Will Bush Jr. Endorse Biden? Haha

Looking like he's considering it

Who is Bush Jr.?

google it

That is NOT his name, dumbass! I guess we can call you Juicy Fruit!

My generation calls them Jr and Sr. What the fuck are you talking about?

You want me to use their titles or what?

Say George W and George H W?

How old is your generation, about 6?

My generation calls yours retarded. Guess who’s right.

Oh ok mike

Yea maybe say that to the slants who you've let run all over you your whole life


Looking like he's considering it

Well if he doesnt endorse Biden he knows he is going to rue the day. I'm pretty sure he realizes just how much of an incompetent fuckup Drumpf is. Thats got to be a slap in the face that the last repub POTUS is actually going to endorse a dem.

Now wait....

Isn't that the same fuckup who beat your asses in 2016 ?

Thought so.

Bush was always a non-conservative. You deserve him.
The US as a nation was beat by the electoral college. The popular vote went to a haggard and tired Hillary. Thats got to stick in your craw.

Hardly, cause we don't have a haggard/tired Hillary in the white house. Or didn't you know that.
Trump the dictator thinks he can get the military to attack their own people. With the huge percentage of non-whites serving, I don't think Trump has a prayer. Soldiers will lay down their guns, except for the group of blood thirsty fucks. SOS.

Their own people.

Are you not part of the fucks who walked around saying "Not my president" ?

They are not his people and blowing them away only removes traitors from our midst.

This isn't silly shit.

You can die doing this and some people should.
Get out there and speak up you MAGA loser. Still haven't seen any on TV recently. They only congregate in their safe space humping each other at a Trump rally, which is all they got.

By the way, Trump is getting eaten alive. I bet he is lucky if he gets 1-2% of Black voters, and that is a stretch.
His blasphemy at the church has many religious leaders condoning him. Losing there. The public is well aware that he is a huge problem and not the answer.
You best go look up what condone means.
It means not acceptable and unforgiving you moron.
It actually means the exact opposite you fucking moron.
I left out "not" My bad.
All good.

Looking like he's considering it

Why wouldn’t he. The entire family came out for Hildabeast last time. And now you think you have something new?

Fuck you’re gullible.

Because he likes hillary his dad was bush sr after all

He's used to lizards

Who is Bush Sr.?

Google that too

old man when is the last time you turned on a TV? lol

When was the last time you referred to someone correctly? There is no Bush Jr. or Bush Sr. Catch a clue!

In the age of misgendering do you really think you're doing better than me on this front old man? Hahahaha

I have my gender right here dumbass! You are the one is confused apparently. Are you a he. she,he/she, what?

lol old man i can see you grabbing your crotch in my minds eye and it's funny.

But you and i both know i got your old man


pretending like you're more accommodating with form of address than i am...ye right

At least I have a crotch to grab!

Do your balls shrivel up and go back up when you get as old as you?

Nah, they’ll still slap you in the chin.

Your generation couldn't slap the koreans and vietnamese down

now the chinese

simmer down old man

your generation is filled with cucks
Both of those were actually against the Chinese. And both were easily winnable if it wasn’t for left wingers in government. The cucks were and are you. You’re going to do what now with China? Other than take a knee and get slapped in the chin by old Chinese balls.

Looking like he's considering it

Why wouldn’t he. The entire family came out for Hildabeast last time. And now you think you have something new?

Fuck you’re gullible.

Because he likes hillary his dad was bush sr after all

He's used to lizards

Who is Bush Sr.?

Google that too

old man when is the last time you turned on a TV? lol

When was the last time you referred to someone correctly? There is no Bush Jr. or Bush Sr. Catch a clue!

In the age of misgendering do you really think you're doing better than me on this front old man? Hahahaha

I have my gender right here dumbass! You are the one is confused apparently. Are you a he. she,he/she, what?

lol old man i can see you grabbing your crotch in my minds eye and it's funny.

But you and i both know i got your old man


pretending like you're more accommodating with form of address than i am...ye right

At least I have a crotch to grab!

Do your balls shrivel up and go back up when you get as old as you?

Nah, they’ll still slap you in the chin.

Your generation couldn't slap the koreans and vietnamese down

now the chinese

simmer down old man

your generation is filled with cucks
Both of those were actually against the Chinese. And both were easily winnable if it wasn’t for left wingers in government. The cucks were and are you. You’re going to do what now with China? Other than take a knee and get slapped in the chin by old Chinese balls.

