Will Bill and Hillary Flee the Country to Avoid Prosecution?

Will Trump be imprisoning his political enemies?

no, why would you say such an idiotic thing?

Everything wrongwinger says is idiotic. First of all, Trump isn't their "political enemy" and I'm skeptical he's even a legitimate adversary at this point.

I'm convinced his objective was to make the GOP look foolish, and it was a resounding success.

They will be building Trump Penitentiaries around the country. If you are lucky, they will build one in your neighborhood

if really lucky they will and we can come visit you.
I'll say they'll end up like the Rosenbergs.
Will Trump be imprisoning his political enemies?

no, why would you say such an idiotic thing?

Everything wrongwinger says is idiotic. First of all, Trump isn't their "political enemy" and I'm skeptical he's even a legitimate adversary at this point.

I'm convinced his objective was to make the GOP look foolish, and it was a resounding success.

They will be building Trump Penitentiaries around the country. If you are lucky, they will build one in your neighborhood
Sorry had to get off board for a moment. Is the celery stick not the best part of a Bloody Mary? Anyway, Hill and Bill will be on their way with a new adminstration and a new Justice Department.
After Donald Trump is elected POTUS will Bill and Hillary flee to avoid prosecution for their crimes? I bet they go to France or Germany and try to live it up there until they screw those people over as well. Biggest con-artist in history.

LOL- you stupid deluded right wing nut jobs- i.e. the Alt-Right.

Truly the ignorant gullible bastards Trump is gunning for.
They will be building Trump Penitentiaries around the country. If you are lucky, they will build one in your neighborhood

Fuck it... I'll bite.

Suppose "they" do build what in your "mind" could be called a "Trump Gulag". Suppose not only illegals are rounded up in there before being deported via electromagnetic rail guns, but sniveling bed wetting malcontents like you who serve no real purpose are " relocated" to these "Trump Gulags".

It's you're own fucking fault for willfully disarming yourself.

I can promise you one thing if we're going to speak of hypothetical fantasies that "my side sucks less than yours", Hitlery's "Social Justice Re-Education Resorts" won't be able to exist because the enemies of the left are well armed, well trained, and still better informed than vapid pieces of shit like you.

LOL- you stupid deluded right wing nut jobs- i.e. the Alt-Right.

Truly the ignorant gullible bastards Trump is gunning for.

Yeah, except that he wants to give retards like you single payer healthcare, was FOR the AWB, before he was against it, called Hitlery a great possible POTUS or VP in 2008 and told Larry King the economy does better under democrooks.

Yet YOU "think" or at least have been led to believe that Trump is "right wing".

Sorry... I forgot you're a bed wetting libturd parasite. You have no capacity to think.

They will be building Trump Penitentiaries around the country. If you are lucky, they will build one in your neighborhood

Fuck it... I'll bite.

Suppose "they" do build what in your "mind" could be called a "Trump Gulag". Suppose not only illegals are rounded up in there before being deported via electromagnetic rail guns, but sniveling bed wetting malcontents like you who serve no real purpose are " relocated" to these "Trump Gulags".

It's you're own fucking fault for willfully disarming yourself.

I can promise you one thing if we're going to speak of hypothetical fantasies that "my side sucks less than yours", Hitlery's "Social Justice Re-Education Resorts" won't be able to exist because the enemies of the left are well armed, well trained, and still better informed than vapid pieces of shit like you.

Each Trump Penitentiary will have a "Rosie O'Donnell" wing dedicated to torture
Who will be sent to "Trump Penitentiary"?

The Clinton's
The Obamas
The Bush's
Little Marco
Lyin' Ted
Rosie O'Donnel
That handicapped reporter
The Clinton's :thup:
The Obamas

Rosie O'Donnel

That handicapped reporter

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