Will America Go Communist?

Just a fundamentally wrong claim. Again, not a single example of that in the entire world. Venezuela tried that. Cuba tried that. North Korea tried that. Greece tried that.
Venezuela's and Cuba's economies function under the handicap of US sanctions and boycotts, not to mention a regular threat of military intervention in their domestic politics. North Korea was bombed into the stone age sixty years ago, and has also been subject to assorted sanctions and threats coming from the US and UN. Greece doesn't even possess a sovereign currency, so I'm a little confused about why you threw that into the mix. You're trying to defend the indefensible when you apologize for capitalism's existential need for imperialism and speculation.
So socialist and Communist countries can’t prosper without U.S. trade?! Lol
Why not condemn both? Do you want to live under the pudgy thumb of some corrupt bloated bureaucrat?

Like this one?
Q: "Will America Go Communist?"

50% own nothing, 10% own everything, 40% try to get everything while living in fear to win nothing. And in the last few decades since 1970 more people wan nothing and it looks like this will continue in the next decades. And while all this had happened the planet started to die. And what do you do now? You look at a rich leading idiot, who has no idea about nothing or anything. Fine. But what do you expect now, USA? Quo vadis, USA? To try to see in everyone enemies and to try to press everyone down makes no one great.

The planet has not started to die. Ridiculous.

The mass-extinction of lifeforms on planet earth and its causes is evident. The causes and dangers of the phenomenon, which the most people call today "climate change", is evident too.

Who is pressing anyone down? No one is pressing anyone down.

The USA declared for example war on Switzerland, Germany and Russia with a law like this

H.R.1453 - European Energy Security and Diversification Act of 2019

And following such stupid laws the USA declared war on world economy in general with letters like this:


The poorest people in this country, can be the richest people in the world.

50 percent of your people own nothing. Tendence growing.

In fact, we have the most wealthy people in the world.

You have the most rich people of the world - but not the most wealthy. Since decades become the poor more poor in the USA and the rich more rich - and the # of wealthy people sinks, while the # of poor people grows.

You want to see true poverty, go to a country where there are no rich people.

An interesting question why rich people don't live everywhere. They could. The poor are not able to live in all circumstances - but they have to do.

No is holding anyone down here. If you choose to stay poor, that's your choice, but stop trying to blame everyone else for it.

Your slogan "Be an US-American or be poor" shows the dilemmas of the ignorant, intrigant, arrogant and aggressive way of life of the USA in contact with all other nations and unions of the world. You force everyone to have to take care on your ghost-problem "money" and to ignore the world-problem "reality".

The causes and dangers of the phenomenon, which the most people call today "climate change", is evident too.

The climate has been changing since the existence of the planet. There is nothing special or significant about the current change.

And following such stupid laws the USA declared war on world economy in general with letters like this

Drama much?

50 percent of your people own nothing

And water is wet. If you want to own something, get a job, and save and invest your money, like everyone else.

You have the most rich people of the world - but not the most wealthy. Since decades become the poor more poor in the USA and the rich more rich - and the # of wealthy people sinks, while the # of poor people grows.

Factually not true.

The people in the poorest levels are larger in number, simply because their are more people who are young, or un-skilled, or immigrants. Obviously, if you have more unskilled people, more immigrants, and more people at the age of inexperience, you will have lower income levels.

But over all, we have more and more people wealthy, who were formerly poorer, than ever before. You still have a better chance of becoming wealthy in this country, than any other. To even attempt an argument against his, is ridiculous. Please explain why so many people are trying to get to this country, if they have no hope to excel in life? Idiotic claim.

An interesting question why rich people don't live everywhere. They could. The poor are not able to live in all circumstances - but they have to do.

Two reasons. A: Socialized economies make it impossible to be anything but poor, thus you don't see rich in those places.
B: Because those who are already rich, are only rich because they invest wisely. It if you make it unwise to invest someplace, they don't stay there. They move to where it is wise to invest.

Again, this is why all the poorest places, are poor. Because the rich pack up their jobs, their companies, their wealth, and then they leave.

Your slogan "Be an US-American or be poor" shows the dilemmas of the ignorant, intrigant, arrogant and aggressive way of life of the USA in contact with all other nations and unions of the world. You force everyone to have to take care on your ghost-problem "money" and to ignore the world-problem "reality".

I don't remember posting anything like that. You made that up. When you have to make up arguments the other person did not say, in order to claim they are wrong... that makes you ignorant, intrigant, arrogant, and foolish.
And the economy imploded because of that. Again, I agree.
So.... what was your point again?
Venezuela never nationalized all of its banks, so, once again, how was socialism implemented there?

