Will BLM backfire

I'm seeing a lot of white folks who are usually down the middle on race relations getting really pissed at the Antifa and BLM crowd. And no, this isn't just about race - from what I see, a lot of the BLM agitators are white. However, the last thing the left need is even more crackers coming out to vote in Nov, and at the rate these entitled rent-a-crowds start destroying things the more it helps the Orange Buffoon in the WH. Don't they see that?

Whenever Whites are protesting, it's citizens voicing their disagreements. A few bad apples, First Amendment rights and all that.

Whenever Blacks are protesting, it's race riots. Their organizers are usually terrorists. Racists are gloating, and centrists are warily shaking their heads over the fear of "backfire".

Get over it, Grumps. In every crowd of sufficient size, there are going to be a few percent of blockheads, mouth-breathers and outright criminals. This is about the American Birth Defect. As it pervades every aspect of life, there is an all-hands-on-deck approach necessary even to mitigate its impact. Falling for the sensationalist media narrative, or the apoplectic bullshit on the right ("entire cities set aflame" and more such nonsense) while overlooking the monumental task ahead, is not a smart thing to do.

Oh, and, whoever thought Trump would be a remedy for any ill befalling the nation is a lost cause, and was one pretty much no matter how many buildings were burning or looted, or by whom.
I agree with Grumps. There are a lot of people that it HAS backfired for. Not racists, just folks who don't know that much about it and only know what they see on tv.
But, one would have to believe that crime was perpetrated by Antifa, and that Antifa is behind Biden, and therefore Biden is causally linked to smoldering rubble formerly known as "Wendy's", and therefore not electable. Isn't that slightly implausible?

God no. They did elect Trump. Ask any of the right wing loons on this site if they believe Antifa is responsible for the looting and burning. You will get close to a 100 per cent yes. And that IS an issue.
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This is not going to backfire and this obsession with less than 2 percent of the people at the protests mainly organized by white supremacists such as the boogaloo movement is not going to do anything but increase votes against trump.
It is backfiring, and it's ridiculous to try blaming it all on the Boogaloo boys. I'm totally sympathetic to protesters' rage against racism. I am NOT at all sympathetic to burning businesses and looting stores, breaking windows, throwing incendiaries and bricks at cops. Nope. I can see a flash of rage, a riot, a let it all burn moment. But the looting was purely mercenary, and now the fad of the week seems to be pulling down statues, vandalizing historical sites and calling to defund the cops. ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT. It IS making the movement look bad, very bad, to people who are open and sympathetic to the protesters' message but live in a less extremist space. Burning Wendy's? WTF good does that do anyone? And that shooting was damned close to justified, if it wasn't.

I've about had it. I still have respect for the cooler heads that are actually negotiating with the police and mayors, trying to get something positive accomplished. I'll still argue with the racists and haters here. But take my word for it, IM, some of this behavior is losing support for your cause.

That shooting was not justified. That's why the cop was fired and the police cheif quit.

The problem with what you are saying is that you, like almost every other white person here, is talking about less than 2 percent of the people like they are the majority. And the rioters have been mostly whites. People are tearing down confederate statues which have nothing to do with American history and blacks aren't doing it.

It gets old reading this type of crap from whites oldlady. A man was murdered for no reason. WTF good does that do anyone? People here spend way tooo much time looking for reasons to criticize blacks. If nothing was burnt whites here would be criticizing blacks using the bullshit claim of black crime rates or black on black crime. Blacks are sick and tired of this shit oldlady, fed up.

So when whites can burn buildings and riot because they run out of pumpkins, they are the last people to be lecturing about people who are rioting because they are fed up with lies made up about them by whites that gets them killed. I am a black man. I could be George Floyd and I have been forced to live like this my whole life even as I have lived by the rules, got an education, never fathered a child out of wedlock, stayed gainfully employed, and never took welfare. So I am tired of the lectures from white people. Million have protested. 10,000 were arrested. 200 were arrested for looting. No one associated with BLM has been documented organizing riots.

Defund the cops means restructure law enforcement and as you are white, understand that I have been stopped while driving on about 100 occasions by cops when I was not speeding or violating traffic laws. One night I drove to a convenience store in the neighborhood to buy a bottle of pop. As I left the store I saw a police car sitting across the street. As I started to drive home the cop pulled out and began following me. We were both in the left lane. As I got closer to home I got in the right lane to make the right turn on my street. The cop turned right and kept following me. The thing that spared me was I got home and pulled in my driveway before the cop could catch up. He drove by and turned the floodlight on me as I was walking toward my front door. The cop saw me walk into the store and walk out with a bottle of pop. There was no reason for this harassment. This is something we live with every day. Because of this, I make sure not to go anywhere once it gets dark.

The police in our town stop blacks 7 times more than they do whites. This is a town with very little crime and blacks are not committing crimes at a high rate. This happens to blacks all over the country and it has been this way longer than both of us have been alive. So if you are tired because you chose to pay attention to less than 2 percent of the people that's on you but I am tired of what the other 98 percent are protesting about. Blacks are living in fear asking the Goldberg question, "Who's next?" And as long as police are murdering people we need to be concerned instead of falling for racist narratives about less than 2 percent of the "protesters."
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That perception is a minority opinion.

I wish it was so. But I don't think so.
trumps base is about 30 percent. That's a minority. He lost the last election by popular vote. He's in office because of 70,000 votes in rust belt states where voters were purged and many unable to be returned to voter rolls before the election.

You are correct to be concerned about it happening again. I share the same concern.
That shooting was not justified. That's why the cop was fired and the police cheif quit.

The problem with what you are saying is that you, like almost every other white person here, is talking about less than 2 percent of the people like they are the majority. And the rioters have been mostly whites. People are tearing down confederate statues which have nothing to do with American history and blacks aren't doing it.

It gets old reading this type of crap from whites oldlady. A man was murdered for no reason. WTF good does that do anyone? People here spend way tooo much time looking for reasons to criticize blacks. If nothing was burnt whites here would be criticizing blacks using the bullshit claim of black crime rates or black on black crime. Blacks are sick and tired of this shit oldlady, fed up.

So when whites can burn buildings and riot because they run out of pumpkins, they are the last people to be lecturing about people who are rioting because they are fed up with lies made up about them by whites that gets them killed. I am a black man. I could be George Floyd and I have been forced to live like this my whole life even as I have lived by the rules, got an education, never fathered a child out of wedlock, stayed gainfully employed, and never took welfare. So I am tired of the lectures from white people. Million have protested. 10,000 were arrested. 200 were arrested for looting. No one associated with BLM has been documented organizing riots.

Defund the cops means restructure law enforcement and as you are white, understand that I have been stopped while driving on about 100 occasions by cops when I was not speeding or violating traffic laws. One night I drove to a convenience store in the neighborhood to buy a bottle of pop. As I left the store I saw a police car sitting across the street. As I started to drive home the cop pulled out and began following me. We were both in the left lane. As I got closer to home I got in the right lane to make the right turn on my street. The cop turned right and kept following me. The thing that spared me was I got home and pulled in my driveway before the cop could catch up. He drove by and turned the floodlight on me as I was walking toward my front door. The cop saw me walk into the store and walk out with a bottle of pop. There was no reason for this harassment. This is something we live with every day. Because of this, I make sure not to go anywhere once it gets dark.

