Will Biden resign the Presidency. And, if so, when?

Will Biden resign the Presidency and, if so, when?

  • Yes. Before the DEM Convention

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • Yes. But only one wins re-election and then within days of being inaugurated.

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 9 45.0%
  • Other? Explain how n a posting so inclined.

    Votes: 3 15.0%

  • Total voters
What’s been all over the news is a Republican Special Prosecutor making a Comey like declination of prosecution with claims based on a 15 minute conversation he had with Biden

But maybe you continue to squeeze your eyelids together really really hard, and wear a blindfold, you can continue to evade seeing what’s clear to all intelligent and honest observers.

That shit bag piece of crap you support is suffering badly from some form of dementia.
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False claim from the douchebag lying back of shit, Letch.

I suspect what you’d be attempting to say (if you gave a shit about honesty or facts, which you clearly don’t) is that a few people publicly commented about whether she was ill.

And you, being the monumental dishonest shitbag that you are, ascribe that to all of your opposing numbers.

Youre terrible at this.

Give dying some thought. 😜

I honestly do not know if he could last another 4 years or not. It would certainly be sad, if he passed away in office, only running, to keep America safe from, Trumps attempt to change the country to a strongman dominated society, no longer based on The Constitution or rule of law, but the anti-American whims of a sociopathic narcissist out for his own ends.
That's quite the list of people talking about how Hillary was about to die...SEVEN YEARS ago

Not everyone though.

You do tend to overgeneralize — a lot. Too much. But, then, you’re an odious and malodorous asshole lefturd, so your crap is always expected.
Will Biden resign the Presidency.

If he does, he should be prosecuted for abdication of his sworn oath of office, then criminally charged as a private citizen for taking bribes from China and Ukraine, and for treason against the united states as a traitor, with all his property and benefits from office seized and terminated.

They can use Joe's homes to house illegal migrants.

Not everyone though.

You do tend to overgeneralize — a lot. Too much. But, then, you’re an odious and malodorous asshole lefturd, so your crap is always expected.
Not everyone?

That's the best you can do?

Like I said...this is nothing new.

You creeps made the same claims about Hillary
Will Biden resign the Presidency. And, if so, when?
No, not when there's so much to be gained by a False Flag! Biden is toxic waste and is pulling the Progressive Fascist/democrat Socialist/Liberal Communist Parties down with him.

It will be during the Superbowl...Kelce will grab Biden, run to the top of the Stadium, put on a MAGA Hat, throw Biden like Darth pitching the Emperor...Trump's fault!
Oh fuck off. Hillary stumbled getting out of a limo and you idiots had her on death’s door
Well, idiot, she "stumbles" getting into a van, and it takes three men to put her in the van.

B would not have to have stroke and following incapacitation to stop his re-election campaign.
Will Biden resign the Presidency. And, if so, when?

I don't know.

I think the logical first step would be to announce that he is not running again. He will delay that as long as possible.

He is being "strongly encouraged" at the moment to do this. If he does not do this voluntarily, he will be replaced as the 2024 nominee.

Stepping down as president might be the logical next step, but then we have Kamala and the Biden Brand goes poof.

I think he will try to make it until January as POTUS. I am quite skeptical that he will make it another 11 months, but it would probably be best for the Democrat Party if he did.

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