Will BLM backfire

I never said that. I said your judgments and assessments all rely on your political perspective. Simply saying you're a centrist does not make you one.

A lot of self-proclaimed centrists use that title as a license to look down their noses and judge others. That attitude on its own is proof that there is and never will be a true centrist, and it disproves your contention that you are one as well.

I've known moderates and people who claimed to be centrists. When you press them hard enough, that assertion becomes a lie. Every single time. Everyone has inherent biases. Even me.

Are you are centrist?

That's what most people would label me as. Do I agree with the label? No. I will never be a true centrist. True centrism does not exist.
Centrist does not mean you don't have some biases or lean to one side or the other.

I disagree.

Just by having biases or leaning to one side or the other invalidates the idea of centrism as a concept. I do not accept centrism as a political viewpoint. It does not exist.

Being moderate on the other hand is another matter. I define "moderate" as you would define a "centrist." As someone who has some biases or leans slightly to one side or the other.

Call me an absolutist, call me narrowminded, but I am speaking from my own personal experiences.
I'm seeing a lot of white folks who are usually down the middle on race relations getting really pissed at the Antifa and BLM crowd. And no, this isn't just about race - from what I see, a lot of the BLM agitators are white. However, the last thing the left need is even more crackers coming out to vote in Nov, and at the rate these entitled rent-a-crowds start destroying things the more it helps the Orange Buffoon in the WH. Don't they see that?
You’re not fooling anyone, you’re a leftwing kook and always have been.

If you don’t support BLM you’re a racist, period. Don’t act like you’re growing a spine and going to call out their bullshit.

Only in Trumpie whackadoodle land am I a leftist. The problem is you loons are so far to the right you're laughable. The only difference between you nutjobs in the US and people like you in other democracies, is that there are a lot less of the likes of you (both in real numbers and per head of population) in those other countries. People like you and all the other neocon whacks on this board in those societies are rightfully on the periphery of those western democracies. Yes, you are that marginalised and laughed at constantly at your politics.

I have never supported BLM or antifa. I don't have too much of an axe to grind with BLM but I don't support them. I think antifa are shitheads. Couldn't give two fucks if they get kicked in the nuts.

What views of mine make me a “neocon” or far right?
Centrist does not mean you don't have some biases or lean to one side or the other.

I disagree.

Just by having biases or leaning to one side or the other invalidates the idea of centrism as a concept. I do not accept centrism as a political viewpoint. It does not exist.

Being moderate on the other hand is another matter. I define "moderate" as you would define a "centrist." As someone who has some biases or leans slightly to one side or the other.

Call me an absolutist, call me narrowminded, but I am speaking from my own personal experiences.

So what would a true centrist stance on something like abortion be?
Maybe I'm a moderate <shrug>..all I know is I can't stand uber righties, and only have slightly more tolerance for uber lefties, mainly because at least their trying to do something. But even then, all an outfit like antifa makes we want to do is go and kick those lazy, entitled twats in the nuts.
Centrist does not mean you don't have some biases or lean to one side or the other.

I disagree.

Just by having biases or leaning to one side or the other invalidates the idea of centrism as a concept. I do not accept centrism as a political viewpoint. It does not exist.

Being moderate on the other hand is another matter. I define moderate as you would define a centrist. As someone who has some biases or leans slightly to one side or the other.

Call me an absolutist, call me narrowminded, but I am speaking from my own personal experiences.

I would not call that narrow minded or absolutist. I would say that you are engaging in a semantic argument with no purpose though. If you acknowledge that Grump calling himself a centrist is just synonymous with what you would consider hims stating he was a moderate then why bother arguing over the exact term - that is a rather meaningless part of the label. We use labels to quickly convey larger amounts of information - quibbling over the exact label used has no point if the information is understood anyway?

Of maybe you would contend he is not moderate either but then the quibble over the label is still rather pointless, is it not?
Centrist does not mean you don't have some biases or lean to one side or the other.

I disagree.

Just by having biases or leaning to one side or the other invalidates the idea of centrism as a concept. I do not accept centrism as a political viewpoint. It does not exist.

Being moderate on the other hand is another matter. I define "moderate" as you would define a "centrist." As someone who has some biases or leans slightly to one side or the other.

Call me an absolutist, call me narrowminded, but I am speaking from my own personal experiences.

So what would a true centrist stance on something like abortion be?
Maybe I'm a moderate <shrug>..all I know is I can't stand uber righties, and only have slightly more tolerance for uber lefties, mainly because at least their trying to do something. But even then, all an outfit like antifa makes we want to do is go and kick those lazy, entitled twats in the nuts.
The Solomon stance?
It's amazing you can post this.

Given your hack DNA.

Can it ? It already has. I know several individuals who are pretty a-political...never vote.

They are voting this year.