Talkin like there is a difference, see

Generation of liberal fags

Looking like he's considering it

Well if he doesnt endorse Biden he knows he is going to rue the day. I'm pretty sure he realizes just how much of an incompetent fuckup Drumpf is. Thats got to be a slap in the face that the last repub POTUS is actually going to endorse a dem.

Now wait....

Isn't that the same fuckup who beat your asses in 2016 ?

Thought so.

Bush was always a non-conservative. You deserve him.
The US as a nation was beat by the electoral college. The popular vote went to a haggard and tired Hillary. Thats got to stick in your craw.

Hardly, cause we don't have a haggard/tired Hillary in the white house. Or didn't you know that.
Trump the dictator thinks he can get the military to attack their own people. With the huge percentage of non-whites serving, I don't think Trump has a prayer. Soldiers will lay down their guns, except for the group of blood thirsty fucks. SOS.

And Hillary is not in the white house...deal with it.

Looking like he's considering it

Well if he doesnt endorse Biden he knows he is going to rue the day. I'm pretty sure he realizes just how much of an incompetent fuckup Drumpf is. Thats got to be a slap in the face that the last repub POTUS is actually going to endorse a dem.

Now wait....

Isn't that the same fuckup who beat your asses in 2016 ?

Thought so.

Bush was always a non-conservative. You deserve him.
The US as a nation was beat by the electoral college. The popular vote went to a haggard and tired Hillary. Thats got to stick in your craw.

Not at all, the Popular Vote has NEVER oficially/legally elected an American President. Rump is a twit but he beat Hillary the way it has always happened.

Looking like he's considering it

At least one republican president is saying something presidential. We haven't heard that in long time.
I didnt realize how important it was to sound presidential until Drumpfs fat ass got into office. Nothing quite as soothing as listening to a fucking idiot that doesnt know how to be a leader.
Being presidential means having very carefully nuanced public messages because the press, the nation, and the world pays attention to each specific word. And so when careless words are used, when inflammatory words are used, that's decidedly not presidential. Such messages will be misinterpreted by the president's supporters and foes. Messages with word or phrases open to multiple interpretations and reversals of previous statements create an image of a leader with inconsistent policies who simply responds to events.

Words have meanings and have to be handled carefully by a leader because they have more power than guns or bombs.

Looking like he's considering it

At least one republican president is saying something presidential. We haven't heard that in long time.
I didnt realize how important it was to sound presidential until Drumpfs fat ass got into office. Nothing quite as soothing as listening to a fucking idiot that doesnt know how to be a leader.
Being presidential means having very carefully nuanced public messages because the press, the nation, and the world pays attention to each specific word. And so when careless words are used, when inflammatory words are used, that's decidedly not presidential. Such messages will be misinterpreted by the president's supporters and foes. Messages with word or phrases open to multiple interpretations and reversals of previous statements create an image of a leader with inconsistent policies who simply responds to events.

Words have meanings and have to be handled carefully by a leader because they have more power than guns or bombs.
Spot on. I guess I was so used to seeing competent leadership (regardless of if I was for or against the person) I had forgotten about the large amount of detail and craftsmanship used in crafting messages to the public. Drumpf is like that drunk uncle who tells everyone at the party he has something to say and everyone cringes and thinks "What the fuck is he going to say stupid now?"

Looking like he's considering it

At least one republican president is saying something presidential. We haven't heard that in long time.
I didnt realize how important it was to sound presidential until Drumpfs fat ass got into office. Nothing quite as soothing as listening to a fucking idiot that doesnt know how to be a leader.
Being presidential means having very carefully nuanced public messages because the press, the nation, and the world pays attention to each specific word. And so when careless words are used, when inflammatory words are used, that's decidedly not presidential. Such messages will be misinterpreted by the president's supporters and foes. Messages with word or phrases open to multiple interpretations and reversals of previous statements create an image of a leader with inconsistent policies who simply responds to events.

Words have meanings and have to be handled carefully by a leader because they have more power than guns or bombs.

Thank you for your opinion. Trump speaks the message for the common man, without words such as "nuanced" and "inflammatory" . That is why people relate to him so well.

Looking like he's considering it

At least one republican president is saying something presidential. We haven't heard that in long time.
I didnt realize how important it was to sound presidential until Drumpfs fat ass got into office. Nothing quite as soothing as listening to a fucking idiot that doesnt know how to be a leader.
Being presidential means having very carefully nuanced public messages because the press, the nation, and the world pays attention to each specific word. And so when careless words are used, when inflammatory words are used, that's decidedly not presidential. Such messages will be misinterpreted by the president's supporters and foes. Messages with word or phrases open to multiple interpretations and reversals of previous statements create an image of a leader with inconsistent policies who simply responds to events.

