Will ANYONE in the government be held accountable for violations of the first amendment via Twitter?

Will anyone be held to account for the government violating the first amendment rights of citizens?

  • Yes

  • No

  • There were no first amendment violations

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Yeah, believe the Billionaire Twitter Troll, who spent 44 billion to enforce his views about free speech on his new platform? Only in America!
So the Big tech companies and throttle anyone they want. That's not censorship, but when Elon Musk posts his views, that "enforcing his views?"

You people are beyond delusional.
The FBI can violate citizen's rights, dumb fuck. The FBI is breaking the law when it tells Twitter who to censor. Any brain damaged retard should be able to understand that.

"Government speech doctrine?" What the fuck is that? Government has no rights period. It has rights to any views. It does what it's told, period.
/——/ The same lib mentality made excuses for their slavery.
/---/ It's cute how you chose to carry the FBI's water.

This is 2022, idiot. :icon_rolleyes:
Read what you wrote. If a private company forced their way into my house that's a crime called home invasion. You're dumb as a stump.

Sure it is, in a perfect world, this world is far from perfect. In this world the feds would cover for them.

The newspaper doesn't have to print your letter... You must be a teenager.

Why are you incapable of following a conversation? It has nothing to do with a newspaper or a letter. I specifically quoted this sentence:
Freedom of speech does not end at the entrance to a private corporation.
My reply to that was:
Actually it does, unless the corporation is acting as an agent of the government.
Is English your second language? Your commie ignorance is showing.

To anyone but the most partisan it is clear that first amendment violations are abundant but will ANYONE be held to account for it?

If not our so called constitutional rights are nothing but a figment of our imagination IMO.
No. Those who were trying to violate the First Amendment were Democrats and Democrats are above the rule of law.

Everything has to be on the extreme for you people.

Assuming this happened, it was wrong and can't happen. It has to be stopped and fixed. We have to learn more about what actually took place, to what degree, how, and by whom. Is it contrary to the philosophy of freedom of expression? Very possibly. We need to know more. That's what intelligent adults do when they see a potential problem.

Instead, sensing political advantage, you folks are going full hair-on-fire drama queen, like someone has stolen your tampons, as usual from both ends of the political spectrum. You're a big victim, everyone is out to get poor little you, and they're so mean.

My goodness, you're boring.

You stupid fuck, I'm damn tired of you commies screaming "private company", "private company". The fact is, the FBI and other intel agencies had weekly meetings with Twitter. The FBI even identified specific accounts, including one guy with a very low number of followers for telling unapproved JOKES. Twitter replied to an email which identified 5 different accounts and simply said "handled". All the accounts were either suspended or outright banned.

So if you're not hair on fire pissed off that the intel apparatus in this country is interfering with our elections, you may as well move your ass to China, you'll enjoy their system.
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You stupid fuck, I'm damn tired of you commies screaming "private company", "private company". The fact is, the FBI and other intel agencies had weekly meetings with Twitter. The FBI even identified specific accounts, including on guy with a very low number of followers for telling unapproved JOKES. Twitter replied to an email which identified 5 different accounts and simply said "handled". All the accounts were either suspended or outright banned.

So if you're not hair on fire pissed off that the intel apparatus in this country is interfering with our elections, you may as well move your ass to China, you'll enjoy their system.

Yeah, accounts identified as foreigners attempting to interfere with our election. Good riddance.
So the Big tech companies and throttle anyone they want. That's not censorship, but when Elon Musk posts his views, that "enforcing his views?"

You people are beyond delusional.

When Elon has billed himself as a 'Free Speech Absolutist' and randomly bans people for criticizing him.....yeah, he's going to be criticized for it.
Read what you wrote. If a private company forced their way into my house that's a crime called home invasion. You're dumb as a stump.
Not if it's being done under color of law, dumbshit.

You might want to look up "bounty hunter".
You stupid fuck, I'm damn tired of you commies screaming "private company", "private company". The fact is, the FBI and other intel agencies had weekly meetings with Twitter. The FBI even identified specific accounts, including one guy with a very low number of followers for telling unapproved JOKES. Twitter replied to an email which identified 5 different accounts and simply said "handled". All the accounts were either suspended or outright banned.

So if you're not hair on fire pissed off that the intel apparatus in this country is interfering with our elections, you may as well move your ass to China, you'll enjoy their system.
Yep. That's exactly how the Nazis operated. Got the private corps to do their dirty work. Got IG Farben to make the Zyklon B

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