The police in our town stop blacks 7 times more than they do whites. This is a town with very little crime and blacks are not committing crimes at a high rate. This happens to blacks all over the country and it has been this way longer than both of us have been alive. So if you are tired because you chose to pay attention to less than 2 percent of the people that's on you but I am tired of what the other 98 percent are protesting about. Blacks are living in fear asking the Goldberg question, "Who's next?" And as long as police are murdering people we need to be concerned instead of falling for racist narratives about less than 2 percent of the "protesters."

I agree with a lot of what you say. I am an ex LEO from NZ but live in Australia now. And back in the day, racial profiling was definitely going on with Polynesians and Maori. Without a doubt.
And I know for a fact it goes on in the US against black people. For you to be pulled over 100 times is amazing (not in a good way, but truly unbelievable that that could happen in this day and age). I'm 53, and taking away the four speeding tickets I've got, and the DUI checkpoints I've been through, I have only been pulled over once, and even then I read the cop the riot act (he was travelling too close up my butt in an unmarked car and off duty - this was in Australia. When we stopped at a traffic light I verbally abused him. When the light turned green he followed me, pulled me over and did a 'big man on campus' routine on me. Then I ripped into him verbally again, he called for back up because he was off duty. When the uniformed cops arrived, they looked at my license, I told them what happened and the let me go. That is it!).

However - and this has to be said - I'm a white male whose partner/girlfriend is Vietnamese/Chinese but raised in Australia - she came here as a refugee as a five year old. I'm telling you now, 99 per cent of my white community or her Asian community would not put up with or refer to their women as 'hos or bitches. We certainly wouldn't call each other 'honkey' or 'chinks' in the vernacular or when fighting. It has got to the stage where you look on Youtube and see fights, and you have black on black, black on white, white on white calling each other 'n****r' as they fight. And this is on the black community. Whites have to cough-up to the racism - God knows there are plenty on this board. But work has to be done in the black community, too. 73% of black males are brought up in a single-parent household with the vast majority by their mothers. Do I know how to fix it? No. But both have to come to the party. Oprah doesn't have a victim mentality. Neither does Lebron, Jordan, Jamie Foxx, Rihanna, Beyonce, Alan Keyes. It's not like there are no back role models out there. There are plenty.

But whitey does have to take his share of the blame. Reparations? No, that's divisive. My ancestors were slaves to the Angles, Saxons and Jutes, plus the Romans. I'm pretty sure my ancestors enslaved people too. I'm also reasonably confident that black tribes enslaved other black tribes in Africa, too. Where do we begin? Where do we end?

I don't think the police need to be disbanded, but they certainly need refresher courses in how to treat people. When I have a moment, I'll list out to you what it took me to get int he police in NZ - one of the few police forces in the world, up until recently, that has overwhelming public support. When I was in the police, whenever they did surveys of the 'most trusted' jobs, NZ police were always in the top 2 with nurses. It still does have good public support but has waned a little due to standards dropping.
That shooting was not justified. That's why the cop was fired and the police cheif quit.

The problem with what you are saying is that you, like almost every other white person here, is talking about less than 2 percent of the people like they are the majority. And the rioters have been mostly whites. People are tearing down confederate statues which have nothing to do with American history and blacks aren't doing it.

It gets old reading this type of crap from whites oldlady. A man was murdered for no reason. WTF good does that do anyone? People here spend way tooo much time looking for reasons to criticize blacks. If nothing was burnt whites here would be criticizing blacks using the bullshit claim of black crime rates or black on black crime. Blacks are sick and tired of this shit oldlady, fed up.

So when whites can burn buildings and riot because they run out of pumpkins, they are the last people to be lecturing about people who are rioting because they are fed up with lies made up about them by whites that gets them killed. I am a black man. I could be George Floyd and I have been forced to live like this my whole life even as I have lived by the rules, got an education, never fathered a child out of wedlock, stayed gainfully employed, and never took welfare. So I am tired of the lectures from white people. Million have protested. 10,000 were arrested. 200 were arrested for looting. No one associated with BLM has been documented organizing riots.

Defund the cops means restructure law enforcement and as you are white, understand that I have been stopped while driving on about 100 occasions by cops when I was not speeding or violating traffic laws. One night I drove to a convenience store in the neighborhood to buy a bottle of pop. As I left the store I saw a police car sitting across the street. As I started to drive home the cop pulled out and began following me. We were both in the left lane. As I got closer to home I got in the right lane to make the right turn on my street. The cop turned right and kept following me. The thing that spared me was I got home and pulled in my driveway before the cop could catch up. He drove by and turned the floodlight on me as I was walking toward my front door. The cop saw me walk into the store and walk out with a bottle of pop. There was no reason for this harassment. This is something we live with every day. Because of this, I make sure not to go anywhere once it gets dark.

The police in our town stop blacks 7 times more than they do whites. This is a town with very little crime and blacks are not committing crimes at a high rate. This happens to blacks all over the country and it has been this way longer than both of us have been alive. So if you are tired because you chose to pay attention to less than 2 percent of the people that's on you but I am tired of what the other 98 percent are protesting about. Blacks are living in fear asking the Goldberg question, "Who's next?" And as long as police are murdering people we need to be concerned instead of falling for racist narratives about less than 2 percent of the "protesters."

I agree with a lot of what you say. I am an ex LEO from NZ but live in Australia now. And back in the day, racial profiling was definitely going on with Polynesians and Maori. Without a doubt.
And I know for a fact it goes on in the US against black people. For you to be pulled over 100 times is amazing (not in a good way, but truly unbelievable that that could happen in this day and age). I'm 53, and taking away the four speeding tickets I've got, and the DUI checkpoints I've been through, I have only been pulled over once, and even then I read the cop the riot act (he was travelling too close up my butt in an unmarked car and off duty - this was in Australia. When we stopped at a traffic light I verbally abused him. When the light turned green he followed me, pulled me over and did a 'big man on campus' routine on me. Then I ripped into him verbally again, he called for back up because he was off duty. When the uniformed cops arrived, they looked at my license, I told them what happened and the let me go. That is it!).

However - and this has to be said - I'm a white male whose partner/girlfriend is Vietnamese/Chinese but raised in Australia - she came here as a refugee as a five year old. I'm telling you now, 99 per cent of my white community or her Asian community would not put up with or refer to their women as 'hos or bitches. We certainly wouldn't call each other 'honkey' or 'chinks' in the vernacular or when fighting. It has got to the stage where you look on Youtube and see fights, and you have black on black, black on white, white on white calling each other 'n****r' as they fight. And this is on the black community. Whites have to cough-up to the racism - God knows there are plenty on this board. But work has to be done in the black community, too. 73% of black males are brought up in a single-parent household with the vast majority by their mothers. Do I know how to fix it? No. But both have to come to the party. Oprah doesn't have a victim mentality. Neither does Lebron, Jordan, Jamie Foxx, Rihanna, Beyonce, Alan Keyes. It's not like there are no back role models out there. There are plenty.

But whitey does have to take his share of the blame. Reparations? No, that's divisive. My ancestors were slaves to the Angles, Saxons and Jutes, plus the Romans. I'm pretty sure my ancestors enslaved people too. I'm also reasonably confident that black tribes enslaved other black tribes in Africa, too. Where do we begin? Where do we end?

