an investigation into suspected Russian hacking, FBI investigators have also asked Democratic Party officials to provide copies of other suspected faked documents that have been circulating along with emails and other legitimate documents taken in the hack, people involved in those conversations said.

A spokesman for the FBI confirmed the agency was "in receipt of a complaint about an alleged fake letter" related to the election but declined further comment. Others with knowledge of the matter said the FBI was also examining other fake documents that recently surfaced.

The FBI is examining fake documents trying to discredit Clinton's campaign that may be tied to Russia
“Conspiracy theory is the ultimate refuge of the powerless. If you cannot change your own life, it must be that some greater force controls the world.” - Roger Cohen -

“The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory, is that conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is actually chaotic. The truth is that it is not The Iluminati, or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory.

The truth is far more frightening - Nobody is in control.

The world is rudderless.” - Alan Moore -
Yeah because the various criminal syndicates, the Mafia, Russian mob, the corruption documented in Tammany Hall municipal governments that have run since the early 1800s, the infiltration by foreign intell services, and the invasion of our country by Mexican drug lords, none of that is true unless the New York Times (who covered for their man Stalin for decades) says it is true.



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