Tell me, in which country would you rather live? Here, or Venezuela?
Why do you ask?

You know why we ask that. You decry capitalism, and yet would never take up an offer to live under a true socialistic state.
Just a fundamentally wrong claim. Again, not a single example of that in the entire world. Venezuela tried that. Cuba tried that. North Korea tried that. Greece tried that.
Venezuela's and Cuba's economies function under the handicap of US sanctions and boycotts, not to mention a regular threat of military intervention in their domestic politics. North Korea was bombed into the stone age sixty years ago, and has also been subject to assorted sanctions and threats coming from the US and UN. Greece doesn't even possess a sovereign currency, so I'm a little confused about why you threw that into the mix. You're trying to defend the indefensible when you apologize for capitalism's existential need for imperialism and speculation.

It's funny how this works. When we trade with African countries, you claim we are stealing those countries natural resources, and making them poor and impoverished.

Then when we don't trade with Venezuela and Cuba, you claim we are holding them down, by not taking their natural resources, and making them poor and impoverished.

Funny how that works? So if we do not engage in capitalism, with Venezuela, then Socialism doesn't work? How do you explain that claim exactly?

And about that military threat... I don't remember the US sending tanks to the border of Venezuela.
Chavez Orders Tanks to Colombia Border, Raises Risks (Update2)

I do remember Socialists ordering tanks to the border, and almost starting a south American war.

Greece doesn't even possess a sovereign currency

Because having, or not having a sovereign currency, doesn't have any effect on the economic system.

The reality is, if you can make a profit, your business will thrive and grow, whether you have a sovereign currency or not.

There are many countries today, that exchange in USD, and they thrive and grow using a foreign currency as their default economic medium of exchange.

If having a sovereign currency would have allowed Greece to... do whatever it is you think would have made their country better.... then explain all the countries in the EU, that also do not have a sovereign currency, and needed no bailout?

And how do you explain the Argentina default, when they had their own currency?

The reality is, having a sovereign currency does nothing. There is no way to magically make bad budget spending on socialist programs, turn into fiscal responsibility.
my investment, there is nothing anyone can do about it.

A janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune and left most of it to his library and hospital
Tell this guy, that he is oppressed. He only has a net worth over $8 Million, so apparently he's a slave janitor in your world.
  • 102410666-6e6e1d8216928fb5591708280e9b81439edf3de4.jpg
You find one example of a miser who doesn't even reveal his fortune to his own family and think that proves something about capitalism.

It does.

Here's how a janitor amassed an $8M fortune

"However, Diane Garnick founder and CEO of Clear Alternatives, cautioned that the environment these days is much different than when Read invested.

"She noted that he likely saved cash in the ’70s before moving into the stock market, and then caught the tech boom.

"On top of that, interest rates are literally at zero, she noted.

"'One of the things that’s really important is for us to take a step back and say look it’s great that that happened over the last 40 years but there is a lower probability that it happens over the next 40 years,' she said."

This is how I know I'm talking to a true left-winger.

Left-wingers universally pretend to be the champion of the lower-class. But the moment they meet anyone of the lower-class, they turn their nose up, and just as quickly attack and destroy the very people they claim to champion.

You find a lowly janitor, a member of the working class, someone who got up every morning, and went to work, and put in his time for decades.... .and here the left-winger describes him as a miser, and decries him.

If this person had died poor, with barely a penny to his name, getting food stamps, Medicaid, and living in public housing.... you would be celebrating it, and claiming this is why we need more socialism.

But a person that doesn't fit your narrative, someone who doesn't need you socialists, because he worked hard his entire life, and was wise with his money.... that guy you hate. You hate him because he worked. You hate him because he proved your "impossible to succeed" story wrong. You hate him, because he proves the entire myth of left-wing ideology false.

You are all liars, and evil, and full of hate and deceit. You are the evil in this world that destroys everyone, because you praise the irresponsible, and hate on the successful. There is nothing good about you people, and your loss from this world, would only be an improvement to all people.
my investment, there is nothing anyone can do about it.

A janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune and left most of it to his library and hospital
Tell this guy, that he is oppressed. He only has a net worth over $8 Million, so apparently he's a slave janitor in your world.
  • 102410666-6e6e1d8216928fb5591708280e9b81439edf3de4.jpg
You find one example of a miser who doesn't even reveal his fortune to his own family and think that proves something about capitalism.

