Will America Go Communist?

Trump needs to officially designate the Democratic Party an ENEMY OF THE STATE and a CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION.

UNDER Obama, the Democrats:

Armed, supplied, financed, trained, protected, defended, aided, and abetted terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, human traffickers, Russia, Iran, etc...

Illegally colluded / worked with Russians, Iranians, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, the PLO, corrupt Ukrainians, and other nation's Intel Agencies...

Obama interfered in elections / governance in Egypt, Syria, Israel...and the United States.

He illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, political opposition candidates - he turned the United States into a criminal, Dictatorial surveillance state in which he violated the Constitution, American's rights, and the law

He protected criminal Democrats from indictment / prison

He used the DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI, & 17 Intel agencies as his own personal BROWN SHIRTS....

Obama and Biden extorted the former Ukraine PM...

Democrats rigged their Primaries, denying Democrat voters of their voice / choice, screwed Bernie, gave Hillary the nomination, imposed their candidate on voters, worked with foreign spies and Russians to get propaganda which they used to commit FISA Court abuses, commit crimes, initiate and run a political coup....

Democrats vowed to remove the President from office BEFORE he win the election and just failed in their 3.5 years of sedition and treason to strip Americans of their democrat choice of President, committing crimes and violating the Constitution the whole time...

The Democrats proved they would / will do ANYTHING to steal both the last and and next election...immediately after failing in their latest coup, Democrats are already calling for more investigations and attempting to continue their treason...

Enough is enough. Start putting these traitors in jail...starting with Obama's criminal agency conspirators and including Adam Schiff.
Q: "Will America Go Communist?"

50% own nothing, 10% own everything, 40% try to get everything while living in fear to win nothing. And in the last few decades since 1970 more people wan nothing and it looks like this will continue in the next decades. And while all this had happened the planet started to die. And what do you do now? You look at a rich leading idiot, who has no idea about nothing or anything. Fine. But what do you expect now, USA? Quo vadis, USA? To try to see in everyone enemies and to try to press everyone down makes no one great.

The planet has not started to die. Ridiculous.

The mass-extinction of lifeforms on planet earth and its causes is evident. The causes and dangers of the phenomenon, which the most people call today "climate change", is evident too.

Who is pressing anyone down? No one is pressing anyone down.

The USA declared for example war on Switzerland, Germany and Russia with a law like this

H.R.1453 - European Energy Security and Diversification Act of 2019

And following such stupid laws the USA declared war on world economy in general with letters like this:


The poorest people in this country, can be the richest people in the world.

50 percent of your people own nothing. Tendence growing.

In fact, we have the most wealthy people in the world.

You have the most rich people of the world - but not the most wealthy. Since decades become the poor more poor in the USA and the rich more rich - and the # of wealthy people sinks, while the # of poor people grows.

You want to see true poverty, go to a country where there are no rich people.

An interesting question why rich people don't live everywhere. They could. The poor are not able to live in all circumstances - but they have to do.

No is holding anyone down here. If you choose to stay poor, that's your choice, but stop trying to blame everyone else for it.

Your slogan "Be an US-American or be poor" shows the dilemmas of the ignorant, intrigant, arrogant and aggressive way of life of the USA in contact with all other nations and unions of the world. You force everyone to have to take care on your ghost-problem "money" and to ignore the world-problem "reality".

The causes and dangers of the phenomenon, which the most people call today "climate change", is evident too.

The climate has been changing since the existence of the planet. There is nothing special or significant about the current change.

And following such stupid laws the USA declared war on world economy in general with letters like this

Drama much?

50 percent of your people own nothing

And water is wet. If you want to own something, get a job, and save and invest your money, like everyone else.

You have the most rich people of the world - but not the most wealthy. Since decades become the poor more poor in the USA and the rich more rich - and the # of wealthy people sinks, while the # of poor people grows.

Factually not true.

The people in the poorest levels are larger in number, simply because their are more people who are young, or un-skilled, or immigrants. Obviously, if you have more unskilled people, more immigrants, and more people at the age of inexperience, you will have lower income levels.