I don't think the police need to be disbanded, but they certainly need refresher courses in how to treat people. When I have a moment, I'll list out to you what it took me to get int he police in NZ - one of the few police forces in the world, up until recently, that has overwhelming public support. When I was in the police, whenever they did surveys of the 'most trusted' jobs, NZ police were always in the top 2 with nurses. It still does have good public support but has waned a little due to standards dropping.
Let me tell you that no black woman will tolerate being called a ho or a bitch. Again the white narrative about blacks needs to stop because white men call white women hoes and bitches but in standard fashion ignore their wrongs to focus on us.

This is a song done by 2 white men in the 1970's. You did not see white say anything about these two men calling this woman a rich bitch.

Now again please stop repeating the right wing narrative about disbanding police. We are talking about reconstructing the law enforcement model.

Again do not repeat the white racist narrative. There is no black victim mentality nor are huge numbers of black children bought up without a man around. There are 47 million blacks in this country, 36,000 are millionaires and 5 are billionaires. We have lived at double the rate of poverty as whites historically and have had double the unemployment historically. Because of white racism, blacks have a higher rate of PTSD, High blood pressure and poor health. We have 15 times less wealth than whites and are murdered by police at double our population percentage. These are the facts and talking about LeBron and Oprah does nothing for the millions of blacks who are not tv celebrities or athletes.

In America we pay annual reparations to native americans. You are a white Australian living on land stolen from indigenous people. You still have problems over there now. Your argument against reparations makes no sense given the fact that nations worldwide have paid reparations for wars and human rights violation. Blacks have been working for 400 years and until you study what has been done in our country relative to policy, you won't have an accurate understanding of why we fight for what we fight for.
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That shooting was not justified. That's why the cop was fired and the police cheif quit.

The problem with what you are saying is that you, like almost every other white person here, is talking about less than 2 percent of the people like they are the majority. And the rioters have been mostly whites. People are tearing down confederate statues which have nothing to do with American history and blacks aren't doing it.

It gets old reading this type of crap from whites oldlady. A man was murdered for no reason. WTF good does that do anyone? People here spend way tooo much time looking for reasons to criticize blacks. If nothing was burnt whites here would be criticizing blacks using the bullshit claim of black crime rates or black on black crime. Blacks are sick and tired of this shit oldlady, fed up.

So when whites can burn buildings and riot because they run out of pumpkins, they are the last people to be lecturing about people who are rioting because they are fed up with lies made up about them by whites that gets them killed. I am a black man. I could be George Floyd and I have been forced to live like this my whole life even as I have lived by the rules, got an education, never fathered a child out of wedlock, stayed gainfully employed, and never took welfare. So I am tired of the lectures from white people. Million have protested. 10,000 were arrested. 200 were arrested for looting. No one associated with BLM has been documented organizing riots.

Defund the cops means restructure law enforcement and as you are white, understand that I have been stopped while driving on about 100 occasions by cops when I was not speeding or violating traffic laws. One night I drove to a convenience store in the neighborhood to buy a bottle of pop. As I left the store I saw a police car sitting across the street. As I started to drive home the cop pulled out and began following me. We were both in the left lane. As I got closer to home I got in the right lane to make the right turn on my street. The cop turned right and kept following me. The thing that spared me was I got home and pulled in my driveway before the cop could catch up. He drove by and turned the floodlight on me as I was walking toward my front door. The cop saw me walk into the store and walk out with a bottle of pop. There was no reason for this harassment. This is something we live with every day. Because of this, I make sure not to go anywhere once it gets dark.

The police in our town stop blacks 7 times more than they do whites. This is a town with very little crime and blacks are not committing crimes at a high rate. This happens to blacks all over the country and it has been this way longer than both of us have been alive. So if you are tired because you chose to pay attention to less than 2 percent of the people that's on you but I am tired of what the other 98 percent are protesting about. Blacks are living in fear asking the Goldberg question, "Who's next?" And as long as police are murdering people we need to be concerned instead of falling for racist narratives about less than 2 percent of the "protesters."

I agree with a lot of what you say. I am an ex LEO from NZ but live in Australia now. And back in the day, racial profiling was definitely going on with Polynesians and Maori. Without a doubt.
And I know for a fact it goes on in the US against black people. For you to be pulled over 100 times is amazing (not in a good way, but truly unbelievable that that could happen in this day and age). I'm 53, and taking away the four speeding tickets I've got, and the DUI checkpoints I've been through, I have only been pulled over once, and even then I read the cop the riot act (he was travelling too close up my butt in an unmarked car and off duty - this was in Australia. When we stopped at a traffic light I verbally abused him. When the light turned green he followed me, pulled me over and did a 'big man on campus' routine on me. Then I ripped into him verbally again, he called for back up because he was off duty. When the uniformed cops arrived, they looked at my license, I told them what happened and the let me go. That is it!).

However - and this has to be said - I'm a white male whose partner/girlfriend is Vietnamese/Chinese but raised in Australia - she came here as a refugee as a five year old. I'm telling you now, 99 per cent of my white community or her Asian community would not put up with or refer to their women as 'hos or bitches. We certainly wouldn't call each other 'honkey' or 'chinks' in the vernacular or when fighting. It has got to the stage where you look on Youtube and see fights, and you have black on black, black on white, white on white calling each other 'n****r' as they fight. And this is on the black community. Whites have to cough-up to the racism - God knows there are plenty on this board. But work has to be done in the black community, too. 73% of black males are brought up in a single-parent household with the vast majority by their mothers. Do I know how to fix it? No. But both have to come to the party. Oprah doesn't have a victim mentality. Neither does Lebron, Jordan, Jamie Foxx, Rihanna, Beyonce, Alan Keyes. It's not like there are no back role models out there. There are plenty.

But whitey does have to take his share of the blame. Reparations? No, that's divisive. My ancestors were slaves to the Angles, Saxons and Jutes, plus the Romans. I'm pretty sure my ancestors enslaved people too. I'm also reasonably confident that black tribes enslaved other black tribes in Africa, too. Where do we begin? Where do we end?

I don't think the police need to be disbanded, but they certainly need refresher courses in how to treat people. When I have a moment, I'll list out to you what it took me to get int he police in NZ - one of the few police forces in the world, up until recently, that has overwhelming public support. When I was in the police, whenever they did surveys of the 'most trusted' jobs, NZ police were always in the top 2 with nurses. It still does have good public support but has waned a little due to standards dropping.
Let me tell you that no black woman will tolerate being called a ho or a bitch. Again the white narrative about blacks needs to stop because white men call white women hoes and bitches but in standard fashion ignore their wrongs to focus on us.

This is a song done by 2 white men in the 1970's. You did not see white say anything about these two men calling this woman a rich bitch.

Now again please stop repeating the right wing narrative about disbanding police. We are talking about reconstructing the law enforcement model.

Again do not repeat the white racist narrative. There is no black victim mentality nor are huge numbers of black children bought up without a man around. There are 47 million blacks in this country, 36,000 are millionaires and 5 are billionaires. We have lived at double the rate of poverty as whites historically and have had double the unemployment historically. Because of white racism, blacks have a higher rate of PTSD, High blood pressure and poor health. We have 15 times less wealth than whites and are murdered by police at double our population percentage. These are the facts and talking about LeBron and Oprah does nothing for the millions of blacks who are not tv celebrities or athletes.

