Will America Go Communist?

And this doesn't scare you? It should
This is what I find scary, especially in his second term.

"These sources tell the story of a seemingly unhinged president, who regularly demeans and degrades his staff, who lacks fundamental knowledge necessary for the job, and who isn't being properly protected.

"Trump responded to the book's impending release with a tweet on Monday, calling Rucker and Leonnig 'two stone cold losers from Amazon [Washington Post].'"

4 wild stories we've learned so far from 'A Very Stable Genius,' a new book on the Trump White House

So you would choose to head into Socialism over Capitalism because Trump is mean. Gotcha. Says quite a bit about just how crazy and out of touch with reality the left really is.
And this doesn't scare you? It should
This is what I find scary, especially in his second term.

"These sources tell the story of a seemingly unhinged president, who regularly demeans and degrades his staff, who lacks fundamental knowledge necessary for the job, and who isn't being properly protected.

"Trump responded to the book's impending release with a tweet on Monday, calling Rucker and Leonnig 'two stone cold losers from Amazon [Washington Post].'"

4 wild stories we've learned so far from 'A Very Stable Genius,' a new book on the Trump White House

We all knew who Trump was, long before he ran.

That said, the country is doing fine, the street lights still go from red to green, and then back to red. Food is still at the store, and I'm earning more money now, that at any point in my life.

Had my teeth cleaned today. The world hasn't ended with Trump as president. I don't see anything to be concerned about. Iran backed off. North Korea isn't still firing missiles, China is meeting us half way on Trade. I don't see a problem.

No truly informed person really sees a problem. The left simply can't separate their hatred for Trump from his policies. The left has always had ideologues, but today it is worse that ever. They believe we can obtain the unattainable...A Utopian ideal that can be achieved simply by spreading money around. They don't care if it has been proven not to work. They are brainwashed. They are spoiled. They are lazy. They are selfish. And most of all, they are envious, with an insatiable appetite for what they don't have. They will do anything, including stealing from others and/or destroying our country, in a futile attempt to satisfy this appetite, which can never be satisfied. They will continue to chase the mechanical hare around the track...ad nauseam. Overcoming envy takes effort. Many on the left either don't acknowledge the problem or are too lazy to put forth the effort, which is why folks like Bernie, Warren, AOC, etc. have gained such popularity and why much of the left has become unhinged and irrational.
Had my teeth cleaned today. The world hasn't ended with Trump as president. I don't see anything to be concerned about. Iran backed off. North Korea isn't still firing missiles, China is meeting us half way on Trade. I don't see a problem.
Functioning street lights is a pretty low bar; how's your health?

The Truth About the Trump Economy | by Joseph E. Stiglitz

"To get a good reading on a country’s economic health, start by looking at the health of its citizens.

"If they are happy and prosperous, they will be healthy and live longer.

"Among developed countries, America sits at the bottom in this regard. US life expectancy, already relatively low, fell in each of the first two years of Trump’s presidency, and in 2017, midlife mortality reached its highest rate since World War II.

"This is not a surprise, because no president has worked harder to make sure that more Americans lack health insurance.

"Millions have lost their coverage, and the uninsured rate has risen, in just two years, from 10.9% to 13.7%."

Amid Trump Tariffs, Farm Bankruptcies And Suicides Rise
Had my teeth cleaned today. The world hasn't ended with Trump as president. I don't see anything to be concerned about. Iran backed off. North Korea isn't still firing missiles, China is meeting us half way on Trade. I don't see a problem.
Functioning street lights is a pretty low bar; how's your health?

The Truth About the Trump Economy | by Joseph E. Stiglitz

"To get a good reading on a country’s economic health, start by looking at the health of its citizens.

"If they are happy and prosperous, they will be healthy and live longer.

"Among developed countries, America sits at the bottom in this regard. US life expectancy, already relatively low, fell in each of the first two years of Trump’s presidency, and in 2017, midlife mortality reached its highest rate since World War II.