But over all, we have more and more people wealthy, who were formerly poorer, than ever before. You still have a better chance of becoming wealthy in this country, than any other. To even attempt an argument against his, is ridiculous. Please explain why so many people are trying to get to this country, if they have no hope to excel in life? Idiotic claim.

An interesting question why rich people don't live everywhere. They could. The poor are not able to live in all circumstances - but they have to do.

Two reasons. A: Socialized economies make it impossible to be anything but poor, thus you don't see rich in those places.
B: Because those who are already rich, are only rich because they invest wisely. It if you make it unwise to invest someplace, they don't stay there. They move to where it is wise to invest.

Again, this is why all the poorest places, are poor. Because the rich pack up their jobs, their companies, their wealth, and then they leave.

Your slogan "Be an US-American or be poor" shows the dilemmas of the ignorant, intrigant, arrogant and aggressive way of life of the USA in contact with all other nations and unions of the world. You force everyone to have to take care on your ghost-problem "money" and to ignore the world-problem "reality".

I don't remember posting anything like that. You made that up. When you have to make up arguments the other person did not say, in order to claim they are wrong... that makes you ignorant, intrigant, arrogant, and foolish.

Tell your government to translate, what they like to say to people from foreign nations about their laws, which create the U.S.-American system of injustice. The USA has by the way a national budget of about 6-8 trillion dollar. To misuse this as a market power against innovative companies worldwide is very lousy for the united cowards ... ah sorry: cowboys ... of the USA. Now be happy in your socialistic country with the socialism for the superrich under the doctrine of darwinism and egocentrism.

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Which goes to show you why we were never supposed to be a democracy. Idiots can see socialism destroy country after country, and still vote for it.
Do you vote?
If so, why do you support democracy instead of watching Reality reruns?

Will you be voting for him next November?
Don't listen to ignorant broke people, on how investment works, or how "interest rates are near zero". Stop listening to stupid people, when you invest.
Is this the ignorant broke person you are referring to?

"However, Diane Garnick founder and CEO of Clear Alternatives, cautioned that the environment these days is much different than when Read invested."

Here's how a janitor amassed an $8M fortune

If so, I suspect this is the interest rate she's using"

Federal funds rate - Wikipedia
Don't listen to ignorant broke people, on how investment works, or how "interest rates are near zero". Stop listening to stupid people, when you invest.
Is this the ignorant broke person you are referring to?

"However, Diane Garnick founder and CEO of Clear Alternatives, cautioned that the environment these days is much different than when Read invested."

Here's how a janitor amassed an $8M fortune

If so, I suspect this is the interest rate she's using"

Federal funds rate - Wikipedia

Which is still completely ignorant. Why would Diane Garnick use the Fed interest rate, when all of Reeds investments were in stocks? What does deposit interest rates have to do with stock ROIs?

Again, I posted to you that my own investments have pulled 14% returns over the past 10 years. So what relevance does the interest rate matter to me, or anyone anywhere who invests?


Anyone who actually had a freaking clue about investing, would never say something so stupid, as what Diane said. She is clearly idiotic. Don't listen to ignorant fools, on how to invest.
This is a screen shot from my investment portfolio. These are two different mutual funds that I own.
Do you see the 10-year returns on these? 14% to 15%? You see that?
I see the numbers you value, but I wonder what you do to EARN that value? Be specific.

I earn it by my investment. By using my money to invest wisely, I have earned the return on investment. Remember I earned the money to begin with.

If you buy a car, and let someone borrow it for $20.... "I wonder what you do to earn that value"? You worked, and saved, and bought the car. That's what earns you the value.
I earn it by my investment. By using my money to invest wisely, I have earned the return on investment. Remember I earned the money to begin with.
Learn to pronounce
  1. "obtain (money) in return for labor or services.
    'they earn $35 per hour'"
earn - Google Search

Actually, you didn't "earn" anything in a productive sense from your investments.

What you did was prove you believe a 14% to 15% return is more important than paying productive employees a living wage or protecting a community's water supply.