I have, and always have been, a centrist. Only in whackadoodle Trump, neocon Deplorable-land am I considered a leftist. In almost all other democracies in the world, I am a centrist. Socially liberal, fiscally conservative (although I do jump on opposite sides on a couple of issues in either spectrum).
Nice try, but no. You are a left-wing hack. A veritable sheep in sheep's clothing.
Maybe I'm mincing words, maybe not. Maybe I am being obtuse. But if this board is any indicator, centrism is a lie used to shield oneself from criticism. I have encountered too many examples of people claiming to be centrists on this forum only for them to disprove that claim in another thread.

I posit that the aggregate of one's own political views would never place one in the center of any political spectrum.

Moderate? Of course. Centrist? Never.

Centrism is supposedly based on assuming a neutral stance.
Centrist does not mean you don't have some biases or lean to one side or the other.

I disagree.

Just by having biases or leaning to one side or the other invalidates the idea of centrism as a concept. I do not accept centrism as a political viewpoint. It does not exist.

Being moderate on the other hand is another matter. I define "moderate" as you would define a "centrist." As someone who has some biases or leans slightly to one side or the other.

Call me an absolutist, call me narrowminded, but I am speaking from my own personal experiences.

So what would a true centrist stance on something like abortion be?
Maybe I'm a moderate <shrug>..all I know is I can't stand uber righties, and only have slightly more tolerance for uber lefties, mainly because at least their trying to do something. But even then, all an outfit like antifa makes we want to do is go and kick those lazy, entitled twats in the nuts.
The Solomon stance?

The what?
What views of mine make me a “neocon” or far right?

If you voted for Trump because you believe in him, then you are far right. And this too, is a point of perspective - in most of the rest of the democratic world, Trump supporters would be on the periphery. For example, we have a party in NZ called Act. On the odd occasion they get a member into parliament but very rarely. They are ideal Trump supporters. If that party existed in the US they would have a lot of members in congress and the senate. In any other western country, they would be like NZ and have little or no representation. And that is my overall point in this. Trump Deplorables are about a third to a half of the conservative vote. In other countries they wouldnt' even make the five per cent threshold (well, some are getting traction in Europe - especially former Eastern Bloc countries) but they are not hte norm. The mainstream conservative parties in NZ and Australia and the UK for that matter are more like the US under Eisenhower or dare I say it, Nixon, than anything since and including Ronnie Raygun.
The infamous democratic circular firing squad is more than republican political strategists could have hoped for. Black riots for months on end is a great way for them to get white suburban women to vote for whoever will restore order. If I was conspiricy theorist, I would think the whole thing was arranged.

And that is kinda my point. Not the conspiracy theory part, but the mobilising aspect. The other issue the Dems have is that Biden is such a poor candidate. The leadership of the left is old and needs changing. They've been around too long - Pelosi, Schumer et al.
trump is 74. Nobody in the republican party is talking about that. Biden has served in the senate and as vice president. He is a very fine candidate if you are looking for someone with experience in handling national and global issues.. It is time to stop repeating republican talking points. Listening to them grade democrats is why we are in this mess to begin with. McConnell is 78 and running for another term and nobody says shit. Blacks are not rioting and again, this white racist obsession about 2 percent of the people who happen to be white racists CANNOT be allowed to become the narrative. That is why whites did the looting and rioting in the first place.

Where in God’s name do you get your data and correlative analysis?? 2 percent of the people and somehow most of the rioting is done by whites? Have you looked at the videos? There are whites and there are a lot of dark whites running in and out of the stores carrying sneakers and electronics.
If you voted for Trump because you believe in him, then you are far right.

That's not fair. I voted for Trump because I believed in his ability to carry out his duties as president, essentially I did believe in him. Having faith in someone does consign me to a political perspective on its own. If I held all of his viewpoints as sacrosanct, then yes, you could label me as such.
What views of mine make me a “neocon” or far right?

If you voted for Trump because you believe in him, then you are far right. And this too, is a point of perspective - in most of the rest of the democratic world, Trump supporters would be on the periphery. For example, we have a party in NZ called Act. On the odd occasion they get a member into parliament but very rarely. They are ideal Trump supporters. If that party existed in the US they would have a lot of members in congress and the senate. In any other western country, they would be like NZ and have little or no representation. And that is my overall point in this. Trump Deplorables are about a third to a half of the conservative vote. In other countries they wouldnt' even make the five per cent threshold (well, some are getting traction in Europe - especially former Eastern Bloc countries) but they are not hte norm. The mainstream conservative parties in NZ and Australia and the UK for that matter are more like the US under Eisenhower or dare I say it, Nixon, than anything since and including Ronnie Raygun.

Probably over half the people who voted for Trump were really voting to keep Hillary from getting to the W.H.

Voting for him could happen for 1000 reasons.

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