In America we pay annual reparations to native americans. You are a white Australian living on land stolen from indigenous people. You still have problems over there now. Your argument against reparations makes no sense given the fact that nations worldwide have paid reparations for wars and human rights violation. Blacks have been working for 400 years and until you study what has been done in our country relative to policy, you won't have an accurate understanding of why we fight for what we fight for.

I could post video after video of black men calling their women hos and bitches. Not so white. You had to go back to 1970 to find Hall and Oates. The whole rap sub culture is misogynistic.

Great link about black fathers. That is something I didn't know.

I am not Australian. I am a NZer. Aboriginal people don't believe they own the land, they belong to the land. A great concept. And yes, they have been treated poorly.

IM2, I'm not saying that whitey is blameless. Our forebears have a lot of blood on their hands. But so do yours. And yes, I do see it as a victim mentality when a certain people keep on blaming another people for their lot in life. If there were no successful black people you might have a point. You just said there are 36,000 millionaires. That suggests to me that black people are successful. I don't have all the answers. I don't think anybody does.
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I'm seeing a lot of white folks who are usually down the middle on race relations getting really pissed at the Antifa and BLM crowd. And no, this isn't just about race - from what I see, a lot of the BLM agitators are white. However, the last thing the left need is even more crackers coming out to vote in Nov, and at the rate these entitled rent-a-crowds start destroying things the more it helps the Orange Buffoon in the WH. Don't they see that?
/——-/ Dementia Joe needs to lead these protests to lock up the anarchist vote.
Biden's 2 clicks away from a complete idiot, Trump will kick his ass in the election. click click

Both Antifa and BLM are domestic terrorist groups who deserve nothing more than complete eradication.. click click

The Democratic Party and Fake left wing media are obvious traitors, liars and fools .. click click...
Absolutely they do. And I absolutely am. My voting record speaks for itself. Would use the same language against antifa too. You both deserve each other.

"You both deserve each other"

That snide remark assumes I belong to one side or the other. Centrists do not assume one person belongs to one side or the other, simply by engaging in one conversational exchange with another. Centrists make counterpoints to discern the position of the one they are conversing within a debate.

I am closer to being a centrist than a majority of the posters on this board, including you. I have the statements to prove it. I took the journey 7 years ago from right-wing extremist to centrist. I was genuinely disgusted by the extremism both sides employed. I saw myself turning into a shill and I could not abide by it any longer. I took a genuine effort to reform my worldview, it appears you have not.

Your voting record is irrelevant. Your statements at this very moment do, and they belie your self-proclaimed centrist alignment.
Did you vote for obama both times?
That shooting was not justified. That's why the cop was fired and the police cheif quit.

The problem with what you are saying is that you, like almost every other white person here, is talking about less than 2 percent of the people like they are the majority. And the rioters have been mostly whites. People are tearing down confederate statues which have nothing to do with American history and blacks aren't doing it.

It gets old reading this type of crap from whites oldlady. A man was murdered for no reason. WTF good does that do anyone? People here spend way tooo much time looking for reasons to criticize blacks. If nothing was burnt whites here would be criticizing blacks using the bullshit claim of black crime rates or black on black crime. Blacks are sick and tired of this shit oldlady, fed up.

So when whites can burn buildings and riot because they run out of pumpkins, they are the last people to be lecturing about people who are rioting because they are fed up with lies made up about them by whites that gets them killed. I am a black man. I could be George Floyd and I have been forced to live like this my whole life even as I have lived by the rules, got an education, never fathered a child out of wedlock, stayed gainfully employed, and never took welfare. So I am tired of the lectures from white people. Million have protested. 10,000 were arrested. 200 were arrested for looting. No one associated with BLM has been documented organizing riots.

Defund the cops means restructure law enforcement and as you are white, understand that I have been stopped while driving on about 100 occasions by cops when I was not speeding or violating traffic laws. One night I drove to a convenience store in the neighborhood to buy a bottle of pop. As I left the store I saw a police car sitting across the street. As I started to drive home the cop pulled out and began following me. We were both in the left lane. As I got closer to home I got in the right lane to make the right turn on my street. The cop turned right and kept following me. The thing that spared me was I got home and pulled in my driveway before the cop could catch up. He drove by and turned the floodlight on me as I was walking toward my front door. The cop saw me walk into the store and walk out with a bottle of pop. There was no reason for this harassment. This is something we live with every day. Because of this, I make sure not to go anywhere once it gets dark.

The police in our town stop blacks 7 times more than they do whites. This is a town with very little crime and blacks are not committing crimes at a high rate. This happens to blacks all over the country and it has been this way longer than both of us have been alive. So if you are tired because you chose to pay attention to less than 2 percent of the people that's on you but I am tired of what the other 98 percent are protesting about. Blacks are living in fear asking the Goldberg question, "Who's next?" And as long as police are murdering people we need to be concerned instead of falling for racist narratives about less than 2 percent of the "protesters."

I agree with a lot of what you say. I am an ex LEO from NZ but live in Australia now. And back in the day, racial profiling was definitely going on with Polynesians and Maori. Without a doubt.
And I know for a fact it goes on in the US against black people. For you to be pulled over 100 times is amazing (not in a good way, but truly unbelievable that that could happen in this day and age). I'm 53, and taking away the four speeding tickets I've got, and the DUI checkpoints I've been through, I have only been pulled over once, and even then I read the cop the riot act (he was travelling too close up my butt in an unmarked car and off duty - this was in Australia. When we stopped at a traffic light I verbally abused him. When the light turned green he followed me, pulled me over and did a 'big man on campus' routine on me. Then I ripped into him verbally again, he called for back up because he was off duty. When the uniformed cops arrived, they looked at my license, I told them what happened and the let me go. That is it!).

However - and this has to be said - I'm a white male whose partner/girlfriend is Vietnamese/Chinese but raised in Australia - she came here as a refugee as a five year old. I'm telling you now, 99 per cent of my white community or her Asian community would not put up with or refer to their women as 'hos or bitches. We certainly wouldn't call each other 'honkey' or 'chinks' in the vernacular or when fighting. It has got to the stage where you look on Youtube and see fights, and you have black on black, black on white, white on white calling each other 'n****r' as they fight. And this is on the black community. Whites have to cough-up to the racism - God knows there are plenty on this board. But work has to be done in the black community, too. 73% of black males are brought up in a single-parent household with the vast majority by their mothers. Do I know how to fix it? No. But both have to come to the party. Oprah doesn't have a victim mentality. Neither does Lebron, Jordan, Jamie Foxx, Rihanna, Beyonce, Alan Keyes. It's not like there are no back role models out there. There are plenty.

But whitey does have to take his share of the blame. Reparations? No, that's divisive. My ancestors were slaves to the Angles, Saxons and Jutes, plus the Romans. I'm pretty sure my ancestors enslaved people too. I'm also reasonably confident that black tribes enslaved other black tribes in Africa, too. Where do we begin? Where do we end?