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Which is still completely ignorant. Why would Diane Garnick use the Fed interest rate, when all of Reeds investments were in stocks? What does deposit interest rates have to do with stock ROIs?

Again, I posted to you that my own investments have pulled 14% returns over the past 10 years. So what relevance does the interest rate matter to me, or anyone anywhere who invests?
So...now you're claiming ignorance of the relationship between the Fed's open market operations and the stock market, right?

Federal funds rate - Wikipedia

"The Federal Reserve uses open market operations to make the federal funds effective rate follow the federal funds target rate. The target rate is chosen in part to influence the money supply in the U.S. economy."
And this doesn't scare you? It should
This is what I find scary, especially in his second term.

"These sources tell the story of a seemingly unhinged president, who regularly demeans and degrades his staff, who lacks fundamental knowledge necessary for the job, and who isn't being properly protected.

"Trump responded to the book's impending release with a tweet on Monday, calling Rucker and Leonnig 'two stone cold losers from Amazon [Washington Post].'"

4 wild stories we've learned so far from 'A Very Stable Genius,' a new book on the Trump White House
Which goes to show you why we were never supposed to be a democracy. Idiots can see socialism destroy country after country, and still vote for it.
Do you vote?
If so, why do you support democracy instead of watching Reality reruns?

Will you be voting for him next November?

I never supported democracy. Historically every democracy, has destroyed itself.

In fact, California today is a perfect example of this. The reason California has a debt crisis, is because of the direct vote referendum process, which allows people to directly vote against taxes, but vote directly for spending increases.

Well of course, it's pretty easy to get people to vote against taxes, and for spending increases.

In fact, I would even make the claim that the current federal problem, is a problem caused by democracy. You look at the budget of the US, back 100 years and prior, when the public largely left it to government to run the country, and the budgets were pretty good. A wise and frugal government, as the founding fathers intended.

It's only been in the last 50 years, with the rise of endless campaigning, from FDRs FireSide chats, to Obama and Trumps endless fund raisers, where you have so much public pressure directly on the Federal Government. And what do we see? Endless spending, and no one willing to cut the insane government.

Why? Because people don't want to pay taxes, but they don't want to cut spending either. Well what do you expect from Democracy? Democracy sucks.

We were supposed to be a representative republic. Everything the founding fathers of this nation warned us about, the very reasons they didn't want a democracy.... it all has happened exactly as they claimed.

So no, I did not vote for Trump in 2016, because I have always regarded Trump as a Democrat, or at least left-wing in policy. Trump is no conservative.

However, he has governed more right-wing than I ever thought he would.

Regardless, yes absolutely I will vote for Trump in 2020. The left-wingers are all absolute garbage, and have proven themselves pure evil. Absolute pure evil. Yes, if I have to chose between a clown, and pure evil... I'll pick the clown.
And this doesn't scare you? It should
This is what I find scary, especially in his second term.

"These sources tell the story of a seemingly unhinged president, who regularly demeans and degrades his staff, who lacks fundamental knowledge necessary for the job, and who isn't being properly protected.

"Trump responded to the book's impending release with a tweet on Monday, calling Rucker and Leonnig 'two stone cold losers from Amazon [Washington Post].'"

4 wild stories we've learned so far from 'A Very Stable Genius,' a new book on the Trump White House

We all knew who Trump was, long before he ran.

That said, the country is doing fine, the street lights still go from red to green, and then back to red. Food is still at the store, and I'm earning more money now, that at any point in my life.

Had my teeth cleaned today. The world hasn't ended with Trump as president. I don't see anything to be concerned about. Iran backed off. North Korea isn't still firing missiles, China is meeting us half way on Trade. I don't see a problem.
Which is still completely ignorant. Why would Diane Garnick use the Fed interest rate, when all of Reeds investments were in stocks? What does deposit interest rates have to do with stock ROIs?

Again, I posted to you that my own investments have pulled 14% returns over the past 10 years. So what relevance does the interest rate matter to me, or anyone anywhere who invests?
So...now you're claiming ignorance of the relationship between the Fed's open market operations and the stock market, right?

