Will BLM backfire

What views of mine make me a “neocon” or far right?

If you voted for Trump because you believe in him, then you are far right. And this too, is a point of perspective - in most of the rest of the democratic world, Trump supporters would be on the periphery. For example, we have a party in NZ called Act. On the odd occasion they get a member into parliament but very rarely. They are ideal Trump supporters. If that party existed in the US they would have a lot of members in congress and the senate. In any other western country, they would be like NZ and have little or no representation. And that is my overall point in this. Trump Deplorables are about a third to a half of the conservative vote. In other countries they wouldnt' even make the five per cent threshold (well, some are getting traction in Europe - especially former Eastern Bloc countries) but they are not hte norm. The mainstream conservative parties in NZ and Australia and the UK for that matter are more like the US under Eisenhower or dare I say it, Nixon, than anything since and including Ronnie Raygun.
So because I voted for President Trump that makes me “far right”?

Is it “far right” to believe in border patrol and curbing illegal immigration? You might want to tell Bernie Sanders that since it was his stance on immigration for decades. Why? Because he knew illegals drive down wages for Americans.

Is it “far right” to want to keep blue collar manufacturing jobs here in the USA and not be given to China? The Democratic Party used to be all about keeping jobs here and getting them higher wages. I guess they were “far right” back in those days.

Is it “far right” to want a foreign policy of relative peace and not starting wars against countries that didn’t attack us?

What am I doing? Forget I was even here!

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The infamous democratic circular firing squad is more than republican political strategists could have hoped for. Black riots for months on end is a great way for them to get white suburban women to vote for whoever will restore order. If I was conspiricy theorist, I would think the whole thing was arranged.

And that is kinda my point. Not the conspiracy theory part, but the mobilising aspect. The other issue the Dems have is that Biden is such a poor candidate. The leadership of the left is old and needs changing. They've been around too long - Pelosi, Schumer et al.
Well, you can always run AOC in a few years...

If people find Biden amusing, THAT would be a real hoot!!!
The infamous democratic circular firing squad is more than republican political strategists could have hoped for. Black riots for months on end is a great way for them to get white suburban women to vote for whoever will restore order. If I was conspiricy theorist, I would think the whole thing was arranged.
Arranged alright , arranged for democrat battot stuffing.
Probably over half the people who voted for Trump were really voting to keep Hillary from getting to the W.H.

Voting for him could happen for 1000 reasons.

I agree. I have said on more than one occasion on this board there are three main categories for voting for Trump. They hated Hillary. They were republican. They love Trump. Probably some had a mixture of all three. The Deplorableas that Hillary was talking about were the ones that voted for him because they like him as a person and politician. If you hated Hillary and are a Republican, then I get that. But if the only reason you voted for him was because of the man himself, then Hillary was on the money. Anybody who actually likes him, to me, is a Deplorable. That man has not one redeeming feature IMO.
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discern the position of the one they are conversing within a debate.

I do that all the time.

Not here. You assumed I was as far right as the people you were debating before I joined in this thread. You made no effort whatsoever.

With all due respect, please don't lie to me.

M'eh I'll say 'most' of the time.
With all due respect, get off your high horse.

Why? So you can look down on me from yours?

Sounds like a Joust is in order! :tomato:
So because I voted for President Trump that makes me “far right”?

Is it “far right” to believe in border patrol and curbing illegal immigration? You might want to tell Bernie Sanders that since it was his stance on immigration for decades. Why? Because he knew illegals drive down wages for Americans.

Is it “far right” to want to keep blue collar manufacturing jobs here in the USA and not be given to China? The Democratic Party used to be all about keeping jobs here and getting them higher wages. I guess they were “far right” back in those days.

Is it “far right” to want a foreign policy of relative peace and not starting wars against countries that didn’t attack us?

I don't think it far right to want to stop illegal immigration. However, it is far right to take kids away from parents. It is far right to say you're going to build a wall and get the other country to pay for it when you know it isn't going to happen.