I don't think the police need to be disbanded, but they certainly need refresher courses in how to treat people. When I have a moment, I'll list out to you what it took me to get int he police in NZ - one of the few police forces in the world, up until recently, that has overwhelming public support. When I was in the police, whenever they did surveys of the 'most trusted' jobs, NZ police were always in the top 2 with nurses. It still does have good public support but has waned a little due to standards dropping.
Let me tell you that no black woman will tolerate being called a ho or a bitch. Again the white narrative about blacks needs to stop because white men call white women hoes and bitches but in standard fashion ignore their wrongs to focus on us.

This is a song done by 2 white men in the 1970's. You did not see white say anything about these two men calling this woman a rich bitch.

Now again please stop repeating the right wing narrative about disbanding police. We are talking about reconstructing the law enforcement model.

Again do not repeat the white racist narrative. There is no black victim mentality nor are huge numbers of black children bought up without a man around. There are 47 million blacks in this country, 36,000 are millionaires and 5 are billionaires. We have lived at double the rate of poverty as whites historically and have had double the unemployment historically. Because of white racism, blacks have a higher rate of PTSD, High blood pressure and poor health. We have 15 times less wealth than whites and are murdered by police at double our population percentage. These are the facts and talking about LeBron and Oprah does nothing for the millions of blacks who are not tv celebrities or athletes.

In America we pay annual reparations to native americans. You are a white Australian living on land stolen from indigenous people. You still have problems over there now. Your argument against reparations makes no sense given the fact that nations worldwide have paid reparations for wars and human rights violation. Blacks have been working for 400 years and until you study what has been done in our country relative to policy, you won't have an accurate understanding of why we fight for what we fight for.

I could post video after video of black men calling their women hos and bitches. Not so white. You had to go back to 1970 to find Hall and Oates. The whole rap sub culture is misogynistic.

Great link about black fathers. That is something I didn't know.

I am not Australian. I am a NZer. Aboriginal people don't believe they own the land, they belong to the land. A great concept. And yes, they have been treated poorly.

IM2, I'm not saying that whitey is blameless. Our forebears have a lot of blood on their hands. But so do yours. And yes, I do see it as a victim mentality when a certain people keep on blaming another people for their lot in life. If there were no successful black people you might have a point. You just said there are 36,000 millionaires. That suggests to me that black people are successful. I don't have all the answers. I don't think anybody does.

Apologies. I played rugby for years and met some very fine people from New Zealand on and off the pitch. I am an All Blacks fan.

You can post songs from rappers. In real life if a man calls a black woman a bitch or ho you better hope her hands are empty. Life exists out side of youtube videos and white men call women bitches and hos. They also beat their wives more and the UCR reflects that when you look at crimes against family statistics.

Blacks have been working. I know because I was one of millions of blacks doing the work. You need to drop the victims mentality garbage. Because it's easy to be white and talk shit, especially when you lack knowledge of the many ways white racism has done damage.

Definition of fact: 1 a : something that has actual existence. b : an actual occurrence. 2 : a piece of information presented as having objective reality. 3: the quality of being actual. 4: a thing done. b archaic : action. c obsolete: feat

Definition of opinion:1 a : a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter. 2 a : belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge. b : a generally held view. 3 a : a formal expression of judgment or advice by an expert. b : the formal expression (as by a judge, court, or referee) of the legal reasons and principles upon which a legal decision is based.

Books such as “Color of Law”, “White Rage”, “American Apartheid”, “The New Jim Crow”, “We Charge Genocide,” “A Colony Within A Nation,” or “Racism without Racists” to name a few, provide example after example of the great pains the America government took to establish and maintain a system based on white racial supremacy. They detail the toll such policies have inflicted upon blacks as well as all other people of color in America. Countless studies have been done detailing the negative effects that purposefully designed racially exclusionary American public policy has had upon black communities. Yet, to say that the root cause of the problems blacks face is due to white racism gets you ridiculed and called all kinds of childish names by people in the white community and by a few blacks or other nonwhites who have been shamed into not defending themselves to the point of adopting right wing opinions about some kind of imaginary victim mentality.

On July 28, 1967, President Lyndon Johnson established the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. The more common name for this commission is The Kerner Commission. This commission was tasked to answer three basic questions pertaining to the racial unrest in American cities: What happened? Why did it happen? What can be done to prevent it from happening again? It is common knowledge how the commission deemed that two separate Americas existed, one for whites, the other for blacks.

“What white Americans have never fully understood but what the Negro can never forget--is that white society is deeply implicated in the ghetto. White institutions created it, white institutions maintain it, and white society condones it. It is time now to turn with all the purpose at our command to the major unfinished business of this nation. It is time to adopt strategies for action that will produce quick and visible progress. It is time to make good the promises of American democracy to all citizens-urban and rural, white and black, Spanish-surname, American Indian, and every minority group.”

Kerner Commission Report

On February 26, 2018, 50 years after the Kerner Commission findings, the Economic Policy Institute published a report evaluating the progress of the black community since the Kerner Report was released. It was based on a study done by the Economic Policy Institute that compared the progress of the black community with the condition of the black community at the time of the Kerner Commission. Titled “50 years after the Kerner Commission,” the study’s central premise was that there had been some improvements in the situation blacks faced but there were still disadvantages blacks faced that were based on race.

Here are some of the findings.

African Americans today are much better educated than they were in 1968 but still lag behind whites in overall educational attainment. More than 90 percent of younger African Americans (ages 25 to 29) have graduated from high school, compared with just over half in 1968—which means they’ve nearly closed the gap with white high school graduation rates. They are also more than twice as likely to have a college degree as in 1968 but are still half as likely as young whites to have a college degree.

The substantial progress in educational attainment of African Americans has been accompanied by significant absolute improvements in wages, incomes, wealth, and health since 1968. But black workers still make only 82.5 cents on every dollar earned by white workers, African Americans are 2.5 times as likely to be in poverty as whites, and the median white family has almost 10 times as much wealth as the median black family.

With respect to homeownership, unemployment, and incarceration, America has failed to deliver any progress for African Americans over the last five decades. In these areas, their situation has either failed to improve relative to whites or has worsened. In 2017 the black unemployment rate was 7.5 percent, up from 6.7 percent in 1968, and is still roughly twice the white unemployment rate. In 2015, the black homeownership rate was just over 40 percent, virtually unchanged since 1968, and trailing a full 30 points behind the white homeownership rate, which saw modest gains over the same period. And the share of African Americans in prison or jail almost tripled between 1968 and 2016 and is currently more than six times the white incarceration rate.

Following up on this, Richard Rothstein of the Economic Policy Institute, wrote an op ed published in the February 28th edition of the New York Daily News entitled, “50 years after the Kerner Commission, minimal racial progress.” It had been 50 years since the commission made those recommendations at that point, yet Rothstein makes this statement: “So little has changed since 1968 that the report remains worth reading as a near-contemporary description of racial inequality.” There is a reason little has changed.

The commission recommended solutions based on the following 3 principles: “To mount programs on a scale equal to the dimension of the problems. To aim these programs for high impact in the immediate future in order to close the gap between promise and performance. To undertake new initiatives and experiments that can change the system of failure and frustration that now dominates the ghetto and weakens our society.” With all due respect, I do not believe the members of the commission truly understood the real size of the problem. As of today, principle number 1 has yet to be met.

