Will America Go Communist?

The Republicans have been predicting America becoming communist for so long now, that it would be in the Republican interests if America did go communistic. Republicans could shout to the world how right they were predicting America is going communistic.

How would Trump answer the question?

Joseph McCarthy - Wikipedia
No, we will not go communist

But we will have a government that does more to help We the People
Notice Marx thought slavery had a good side. What a racist!

Marx's racism - WND
How many slaves did Marx own?


"Scientific racism originated in the eighteenth century as a product of the Enlightenment. Carl Linnaeus, the Count of Buffon, and Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, followed in the early nineteenth century by Georges Cuvier, used skin-colour variations to classify humanity into a limited number of races endowed with specific characters and to be ranked hierarchically – white on top and black at the bottom.

"The inferior races were regarded as degenerations emerging from particular environmental and social conditions.

"Environmental factors held responsible for racial variety and degeneration included the climate, geography, nutrition patterns, lifestyle and racial intermixtures.

"These early race theoreticians however held on to the biblical monogenetic view of one human species with one common origin."
Notice Marx thought slavery had a good side. What a racist!

Marx's racism - WND
How many slaves did Marx own?


"Scientific racism originated in the eighteenth century as a product of the Enlightenment. Carl Linnaeus, the Count of Buffon, and Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, followed in the early nineteenth century by Georges Cuvier, used skin-colour variations to classify humanity into a limited number of races endowed with specific characters and to be ranked hierarchically – white on top and black at the bottom.

"The inferior races were regarded as degenerations emerging from particular environmental and social conditions.

"Environmental factors held responsible for racial variety and degeneration included the climate, geography, nutrition patterns, lifestyle and racial intermixtures.

"These early race theoreticians however held on to the biblical monogenetic view of one human species with one common origin."
Thanks for additional evidence that Marx and Engels were racist.

Why don’t you condemn Marx?

Marxism is just a tool to acquire power, not a plan to help working folk.
Interesting.... so the high point of the 1920s, when the entire economy was doing fantastic, and everyone was prospering
Would you care to define "everyone" and prosperity?

The Economic Issues - The Roaring Twenties: A False Prosperity

"During the 1920s, the gap between the rich (Top 10% of citizens) and the poor (Bottom 90% of citizens) was at the highest it had ever been in United States history before that point.

"This was mostly due to the stock market boom that occurred during this time, as well as a massive confidence spike from investors in certain stocks."

The rich prospered during the Roaring Twenties, largely from another fraudulent stock market and, of course, rampant consumerism.

By everyone, I mean, from the poorest people, to the richest people. Everyone, meaning that as a group, every single group of people in the country, was better off.

There was no false prosperity during the 1920s. Nor was the stock market over valued. Both are myths.

The roaring 20s were a decade of growth, and a rise in the standard of living. This is proven by every possible economic measurement.

Further, the stock market was not overvalued.

There have been numerous papers on this, including the one above from the federal research.

By any economic measure, the stocks of the 1920s were not over valued. The value of stocks changed. The value of any stock, is determined by the current, and future performance of the company that the stock represents an ownership in.

If the future value of the company, is changed, because of burdensome regulations, taxes, or a tariff on goods.... then the stocks of that company, will change in value with the company.

The stock market crash, was caused by socialism. Government intervention into the market through regulations, taxes, and tariffs.

But there was absolutely nothing, nothing at all, that was fake about the prosperity of the 20s. Nothing. No evidence to support such a conclusion, other than the child-like claim that since stock values fell, they must have been over valued.
Capitalist propaganda
Why don’t you condemn Marx?

Marxism is just a tool to acquire power, not a plan to help working folk.

Why would I condemn those who saw the profit motive as the root of slavery, genocide, and state-sponsored terrorism?

What Marx Understood About Slavery

"This year marks the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in Virginia.

"Although this grim event is now being discussed in profound and penetrating ways, few in the mainstream media are noting the particularly capitalist character of the New World’s modern form of slavery — a theme that runs through Marx’s critique of capital and his extensive discussions of capitalism and slavery."
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The stock market crash, was caused by socialism. Government intervention into the market through regulations, taxes, and tariffs.
How did the practice of buying stocks with borrowed money contribute to the stock market crash of 1929?

Stock Market Crash of 1929 - Buying on Margin

"Buying on margin became so popular that by the late 1920s, 'ninety percent of the purchase price of the stock was being made with borrowed money.'

"Not only that ... the U.S. economy had come to depend on that activity.

"Before the crash, nearly forty cents of every dollar loaned in America was used to buy stocks.

"As more people bought stocks with borrowed money, the demand for stocks increased - as did the prices.

"In 1928 alone, the stock market doubled."

Can you name any specific acts of socialism committed by Calvin Cooledge or his many friends in the financial industry?

It's my understanding they believed the fewer regulations on the "free market" the better.
By any economic measure, the stocks of the 1920s were not over valued. The value of stocks changed. The value of any stock, is determined by the current, and future performance of the company that the stock represents an ownership in.

If the future value of the company, is changed, because of burdensome regulations, taxes, or a tariff on goods.... then the stocks of that company, will change in value with the company
Stock value is also affected by debt.
If a majority of those buying stock borrow 90% of their investment, what happens when the bubble pops and asset prices decline?

Stock Market Crash of 1929 - Buying on Margin

"As more people bought stocks
with borrowed money, the demand for stocks increased - as did the prices.

"In 1928 alone, the stock market doubled.

"Applying the formula of the time, a person with $6,000 could buy $60,000 worth of stock because all one had to do was put down 10% of the purchase price.

"With a market going ever upward, who would have thought about 'paying the piper' - that is, the rest (90%) of the purchase price - in the event the value of the stock 'tanked?'

