Will BLM backfire

I'm seeing a lot of white folks who are usually down the middle on race relations getting really pissed at the Antifa and BLM crowd. And no, this isn't just about race - from what I see, a lot of the BLM agitators are white. However, the last thing the left need is even more crackers coming out to vote in Nov, and at the rate these entitled rent-a-crowds start destroying things the more it helps the Orange Buffoon in the WH. Don't they see that?
You’re not fooling anyone, you’re a leftwing kook and always have been.

If you don’t support BLM you’re a racist, period. Don’t act like you’re growing a spine and going to call out their bullshit.
And exactly what bullshit would that be?
The infamous democratic circular firing squad is more than republican political strategists could have hoped for. Black riots for months on end is a great way for them to get white suburban women to vote for whoever will restore order. If I was conspiricy theorist, I would think the whole thing was arranged.

And that is kinda my point. Not the conspiracy theory part, but the mobilising aspect. The other issue the Dems have is that Biden is such a poor candidate. The leadership of the left is old and needs changing. They've been around too long - Pelosi, Schumer et al.
They need to get rid of Pelosi. I firmly believe that, if she hand handled the impeachment properly, they would have succeeded in removing or destroying Trump entirely. Instead, she massively fumbled the ball rushing ahead before getting all the testimony and beating him over the head over, and over, and over again with an unending trickle of testimonies. Or could have never impeached him in the first place. The half assed attempt she did try was the worst possible rout. An enormous political fuckup IMHO.

Of course we will see in November, Trumps numbers do not look good but then again, they did not look good last time either. I had serious doubts that Trump supporters lied to pollsters last go around as that was nothing more than pollsters covering their asses for an epic screw up. This time, however, I have no doubt that they are lying to pollsters if just to feed them their own bullshit.
trump was impeached so Pelosi handled it correctly. She had no control over the senate. Again it's time to stop repeating the right wing narrative if you are not right wing.
I have, and always have been, a centrist. Only in whackadoodle Trump, neocon Deplorable-land am I considered a leftist. In almost all other democracies in the world, I am a centrist. Socially liberal, fiscally conservative (although I do jump on opposite sides on a couple of issues in either spectrum).
The fact that, by your own admission, neocons (poorly disguised leftists) would consider you a whackadoodle, fully cements you as the whackadoodle that you are and always have been.
The infamous democratic circular firing squad is more than republican political strategists could have hoped for. Black riots for months on end is a great way for them to get white suburban women to vote for whoever will restore order. If I was conspiricy theorist, I would think the whole thing was arranged.
That is the narrative that the media is pushing now. Riots can only be the result of white supremacists.
The media isn't pushing a damn thing. FBI showed evidence of tweets saying as much.
Oh yes, they find there are some white supremacist idiots out there trying to take advantage of the situation. That, of course means to race baitiers like you that the blacks out there rioting and looting all have puppet strings attached to them. Not their fault they are rioting because there is a white supremacist out there somewhere doing it too. It is the kind of logic I have come to expect from those that see nothing but race everywhere.

Whites peacefully protest? White supremacist assholes. White violently protest. White supremacist assholes. Blacks violently protest. Must be white supremacist assholes. Blacks protest - they are the angels sent directly from heaven.

When everything is the fault of white supremacists, no one buys your shit anymore.
I have, and always have been, a centrist. Only in whackadoodle Trump, neocon Deplorable-land--

"Centrists" do not use this kind of language. You are not a centrist.

Absolutely they do. And I absolutely am. My voting record speaks for itself. Would use the same language against antifa too. You both deserve each other.
The infamous democratic circular firing squad is more than republican political strategists could have hoped for. Black riots for months on end is a great way for them to get white suburban women to vote for whoever will restore order. If I was conspiricy theorist, I would think the whole thing was arranged.

And that is kinda my point. Not the conspiracy theory part, but the mobilising aspect. The other issue the Dems have is that Biden is such a poor candidate. The leadership of the left is old and needs changing. They've been around too long - Pelosi, Schumer et al.
They need to get rid of Pelosi. I firmly believe that, if she hand handled the impeachment properly, they would have succeeded in removing or destroying Trump entirely. Instead, she massively fumbled the ball rushing ahead before getting all the testimony and beating him over the head over, and over, and over again with an unending trickle of testimonies. Or could have never impeached him in the first place. The half assed attempt she did try was the worst possible rout. An enormous political fuckup IMHO.