It does.

Here's how a janitor amassed an $8M fortune

"However, Diane Garnick founder and CEO of Clear Alternatives, cautioned that the environment these days is much different than when Read invested.

"She noted that he likely saved cash in the ’70s before moving into the stock market, and then caught the tech boom.

"On top of that, interest rates are literally at zero, she noted.

"'One of the things that’s really important is for us to take a step back and say look it’s great that that happened over the last 40 years but there is a lower probability that it happens over the next 40 years,' she said."

"On top of that, interest rates are literally at zero, she noted.

"'One of the things that’s really important is for us to take a step back and say look it’s great that that happened over the last 40 years but there is a lower probability that it happens over the next 40 years,' she said."

This is why you never take advice from stupid broke people.

Screenshot at 2020-02-10 16-24-28.png

This is a screen shot from my investment portfolio. These are two different mutual funds that I own.
Do you see the 10-year returns on these? 14% to 15%? You see that?

Don't listen to ignorant broke people, on how investment works, or how "interest rates are near zero". Stop listening to stupid people, when you invest.
Interesting.... so the high point of the 1920s, when the entire economy was doing fantastic, and everyone was prospering
Would you care to define "everyone" and prosperity?

The Economic Issues - The Roaring Twenties: A False Prosperity

"During the 1920s, the gap between the rich (Top 10% of citizens) and the poor (Bottom 90% of citizens) was at the highest it had ever been in United States history before that point.

"This was mostly due to the stock market boom that occurred during this time, as well as a massive confidence spike from investors in certain stocks."

The rich prospered during the Roaring Twenties, largely from another fraudulent stock market and, of course, rampant consumerism.

By everyone, I mean, from the poorest people, to the richest people. Everyone, meaning that as a group, every single group of people in the country, was better off.

There was no false prosperity during the 1920s. Nor was the stock market over valued. Both are myths.

The roaring 20s were a decade of growth, and a rise in the standard of living. This is proven by every possible economic measurement.

Further, the stock market was not overvalued.

There have been numerous papers on this, including the one above from the federal research.

By any economic measure, the stocks of the 1920s were not over valued. The value of stocks changed. The value of any stock, is determined by the current, and future performance of the company that the stock represents an ownership in.

If the future value of the company, is changed, because of burdensome regulations, taxes, or a tariff on goods.... then the stocks of that company, will change in value with the company.

The stock market crash, was caused by socialism. Government intervention into the market through regulations, taxes, and tariffs.

But there was absolutely nothing, nothing at all, that was fake about the prosperity of the 20s. Nothing. No evidence to support such a conclusion, other than the child-like claim that since stock values fell, they must have been over valued.
Capitalist propaganda

Proven facts, that are historically verifiable. Choose to be ignorant if you want.
No, it means you have no real argument. That's all that means.
10,599 Corporate Lawyers Have Donated to Buttigieg’s Campaign: Here Are the Dirty Little Secrets

"As we wrote in 2012 during the Occupy Wall Street protests:

“As the protesters marched to protest in front of the New York Fed, an ominous chant rang out: ‘No wars! No tanks! We will burn your f***ing banks.’ With police helicopters swarming overhead, protesters chanted: ‘We are unstoppable. Another world is possible.’ ”
No, it means you have no real argument. That's all that means.
10,599 Corporate Lawyers Have Donated to Buttigieg’s Campaign: Here Are the Dirty Little Secrets

"As we wrote in 2012 during the Occupy Wall Street protests:

“As the protesters marched to protest in front of the New York Fed, an ominous chant rang out: ‘No wars! No tanks! We will burn your f***ing banks.’ With police helicopters swarming overhead, protesters chanted: ‘We are unstoppable. Another world is possible.’ ”

So what?
Yeah, destroying the rich worked so well for the soviets. You people never learn.
No, it means you have no real argument. That's all that means.
10,599 Corporate Lawyers Have Donated to Buttigieg’s Campaign: Here Are the Dirty Little Secrets

"As we wrote in 2012 during the Occupy Wall Street protests:

“As the protesters marched to protest in front of the New York Fed, an ominous chant rang out: ‘No wars! No tanks! We will burn your f***ing banks.’ With police helicopters swarming overhead, protesters chanted: ‘We are unstoppable. Another world is possible.’ ”
You poor naive little Communist.

Ron Paul says Bernie Sanders 'sold out' on Fed amendment

Bernie’s gulags will hold mostly working class Trump supporters.
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