Federal funds rate - Wikipedia

"The Federal Reserve uses open market operations to make the federal funds effective rate follow the federal funds target rate. The target rate is chosen in part to influence the money supply in the U.S. economy."

Irrelevant. Again, you saw the numbers from my investments. I earned a huge ROI last year. What difference did the Fed have on that? Nothing. Zero percentage on a CD or savings account, did not stop my investments from having a large ROI.

I have no doubt that the Fed's open market operations have an effect.

But the claim by that idiot you quoted, was that interest rates are zero, so it isn't likely that we all can invest and have good returns like Reed did.

Fact is... we can. None of what you posted, changes the fact that people are making good returns on their investments. None of that Fed crap matters. Fact is, you can make good returns on investment. Period. End of story. The idiot you quoted, is full of crap.
I never supported democracy. Historically every democracy, has destroyed itself.
It's an ancient problem.

Some argue democracy dies when rich people get too much control over government. For example:

Two Days of Grilling Ahead for Fed Chair Powell

"The questions are exclusively focused on the Fed’s unprecedented repo loans to Wall Street’s trading houses that began on September 17 of last year and have been made every single business day since that time.

"The cumulative tally of the loans is now more than $6.6 trillion, more than a third of the Fed loans made during the financial crisis.

"And yet, Powell insists there is no crisis on Wall Street.

"The Senators demanded answers to the following questions:"
I never supported democracy. Historically every democracy, has destroyed itself.
It's an ancient problem.

Some argue democracy dies when rich people get too much control over government. For example:

Two Days of Grilling Ahead for Fed Chair Powell

"The questions are exclusively focused on the Fed’s unprecedented repo loans to Wall Street’s trading houses that began on September 17 of last year and have been made every single business day since that time.

"The cumulative tally of the loans is now more than $6.6 trillion, more than a third of the Fed loans made during the financial crisis.

"And yet, Powell insists there is no crisis on Wall Street.

"The Senators demanded answers to the following questions:"

No, democracy dies when the general public figures out they can vote themselves money.
Has nothing to do with the Fed, or any of that other nonsense.

Besides that, I'm a bit amused that you keep pointing to the Fed. The Fed is the government.

You want to reduce the power and control of the government? I'm all for it. Let's have more Capitalism, and less socialism. Works for me.
Q: "Will America Go Communist?"

50% own nothing, 10% own everything, 40% try to get everything while living in fear to win nothing. And in the last few decades since 1970 more people wan nothing and it looks like this will continue in the next decades. And while all this had happened the planet started to die. And what do you do now? You look at a rich leading idiot, who has no idea about nothing or anything. Fine. But what do you expect now, USA? Quo vadis, USA? To try to see in everyone enemies and to try to press everyone down makes no one great.

The planet has not started to die. Ridiculous.

The mass-extinction of lifeforms on planet earth and its causes is evident. The causes and dangers of the phenomenon, which the most people call today "climate change", is evident too.

Who is pressing anyone down? No one is pressing anyone down.

The USA declared for example war on Switzerland, Germany and Russia with a law like this

H.R.1453 - European Energy Security and Diversification Act of 2019

And following such stupid laws the USA declared war on world economy in general with letters like this:


The poorest people in this country, can be the richest people in the world.

50 percent of your people own nothing. Tendence growing.

In fact, we have the most wealthy people in the world.

You have the most rich people of the world - but not the most wealthy. Since decades become the poor more poor in the USA and the rich more rich - and the # of wealthy people sinks, while the # of poor people grows.

You want to see true poverty, go to a country where there are no rich people.

An interesting question why rich people don't live everywhere. They could. The poor are not able to live in all circumstances - but they have to do.

No is holding anyone down here. If you choose to stay poor, that's your choice, but stop trying to blame everyone else for it.

Your slogan "Be an US-American or be poor" shows the dilemmas of the ignorant, intrigant, arrogant and aggressive way of life of the USA in contact with all other nations and unions of the world. You force everyone to have to take care on your ghost-problem "money" and to ignore the world-problem "reality".