Of course we will see in November, Trumps numbers do not look good but then again, they did not look good last time either. I had serious doubts that Trump supporters lied to pollsters last go around as that was nothing more than pollsters covering their asses for an epic screw up. This time, however, I have no doubt that they are lying to pollsters if just to feed them their own bullshit.
trump was impeached so Pelosi handled it correctly. She had no control over the senate. Again it's time to stop repeating the right wing narrative if you are not right wing.
If she handled it correctly, he would not be in office.
I'm seeing a lot of white folks who are usually down the middle on race relations getting really pissed at the Antifa and BLM crowd. And no, this isn't just about race - from what I see, a lot of the BLM agitators are white. However, the last thing the left need is even more crackers coming out to vote in Nov, and at the rate these entitled rent-a-crowds start destroying things the more it helps the Orange Buffoon in the WH. Don't they see that?
They already know he is going to win. This is just them throwing a preemptive tantrum.

The infamous democratic circular firing squad is more than republican political strategists could have hoped for. Black riots for months on end is a great way for them to get white suburban women to vote for whoever will restore order. If I was conspiricy theorist, I would think the whole thing was arranged.

And that is kinda my point. Not the conspiracy theory part, but the mobilising aspect. The other issue the Dems have is that Biden is such a poor candidate. The leadership of the left is old and needs changing. They've been around too long - Pelosi, Schumer et al.
trump is 74. Nobody in the republican party is talking about that. Biden has served in the senate and as vice president. He is a very fine candidate if you are looking for someone with experience in handling national and global issues.. It is time to stop repeating republican talking points. Listening to them grade democrats is why we are in this mess to begin with. McConnell is 78 and running for another term and nobody says shit. Blacks are not rioting and again, this white racist obsession about 2 percent of the people who happen to be white racists CANNOT be allowed to become the narrative. That is why whites did the looting and rioting in the first place.

I saw plenty of blacks looting, too IM2. I concur about Biden to a degree, but he is going to be 82 next time around. I certainly think McConnell has gone well past his use-by date, as has Trump for a myriad of reasons (age being the least of them). I think what might get Biden over the line will be his VP candidate.
I'm seeing a lot of white folks who are usually down the middle on race relations getting really pissed at the Antifa and BLM crowd. And no, this isn't just about race - from what I see, a lot of the BLM agitators are white. However, the last thing the left need is even more crackers coming out to vote in Nov, and at the rate these entitled rent-a-crowds start destroying things the more it helps the Orange Buffoon in the WH. Don't they see that?
You’re not fooling anyone, you’re a leftwing kook and always have been.

If you don’t support BLM you’re a racist, period. Don’t act like you’re growing a spine and going to call out their bullshit.
And exactly what bullshit would that be?
Like getting people fired from their jobs for saying all lives matter. For using violence to get Dems to push their Agenda without any consent or vote by citizens.
I'm seeing a lot of white folks who are usually down the middle on race relations getting really pissed at the Antifa and BLM crowd. And no, this isn't just about race - from what I see, a lot of the BLM agitators are white. However, the last thing the left need is even more crackers coming out to vote in Nov, and at the rate these entitled rent-a-crowds start destroying things the more it helps the Orange Buffoon in the WH. Don't they see that?
You’re not fooling anyone, you’re a leftwing kook and always have been.

If you don’t support BLM you’re a racist, period. Don’t act like you’re growing a spine and going to call out their bullshit.
And exactly what bullshit would that be?
Like getting people fired from their jobs for saying all lives matter. For using violence to get Dems to push their Agenda without any consent or vote by citizens.
Don't forget, you have to shut up if you are white, it is time to let others speak. Oh, and silence is violence if you are white as well.

I am getting mixed messaging here....
A million people requested tickets for a venue that holds 18,000
To see donald trump Lol you maybe right op

Can't wait to see the number of democrats that attended :p
The infamous democratic circular firing squad is more than republican political strategists could have hoped for. Black riots for months on end is a great way for them to get white suburban women to vote for whoever will restore order. If I was conspiricy theorist, I would think the whole thing was arranged.

And that is kinda my point. Not the conspiracy theory part, but the mobilising aspect. The other issue the Dems have is that Biden is such a poor candidate. The leadership of the left is old and needs changing. They've been around too long - Pelosi, Schumer et al.
trump is 74. Nobody in the republican party is talking about that. Biden has served in the senate and as vice president. He is a very fine candidate if you are looking for someone with experience in handling national and global issues.. It is time to stop repeating republican talking points. Listening to them grade democrats is why we are in this mess to begin with. McConnell is 78 and running for another term and nobody says shit. Blacks are not rioting and again, this white racist obsession about 2 percent of the people who happen to be white racists CANNOT be allowed to become the narrative. That is why whites did the looting and rioting in the first place.

I saw plenty of blacks looting, too IM2. I concur about Biden to a degree, but he is going to be 82 next time around. I certainly think McConnell has gone well past his use-by date, as has Trump for a myriad of reasons (age being the least of them). I think what might get Biden over the line will be his VP candidate.
He is off to a bang-up start. Look at his finalists. Holy commie shit, batman

The infamous democratic circular firing squad is more than republican political strategists could have hoped for. Black riots for months on end is a great way for them to get white suburban women to vote for whoever will restore order. If I was conspiricy theorist, I would think the whole thing was arranged.