"This is not a surprise, because no president has worked harder to make sure that more Americans lack health insurance.

"Millions have lost their coverage, and the uninsured rate has risen, in just two years, from 10.9% to 13.7%."

Amid Trump Tariffs, Farm Bankruptcies And Suicides Rise

This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the availability of quality healthcare.

Give me an example. What exactly do you call a system of injustice?

I do not think you are so stupid not to understand what I say to you. You don't like to understand, what's quite normal in a growing unenlightened country like the USA.

I am very happy in my capitalistic country, where a man can come here from Bangladesh, and make $120,000 a year.

Nice pocket money. Nevertheless I don't see a difference between this what you call "capitalism" and I call "socialism for the superrich". You are by the way with nearly everything wrong what you say about politics and your "moral" is very lousy - but I do not discuss this with you nor with anyone else.

Should I not be happy that anyone can succeed here? He went from being very poor, to being very wealthy. Why should anyone think that is bad? Would it be better to stay poor?

Back on the political wishi-washi level of the currrent USA.

Nothing personal, but I can't understand what you are typing, so I'm not going to bother responding. I'm here to talk to adults, and generally speaking, adults can talk using real words.

So, thanks for stopping by. Good luck with your future attempts to communicate with educated people.
Nice pocket money. Nevertheless I don't see a difference between this what you call "capitalism" and I call "socialism for the superrich".

He stated that he came from Bangladesh and is making 120k/yr. He is benefiting. Do you consider him super rich? If so, therein lies your problem.
Had my teeth cleaned today. The world hasn't ended with Trump as president. I don't see anything to be concerned about. Iran backed off. North Korea isn't still firing missiles, China is meeting us half way on Trade. I don't see a problem.
Functioning street lights is a pretty low bar; how's your health?

The Truth About the Trump Economy | by Joseph E. Stiglitz

"To get a good reading on a country’s economic health, start by looking at the health of its citizens.

"If they are happy and prosperous, they will be healthy and live longer.

"Among developed countries, America sits at the bottom in this regard. US life expectancy, already relatively low, fell in each of the first two years of Trump’s presidency, and in 2017, midlife mortality reached its highest rate since World War II.

"This is not a surprise, because no president has worked harder to make sure that more Americans lack health insurance.

"Millions have lost their coverage, and the uninsured rate has risen, in just two years, from 10.9% to 13.7%."

Amid Trump Tariffs, Farm Bankruptcies And Suicides Rise

This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the availability of quality healthcare.
This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the availability of quality healthcare.
US life expectancy dropped during the first two years of Trump's reign, and that reality had nothing to do with the availability of quality health care?

The Truth About the Trump Economy | by Joseph E. Stiglitz

"Among developed countries, America sits at the bottom in this regard. US life expectancy, already relatively low, fell in each of the first two years of Trump’s presidency, and in 2017, midlife mortality reached its highest rate since World War II"

White House budget: Trump proposes deep cuts to health care and safety net programs - CNNPolitics
And this doesn't scare you? It should
This is what I find scary, especially in his second term.

"These sources tell the story of a seemingly unhinged president, who regularly demeans and degrades his staff, who lacks fundamental knowledge necessary for the job, and who isn't being properly protected.

"Trump responded to the book's impending release with a tweet on Monday, calling Rucker and Leonnig 'two stone cold losers from Amazon [Washington Post].'"

4 wild stories we've learned so far from 'A Very Stable Genius,' a new book on the Trump White House

So you would choose to head into Socialism over Capitalism because Trump is mean. Gotcha. Says quite a bit about just how crazy and out of touch with reality the left really is.
So you would choose to head into Socialism over Capitalism because Trump is mean. Gotcha. Says quite a bit about just how crazy and out of touch with reality the left really is.
Trump is exactly the sort of psychotic I would expect capitalism to vomit up during its fictitious capital (terminal) stage of development. I support socialism because it brings democracy to the workplace which is where most adults spend a majority of their waking hours.
Had my teeth cleaned today. The world hasn't ended with Trump as president. I don't see anything to be concerned about. Iran backed off. North Korea isn't still firing missiles, China is meeting us half way on Trade. I don't see a problem.
Functioning street lights is a pretty low bar; how's your health?