In order for a societal problem to be solved there must be a will consensual among all to solve the problem by any means necessary. Not by a half measure here and a half measure there. Principle number 1 was to create programs equal to the dimension of the problem. That’s a laudable goal, but the dimension of the problem in 1967 was 191 years of denied income, education, housing and wages. What series of programs could be proposed to a nation where half the people believed that “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice?”

“These programs will require unprecedented levels of funding and performance, but they neither probe deeper nor demand more than the problems which called them forth. There can be no higher priority for national action and no higher claim on the nation's conscience.”

Kerner Commission Report

And so here you have it. Suddenly a nation that had felt it unnecessary to provide equal funding, facilities, housing or income even as the supreme court in 1897 determined it was fine to be separate if everything else was equal, a nation still fighting against the Brown decision by using state laws, a nation that had just decided to allow blacks the free access to the ballot and public accommodations, was going to appropriate billions of dollars to fix an almost 200 year old problem. It has yet to be done.

As a result of this study the commission identified 12 `grievances common in the communities they visited: “1. Police practices 2. Unemployment and underemployment 3. Inadequate housing. 4. Inadequate education 5. Poor recreation facilities and programs 6. Ineffectiveness of the political structure and grievance mechanisms. 7. Disrespectful white attitudes 8. Discriminatory administration of justice 9. Inadequacy of federal programs 10. Inadequacy of municipal services 11. Discriminatory consumer and credit practices 12. Inadequate welfare programs.

You would be hard pressed to say these grievances do not still exist. The Kerner Commission was tasked to find out why the racial unrest happened. Instead of blaming blacks for being angry about the way they were treated, instead of inventing terms like victim mentality, the commission took a long hard look at American societal issues. The bottom line is that the Kerner Commission determined in 1968 what blacks already knew and what whites refused to hear. This quote from Nathaniel Jones Assistant General Counsel for the Commission says it all, “One of the conclusions of the Kerner Report was that white racism was at work, was the cause of the upsets and the uprisings that we had. In fact, the report stated that white society created it, perpetuates it, and sustains it.” In other words, “The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.” It was that conclusion that made it possible for white America to ignore the findings. Once whites felt as if they were to blame for the conditions of black people in America, they resisted the findings in this study. President Johnson called for the study and never implemented the suggested actions. He wasted government money by increasing spending on the Vietnam war and claimed he did not have the money to implement the types of programs suggested in the report.

Had that not been done many of the issues blacks face today would be reduced or eliminated. The Kerner Commission report is perhaps the finest study done on race in the history of this nation.
You know this. I know this. But that doesn't stop the perception. And perception is what gets idiots like Trump into power.

Oh, goody, I've been preaching to the choir, again.

Just, why then besmirch "the Antifa and BLM crowd", when the two have little to do with each other, and the evidence for their involvement in looting or arson during the recent protests is scarce to non-existent?

Omar’s teenaged daughter, Isra Hirsi retweeted a list of supplies needed by rioting

“comrades”. The original thread came from the Twin Cities Democratic Socialist Party, who were actively coordinating support efforts for the rioters, including car rides out of the area.

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That shooting was not justified. That's why the cop was fired and the police cheif quit.

The problem with what you are saying is that you, like almost every other white person here, is talking about less than 2 percent of the people like they are the majority. And the rioters have been mostly whites. People are tearing down confederate statues which have nothing to do with American history and blacks aren't doing it.

It gets old reading this type of crap from whites oldlady. A man was murdered for no reason. WTF good does that do anyone? People here spend way tooo much time looking for reasons to criticize blacks. If nothing was burnt whites here would be criticizing blacks using the bullshit claim of black crime rates or black on black crime. Blacks are sick and tired of this shit oldlady, fed up.

So when whites can burn buildings and riot because they run out of pumpkins, they are the last people to be lecturing about people who are rioting because they are fed up with lies made up about them by whites that gets them killed. I am a black man. I could be George Floyd and I have been forced to live like this my whole life even as I have lived by the rules, got an education, never fathered a child out of wedlock, stayed gainfully employed, and never took welfare. So I am tired of the lectures from white people. Million have protested. 10,000 were arrested. 200 were arrested for looting. No one associated with BLM has been documented organizing riots.

Defund the cops means restructure law enforcement and as you are white, understand that I have been stopped while driving on about 100 occasions by cops when I was not speeding or violating traffic laws. One night I drove to a convenience store in the neighborhood to buy a bottle of pop. As I left the store I saw a police car sitting across the street. As I started to drive home the cop pulled out and began following me. We were both in the left lane. As I got closer to home I got in the right lane to make the right turn on my street. The cop turned right and kept following me. The thing that spared me was I got home and pulled in my driveway before the cop could catch up. He drove by and turned the floodlight on me as I was walking toward my front door. The cop saw me walk into the store and walk out with a bottle of pop. There was no reason for this harassment. This is something we live with every day. Because of this, I make sure not to go anywhere once it gets dark.

The police in our town stop blacks 7 times more than they do whites. This is a town with very little crime and blacks are not committing crimes at a high rate. This happens to blacks all over the country and it has been this way longer than both of us have been alive. So if you are tired because you chose to pay attention to less than 2 percent of the people that's on you but I am tired of what the other 98 percent are protesting about. Blacks are living in fear asking the Goldberg question, "Who's next?" And as long as police are murdering people we need to be concerned instead of falling for racist narratives about less than 2 percent of the "protesters."

I agree with a lot of what you say. I am an ex LEO from NZ but live in Australia now. And back in the day, racial profiling was definitely going on with Polynesians and Maori. Without a doubt.
And I know for a fact it goes on in the US against black people. For you to be pulled over 100 times is amazing (not in a good way, but truly unbelievable that that could happen in this day and age). I'm 53, and taking away the four speeding tickets I've got, and the DUI checkpoints I've been through, I have only been pulled over once, and even then I read the cop the riot act (he was travelling too close up my butt in an unmarked car and off duty - this was in Australia. When we stopped at a traffic light I verbally abused him. When the light turned green he followed me, pulled me over and did a 'big man on campus' routine on me. Then I ripped into him verbally again, he called for back up because he was off duty. When the uniformed cops arrived, they looked at my license, I told them what happened and the let me go. That is it!).

However - and this has to be said - I'm a white male whose partner/girlfriend is Vietnamese/Chinese but raised in Australia - she came here as a refugee as a five year old. I'm telling you now, 99 per cent of my white community or her Asian community would not put up with or refer to their women as 'hos or bitches. We certainly wouldn't call each other 'honkey' or 'chinks' in the vernacular or when fighting. It has got to the stage where you look on Youtube and see fights, and you have black on black, black on white, white on white calling each other 'n****r' as they fight. And this is on the black community. Whites have to cough-up to the racism - God knows there are plenty on this board. But work has to be done in the black community, too. 73% of black males are brought up in a single-parent household with the vast majority by their mothers. Do I know how to fix it? No. But both have to come to the party. Oprah doesn't have a victim mentality. Neither does Lebron, Jordan, Jamie Foxx, Rihanna, Beyonce, Alan Keyes. It's not like there are no back role models out there. There are plenty.

But whitey does have to take his share of the blame. Reparations? No, that's divisive. My ancestors were slaves to the Angles, Saxons and Jutes, plus the Romans. I'm pretty sure my ancestors enslaved people too. I'm also reasonably confident that black tribes enslaved other black tribes in Africa, too. Where do we begin? Where do we end?