Blue Collar jobs are never coming back unless you're willing to work for about $7.50 an hour. Thing is, I have said this time and time again, and it has been proven over and over again that automation has by far been more destructive to US manufacturing jobs than those going to China. And of those jobs that were sent overseas, who do you think sent them there? Those multi-million dollar earning executives and company owners who have their multi-million dollar holiday homes in the Hamptons are Dem voters? You think?

No country has attacked the US since 1941. I can however, list a number of countries the US has attacked. And I would also add that if you want a peaceful president, the bloviating windbag, bone-spur deferred idiot in the WH is not your man. And no, 9-11 was not an attack by another country, it was an ideology. If it was a country, you would have invaded Saudi Arabia where the vast majority of hijackers came from, not Iraq which had nothing to do with it.
discern the position of the one they are conversing within a debate.

I do that all the time.

Not here. You assumed I was as far right as the people you were debating before I joined in this thread. You made no effort whatsoever.

With all due respect, please don't lie to me.

M'eh I'll say 'most' of the time.
With all due respect, get off your high horse.

Why? So you can look down on me from yours?

Sounds like a Joust is in order! :tomato:

Joust? Did someone say joust?

What views of mine make me a “neocon” or far right?

If you voted for Trump because you believe in him, then you are far right. And this too, is a point of perspective - in most of the rest of the democratic world, Trump supporters would be on the periphery. For example, we have a party in NZ called Act. On the odd occasion they get a member into parliament but very rarely. They are ideal Trump supporters. If that party existed in the US they would have a lot of members in congress and the senate. In any other western country, they would be like NZ and have little or no representation. And that is my overall point in this. Trump Deplorables are about a third to a half of the conservative vote. In other countries they wouldnt' even make the five per cent threshold (well, some are getting traction in Europe - especially former Eastern Bloc countries) but they are not hte norm. The mainstream conservative parties in NZ and Australia and the UK for that matter are more like the US under Eisenhower or dare I say it, Nixon, than anything since and including Ronnie Raygun.
So because I voted for President Trump that makes me “far right”?

Is it “far right” to believe in border patrol and curbing illegal immigration? You might want to tell Bernie Sanders that since it was his stance on immigration for decades. Why? Because he knew illegals drive down wages for Americans.

Is it “far right” to want to keep blue collar manufacturing jobs here in the USA and not be given to China? The Democratic Party used to be all about keeping jobs here and getting them higher wages. I guess they were “far right” back in those days.

Is it “far right” to want a foreign policy of relative peace and not starting wars against countries that didn’t attack us?
Look at what you have posted. It's far right gibberish. Obama deported record numbers. Border crossings were at a 40 year low. Democrats can't give jobs to anyone. CEO's move companies to where they can pay pennies without concern with worker safety. Ask trump, he has factories in other countries, but he talks about jobs for Americans. Republicans started the last war and we're still fight it.
So because I voted for President Trump that makes me “far right”?

Is it “far right” to believe in border patrol and curbing illegal immigration? You might want to tell Bernie Sanders that since it was his stance on immigration for decades. Why? Because he knew illegals drive down wages for Americans.

Is it “far right” to want to keep blue collar manufacturing jobs here in the USA and not be given to China? The Democratic Party used to be all about keeping jobs here and getting them higher wages. I guess they were “far right” back in those days.

Is it “far right” to want a foreign policy of relative peace and not starting wars against countries that didn’t attack us?

I don't think it far right to want to stop illegal immigration. However, it is far right to take kids away from parents. It is far right to say you're going to build a wall and get the other country to pay for it when you know it isn't going to happen.

Blue Collar jobs are never coming back unless you're willing to work for about $7.50 an hour. Thing is, I have said this time and time again, and it has been proven over and over again that automation has by far been more destructive to US manufacturing jobs than those going to China. And of those jobs that were sent overseas, who do you think sent them there? Those multi-million dollar earning executives and company owners who have their multi-million dollar holiday homes in the Hamptons are Dem voters? You think?