"Recklessness became part of the national consciousness. 'The market takes care of things pretty well,' so why not join in?

"Calvin Cooledge, then President of the United States, had friends in the financial industry. Regulations, at the time, were so minimal that "the street" could run itself.

"(Does any of this sound familiar?)"
The Republicans have been predicting America becoming communist for so long now, that it would be in the Republican interests if America did go communistic. Republicans could shout to the world how right they were predicting America is going communistic.

How would Trump answer the question?

Joseph McCarthy - Wikipedia

McCarthyism - Wikipedia

"McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence.[1]

"The term refers to U.S. senator Joseph McCarthy (R-Wisconsin) and has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting from the late 1940s through the 1950s.[2]

"It was characterized by heightened political repression and a campaign spreading fear of communist influence on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet agents.[2]

"After the mid-1950s, McCarthyism began to decline, mainly due to the gradual loss of public popularity and opposition from the U.S. Supreme Court led by Chief Justice Earl Warren.[3][4]"
No. I am not. If I start a business tomorrow, there is nothing anyone can do about it. If I invest money wisely, and reap a huge return on my investment, there is nothing anyone can do about it.
If you need to borrow money to start your business, there is a great many people who can do something about it. If the owners of capital decide you and your business model represent a threat to their fraudulent, for-profit system, how likely is it they will provide the money necessary to begin your quest for private wealth?
Why don’t you condemn Marx?

Marxism is just a tool to acquire power, not a plan to help working folk.

Why would I condemn those who saw the profit motive as the root of slavery, genocide, and state-sponsored terrorism?

What Marx Understood About Slavery

T"his year marks the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in Virginia.

"Although this grim event is now being discussed in profound and penetrating ways, few in the mainstream media are noting the particularly capitalist character of the New World’s modern form of slavery — a theme that runs through Marx’s critique of capital and his extensive discussions of capitalism and slavery."

Why don’t you condemn Marx?

Marxism is just a tool to acquire power, not a plan to help working folk.

Why would I condemn those who saw the profit motive as the root of slavery, genocide, and state-sponsored terrorism?

What Marx Understood About Slavery

T"his year marks the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in Virginia.

"Although this grim event is now being discussed in profound and penetrating ways, few in the mainstream media are noting the particularly capitalist character of the New World’s modern form of slavery — a theme that runs through Marx’s critique of capital and his extensive discussions of capitalism and slavery."
So you support a racist who thought slavery had a good side. That makes you a racist too. Marx and Engels were happy to see supposedly primitive ethnicities subjugated and destroyed.

And speaking of genocide: Ukraine’s Genocide by Famine | National Review

Free individuals buying and selling in a free market has nothing to do with slavery or genocide.
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my investment, there is nothing anyone can do about it.

A janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune and left most of it to his library and hospital
Tell this guy, that he is oppressed. He only has a net worth over $8 Million, so apparently he's a slave janitor in your world.
  • 102410666-6e6e1d8216928fb5591708280e9b81439edf3de4.jpg
You find one example of a miser who doesn't even reveal his fortune to his own family and think that proves something about capitalism.

It does.

Here's how a janitor amassed an $8M fortune

"However, Diane Garnick founder and CEO of Clear Alternatives, cautioned that the environment these days is much different than when Read invested.

"She noted that he likely saved cash in the ’70s before moving into the stock market, and then caught the tech boom.

"On top of that, interest rates are literally at zero, she noted.

"'One of the things that’s really important is for us to take a step back and say look it’s great that that happened over the last 40 years but there is a lower probability that it happens over the next 40 years,' she said."
No when Bernie supporters sound more like 30's SOVIET era Apparatchiks than Americans. And Stalin shot his nearest an dearest supporters. In fact, the Russians killed way more people than the Nazis.
The Republicans have been predicting America becoming communist for so long now, that it would be in the Republican interests if America did go communistic. Republicans could shout to the world how right they were predicting America is going communistic.

How would Trump answer the question?

Joseph McCarthy - Wikipedia

McCarthyism - Wikipedia

"McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence.[1]

"The term refers to U.S. senator Joseph McCarthy (R-Wisconsin) and has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting from the late 1940s through the 1950s.[2]

"It was characterized by heightened political repression and a campaign spreading fear of communist influence on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet agents.[2]

"After the mid-1950s, McCarthyism began to decline, mainly due to the gradual loss of public popularity and opposition from the U.S. Supreme Court led by Chief Justice Earl Warren.[3][4]"
Look at the facts: Joe McCarthy Was Right

Was Hiss guilty? Were the Rosenbergs?
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No when Bernie supporters sound more like 30's SOVIET era Apparatchiks than Americans. And Stalin shot his nearest an dearest supporters. In fact, the Russians killed way more people than the Nazis.
Capitalism is killing millions today.
Why doesn't that concern you?

Nonsense. The countries where people are suffering like North Korea, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe are anything but capitalist. Try to make a little sense.

BBC News | Asia-Pacific | North Korea 'loses 3 million to famine'

African Famine: The Harvest of Socialist Agriculture | David Osterfeld
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Just a fundamentally wrong claim. Again, not a single example of that in the entire world. Venezuela tried that. Cuba tried that. North Korea tried that. Greece tried that.
Venezuela's and Cuba's economies function under the handicap of US sanctions and boycotts, not to mention a regular threat of military intervention in their domestic politics. North Korea was bombed into the stone age sixty years ago, and has also been subject to assorted sanctions and threats coming from the US and UN. Greece doesn't even possess a sovereign currency, so I'm a little confused about why you threw that into the mix. You're trying to defend the indefensible when you apologize for capitalism's existential need for imperialism and speculation.

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