Will America put a known adultress in the WH?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
She knew she was having an affair with a married man, this supposedly Catholic woman who believes so strongly that she got Newt to abandon his church for Catholicism. What was it - a 9....9....9....year affair?

America will not put a harlot in the White House.

Why shouldn't they? the put clinton in twice.. swine that you are.
Its his failed ideas that will keep him out of the spot not his need for secret sex.
Its his failed ideas that will keep him out of the spot not his need for secret sex.

He balanced that budget for Clinton and you call that a failed idea//

you're fucking hilarious.

oh and btw,, we've had some unexpected job losses this month too.

Why shouldn't they? the put clinton in twice.. swine that you are.

Yeah..but they put a known law breaker..into the white house, once! :thup:

True story. George W. Bush..the only president with a criminal record prior to assuming office!

You guys should be so proud! And he fucked a pinata once while drunk out of his mind.
Why shouldn't they? the put clinton in twice.. swine that you are.

Yeah..but they put a known law breaker..into the white house, once! :thup:

True story. George W. Bush..the only president with a criminal record prior to assuming office!

You guys should be so proud! And he fucked a pinata once while drunk out of his mind.

obamie snorted coke,, gawd only knows what he fucked.
Remember when the Secretary O' State was campaigning for her husband and took charge of the "bimbo eruption team"? Remember when the first lady looked Americans in the eye and blamed the "vast right wing conspiracy" when she knew the DNA on Monica's dress belonged to her husband? The media knew about Bill Clinton's sexual perversion but they kept it secret from the American public and now they are concerned about republicans and adultery? Give me a break.
Its his failed ideas that will keep him out of the spot not his need for secret sex.

He balanced that budget for Clinton and you call that a failed idea//
you're fucking hilarious
oh and btw,, we've had some unexpected job losses this month too.
The CBO gave the lions share of the credit for the savings in the 90s to the 1993 bra singed into law without one single republican signature.
Why shouldn't they? the put clinton in twice.. swine that you are.
Clinton wasn't an adulteress, you stupid cow.
That's right, technically he's an Adulterer.
Why shouldn't they? the put clinton in twice.. swine that you are.
Billy Jeff settled for $850,000 with a woman he man handled. Look it up.

My favorite quote from the Serial Cheater was during the Monica Lewinski affair (I read the transcripts). She accused him of cheating on her (imagine that!) with Eleanor Mondale to which Bubba replied:

"Oh you know I don't girls with small breasts!".
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Why shouldn't they? the put clinton in twice.. swine that you are.

Yeah..but they put a known law breaker..into the white house, once! :thup:

True story. George W. Bush..the only president with a criminal record prior to assuming office!

You guys should be so proud! And he fucked a pinata once while drunk out of his mind.

And yet, for some reason I doubt you really care about Obama's confessions of possession and using cocaine, which is also criminal.
Why shouldn't they? the put clinton in twice.. swine that you are.

Yeah..but they put a known law breaker..into the white house, once! :thup:

True story. George W. Bush..the only president with a criminal record prior to assuming office!

You guys should be so proud! And he fucked a pinata once while drunk out of his mind.

And yet, for some reason I doubt you really care about Obama's confessions of possession and using cocaine, which is also criminal.
Clinton admitted to doing cocaine? Do you have a source for this claim?
Why shouldn't they? the put clinton in twice.. swine that you are.

Did you mean to say adulterer or adulteress?

I'd prefer a known adulterer to an unknown one. You know...someone who has come clean with the truth instead of hiding behind it, or worse yet, lying about it.
She knew she was having an affair with a married man, this supposedly Catholic woman who believes so strongly that she got Newt to abandon his church for Catholicism. What was it - a 9....9....9....year affair?

America will not put a harlot in the White House.

Idiots put clinton in didn't they? Look what happened, violated the oval office.
Oh come on. We put a spendthrift ORC in the white house and her voodoo practicing mother too.

The democrats dream is coming true, morality has no place in politics.

I don't care if Callista Gingrich give bjs to Bill Clinton in the Rose Garden if it get obama OUT, it's worth it.

This has got to be the funniest thread I've read since coming to this forum.

Please be careful ... all this wiggling and posturing and name calling, you could hurt yourselves.

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