No country has attacked the US since 1941. I can however, list a number of countries the US has attacked. And I would also add that if you want a peaceful president, the bloviating windbag, bone-spur deferred idiot in the WH is not your man. And no, 9-11 was not an attack by another country, it was an ideology. If it was a country, you would have invaded Saudi Arabia where the vast majority of hijackers came from, not Iraq which had nothing to do with it.
Obama put kids in cages, so he is far right too, gotcha.

Mexico did pay for the wall, from tariffs.
If most jobs are lost to automation, then why can’t they be built here?

Yes, the multimillionaire execs who sent jobs overseas are Dems. Was Steve Jobs a Republican?

How many countries has President Trump invaded? How many has he called a regime change for? Zero. He is the most peaceful President we’ve had since Reagan.

Thanks for exposing yourself as a TDS liberal. You’re so delusional you think he is a warmonger, yet the facts show he is more peaceful than the Hussein and Clinton.
Centrist does not mean you don't have some biases or lean to one side or the other.

I disagree.

Just by having biases or leaning to one side or the other invalidates the idea of centrism as a concept. I do not accept centrism as a political viewpoint. It does not exist.

Being moderate on the other hand is another matter. I define "moderate" as you would define a "centrist." As someone who has some biases or leans slightly to one side or the other.

Call me an absolutist, call me narrowminded, but I am speaking from my own personal experiences.

So what would a true centrist stance on something like abortion be?
Maybe I'm a moderate <shrug>..all I know is I can't stand uber righties, and only have slightly more tolerance for uber lefties, mainly because at least their trying to do something. But even then, all an outfit like antifa makes we want to do is go and kick those lazy, entitled twats in the nuts.
The Solomon stance?

The what?

Bible reference. It was a joke :p

I'm seeing a lot of white folks who are usually down the middle on race relations getting really pissed at the Antifa and BLM crowd. And no, this isn't just about race - from what I see, a lot of the BLM agitators are white. However, the last thing the left need is even more crackers coming out to vote in Nov, and at the rate these entitled rent-a-crowds start destroying things the more it helps the Orange Buffoon in the WH. Don't they see that?

Whenever Whites are protesting, it's citizens voicing their disagreements. A few bad apples, First Amendment rights and all that.

Whenever Blacks are protesting, it's race riots. Their organizers are usually terrorists. Racists are gloating, and centrists are warily shaking their heads over the fear of "backfire".

Get over it, Grumps. In every crowd of sufficient size, there are going to be a few percent of blockheads, mouth-breathers and outright criminals. This is about the American Birth Defect. As it pervades every aspect of life, there is an all-hands-on-deck approach necessary even to mitigate its impact. Falling for the sensationalist media narrative, or the apoplectic bullshit on the right ("entire cities set aflame" and more such nonsense) while overlooking the monumental task ahead, is not a smart thing to do.

Oh, and, whoever thought Trump would be a remedy for any ill befalling the nation is a lost cause, and was one pretty much no matter how many buildings were burning or looted, or by whom.
Obama put kids in cages, so he is far right too, gotcha.

Mexico did pay for the wall, from tariffs.
If most jobs are lost to automation, then why can’t they be built here?

Yes, the multimillionaire execs who sent jobs overseas are Dems. Was Steve Jobs a Republican?

How many countries has President Trump invaded? How many has he called a regime change for? Zero. He is the most peaceful President we’ve had since Reagan.

Thanks for exposing yourself as a TDS liberal. You’re so delusional you think he is a warmonger, yet the facts show he is more peaceful than the Hussein and Clinton.

I would put Gates and Jobs as liberals definitely. However, that is just two of literally hundreds of execs. Are you saying all those execs whose prime goal is to reduce their corporate taxes and get bonuses based on how much money they can save, love the tax-loving Dems? They love the unionised labour force? They're Dem supporters?

Um, you do know that Trump assassinated an Iranian general? You do know that, right? You do know he keeps on prodding China?