The Truth About the Trump Economy | by Joseph E. Stiglitz

"To get a good reading on a country’s economic health, start by looking at the health of its citizens.

"If they are happy and prosperous, they will be healthy and live longer.

"Among developed countries, America sits at the bottom in this regard. US life expectancy, already relatively low, fell in each of the first two years of Trump’s presidency, and in 2017, midlife mortality reached its highest rate since World War II.

"This is not a surprise, because no president has worked harder to make sure that more Americans lack health insurance.

"Millions have lost their coverage, and the uninsured rate has risen, in just two years, from 10.9% to 13.7%."

Amid Trump Tariffs, Farm Bankruptcies And Suicides Rise

This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the availability of quality healthcare.
This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the availability of quality healthcare.
US life expectancy dropped during the first two years of Trump's reign, and that reality had nothing to do with the availability of quality health care?

The Truth About the Trump Economy | by Joseph E. Stiglitz

"Among developed countries, America sits at the bottom in this regard. US life expectancy, already relatively low, fell in each of the first two years of Trump’s presidency, and in 2017, midlife mortality reached its highest rate since World War II"

White House budget: Trump proposes deep cuts to health care and safety net programs - CNNPolitics

US life expectancy dropped during the first two years of Trump's reign, and that reality had nothing to do with the availability of quality health care?

No it had nothing to do with the quality of care. It had to do with the left-wings attack on police, and the release of criminals.

Absolutely nothing to do with some magical decline of health care.

Besides that, your entire post, is ridiculous. You are suggesting that, a proposal to make adult choices about cutting spending in 2020, caused a decline in the quality of health care in 2017-2018? Are you a moron?

And by the way, health care is going to get cut now or later, no matter who is president.

Did you learn nothing from Greece and Venezuela? You can't borrow forever, and you can't afford endless spending.

The budget at some point, now or later, will have to be cut. There is no way around that. And health care spending has a $122 Trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities. We can't afford that, no matter who is president, and no matter what tax rates you pick. The math doesn't work. Period. So you people need to stop acting like toddlers screaming "I want it!" at the top of your childish voices, and start acting like adults, because you end up making the entire country, into the next Greece.
o truly informed person really sees a problem. The left simply can't separate their hatred for Trump from his policies. The left has always had ideologues, but today it is worse that ever. They believe we can obtain the unattainable...A Utopian ideal that can be achieved simply by spreading money around.
Why is it the right never notices how parasites like Trump, Obama, and Clinton spread money around to benefit their economic cronies?

Two Days of Grilling Ahead for Fed Chair Powell

"The questions are exclusively focused on the Fed’s unprecedented repo loans to Wall Street’s trading houses that began on September 17 of last year and have been made every single business day since that time.

"The cumulative tally of the loans is now more than $6.6 trillion, more than a third of the Fed loans made during the financial crisis."
US life expectancy dropped during the first two years of Trump's reign, and that reality had nothing to do with the availability of quality health care?

No it had nothing to do with the quality of care. It had to do with the left-wings attack on police, and the release of criminals.

From January 2019:

"The number of Americans without health insurance has increased by 7 million since President Donald Trump took office, new Gallup data released Wednesday shows.

"The country’s uninsured rate has steadily ticked upward since 2016, rising from a low of 10.9 percent in late 2016 to 13.7 percent — a four-year high."

If it's true mid-life mortality in the US reached its highest rate since WWII in 2017, what does that say about Trump's conception of healthcare?

CHART: The Number Of US Soldiers Who Died In Every Major American War
If America were to go Communist, it would be spitting on all those military personnel that lost limbs and lives fighting it.
US life expectancy dropped during the first two years of Trump's reign, and that reality had nothing to do with the availability of quality health care?