I don't think the police need to be disbanded, but they certainly need refresher courses in how to treat people. When I have a moment, I'll list out to you what it took me to get int he police in NZ - one of the few police forces in the world, up until recently, that has overwhelming public support. When I was in the police, whenever they did surveys of the 'most trusted' jobs, NZ police were always in the top 2 with nurses. It still does have good public support but has waned a little due to standards dropping.
Let me tell you that no black woman will tolerate being called a ho or a bitch. Again the white narrative about blacks needs to stop because white men call white women hoes and bitches but in standard fashion ignore their wrongs to focus on us.

This is a song done by 2 white men in the 1970's. You did not see white say anything about these two men calling this woman a rich bitch.

Now again please stop repeating the right wing narrative about disbanding police. We are talking about reconstructing the law enforcement model.

Again do not repeat the white racist narrative. There is no black victim mentality nor are huge numbers of black children bought up without a man around. There are 47 million blacks in this country, 36,000 are millionaires and 5 are billionaires. We have lived at double the rate of poverty as whites historically and have had double the unemployment historically. Because of white racism, blacks have a higher rate of PTSD, High blood pressure and poor health. We have 15 times less wealth than whites and are murdered by police at double our population percentage. These are the facts and talking about LeBron and Oprah does nothing for the millions of blacks who are not tv celebrities or athletes.

In America we pay annual reparations to native americans. You are a white Australian living on land stolen from indigenous people. You still have problems over there now. Your argument against reparations makes no sense given the fact that nations worldwide have paid reparations for wars and human rights violation. Blacks have been working for 400 years and until you study what has been done in our country relative to policy, you won't have an accurate understanding of why we fight for what we fight for.

I could post video after video of black men calling their women hos and bitches. Not so white. You had to go back to 1970 to find Hall and Oates. The whole rap sub culture is misogynistic.

Great link about black fathers. That is something I didn't know.

I am not Australian. I am a NZer. Aboriginal people don't believe they own the land, they belong to the land. A great concept. And yes, they have been treated poorly.

IM2, I'm not saying that whitey is blameless. Our forebears have a lot of blood on their hands. But so do yours. And yes, I do see it as a victim mentality when a certain people keep on blaming another people for their lot in life. If there were no successful black people you might have a point. You just said there are 36,000 millionaires. That suggests to me that black people are successful. I don't have all the answers. I don't think anybody does.

Apologies. I played rugby for years and met some very fine people from New Zealand on and off the pitch. I am an All Blacks fan.

You can post songs from rappers. In real life if a man calls a black woman a bitch or ho you better hope her hands are empty. Life exists out side of youtube videos and white men call women bitches and hos. They also beat their wives more and the UCR reflects that when you look at crimes against family statistics.

Blacks have been working. I know because I was one of millions of blacks doing the work. You need to drop the victims mentality garbage. Because it's easy to be white and talk shit, especially when you lack knowledge of the many ways white racism has done damage.

Definition of fact: 1 a : something that has actual existence. b : an actual occurrence. 2 : a piece of information presented as having objective reality. 3: the quality of being actual. 4: a thing done. b archaic : action. c obsolete: feat

Definition of opinion:1 a : a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter. 2 a : belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge. b : a generally held view. 3 a : a formal expression of judgment or advice by an expert. b : the formal expression (as by a judge, court, or referee) of the legal reasons and principles upon which a legal decision is based.

Books such as “Color of Law”, “White Rage”, “American Apartheid”, “The New Jim Crow”, “We Charge Genocide,” “A Colony Within A Nation,” or “Racism without Racists” to name a few, provide example after example of the great pains the America government took to establish and maintain a system based on white racial supremacy. They detail the toll such policies have inflicted upon blacks as well as all other people of color in America. Countless studies have been done detailing the negative effects that purposefully designed racially exclusionary American public policy has had upon black communities. Yet, to say that the root cause of the problems blacks face is due to white racism gets you ridiculed and called all kinds of childish names by people in the white community and by a few blacks or other nonwhites who have been shamed into not defending themselves to the point of adopting right wing opinions about some kind of imaginary victim mentality.

On July 28, 1967, President Lyndon Johnson established the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. The more common name for this commission is The Kerner Commission. This commission was tasked to answer three basic questions pertaining to the racial unrest in American cities: What happened? Why did it happen? What can be done to prevent it from happening again? It is common knowledge how the commission deemed that two separate Americas existed, one for whites, the other for blacks.

“What white Americans have never fully understood but what the Negro can never forget--is that white society is deeply implicated in the ghetto. White institutions created it, white institutions maintain it, and white society condones it. It is time now to turn with all the purpose at our command to the major unfinished business of this nation. It is time to adopt strategies for action that will produce quick and visible progress. It is time to make good the promises of American democracy to all citizens-urban and rural, white and black, Spanish-surname, American Indian, and every minority group.”

Kerner Commission Report

On February 26, 2018, 50 years after the Kerner Commission findings, the Economic Policy Institute published a report evaluating the progress of the black community since the Kerner Report was released. It was based on a study done by the Economic Policy Institute that compared the progress of the black community with the condition of the black community at the time of the Kerner Commission. Titled “50 years after the Kerner Commission,” the study’s central premise was that there had been some improvements in the situation blacks faced but there were still disadvantages blacks faced that were based on race.

Here are some of the findings.

African Americans today are much better educated than they were in 1968 but still lag behind whites in overall educational attainment. More than 90 percent of younger African Americans (ages 25 to 29) have graduated from high school, compared with just over half in 1968—which means they’ve nearly closed the gap with white high school graduation rates. They are also more than twice as likely to have a college degree as in 1968 but are still half as likely as young whites to have a college degree.

The substantial progress in educational attainment of African Americans has been accompanied by significant absolute improvements in wages, incomes, wealth, and health since 1968. But black workers still make only 82.5 cents on every dollar earned by white workers, African Americans are 2.5 times as likely to be in poverty as whites, and the median white family has almost 10 times as much wealth as the median black family.

With respect to homeownership, unemployment, and incarceration, America has failed to deliver any progress for African Americans over the last five decades. In these areas, their situation has either failed to improve relative to whites or has worsened. In 2017 the black unemployment rate was 7.5 percent, up from 6.7 percent in 1968, and is still roughly twice the white unemployment rate. In 2015, the black homeownership rate was just over 40 percent, virtually unchanged since 1968, and trailing a full 30 points behind the white homeownership rate, which saw modest gains over the same period. And the share of African Americans in prison or jail almost tripled between 1968 and 2016 and is currently more than six times the white incarceration rate.

Following up on this, Richard Rothstein of the Economic Policy Institute, wrote an op ed published in the February 28th edition of the New York Daily News entitled, “50 years after the Kerner Commission, minimal racial progress.” It had been 50 years since the commission made those recommendations at that point, yet Rothstein makes this statement: “So little has changed since 1968 that the report remains worth reading as a near-contemporary description of racial inequality.” There is a reason little has changed.

The commission recommended solutions based on the following 3 principles: “To mount programs on a scale equal to the dimension of the problems. To aim these programs for high impact in the immediate future in order to close the gap between promise and performance. To undertake new initiatives and experiments that can change the system of failure and frustration that now dominates the ghetto and weakens our society.” With all due respect, I do not believe the members of the commission truly understood the real size of the problem. As of today, principle number 1 has yet to be met.