They won't build automation jobs in the US (actually, they do build some), mainly because you still need a labour force to run those factories, and they are still expensive to pay. But why not ask all those car and steel execs who ARE Republican voters about that.

Obama didn't start a single war. He tried to extract you from a couple started by a Republican.
I'm seeing a lot of white folks who are usually down the middle on race relations getting really pissed at the Antifa and BLM crowd. And no, this isn't just about race - from what I see, a lot of the BLM agitators are white. However, the last thing the left need is even more crackers coming out to vote in Nov, and at the rate these entitled rent-a-crowds start destroying things the more it helps the Orange Buffoon in the WH. Don't they see that?

Whenever Whites are protesting, it's citizens voicing their disagreements. A few bad apples, First Amendment rights and all that.

Whenever Blacks are protesting, it's race riots. Their organizers are usually terrorists. Racists are gloating, and centrists are warily shaking their heads over the fear of "backfire".

Get over it, Grumps. In every crowd of sufficient size, there are going to be a few percent of blockheads, mouth-breathers and outright criminals. This is about the American Birth Defect. As it pervades every aspect of life, there is an all-hands-on-deck approach necessary even to mitigate its impact. Falling for the sensationalist media narrative, or the apoplectic bullshit on the right ("entire cities set aflame" and more such nonsense) while overlooking the monumental task ahead, is not a smart thing to do.

Oh, and, whoever thought Trump would be a remedy for any ill befalling the nation is a lost cause, and was one pretty much no matter how many buildings were burning or looted, or by whom.
You know this. I know this. But that doesn't stop the perception. And perception is what gets idiots like Trump into power.
So because I voted for President Trump that makes me “far right”?

Is it “far right” to believe in border patrol and curbing illegal immigration? You might want to tell Bernie Sanders that since it was his stance on immigration for decades. Why? Because he knew illegals drive down wages for Americans.

Is it “far right” to want to keep blue collar manufacturing jobs here in the USA and not be given to China? The Democratic Party used to be all about keeping jobs here and getting them higher wages. I guess they were “far right” back in those days.

Is it “far right” to want a foreign policy of relative peace and not starting wars against countries that didn’t attack us?

I don't think it far right to want to stop illegal immigration. However, it is far right to take kids away from parents. It is far right to say you're going to build a wall and get the other country to pay for it when you know it isn't going to happen.

Blue Collar jobs are never coming back unless you're willing to work for about $7.50 an hour. Thing is, I have said this time and time again, and it has been proven over and over again that automation has by far been more destructive to US manufacturing jobs than those going to China. And of those jobs that were sent overseas, who do you think sent them there? Those multi-million dollar earning executives and company owners who have their multi-million dollar holiday homes in the Hamptons are Dem voters? You think?

No country has attacked the US since 1941. I can however, list a number of countries the US has attacked. And I would also add that if you want a peaceful president, the bloviating windbag, bone-spur deferred idiot in the WH is not your man. And no, 9-11 was not an attack by another country, it was an ideology. If it was a country, you would have invaded Saudi Arabia where the vast majority of hijackers came from, not Iraq which had nothing to do with it.
Obama put kids in cages, so he is far right too, gotcha.

Mexico did pay for the wall, from tariffs.
If most jobs are lost to automation, then why can’t they be built here?

Yes, the multimillionaire execs who sent jobs overseas are Dems. Was Steve Jobs a Republican?

How many countries has President Trump invaded? How many has he called a regime change for? Zero. He is the most peaceful President we’ve had since Reagan.

Thanks for exposing yourself as a TDS liberal. You’re so delusional you think he is a warmonger, yet the facts show he is more peaceful than the Hussein and Clinton.
Obama put unaccompanied children in detention. People opposed that. At the same time he established DACA. Mexico has not paid for anything . Plenty of republicans sent jobs overseas. Ask trump. Reagan financed Saddam. trump performs fellatio on Putin. Obama inherited wars. Wars those like you supported.
I'm seeing a lot of white folks who are usually down the middle on race relations getting really pissed at the Antifa and BLM crowd. And no, this isn't just about race - from what I see, a lot of the BLM agitators are white. However, the last thing the left need is even more crackers coming out to vote in Nov, and at the rate these entitled rent-a-crowds start destroying things the more it helps the Orange Buffoon in the WH. Don't they see that?

