Will 9th Circuit Ruling Awaken American People

Will the ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals awaken the American people to the extreme liberal bias in our federal courts? I see average American pissed about this ruling. Court has awakened a sleeping giant that same sleeping giant that backed Trump in 2016. People will understand better now and liberal strategy of running policy by ignorant America is about to cease. The war is on!


Make up a problem, then find solution to made up problem, the Trump way. "Wake Amelika Grate ughen"
Will the ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals awaken the American people to the extreme liberal bias in our federal courts? I see average American pissed about this ruling. Court has awakened a sleeping giant that same sleeping giant that backed Trump in 2016. People will understand better now and liberal strategy of running policy by ignorant America is about to cease. The war is on!

If ban kept in place...number of US citizens killed by them...still zero. What's your point fuckeroo?
Will the ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals awaken the American people to the extreme liberal bias in our federal courts? I see average American pissed about this ruling. Court has awakened a sleeping giant that same sleeping giant that backed Trump in 2016. People will understand better now and liberal strategy of running policy by ignorant America is about to cease. The war is on!

It's the 9th Circuit court. Everyone who has ever read anything on the Justice System knows the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is the most liberal. Everyone knows that the 9th has the dubious honor of being the most overturned court of appeals in the nation. United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit - Wikipedia

Don't like WIkipedia? Get your own links to disprove me. A mere 20% of the cases heard by the Supreme Court from the 9th are upheld. The rest are overturned or vacated.

So what are American's supposed to wake up to? The most overturned court is liable to be overturned again?

Liberals have done a lot of damned good things in the courts. Liberals challenged the laws that made Separate but Equal the now derided joke it always should have been. Liberals challenged and got decisions that led to the Civil Rights Act. Liberals pushed for equality for all Americans. Liberals pushed to end the monopolies that were strangling innovation.

In my region, I'm the Liberal. I believe in maximum freedom possible for the people. I believe your rights end where mine begin. I was raised and taught by the Catholic Church about what it is to be a good man. I was taught by my parents how to be a good Catholic American. Perhaps I should explain.

Catholics for those readers who don't understand the faith, have a number of practices that seem odd to the uninitiated. One is Confession. Confession is where you discuss your sins, you expose them to God through the Priest. The Priest councils you to help you avoid the sin later, and assigns a penance for your misdeeds. It may be a number of prayers, or some charitable activity. It may be a sincere effort to curb the behavior that got you into the sin in the first place.

One thing about the Catholic Confession. You learn this lesson. When you screw up, when you do something wrong, you have sinned. Because you love and trust God, you confess your misdeed to God. A Penance can be a punishment for some, but it's a way to atone for your sin. Upon the completion of that atonement, you are forgiven. God has not forgotten your sin, but has forgiven you because you are truly loved by the Lord.

Forgiven. A very Liberal attitude these days. Conservatives would not forgive anyone. Whatever mistake they made, no matter what punishment they have accepted, would define the person for life. The proverbial Scarlet Letter in practice.

God has not forgotten my sins. But God has forgiven me for them. The Lords Prayer asks God to forgive us our trespasses, our sins, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Forgiveness is a very liberal trait these days. A very rare liberal trait. All from the lessons I learned as a youth. In classes where the foundations of my faith were explained to me by those older and wiser heads. The Church is often in my distant past. You could say I've fallen from the old ways. But the lessons I learned, the lessons that formed the young man who grew up, and grew older, remain inside of me always. Those lessons guide me every single day.
Liberals have done irreparable harm to this nation. I was raised a Catholic and I have no fucking idea what your babbling about Father. Have another shot of Bushmills and go to bed.

You were raised Catholic. Tell me about Confession. Why do you confess your sins, and what does Penance have to do with it?
Confession is when I would go into the confessional on Saturday to cleanse me for Sunday communion and I would never mention it but my priest always liked to ask about the "sin of masturbation" because he wanted to hear a 13 year old boy talk about jerking the gherkin. Got him off I suppose.

Perhaps he was trying to help you learn restraint. Obviously none of those lessons took root.
Will the ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals awaken the American people to the extreme liberal bias in our federal courts? I see average American pissed about this ruling. Court has awakened a sleeping giant that same sleeping giant that backed Trump in 2016. People will understand better now and liberal strategy of running policy by ignorant America is about to cease. The war is on!

It's the 9th Circuit court. Everyone who has ever read anything on the Justice System knows the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is the most liberal. Everyone knows that the 9th has the dubious honor of being the most overturned court of appeals in the nation. United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit - Wikipedia

Don't like WIkipedia? Get your own links to disprove me. A mere 20% of the cases heard by the Supreme Court from the 9th are upheld. The rest are overturned or vacated.

So what are American's supposed to wake up to? The most overturned court is liable to be overturned again?

Liberals have done a lot of damned good things in the courts. Liberals challenged the laws that made Separate but Equal the now derided joke it always should have been. Liberals challenged and got decisions that led to the Civil Rights Act. Liberals pushed for equality for all Americans. Liberals pushed to end the monopolies that were strangling innovation.

In my region, I'm the Liberal. I believe in maximum freedom possible for the people. I believe your rights end where mine begin. I was raised and taught by the Catholic Church about what it is to be a good man. I was taught by my parents how to be a good Catholic American. Perhaps I should explain.

Catholics for those readers who don't understand the faith, have a number of practices that seem odd to the uninitiated. One is Confession. Confession is where you discuss your sins, you expose them to God through the Priest. The Priest councils you to help you avoid the sin later, and assigns a penance for your misdeeds. It may be a number of prayers, or some charitable activity. It may be a sincere effort to curb the behavior that got you into the sin in the first place.

One thing about the Catholic Confession. You learn this lesson. When you screw up, when you do something wrong, you have sinned. Because you love and trust God, you confess your misdeed to God. A Penance can be a punishment for some, but it's a way to atone for your sin. Upon the completion of that atonement, you are forgiven. God has not forgotten your sin, but has forgiven you because you are truly loved by the Lord.

Forgiven. A very Liberal attitude these days. Conservatives would not forgive anyone. Whatever mistake they made, no matter what punishment they have accepted, would define the person for life. The proverbial Scarlet Letter in practice.

God has not forgotten my sins. But God has forgiven me for them. The Lords Prayer asks God to forgive us our trespasses, our sins, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Forgiveness is a very liberal trait these days. A very rare liberal trait. All from the lessons I learned as a youth. In classes where the foundations of my faith were explained to me by those older and wiser heads. The Church is often in my distant past. You could say I've fallen from the old ways. But the lessons I learned, the lessons that formed the young man who grew up, and grew older, remain inside of me always. Those lessons guide me every single day.
Liberals have done irreparable harm to this nation. I was raised a Catholic and I have no fucking idea what your babbling about Father. Have another shot of Bushmills and go to bed.

You were raised Catholic. Tell me about Confession. Why do you confess your sins, and what does Penance have to do with it?
Confession is when I would go into the confessional on Saturday to cleanse me for Sunday communion and I would never mention it but my priest always liked to ask about the "sin of masturbation" because he wanted to hear a 13 year old boy talk about jerking the gherkin. Got him off I suppose.

Perhaps he was trying to help you learn restraint. Obviously none of those lessons took root.
The left had better learn it real fucking soon.
Will the ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals awaken the American people to the extreme liberal bias in our federal courts? I see average American pissed about this ruling. Court has awakened a sleeping giant that same sleeping giant that backed Trump in 2016. People will understand better now and liberal strategy of running policy by ignorant America is about to cease. The war is on!

Cuntspacious wants terrorist to kill Americans.

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