Will Biden resign the Presidency. And, if so, when?

Will Biden resign the Presidency and, if so, when?

  • Yes. Before the DEM Convention

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • Yes. But only one wins re-election and then within days of being inaugurated.

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 9 45.0%
  • Other? Explain how n a posting so inclined.

    Votes: 3 15.0%

  • Total voters
Not to nit-pick, but doesn't he have to resign in order to not run again? If he doesn't resign, the DNC could still nominate him, right?

Maybe not. Small difference, if any.
Not sure, I'm sure Democrats would explain it clearly, 10 different ways.
At the current rate, he will have been in the ground a few years!
I honestly do not know if he could last another 4 years or not. It would certainly be sad, if he passed away in office, only running, to keep America safe from, Trumps attempt to change the country to a strongman dominated society, no longer based on The Constitution or rule of law, but the anti-American whims of a sociopathic narcissist out for his own ends.
I honestly do not know if he could last another 4 years or not. It would certainly be sad, if he passed away in office, only running, to keep America safe from, Trumps attempt to change the country to a strongman dominated society, no longer based on The Constitution or rule of law, but the anti-American whims of a sociopathic narcissist out for his own ends.
Yes, this country was so horrible with Trump in office. The economy was hitting on all cylinders and people were employed in full-time jobs. It sucked so badly!
You folks tried this with Hillary

How’d that work out
Letch is now making shit up on the fly once again

It has to suck to be a sleazy fuckstick like Letch. He can’t post based on reality or facts. What a pathetic old blood clot Letch always is.
Letch is now making shit up on the fly once again

It has to suck to be a sleazy fuckstick like Letch. He can’t post based on reality or facts. What a pathetic old blood clot Letch always is.
Oh fuck off. Hillary stumbled getting out of a limo and you idiots had her on death’s door
Will Biden resign the Presidency and, if so, when?
For reasons I cannot fathom, Biden himself and the left seem to have put all of their eggs in the Biden basket and unfathomably believe Biden is their best shot at beating Trump. So, they are sticking with him and as long as Biden can be propped up to appear standing, he will be their man. If Biden should win, he will then resign and kackle Kammy will be our next president. This really needs to be a part of the Trump campaign because as horribly bad as Biden is, Kammy's approval ratings are even worse.
His mental faculties are stripped.

It’s been all over the news.

Of course, many of us recognized it all along.
What’s been all over the news is a Republican Special Prosecutor making a Comey like declination of prosecution with claims based on a 15 minute conversation he had with Biden
Joking aside; I’d hate that.

I don’t like Potato. But he is a demented old man.

I’d be perfectly content if they’d allow him the dignity of choosing his own pasture to go out on. Maybe a good quality senior citizen and mental health care facility.
Don't like it either....But what other option do The Powers that Be™ have, when there's an obstinate, vainglorious liability like that in their way?
Oh fuck off. Hillary stumbled getting out of a limo and you idiots had her on death’s door
False claim from the douchebag lying back of shit, Letch.

I suspect what you’d be attempting to say (if you gave a shit about honesty or facts, which you clearly don’t) is that a few people publicly commented about whether she was ill.

And you, being the monumental dishonest shitbag that you are, ascribe that to all of your opposing numbers.

Youre terrible at this.

Give dying some thought. 😜
Letch is now making shit up on the fly once again

It has to suck to be a sleazy fuckstick like Letch. He can’t post based on reality or facts. What a pathetic old blood clot Letch always is.
Why do you troll your own OP?
If he wins, then the obvious thing to do is be president for a couple of years and resign. Keep the VP in the loop of everything in the beginning and just turn everything over to her

Thus in history he is a 2 term president, first woman president becomes a reality, and republicans will be annoyed.

works for me

Oh fuck off. Hillary stumbled getting out of a limo and you idiots had her on death’s door
Um, no...She collapsed while being stuffed into a limo, then had an obvious body double come out and parade around a couple hours later.

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