Whenever Whites are protesting, it's citizens voicing their disagreements. A few bad apples, First Amendment rights and all that.

Whenever Blacks are protesting, it's race riots. Their organizers are usually terrorists. Racists are gloating, and centrists are warily shaking their heads over the fear of "backfire".

Get over it, Grumps. In every crowd of sufficient size, there are going to be a few percent of blockheads, mouth-breathers and outright criminals. This is about the American Birth Defect. As it pervades every aspect of life, there is an all-hands-on-deck approach necessary even to mitigate its impact. Falling for the sensationalist media narrative, or the apoplectic bullshit on the right ("entire cities set aflame" and more such nonsense) while overlooking the monumental task ahead, is not a smart thing to do.

Oh, and, whoever thought Trump would be a remedy for any ill befalling the nation is a lost cause, and was one pretty much no matter how many buildings were burning or looted, or by whom.
You know this. I know this. But that doesn't stop the perception. And perception is what gets idiots like Trump into power.
That perception is a minority opinion.
Can we all agree that White "Liberals" are the problem?

Whenever Whites are protesting, it's citizens voicing their disagreements. A few bad apples, First Amendment rights and all that.

Whenever Blacks are protesting, it's race riots. Their organizers are usually terrorists. Racists are gloating, and centrists are warily shaking their heads over the fear of "backfire".
You have mistaken race for political leanings.

When it's "right" leaning people protesting, shit does not get set on fire and nobody is looting the fuck out of Target for 5 HDTVs on national television.

When it's "left" leaning people protesting, shit is literally burning to the ground.

You know this. I know this. But that doesn't stop the perception. And perception is what gets idiots like Trump into power.

Oh, goody, I've been preaching to the choir, again.

Just, why then besmirch "the Antifa and BLM crowd", when the two have little to do with each other, and the evidence for their involvement in looting or arson during the recent protests is scarce to non-existent? I mean, wouldn't you be adding your voice to the screeching throughout the rightarded blabbosphere, and thus add to a perception you otherwise dread?

I've been thinking about it, and didn't get anywhere, so... Is there a significant portion of the electorate actually thinking, "We need to get that no-good, catastrophic Orange dunce out of office!", and who would then be swayed and resolve to vote for Trump, because some mindless goof burned to the ground a Wendy's in Atlanta? Perceptions, I agree, matter. But, one would have to believe that crime was perpetrated by Antifa, and that Antifa is behind Biden, and therefore Biden is causally linked to smoldering rubble formerly known as "Wendy's", and therefore not electable. Isn't that slightly implausible?
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This is not going to backfire and this obsession with less than 2 percent of the people at the protests mainly organized by white supremacists such as the boogaloo movement is not going to do anything but increase votes against trump.
It is backfiring, and it's ridiculous to try blaming it all on the Boogaloo boys. I'm totally sympathetic to protesters' rage against racism. I am NOT at all sympathetic to burning businesses and looting stores, breaking windows, throwing incendiaries and bricks at cops. Nope. I can see a flash of rage, a riot, a let it all burn moment. But the looting was purely mercenary, and now the fad of the week seems to be pulling down statues, vandalizing historical sites and calling to defund the cops. ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT. It IS making the movement look bad, very bad, to people who are open and sympathetic to the protesters' message but live in a less extremist space. Burning Wendy's? WTF good does that do anyone? And that shooting was damned close to justified, if it wasn't.

I've about had it. I still have respect for the cooler heads that are actually negotiating with the police and mayors, trying to get something positive accomplished. I'll still argue with the racists and haters here. But take my word for it, IM, some of this behavior is losing support for your cause.

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