Words have meanings and have to be handled carefully by a leader because they have more power than guns or bombs.

Thank you for your opinion. Trump speaks the message for the common man, without words such as "nuanced" and "inflammatory" . That is why people relate to him so well.

"Trump speaks the message for the common man"

Thats a nice way of saying Drumpf speaks to the idiots of the nation that have little to no education.

Looking like he's considering it

At least one republican president is saying something presidential. We haven't heard that in long time.
I didnt realize how important it was to sound presidential until Drumpfs fat ass got into office. Nothing quite as soothing as listening to a fucking idiot that doesnt know how to be a leader.
Being presidential means having very carefully nuanced public messages because the press, the nation, and the world pays attention to each specific word. And so when careless words are used, when inflammatory words are used, that's decidedly not presidential. Such messages will be misinterpreted by the president's supporters and foes. Messages with word or phrases open to multiple interpretations and reversals of previous statements create an image of a leader with inconsistent policies who simply responds to events.

Words have meanings and have to be handled carefully by a leader because they have more power than guns or bombs.
Spot on. I guess I was so used to seeing competent leadership (regardless of if I was for or against the person) I had forgotten about the large amount of detail and craftsmanship used in crafting messages to the public. Drumpf is like that drunk uncle who tells everyone at the party he has something to say and everyone cringes and thinks "What the fuck is he going to say stupid now?"
Eventually, that drunk party is going to end. In 2016, Donald Trump portrayed himself as a tell it the way it is kind of guy, the man that was going to drain the swamp in Washington. After 4 years, people have become pretty tired of hearing him complain about the government and blame every one of his failures on others. Have you every heard him acknowledge any failure that he has not blamed on someone else? You won't because he can't knowledge any mistake. And about the only swamp he has drained has been the people he's hired. His only real supporters today are people that hate goverment and people that would rather see the country burned to the ground rather than vote for a democrat.
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Looking like he's considering it

At least one republican president is saying something presidential. We haven't heard that in long time.
I didnt realize how important it was to sound presidential until Drumpfs fat ass got into office. Nothing quite as soothing as listening to a fucking idiot that doesnt know how to be a leader.
Being presidential means having very carefully nuanced public messages because the press, the nation, and the world pays attention to each specific word. And so when careless words are used, when inflammatory words are used, that's decidedly not presidential. Such messages will be misinterpreted by the president's supporters and foes. Messages with word or phrases open to multiple interpretations and reversals of previous statements create an image of a leader with inconsistent policies who simply responds to events.

Words have meanings and have to be handled carefully by a leader because they have more power than guns or bombs.

Thank you for your opinion. Trump speaks the message for the common man, without words such as "nuanced" and "inflammatory" . That is why people relate to him so well.

"Trump speaks the message for the common man"

Thats a nice way of saying Drumpf speaks to the idiots of the nation that have little to no education.
Trump panders to the common man. but yeah the gop leadership took them for granted. The dems to … but for another reason. They sold them out when they bailed out us guys with 401ks

Looking like he's considering it

At least one republican president is saying something presidential. We haven't heard that in long time.
I didnt realize how important it was to sound presidential until Drumpfs fat ass got into office. Nothing quite as soothing as listening to a fucking idiot that doesnt know how to be a leader.
Being presidential means having very carefully nuanced public messages because the press, the nation, and the world pays attention to each specific word. And so when careless words are used, when inflammatory words are used, that's decidedly not presidential. Such messages will be misinterpreted by the president's supporters and foes. Messages with word or phrases open to multiple interpretations and reversals of previous statements create an image of a leader with inconsistent policies who simply responds to events.

Words have meanings and have to be handled carefully by a leader because they have more power than guns or bombs.
Spot on. I guess I was so used to seeing competent leadership (regardless of if I was for or against the person) I had forgotten about the large amount of detail and craftsmanship used in crafting messages to the public. Drumpf is like that drunk uncle who tells everyone at the party he has something to say and everyone cringes and thinks "What the fuck is he going to say stupid now?"

People used to say the same thing about Reagan. They said it about Bush 1. Clinton....certainly Bush 2....and Obama.