The causes and dangers of the phenomenon, which the most people call today "climate change", is evident too.

The climate has been changing since the existence of the planet. There is nothing special or significant about the current change.

And following such stupid laws the USA declared war on world economy in general with letters like this

Drama much?

50 percent of your people own nothing

And water is wet. If you want to own something, get a job, and save and invest your money, like everyone else.

You have the most rich people of the world - but not the most wealthy. Since decades become the poor more poor in the USA and the rich more rich - and the # of wealthy people sinks, while the # of poor people grows.

Factually not true.

The people in the poorest levels are larger in number, simply because their are more people who are young, or un-skilled, or immigrants. Obviously, if you have more unskilled people, more immigrants, and more people at the age of inexperience, you will have lower income levels.

But over all, we have more and more people wealthy, who were formerly poorer, than ever before. You still have a better chance of becoming wealthy in this country, than any other. To even attempt an argument against his, is ridiculous. Please explain why so many people are trying to get to this country, if they have no hope to excel in life? Idiotic claim.

An interesting question why rich people don't live everywhere. They could. The poor are not able to live in all circumstances - but they have to do.

Two reasons. A: Socialized economies make it impossible to be anything but poor, thus you don't see rich in those places.
B: Because those who are already rich, are only rich because they invest wisely. It if you make it unwise to invest someplace, they don't stay there. They move to where it is wise to invest.

Again, this is why all the poorest places, are poor. Because the rich pack up their jobs, their companies, their wealth, and then they leave.

Your slogan "Be an US-American or be poor" shows the dilemmas of the ignorant, intrigant, arrogant and aggressive way of life of the USA in contact with all other nations and unions of the world. You force everyone to have to take care on your ghost-problem "money" and to ignore the world-problem "reality".

I don't remember posting anything like that. You made that up. When you have to make up arguments the other person did not say, in order to claim they are wrong... that makes you ignorant, intrigant, arrogant, and foolish.

Tell your government to translate, what they like to say to people from foreign nations about their laws, which create the U.S.-American system of injustice. The USA has by the way a national budget of about 6-8 trillion dollar. To misuse this as a market power against innovative companies worldwide is very lousy for the united cowards ... ah sorry: cowboys ... of the USA. Now be happy in your socialistic country with the socialism for the superrich under the doctrine of darwinism and egocentrism.

Give me an example. What exactly do you call a system of injustice?

I am very happy in my capitalistic country, where a man can come here from Bangladesh, and make $120,000 a year.

Should I not be happy that anyone can succeed here? He went from being very poor, to being very wealthy. Why should anyone think that is bad? Would it be better to stay poor?
I earn it by my investment. By using my money to invest wisely, I have earned the return on investment. Remember I earned the money to begin with.
Learn to pronounce
  1. "obtain (money) in return for labor or services.
    'they earn $35 per hour'"
earn - Google Search

Actually, you didn't "earn" anything in a productive sense from your investments.

What you did was prove you believe a 14% to 15% return is more important than paying productive employees a living wage or protecting a community's water supply.

Then stay poor. By all means, be a loser in life, if that is what you want.

But stop complaining when other people are smart, and win. That just makes you a sore loser.

This is why you people are always sad pathetic people, who never succeed in anything in life.

Give me an example. What exactly do you call a system of injustice?

I do not think you are so stupid not to understand what I say to you. You don't like to understand, what's quite normal in a growing unenlightened country like the USA.

I am very happy in my capitalistic country, where a man can come here from Bangladesh, and make $120,000 a year.

Nice pocket money. Nevertheless I don't see a difference between this what you call "capitalism" and I call "socialism for the superrich". You are by the way with nearly everything wrong what you say about politics and your "moral" is very lousy - but I do not discuss this with you nor with anyone else.

Should I not be happy that anyone can succeed here? He went from being very poor, to being very wealthy. Why should anyone think that is bad? Would it be better to stay poor?

Back on the political wishi-washi level of the currrent USA.

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