Will ANYONE in the government be held accountable for violations of the first amendment via Twitter?

Will anyone be held to account for the government violating the first amendment rights of citizens?

  • Yes

  • No

  • There were no first amendment violations

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Yo, Einstein...they are paid all kinds of money to be on CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC because they claim to have "un named sources at the different agencies" who give them information to support what their opinion and give it reason to be considered as fact.
No such claims were part of the letter which includes many people who have never received any money from any network for any sources.
Voters decide everything. Republicans want to suppress voters.
Did they make it too hard for Dim retards to vote? Republicans are always pikin on you! Now your votes will be counted honestly. Oh, you po witto rascals!

So you post nothing at all because you fear I will tear it apart??

Not only are you a fucking moron, you're a pussy too.
Actually, that is your reputation on here. You ask for proof, proof is provided and then you criticize the source of the proof....and viola....now the debate turned from the original topic to the source of the proof.

Its what you do. Its what many do.
Just ab FYI...there are 25 states where ballot harvesting is legal.

There are 13 states where the question of whether or not it was legal was ignored

Just saying.

Know your shit before you puke it up.

You are a disappointment.
None of the 5 swing states, WI, MI, PA, GA, AZ were those alleged 25 states with legal ballot harvesting, nor was there sanctioned illegal ballot harvesting that was in any way proven to happen, nor would it have been enough for Trump in 3 or 4 of those swing states, in order for trump to win those states in order for Trump to win the electoral college and the presidency.

I'm sorry you've let yourself be duped!

Know your shit before you talk!
Faun and others still believe the Russia Hoax was real even though 25 Million dollars of investigations came up with nothing.


Thanks for letting me know I get under your skin.

That's bad enough, but you making up what I post shows a lack of character on your part. I never said I believe the Russia hoax was real. In fact, I said the opposite...

Trump has not been impeached or formally charged with anything. I’m not calling for him to be impeached or charged with anything. I am waiting for the investigation to conclude before rendering any such judgements. At which time, I myself will accept whatever conclusions are reached. So how am I treating Trump any differently?
I’ve seen no evidence to date that trump colluded with Russia in regards to them hacking Democrats. So no, I have not made any such accusation. Like most others, I’m waiting for Mueller to release his report on the matter before I render a judgement on it.
I don’t speak for other “lefties,” nor do they speak for me. And I have not said Trump colluded with Russia. I have said I am waiting to see what Mueller finds before rendering a an opinion on that.
And when Mueller released his findings, I accepted them graciously and pointed out Trump was exonerated...

Mueller exonerated trump of colluding with Russian hackers.
To recap, Mueller exonerated trump of any involvement with colluding with Russian hackers

Its how they work....actually...they dont work. They live off the teat of the govment.

That too is not true. I work. I collect nothing from the government.

What a shame you make up such bullshit about your betters.
Actually, that is your reputation on here. You ask for proof, proof is provided and then you criticize the source of the proof....and viola....now the debate turned from the original topic to the source of the proof.

Its what you do. Its what many do.


Spits the putz who was already caught making up my position of the Russia hoax, making up my employment status, and making up that I live off of the government. Now you're simply making up more shit about me. You really shouldn't let me get inside your head like that. :badgrin:

How sad. :(
Maybe not, but we sure see libs like you true colors when it comes to how easily your willing to defend stepping on them.
I’ve defended no trampling of rights.

It’s the political right that supports it and have been for decades. You see it every time they defend cops for illegal search and seizures. Illegal use of force against citizens. Prosecutorial misconduct. Failure to provide representation for defendants.
I’ve defended no trampling of rights.
You have defended Twitter and the FBI for censoring people

It’s the political right that supports it and have been for decades.
Really? For example?

You see it every time they defend cops for illegal search and seizures. Illegal use of force against citizens. Prosecutorial misconduct. Failure to provide representation for defendants.
For example?
I see the first two responses are from idiots who can't grasp the idea that the government is BANNED from interfering in the free speech of its citizens yet went out of its way to do that very thing by putting pressure on Twitter and most likely every other social media site
They do not care, they are in favor of doing away with constitutional things, as long as they perceive their side wins.
Yeah, like doing with Constitutional things that would allow for the loser of a presidential election to replace the winner in the White House.
That's only when the "winner" wins by fraud.
Yeah, like doing with Constitutional things that would allow for the loser of a presidential election to replace the winner in the White House.
Yeah, like doing with Constitutional things that would allow for the cheated of a presidential election to replace the cheater in the White House.

Fixed it for ya
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Doesn't count just because you say there's fraud when you're utterly incapable of proving it. No one cares about your rightarded hallucinations.
Who put you in charge of making the rules and enforcing your ridiculous definition of "evidence."
Yeah, like doing with Constitutional things that would allow for the cheated of a presidential election to replace the cheater in the White House.

Fixed it for ya

Until you prove widespread fraud, you fixed nothing.
I’ve defended no trampling of rights.

It’s the political right that supports it and have been for decades. You see it every time they defend cops for illegal search and seizures. Illegal use of force against citizens. Prosecutorial misconduct. Failure to provide representation for defendants.
Give me some more boiler plate…gheeze.
Give me some more boiler plate…gheeze.
The conservative Supreme Court decided that a conviction should stand even when significant exculpatory evidence was withheld because we shouldn’t be second guessing the finality of convictions.

So there goes the right to a fair trial. Conservatives said nothing. Their justices are responsible for this travesty. Our rights are being trampled.


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