Will bigot Obama campaign only for fellow black bigots, as was the case in 2018?


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
The cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief only campaigned for two candidates in 2018, black bigots in FLA and GA, both of whom LOST....

If the Dems nominate a white, or even a white who claims to be something else, will the Cocksucker be a BIGOT and not support it?

Isn't that what we've already observed. The Cocksucker won't endorse Biden. The Cocksucker sicked the BLM on Mayor Pete for suggesting the Cocksucker is a Cocksucker....

Who does the Cocksucker support?


The Cocksucker has spent most of his life HATE HOAXING.... Both Hate Hoax Harris and Bigot Booker had the Cocksucker's talking points ready when Jussie Hate Hoaxed....

Booker can't get to 5%.

All three GAY MEN support Hate Hoax Harris....

Obama is a death trap for democrat presidential hopefuls...
They don't see it that way. None of them have even dared disagree with the cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief.

Rop Omar is really the ONLY Dem known to ever criticize Mr. and Mrs Robinson....
Usually (unless it was Hillary vowing to continue his detestable legacy). If you read that cocksucker's autobiography "Dreams from my Father" as I did, every page of it was an exercise in utter race-obsessed paranoia against whites. When it comes to whites, Obamaggot was so clinically paranoid, I'll bet money he had his own "enemies list" like Nixon.

It's especially disgusting when Obamasshole didn't have any reason to be so paranoid about whites; his white family handed him such a pampered, spoiled-brat life on a silver platter, it just proves that black crybabies and muslim pond-life are incapable of the human emotion of gratitude.
The Cocksucker recently went to South Africa to celebrate the communist blacks confiscating land from whites....
The faces of the Democrat Party

Expect to see this photo over and over, and more so come election time....

IF all the "isms" are such a big problem, WHY the NEED to HATE HOAX?

Always good to get the brainwashed racist bigot GOP Outlook.....

by the way, a racist is defined as someone who believes a certain race is inferior and discriminates against them. Not just people who hate racists like you. Another term that the GOP has destroyed among their dupes....
Always good to get the brainwashed racist bigot GOP Outlook.....

by the way, a racist is defined as someone who believes a certain race is inferior and discriminates against them. Not just people who hate racists like you. Another term that the GOP has destroyed among their dupes....
You know you want to go down on 0bama.
Obama set race relations and the Democratic party back 50 years. So if he ends up backing someone, you can be sure that person will be a crooked racist as well. Birds of a feather
Obama as president enacted Obamacare then packed his bags and went home for 8 years. just like the Carter presidency!
Obama set race relations and the Democratic party back 50 years. So if he ends up backing someone, you can be sure that person will be a crooked racist as well. Birds of a feather

Indeed he did, as he intended.

Blacks from Chicago all hate hoax. They hate hoax when they feel like it. It all started with this billionaire, who raised money for "black people," meaning himself and his crook son...


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