No it had nothing to do with the quality of care. It had to do with the left-wings attack on police, and the release of criminals.

From January 2019:

"The number of Americans without health insurance has increased by 7 million since President Donald Trump took office, new Gallup data released Wednesday shows.

"The country’s uninsured rate has steadily ticked upward since 2016, rising from a low of 10.9 percent in late 2016 to 13.7 percent — a four-year high."

If it's true mid-life mortality in the US reached its highest rate since WWII in 2017, what does that say about Trump's conception of healthcare?

CHART: The Number Of US Soldiers Who Died In Every Major American War

Again, the only health care policy currently in place, is ObamaCare. Trump has not passed a significant overhaul of health care.

How can you blame someone, who has nothing to do with the more socialized system we have?
And by the way, health care is going to get cut now or later, no matter who is president
Never Underestimate Trump.

"We say to the private health insurance companies: whether you like it or not, the United States will join every other major country on earth and guarantee healthcare to all people as a right.

"All Americans are entitled to go to the doctor when they're sick and not go bankrupt after staying in the hospital."


Medicare for All
And by the way, health care is going to get cut now or later, no matter who is president
Never Underestimate Trump.

"We say to the private health insurance companies: whether you like it or not, the United States will join every other major country on earth and guarantee healthcare to all people as a right.

"All Americans are entitled to go to the doctor when they're sick and not go bankrupt after staying in the hospital."


Medicare for All

Does not matter. You can read the lies bernie states all you want. Fact is, we don't have $122 Trillion dollars to pay for Medicare as it exists now. How can you have Medicare for all, and think the $122 Trillion we need is going to be less?

I'll tell you how... if you are 100 year old mummified socialist that will die long before the bill comes due.... that's how.
Besides that, your entire post, is ridiculous. You are suggesting that, a proposal to make adult choices about cutting spending in 2020, caused a decline in the quality of health care in 2017-2018? Are you a moron?
No, I'm saying Trump lied about his healthcare proposals while running for POTUS. Are you surprised? His initial indifference led to a decline in healthcare quality during his first two years, and his latest budget cuts will only make things worse.

The 4 Democratic presidential candidates who cosponsored Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All Senate bill either no longer support it or won’t say if they do
The budget at some point, now or later, will have to be cut. There is no way around that. And health care spending has a $122 Trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities. We can't afford that, no matter who is president, and no matter what tax rates you pick. The math doesn't work. Period
Show your math.

Americans pay more than twice as much per-capita for healthcare as the rest of the industrialized world and receive inferior medical care

Medicare for All

"Today, more than 30 million Americans still don’t have health insurance and even more are underinsured.

"Even for those with insurance, costs are so high that medical bills are the number one cause of bankruptcy in the United States.

"Incredibly, we spend significantly more of our national GDP on this inadequate health care system—far more per person than any other major country.

"And despite doing so, Americans have worse health outcomes and a higher infant mortality rate than countries that spend much less on health care."
Besides that, your entire post, is ridiculous. You are suggesting that, a proposal to make adult choices about cutting spending in 2020, caused a decline in the quality of health care in 2017-2018? Are you a moron?
No, I'm saying Trump lied about his healthcare proposals while running for POTUS. Are you surprised? His initial indifference led to a decline in healthcare quality during his first two years, and his latest budget cuts will only make things worse.

The 4 Democratic presidential candidates who cosponsored Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All Senate bill either no longer support it or won’t say if they do

Yes, all of the politicians on capital hill are lying about their health care proposals, and especially Bernie Sanders.

Yes, all of them are not true about health care costs.... .because there is no fix for a socialized system. There is no fix for Medicare. There simply isn't. It has to be reformed, or eliminated. You can't fix socialism.

But if all you care about is lying.... Bernie is the chief among the liars on health care. His proposals are just beyond ridiculous.

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