Will BLM backfire

There were no blacks in Albuquerque. White people need to get off their high horses. Whites riot, the media says nothing and then whites pretend they don't loot or riot. This is not backfiring nor will it. Many white have come to the realization of how tone deaf they have been in America.

With all due respect, Gump is a good man but he lives in New Zealand. I don't think he's getting all the news on these protests nor does he know a lot about the racial history of America. There is only so much you'll get by satellite or youtube.

If riots are language of the unheard, riots will not end if people want to ignore the cause of the riot. And that's what's being done here.
There were no blacks in Albuquerque. White people need to get off their high horses. Whites riot, the media says nothing and then whites pretend they don't loot or riot. This is not backfiring nor will it. Many white have come to the realization of how tone deaf they have been in America.

With all due respect, Gump is a good man but he lives in New Zealand. I don't think he's getting all the news on these protests nor does he know a lot about the racial history of America. There is only so much you'll get by satellite or youtube.

If riots are language of the unheard, riots will not end if people want to ignore the cause of the riot. And that's what's being done here.

Best subject at school was history. I know a lot about US history including slavery. John Brown. Jim Crow. Civil War. Get CNN and Fox, just the same as you, showing the same things as you. I wasn't in Atlanta for the latest cop being fired and arrested, neither were you. But you probably have an opinion on it.

You and I don't agree on everything, but most things. That's good enough for me. I think you're a good person too, but pretty pissed also.

White on black racism in the US is still around, but it goes the other way too. Do I think white on black racism is more prominent? Yes I do. Do I think more needs to be done? Yes I do. Do most US police forces need an overhaul? It appears so.

One thing that does need addressing though - and it is not something whitey can fix - and that is black-on-black violence. You might have seen this, maybe you haven't. But Flynn was/is a good cop (this vid is 5 years old), 'you people' he is referring to are BLM who I think might have started around about then. To put it in context, what he initially is talking about before he goes on his rant (and I mean rant in a neutral way, not bad or good) was about some Milwaukee cops in trouble for something they did to a black man. Now, you can say "it's only Youtube". Well maybe so, but he's the one speaking.

I guess what I'm saying is, yes, whitey is responsible for the plight of the black man. Up to a point.
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This is not going to backfire and this obsession with less than 2 percent of the people at the protests mainly organized by white supremacists such as the boogaloo movement is not going to do anything but increase votes against trump.
It is backfiring, and it's ridiculous to try blaming it all on the Boogaloo boys. I'm totally sympathetic to protesters' rage against racism. I am NOT at all sympathetic to burning businesses and looting stores, breaking windows, throwing incendiaries and bricks at cops. Nope. I can see a flash of rage, a riot, a let it all burn moment. But the looting was purely mercenary, and now the fad of the week seems to be pulling down statues, vandalizing historical sites and calling to defund the cops. ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT. It IS making the movement look bad, very bad, to people who are open and sympathetic to the protesters' message but live in a less extremist space. Burning Wendy's? WTF good does that do anyone? And that shooting was damned close to justified, if it wasn't.

I've about had it. I still have respect for the cooler heads that are actually negotiating with the police and mayors, trying to get something positive accomplished. I'll still argue with the racists and haters here. But take my word for it, IM, some of this behavior is losing support for your cause.

That shooting was not justified. That's why the cop was fired and the police cheif quit.

The problem with what you are saying is that you, like almost every other white person here, is talking about less than 2 percent of the people like they are the majority. And the rioters have been mostly whites. People are tearing down confederate statues which have nothing to do with American history and blacks aren't doing it.

It gets old reading this type of crap from whites oldlady. A man was murdered for no reason. WTF good does that do anyone? People here spend way tooo much time looking for reasons to criticize blacks. If nothing was burnt whites here would be criticizing blacks using the bullshit claim of black crime rates or black on black crime. Blacks are sick and tired of this shit oldlady, fed up.

So when whites can burn buildings and riot because they run out of pumpkins, they are the last people to be lecturing about people who are rioting because they are fed up with lies made up about them by whites that gets them killed. I am a black man. I could be George Floyd and I have been forced to live like this my whole life even as I have lived by the rules, got an education, never fathered a child out of wedlock, stayed gainfully employed, and never took welfare. So I am tired of the lectures from white people. Million have protested. 10,000 were arrested. 200 were arrested for looting. No one associated with BLM has been documented organizing riots.

Defund the cops means restructure law enforcement and as you are white, understand that I have been stopped while driving on about 100 occasions by cops when I was not speeding or violating traffic laws. One night I drove to a convenience store in the neighborhood to buy a bottle of pop. As I left the store I saw a police car sitting across the street. As I started to drive home the cop pulled out and began following me. We were both in the left lane. As I got closer to home I got in the right lane to make the right turn on my street. The cop turned right and kept following me. The thing that spared me was I got home and pulled in my driveway before the cop could catch up. He drove by and turned the floodlight on me as I was walking toward my front door. The cop saw me walk into the store and walk out with a bottle of pop. There was no reason for this harassment. This is something we live with every day. Because of this, I make sure not to go anywhere once it gets dark.

The police in our town stop blacks 7 times more than they do whites. This is a town with very little crime and blacks are not committing crimes at a high rate. This happens to blacks all over the country and it has been this way longer than both of us have been alive. So if you are tired because you chose to pay attention to less than 2 percent of the people that's on you but I am tired of what the other 98 percent are protesting about. Blacks are living in fear asking the Goldberg question, "Who's next?" And as long as police are murdering people we need to be concerned instead of falling for racist narratives about less than 2 percent of the "protesters."

Stopped 100 times and you’re still alive.

Good job doing what the officers told you to do.
I'm seeing a lot of white folks who are usually down the middle on race relations getting really pissed at the Antifa and BLM crowd. And no, this isn't just about race - from what I see, a lot of the BLM agitators are white. However, the last thing the left need is even more crackers coming out to vote in Nov, and at the rate these entitled rent-a-crowds start destroying things the more it helps the Orange Buffoon in the WH. Don't they see that?


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