Looking like he's considering it

At least one republican president is saying something presidential. We haven't heard that in long time.
I didnt realize how important it was to sound presidential until Drumpfs fat ass got into office. Nothing quite as soothing as listening to a fucking idiot that doesnt know how to be a leader.
Being presidential means having very carefully nuanced public messages because the press, the nation, and the world pays attention to each specific word. And so when careless words are used, when inflammatory words are used, that's decidedly not presidential. Such messages will be misinterpreted by the president's supporters and foes. Messages with word or phrases open to multiple interpretations and reversals of previous statements create an image of a leader with inconsistent policies who simply responds to events.

Words have meanings and have to be handled carefully by a leader because they have more power than guns or bombs.
Spot on. I guess I was so used to seeing competent leadership (regardless of if I was for or against the person) I had forgotten about the large amount of detail and craftsmanship used in crafting messages to the public. Drumpf is like that drunk uncle who tells everyone at the party he has something to say and everyone cringes and thinks "What the fuck is he going to say stupid now?"

People used to say the same thing about Reagan. They said it about Bush 1. Clinton....certainly Bush 2....and Obama.
I disagree. With the exception of Bush, all these presidents were masterful communicators. They realized the power of words and knew how to use them. When they spoke to the American people, they had a message to delivery, not idle comments and speculations filled with distortions, exaggerations, and fabrications. Of course they made mistakes but nothing like we have seen with Trump.

The real problem is Trump acts without thinking. He just says or does something without considering the impact. Take his little stroll to the church. He takes off out of the White House to a church without a bible with staff following not knowing where he's going or why. Had he been carrying a bible, they would probably have guessed. By the time he gets to the church someone gives him a bible to hold up in a photo shoot. The square had to be cleared of protesters and whole square had to be surrounded by police and marine guards. When asked if that was his bible he was holding? He replies, "It's a bible.":cuckoo:

And then there's those stupid comments about ingesting detergents. Didn't he realize how stupid that all sounded and how the news media would have a field day with it.
Last edited:

Looking like he's considering it

At least one republican president is saying something presidential. We haven't heard that in long time.
I didnt realize how important it was to sound presidential until Drumpfs fat ass got into office. Nothing quite as soothing as listening to a fucking idiot that doesnt know how to be a leader.
Being presidential means having very carefully nuanced public messages because the press, the nation, and the world pays attention to each specific word. And so when careless words are used, when inflammatory words are used, that's decidedly not presidential. Such messages will be misinterpreted by the president's supporters and foes. Messages with word or phrases open to multiple interpretations and reversals of previous statements create an image of a leader with inconsistent policies who simply responds to events.

Words have meanings and have to be handled carefully by a leader because they have more power than guns or bombs.
Spot on. I guess I was so used to seeing competent leadership (regardless of if I was for or against the person) I had forgotten about the large amount of detail and craftsmanship used in crafting messages to the public. Drumpf is like that drunk uncle who tells everyone at the party he has something to say and everyone cringes and thinks "What the fuck is he going to say stupid now?"

People used to say the same thing about Reagan. They said it about Bush 1. Clinton....certainly Bush 2....and Obama.
I disagree. With the exception of Bush, all these presidents were masterful communicators. They realized the power of words and knew how to use them. When they spoke to the American people, they had a message to delivery, not idle comments and speculations filled with distortions, exaggerations, and fabrications. Of course they made mistakes but nothing like we have seen with Trump.

Bush 1 was a moron.

Bush 2 was a moron.

Reagan was pilloried when he was in office. He was always accused of sticking his foot in his mouth (how people didn't see the press as being full of shit back then, I'll never know).

Obama and his "junk plans", "save you 2,500", " the cops were stupid", "you didn't build that".....yeah...he was a master.

Looking like he's considering it

At least one republican president is saying something presidential. We haven't heard that in long time.
I didnt realize how important it was to sound presidential until Drumpfs fat ass got into office. Nothing quite as soothing as listening to a fucking idiot that doesnt know how to be a leader.
Being presidential means having very carefully nuanced public messages because the press, the nation, and the world pays attention to each specific word. And so when careless words are used, when inflammatory words are used, that's decidedly not presidential. Such messages will be misinterpreted by the president's supporters and foes. Messages with word or phrases open to multiple interpretations and reversals of previous statements create an image of a leader with inconsistent policies who simply responds to events.