In order for a societal problem to be solved there must be a will consensual among all to solve the problem by any means necessary. Not by a half measure here and a half measure there. Principle number 1 was to create programs equal to the dimension of the problem. That’s a laudable goal, but the dimension of the problem in 1967 was 191 years of denied income, education, housing and wages. What series of programs could be proposed to a nation where half the people believed that “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice?”

“These programs will require unprecedented levels of funding and performance, but they neither probe deeper nor demand more than the problems which called them forth. There can be no higher priority for national action and no higher claim on the nation's conscience.”

Kerner Commission Report

And so here you have it. Suddenly a nation that had felt it unnecessary to provide equal funding, facilities, housing or income even as the supreme court in 1897 determined it was fine to be separate if everything else was equal, a nation still fighting against the Brown decision by using state laws, a nation that had just decided to allow blacks the free access to the ballot and public accommodations, was going to appropriate billions of dollars to fix an almost 200 year old problem. It has yet to be done.

As a result of this study the commission identified 12 `grievances common in the communities they visited: “1. Police practices 2. Unemployment and underemployment 3. Inadequate housing. 4. Inadequate education 5. Poor recreation facilities and programs 6. Ineffectiveness of the political structure and grievance mechanisms. 7. Disrespectful white attitudes 8. Discriminatory administration of justice 9. Inadequacy of federal programs 10. Inadequacy of municipal services 11. Discriminatory consumer and credit practices 12. Inadequate welfare programs.

You would be hard pressed to say these grievances do not still exist. The Kerner Commission was tasked to find out why the racial unrest happened. Instead of blaming blacks for being angry about the way they were treated, instead of inventing terms like victim mentality, the commission took a long hard look at American societal issues. The bottom line is that the Kerner Commission determined in 1968 what blacks already knew and what whites refused to hear. This quote from Nathaniel Jones Assistant General Counsel for the Commission says it all, “One of the conclusions of the Kerner Report was that white racism was at work, was the cause of the upsets and the uprisings that we had. In fact, the report stated that white society created it, perpetuates it, and sustains it.” In other words, “The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.” It was that conclusion that made it possible for white America to ignore the findings. Once whites felt as if they were to blame for the conditions of black people in America, they resisted the findings in this study. President Johnson called for the study and never implemented the suggested actions. He wasted government money by increasing spending on the Vietnam war and claimed he did not have the money to implement the types of programs suggested in the report.

Had that not been done many of the issues blacks face today would be reduced or eliminated. The Kerner Commission report is perhaps the finest study done on race in the history of this nation.

You need to be citing where you copied all that from.
...trump is 74. Nobody in the republican party is talking about that. Biden has served in the senate and as vice president. He is a very fine candidate if you are looking for someone with experience in handling national and global issues..

Excellent point!...Biden is a long time Washington insider - has helped shape domestic and foreign policy for decades...how's that worked out?
...trump is 74. Nobody in the republican party is talking about that. Biden has served in the senate and as vice president. He is a very fine candidate if you are looking for someone with experience in handling national and global issues..

Excellent point!...Biden is a long time Washington insider - has helped shape domestic and foreign policy for decades...how's that worked out?
Not so good.
God no. They did elect Trump. Ask any of the right wing loons on this site if they believe Antifa is responsible for the looting and burning. You will get close to a 100 per cent yes. And that IS an issue.

I agree with Grumps. There are a lot of people that it HAS backfired for. Not racists, just folks who don't know that much about it and only know what they see on tv.

I agree, pretty much everybody is pissed at the looters and arsonists.

I also agree, "right wing loons" will be effortlessly persuaded these were Antifa. Oh, and, that Soros financed it all, for good measure.

These "right wing loons" also were never in any danger of voting for Biden.

What I still don't see is how some vandals and arsonists persuade anyone to change their vote from Biden to Trump. It may well happen as you say - I just can't find a plausible rationale for it.

Some data: On April 1, Trump's approval rating stood at 45%. Disapproval at 50%.

As of today: Approval 40.6% - Disapproval 55.3%. That's a near 10 point swing away from Trump during the Floyd upheaval.

Also: "For instance, in a Morning Consult survey conducted June 10-12, 64 percent of Americans said they supported the protests, up 10 percentage points from the first time the pollster asked in late May and early June. In fact, the protests are so popular that they’re now supported by majorities of Democrats and Republicans." There's more:

Take the Black Lives Matter movement, for example. In a June 2016 Pew Research Center poll, only 64 percent of white Democrats and 20 percent of white Republicans supported the Black Lives Matter movement. Those numbers are now up to 92 percent among white Democrats and 37 percent among white Republicans in the latest Pew survey.​

It would appear to me, Democrats have next to nothing to lose standing firmly behind BLM, and the protests. I agree, a lot of looting and arson might change that, but as things stand, these have largely subsided by now. Let's hope this holds.
I'm seeing a lot of white folks who are usually down the middle on race relations getting really pissed at the Antifa and BLM crowd. And no, this isn't just about race - from what I see, a lot of the BLM agitators are white. However, the last thing the left need is even more crackers coming out to vote in Nov, and at the rate these entitled rent-a-crowds start destroying things the more it helps the Or
I'm seeing a lot of white folks who are usually down the middle on race relations getting really pissed at the Antifa and BLM crowd. And no, this isn't just about race - from what I see, a lot of the BLM agitators are white. However, the last thing the left need is even more crackers coming out to vote in Nov, and at the rate these entitled rent-a-crowds start destroying things the more it helps the Orange Buffoon in the WH. Don't they see that?
You’re not fooling anyone, you’re a leftwing kook and always have been.

If you don’t support BLM you’re a racist, period. Don’t act like you’re growing a spine and going to call out their bullshit.
And exactly what bullshit would that be?
Like getting people fired from their jobs for saying all lives matter. For using violence to get Dems to push their Agenda without any consent or vote by citizens.
Don't forget, you have to shut up if you are white, it is time to let others speak. Oh, and silence is violence if you are white as well.

I am getting mixed messaging here....

Maybe you're obsessing about it too much.
Absolutely they do. And I absolutely am. My voting record speaks for itself. Would use the same language against antifa too. You both deserve each other.

"You both deserve each other"

That snide remark assumes I belong to one side or the other. Centrists do not assume one person belongs to one side or the other, simply by engaging in one conversational exchange with another. Centrists make counterpoints to discern the position of the one they are conversing within a debate.

I am closer to being a centrist than a majority of the posters on this board, including you. I have the statements to prove it. I took the journey 7 years ago from right-wing extremist to centrist. I was genuinely disgusted by the extremism both sides employed. I saw myself turning into a shill and I could not abide by it any longer. I took a genuine effort to reform my worldview, it appears you have not.

Your voting record is irrelevant. Your statements at this very moment do, and they belie your self-proclaimed centrist alignment.
Did you vote for obama both times?

Huh? No. I voted for McCain and Romney. Biggest two mistakes I ever made.
...trump is 74. Nobody in the republican party is talking about that. Biden has served in the senate and as vice president. He is a very fine candidate if you are looking for someone with experience in handling national and global issues..

Excellent point!...Biden is a long time Washington insider - has helped shape domestic and foreign policy for decades...how's that worked out?
He's done better than trump.

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