And that is kinda my point. Not the conspiracy theory part, but the mobilising aspect. The other issue the Dems have is that Biden is such a poor candidate. The leadership of the left is old and needs changing. They've been around too long - Pelosi, Schumer et al.
trump is 74. Nobody in the republican party is talking about that. Biden has served in the senate and as vice president. He is a very fine candidate if you are looking for someone with experience in handling national and global issues.. It is time to stop repeating republican talking points. Listening to them grade democrats is why we are in this mess to begin with. McConnell is 78 and running for another term and nobody says shit. Blacks are not rioting and again, this white racist obsession about 2 percent of the people who happen to be white racists CANNOT be allowed to become the narrative. That is why whites did the looting and rioting in the first place.

I saw plenty of blacks looting, too IM2. I concur about Biden to a degree, but he is going to be 82 next time around. I certainly think McConnell has gone well past his use-by date, as has Trump for a myriad of reasons (age being the least of them). I think what might get Biden over the line will be his VP candidate.
Again less than 2 percent of the people rioted. And I am fucking tired of these white assholes here talking about riots when their white asses riot for winning a super bowl. So lets stop supporting white racist narratives.
I'm seeing a lot of white folks who are usually down the middle on race relations getting really pissed at the Antifa and BLM crowd. And no, this isn't just about race - from what I see, a lot of the BLM agitators are white. However, the last thing the left need is even more crackers coming out to vote in Nov, and at the rate these entitled rent-a-crowds start destroying things the more it helps the Orange Buffoon in the WH. Don't they see that?
You’re not fooling anyone, you’re a leftwing kook and always have been.

If you don’t support BLM you’re a racist, period. Don’t act like you’re growing a spine and going to call out their bullshit.

Only in Trumpie whackadoodle land am I a leftist. The problem is you loons are so far to the right you're laughable. The only difference between you nutjobs in the US and people like you in other democracies, is that there are a lot less of the likes of you (both in real numbers and per head of population) in those other countries. People like you and all the other neocon whacks on this board in those societies are rightfully on the periphery of those western democracies. Yes, you are that marginalised and laughed at constantly at your politics.

I have never supported BLM or antifa. I don't have too much of an axe to grind with BLM but I don't support them. I think antifa are shitheads. Couldn't give two fucks if they get kicked in the nuts.

Absolutely they do. And I absolutely am. My voting record speaks for itself. Would use the same language against antifa too. You both deserve each other.

"You both deserve each other"

That snide remark assumes I belong to one side or the other. Centrists do not assume one person belongs to one side or the other, simply by engaging in one conversational exchange with another. Centrists make counterpoints to discern the position of the one they are conversing within a debate.

I am closer to being a centrist than a majority of the posters on this board, including you. I have the statements to prove it. I took the journey 7 years ago from right-wing extremist to centrist. I was genuinely disgusted by the extremism both sides employed. I saw myself turning into a shill and I could not abide by it any longer. I took a genuine effort to reform my worldview, it appears you have not.

Your voting record is irrelevant. Your statements at this very moment do, and they belie your self-proclaimed centrist alignment.
The infamous democratic circular firing squad is more than republican political strategists could have hoped for. Black riots for months on end is a great way for them to get white suburban women to vote for whoever will restore order. If I was conspiricy theorist, I would think the whole thing was arranged.

And that is kinda my point. Not the conspiracy theory part, but the mobilising aspect. The other issue the Dems have is that Biden is such a poor candidate. The leadership of the left is old and needs changing. They've been around too long - Pelosi, Schumer et al.
trump is 74. Nobody in the republican party is talking about that. Biden has served in the senate and as vice president. He is a very fine candidate if you are looking for someone with experience in handling national and global issues.. It is time to stop repeating republican talking points. Listening to them grade democrats is why we are in this mess to begin with. McConnell is 78 and running for another term and nobody says shit. Blacks are not rioting and again, this white racist obsession about 2 percent of the people who happen to be white racists CANNOT be allowed to become the narrative. That is why whites did the looting and rioting in the first place.

I saw plenty of blacks looting, too IM2. I concur about Biden to a degree, but he is going to be 82 next time around. I certainly think McConnell has gone well past his use-by date, as has Trump for a myriad of reasons (age being the least of them). I think what might get Biden over the line will be his VP candidate.
He is off to a bang-up start. Look at his finalists. Holy commie shit, batman

There are no commies on the list. Funny how you say that while supporting a president who kisses Putins ass every chance he gets.
Again less than 2 percent of the people rioted. And I am fucking tired of these white assholes here talking about riots when their white asses riot for winning a super bowl. So lets stop supporting white racist narratives.
And how about the black monkey asses who riot when their team wins the NBA finals, Rochester?
There doesn't seem to be any record of such activity white boy. Because white people watch the NBA too.

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