Words have meanings and have to be handled carefully by a leader because they have more power than guns or bombs.
Spot on. I guess I was so used to seeing competent leadership (regardless of if I was for or against the person) I had forgotten about the large amount of detail and craftsmanship used in crafting messages to the public. Drumpf is like that drunk uncle who tells everyone at the party he has something to say and everyone cringes and thinks "What the fuck is he going to say stupid now?"

People used to say the same thing about Reagan. They said it about Bush 1. Clinton....certainly Bush 2....and Obama.
I disagree. With the exception of Bush, all these presidents were masterful communicators. They realized the power of words and knew how to use them. When they spoke to the American people, they had a message to delivery, not idle comments and speculations filled with distortions, exaggerations, and fabrications. Of course they made mistakes but nothing like we have seen with Trump.

Bush 1 was a moron.

Bush 2 was a moron.

Reagan was pilloried when he was in office. He was always accused of sticking his foot in his mouth (how people didn't see the press as being full of shit back then, I'll never know).

Obama and his "junk plans", "save you 2,500", " the cops were stupid", "you didn't build that".....yeah...he was a master.
If you think Bush 2 was a moron then you have to think Drumpf is a handicapped doorknob.

Looking like he's considering it

At least one republican president is saying something presidential. We haven't heard that in long time.
I didnt realize how important it was to sound presidential until Drumpfs fat ass got into office. Nothing quite as soothing as listening to a fucking idiot that doesnt know how to be a leader.
Being presidential means having very carefully nuanced public messages because the press, the nation, and the world pays attention to each specific word. And so when careless words are used, when inflammatory words are used, that's decidedly not presidential. Such messages will be misinterpreted by the president's supporters and foes. Messages with word or phrases open to multiple interpretations and reversals of previous statements create an image of a leader with inconsistent policies who simply responds to events.

Words have meanings and have to be handled carefully by a leader because they have more power than guns or bombs.
Spot on. I guess I was so used to seeing competent leadership (regardless of if I was for or against the person) I had forgotten about the large amount of detail and craftsmanship used in crafting messages to the public. Drumpf is like that drunk uncle who tells everyone at the party he has something to say and everyone cringes and thinks "What the fuck is he going to say stupid now?"

People used to say the same thing about Reagan. They said it about Bush 1. Clinton....certainly Bush 2....and Obama.
I disagree. With the exception of Bush, all these presidents were masterful communicators. They realized the power of words and knew how to use them. When they spoke to the American people, they had a message to delivery, not idle comments and speculations filled with distortions, exaggerations, and fabrications. Of course they made mistakes but nothing like we have seen with Trump.

Bush 1 was a moron.

Bush 2 was a moron.

Reagan was pilloried when he was in office. He was always accused of sticking his foot in his mouth (how people didn't see the press as being full of shit back then, I'll never know).

Obama and his "junk plans", "save you 2,500", " the cops were stupid", "you didn't build that".....yeah...he was a master.
If you think Bush 2 was a moron then you have to think Drumpf is a handicapped doorknob.

I think of you when I think of defective doorknobs.

I did think Bush 2 was a moron. I still think he was...and it gets worse with time.

Same with Obama.

Looking like he's considering it

At least one republican president is saying something presidential. We haven't heard that in long time.
I didnt realize how important it was to sound presidential until Drumpfs fat ass got into office. Nothing quite as soothing as listening to a fucking idiot that doesnt know how to be a leader.
Being presidential means having very carefully nuanced public messages because the press, the nation, and the world pays attention to each specific word. And so when careless words are used, when inflammatory words are used, that's decidedly not presidential. Such messages will be misinterpreted by the president's supporters and foes. Messages with word or phrases open to multiple interpretations and reversals of previous statements create an image of a leader with inconsistent policies who simply responds to events.

Words have meanings and have to be handled carefully by a leader because they have more power than guns or bombs.
Spot on. I guess I was so used to seeing competent leadership (regardless of if I was for or against the person) I had forgotten about the large amount of detail and craftsmanship used in crafting messages to the public. Drumpf is like that drunk uncle who tells everyone at the party he has something to say and everyone cringes and thinks "What the fuck is he going to say stupid now?"

People used to say the same thing about Reagan. They said it about Bush 1. Clinton....certainly Bush 2....and Obama.
Regan had Alzheimer's so he doesnt count. Bush1, Clinton, Obama were masterful communicators, each in their own way. Bush 2 had some issues but by comparison with Drumpf he looks like a genius. Drumpf reminds me of a spoiled brat wearing his daddys shoes and playing like he is a grown up.

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