Will BLM backfire

Again less than 2 percent of the people rioted. And I am fucking tired of these white assholes here talking about riots when their white asses riot for winning a super bowl. So lets stop supporting white racist narratives.
And how about the black monkey asses who riot when their team wins the NBA finals, Rochester?
There doesn't seem to have any record of such activity white boy. Because white people watch the NBA too.
There's a litany of that "activity", Toby....Chicago, Detroit, LA, the list goes on.... You're just are just living on the back end of the bell curve.
The infamous democratic circular firing squad is more than republican political strategists could have hoped for. Black riots for months on end is a great way for them to get white suburban women to vote for whoever will restore order. If I was conspiricy theorist, I would think the whole thing was arranged.

And that is kinda my point. Not the conspiracy theory part, but the mobilising aspect. The other issue the Dems have is that Biden is such a poor candidate. The leadership of the left is old and needs changing. They've been around too long - Pelosi, Schumer et al.
trump is 74. Nobody in the republican party is talking about that. Biden has served in the senate and as vice president. He is a very fine candidate if you are looking for someone with experience in handling national and global issues.. It is time to stop repeating republican talking points. Listening to them grade democrats is why we are in this mess to begin with. McConnell is 78 and running for another term and nobody says shit. Blacks are not rioting and again, this white racist obsession about 2 percent of the people who happen to be white racists CANNOT be allowed to become the narrative. That is why whites did the looting and rioting in the first place.

I saw plenty of blacks looting, too IM2. I concur about Biden to a degree, but he is going to be 82 next time around. I certainly think McConnell has gone well past his use-by date, as has Trump for a myriad of reasons (age being the least of them). I think what might get Biden over the line will be his VP candidate.
He is off to a bang-up start. Look at his finalists. Holy commie shit, batman

There are no commies on the list. Funny how you say that while supporting a president who kisses Putins ass every chance he gets.
Elizabeth Warren is a commie.

The infamous democratic circular firing squad is more than republican political strategists could have hoped for. Black riots for months on end is a great way for them to get white suburban women to vote for whoever will restore order. If I was conspiricy theorist, I would think the whole thing was arranged.

And that is kinda my point. Not the conspiracy theory part, but the mobilising aspect. The other issue the Dems have is that Biden is such a poor candidate. The leadership of the left is old and needs changing. They've been around too long - Pelosi, Schumer et al.
trump is 74. Nobody in the republican party is talking about that. Biden has served in the senate and as vice president. He is a very fine candidate if you are looking for someone with experience in handling national and global issues.. It is time to stop repeating republican talking points. Listening to them grade democrats is why we are in this mess to begin with. McConnell is 78 and running for another term and nobody says shit. Blacks are not rioting and again, this white racist obsession about 2 percent of the people who happen to be white racists CANNOT be allowed to become the narrative. That is why whites did the looting and rioting in the first place.

I saw plenty of blacks looting, too IM2. I concur about Biden to a degree, but he is going to be 82 next time around. I certainly think McConnell has gone well past his use-by date, as has Trump for a myriad of reasons (age being the least of them). I think what might get Biden over the line will be his VP candidate.
He is off to a bang-up start. Look at his finalists. Holy commie shit, batman

There are no commies on the list. Funny how you say that while supporting a president who kisses Putins ass every chance he gets.
Susan Rice -- commie

Obama is a goose-stepping commie and she was his right hand man.

The problem is you loons are so far to the right you're laughable.


That all depends on the political perspective of the observer. Just how far to the left of them are you? You presume to be a centrist but cannot refrain from making statements that label people and assign them to one side or the other. Those are extreme political statements that are confined to those who do not reside in the middle, who are not moderate, and who are not centrists--- by any stretch of the word.
The problem is you loons are so far to the right you're laughable.


That all depends on the political perspective of the observer. Just how far to the left of them are you? You presume to be a centrist but cannot refrain from making statements that label people and assign them to one side or the other. Those are extreme political statements that are confined to those who do not reside in the middle, who are not moderate, and who are not centrists--- by any stretch of the word.

Just because I'm a centrist doesn't take away my right to call somebody else a rightie or leftie. It might make me look petty and judgemental, but I couldn't give a shit to be honest.
The problem is you loons are so far to the right you're laughable.


That all depends on the political perspective of the observer. Just how far to the left of them are you? You presume to be a centrist but cannot refrain from making statements that label people and assign them to one side or the other. Those are extreme political statements that are confined to those who do not reside in the middle, who are not moderate, and who are not centrists--- by any stretch of the word.

Just because I'm a centrist doesn't take away my right to call somebody else a rightie or leftie. It might make me look petty and judgemental, but I couldn't give a shit to be honest.

Centrist ==> MilqueToast

Bad example. That writer has no idea what communism is and he has no right to give it a new meaning.

And you do? What makes you think you know what true meaning of communism is?

Um, because I've read Marx. There is actually a dictionary definition if you care to look it up.
Giving the workers a 40 per cent say in directors of a board on a company is not communism. Giving them 100 per cent might be depending on who is in government.
The infamous democratic circular firing squad is more than republican political strategists could have hoped for. Black riots for months on end is a great way for them to get white suburban women to vote for whoever will restore order. If I was conspiricy theorist, I would think the whole thing was arranged.

And that is kinda my point. Not the conspiracy theory part, but the mobilising aspect. The other issue the Dems have is that Biden is such a poor candidate. The leadership of the left is old and needs changing. They've been around too long - Pelosi, Schumer et al.
trump is 74. Nobody in the republican party is talking about that. Biden has served in the senate and as vice president. He is a very fine candidate if you are looking for someone with experience in handling national and global issues.. It is time to stop repeating republican talking points. Listening to them grade democrats is why we are in this mess to begin with. McConnell is 78 and running for another term and nobody says shit. Blacks are not rioting and again, this white racist obsession about 2 percent of the people who happen to be white racists CANNOT be allowed to become the narrative. That is why whites did the looting and rioting in the first place.

I saw plenty of blacks looting, too IM2. I concur about Biden to a degree, but he is going to be 82 next time around. I certainly think McConnell has gone well past his use-by date, as has Trump for a myriad of reasons (age being the least of them). I think what might get Biden over the line will be his VP candidate.
He is off to a bang-up start. Look at his finalists. Holy commie shit, batman

There are no commies on the list. Funny how you say that while supporting a president who kisses Putins ass every chance he gets.
Kamala "I'll-take-away-your-free-markets" Harris -- commie
I'm seeing a lot of white folks who are usually down the middle on race relations getting really pissed at the Antifa and BLM crowd. And no, this isn't just about race - from what I see, a lot of the BLM agitators are white. However, the last thing the left need is even more crackers coming out to vote in Nov, and at the rate these entitled rent-a-crowds start destroying things the more it helps the Orange Buffoon in the WH. Don't they see that?
You’re not fooling anyone, you’re a leftwing kook and always have been.

If you don’t support BLM you’re a racist, period. Don’t act like you’re growing a spine and going to call out their bullshit.

Only in Trumpie whackadoodle land am I a leftist. The problem is you loons are so far to the right you're laughable. The only difference between you nutjobs in the US and people like you in other democracies, is that there are a lot less of the likes of you (both in real numbers and per head of population) in those other countries. People like you and all the other neocon whacks on this board in those societies are rightfully on the periphery of those western democracies. Yes, you are that marginalised and laughed at constantly at your politics.

I have never supported BLM or antifa. I don't have too much of an axe to grind with BLM but I don't support them. I think antifa are shitheads. Couldn't give two fucks if they get kicked in the nuts.

lol. More proof that most people in this nation need to stay home on Nov 3rd. Somehow ignorant voting has become a virtue.
This is not going to backfire and this obsession with less than 2 percent of the people at the protests mainly organized by white supremacists such as the boogaloo movement is not going to do anything but increase votes against trump.
Didn't get the memo to avoid the brown acid, didja?
I literally saw them warn him to his face not to take the brown acid. He said "fuck them crackas" and took it anyway! :aargh:
Just because I'm a centrist doesn't take away my right to call somebody else a rightie or leftie. It might make me look petty and judgemental, but I couldn't give a shit to be honest.

I never said that. I said your judgments and assessments all rely on your political perspective. Simply saying you're a centrist does not make you one.

A lot of self-proclaimed centrists use that title as a license to look down their noses and judge others. That attitude on its own is proof that there is and never will be a true centrist, and it disproves your contention that you are one as well.

I've known moderates and people who claimed to be centrists. When you press them hard enough, that assertion becomes a lie. Every single time. Everyone has inherent biases. Even me.
I never said that. I said your judgments and assessments all rely on your political perspective. Simply saying you're a centrist does not make you one.

A lot of self-proclaimed centrists use that title as a license to look down their noses and judge others. That attitude on its own is proof that there is and never will be a true centrist, and it disproves your contention that you are one as well.

I've known moderates and people who claimed to be centrists. When you press them hard enough, that assertion becomes a lie. Every single time. Everyone has inherent biases. Even me.

Are you are centrist?
discern the position of the one they are conversing within a debate.

I do that all the time.

Not here. You assumed I was as far right as the people you were debating before I joined in this thread. You made no effort whatsoever.

With all due respect, please don't lie to me.

M'eh I'll say 'most' of the time.
With all due respect, get off your high horse.

Why? So you can look down on me from yours?

Just because I'm a centrist doesn't take away my right to call somebody else a rightie or leftie. It might make me look petty and judgemental, but I couldn't give a shit to be honest.

I never said that. I said your judgments and assessments all rely on your political perspective. Simply saying you're a centrist does not make you one.

A lot of self-proclaimed centrists use that title as a license to look down their noses and judge others. That attitude on its own is proof that there is and never will be a true centrist, and it disproves your contention that you are one as well.

I've known moderates and people who claimed to be centrists. When you press them hard enough, that assertion becomes a lie. Every single time. Everyone has inherent biases. Even me.
Centrist does not mean you don't have some biases or lean to one side or the other.

You basically said that centrists do not exist!?

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