Will Christians Rise And Fight?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
I do hope so as we see Christians world wide used as fodder. From the middle east to right here in America. If a Christian rises and says I am a Christian the left tells him/her to sit down and shut up because its hate speech.

On the other hand if a Muslim rises and say Kill Christians its "free speech'. In America its no longer in fashion to be a Christian, it many cases they are treated worse then smokers.

They find themselves put aside and unprotected. Fringe groups of liberals like the homo attack their refusing to bake a cake a "hate crime" and yet NO islamic cake baker has been tried. Why not? Because they are not Christian.

Short video here by Zo who is always good. We see the Jewish tribe attacked in the home of Jewish faith and the Christian attack in his home by the same groups.
You as a Christian have a RIGHT to defend your faith but if you allow this current leadership or its party to lead surely your RIGHT will be gone.

Right now both here and abroad Christians are one of the most attacked faiths on earth. Christians are very very close to being the Jews of Germany WW2. How many Christians die before YOU pick up YOUR sword? Here's Zo.

I do hope so as we see Christians world wide used as fodder. From the middle east to right here in America. If a Christian rises and says I am a Christian the left tells him/her to sit down and shut up because its hate speech.

On the other hand if a Muslim rises and say Kill Christians its "free speech'. In America its no longer in fashion to be a Christian, it many cases they are treated worse then smokers.

They find themselves put aside and unprotected. Fringe groups of liberals like the homo attack their refusing to bake a cake a "hate crime" and yet NO islamic cake baker has been tried. Why not? Because they are not Christian.

Short video here by Zo who is always good. We see the Jewish tribe attacked in the home of Jewish faith and the Christian attack in his home by the same groups.
You as a Christian have a RIGHT to defend your faith but if you allow this current leadership or its party to lead surely your RIGHT will be gone.

Right now both here and abroad Christians are one of the most attacked faiths on earth. Christians are very very close to being the Jews of Germany WW2. How many Christians die before YOU pick up YOUR sword? Here's Zo.

I'm not really sure what the Bible says about a situation like this. I have no doubt that a Christian is allowed to defend themselves and their loved ones, but government is ordained by God. I believe the reason Obama was elected is because he will play a vital role in end time events. To resist would be equivalent to fighting against God. I'm talking about armed resistance here. Now, I have no problem using the system and protests to achieve justice, but armed rebellion, I believe, would be a sin. I'll have to do some more research on this one.
I do hope so as we see Christians world wide used as fodder. From the middle east to right here in America. If a Christian rises and says I am a Christian the left tells him/her to sit down and shut up because its hate speech.

On the other hand if a Muslim rises and say Kill Christians its "free speech'. In America its no longer in fashion to be a Christian, it many cases they are treated worse then smokers.

They find themselves put aside and unprotected. Fringe groups of liberals like the homo attack their refusing to bake a cake a "hate crime" and yet NO islamic cake baker has been tried. Why not? Because they are not Christian.

Short video here by Zo who is always good. We see the Jewish tribe attacked in the home of Jewish faith and the Christian attack in his home by the same groups.
You as a Christian have a RIGHT to defend your faith but if you allow this current leadership or its party to lead surely your RIGHT will be gone.

Right now both here and abroad Christians are one of the most attacked faiths on earth. Christians are very very close to being the Jews of Germany WW2. How many Christians die before YOU pick up YOUR sword? Here's Zo.

Cocked locked and ready to rock.

Hitting the sack now and will be interested to see other posts in this thread. I came to Christ from the Father. Strange journey and a wonderous one. I may not have a denomination but I have my faith. Ephesians 6:10 - 18 is my morning daily prayer.

Ephesians 6:10-18New International Version (NIV)
The Armor of God
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,

15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

Bible Gateway passage: Ephesians 6:10-18 - New International Version
I do hope so as we see Christians world wide used as fodder. From the middle east to right here in America. If a Christian rises and says I am a Christian the left tells him/her to sit down and shut up because its hate speech.

On the other hand if a Muslim rises and say Kill Christians its "free speech'. In America its no longer in fashion to be a Christian, it many cases they are treated worse then smokers.

They find themselves put aside and unprotected. Fringe groups of liberals like the homo attack their refusing to bake a cake a "hate crime" and yet NO islamic cake baker has been tried. Why not? Because they are not Christian.

Short video here by Zo who is always good. We see the Jewish tribe attacked in the home of Jewish faith and the Christian attack in his home by the same groups.
You as a Christian have a RIGHT to defend your faith but if you allow this current leadership or its party to lead surely your RIGHT will be gone.

Right now both here and abroad Christians are one of the most attacked faiths on earth. Christians are very very close to being the Jews of Germany WW2. How many Christians die before YOU pick up YOUR sword? Here's Zo.

I'm not really sure what the Bible says about a situation like this. I have no doubt that a Christian is allowed to defend themselves and their loved ones, but government is ordained by God. I believe the reason Obama was elected is because he will play a vital role in end time events. To resist would be equivalent to fighting against God. I'm talking about armed resistance here. Now, I have no problem using the system and protests to achieve justice, but armed rebellion, I believe, would be a sin. I'll have to do some more research on this one.

Check out my post on Ephesians 6:10 18.

It's in the book my friend. And we are commanded to do so.
I do hope so as we see Christians world wide used as fodder. From the middle east to right here in America. If a Christian rises and says I am a Christian the left tells him/her to sit down and shut up because its hate speech.

On the other hand if a Muslim rises and say Kill Christians its "free speech'. In America its no longer in fashion to be a Christian, it many cases they are treated worse then smokers.

They find themselves put aside and unprotected. Fringe groups of liberals like the homo attack their refusing to bake a cake a "hate crime" and yet NO islamic cake baker has been tried. Why not? Because they are not Christian.

Short video here by Zo who is always good. We see the Jewish tribe attacked in the home of Jewish faith and the Christian attack in his home by the same groups.
You as a Christian have a RIGHT to defend your faith but if you allow this current leadership or its party to lead surely your RIGHT will be gone.

Right now both here and abroad Christians are one of the most attacked faiths on earth. Christians are very very close to being the Jews of Germany WW2. How many Christians die before YOU pick up YOUR sword? Here's Zo.

What brand of crack do you smoke to come up with this weird shit, Pinko?

Do you have to wear, like, a padded suit?
I do hope so as we see Christians world wide used as fodder. From the middle east to right here in America. If a Christian rises and says I am a Christian the left tells him/her to sit down and shut up because its hate speech.

On the other hand if a Muslim rises and say Kill Christians its "free speech'. In America its no longer in fashion to be a Christian, it many cases they are treated worse then smokers.

They find themselves put aside and unprotected. Fringe groups of liberals like the homo attack their refusing to bake a cake a "hate crime" and yet NO islamic cake baker has been tried. Why not? Because they are not Christian.

Short video here by Zo who is always good. We see the Jewish tribe attacked in the home of Jewish faith and the Christian attack in his home by the same groups.
You as a Christian have a RIGHT to defend your faith but if you allow this current leadership or its party to lead surely your RIGHT will be gone.

Right now both here and abroad Christians are one of the most attacked faiths on earth. Christians are very very close to being the Jews of Germany WW2. How many Christians die before YOU pick up YOUR sword? Here's Zo.

I'm not really sure what the Bible says about a situation like this. I have no doubt that a Christian is allowed to defend themselves and their loved ones, but government is ordained by God. I believe the reason Obama was elected is because he will play a vital role in end time events. To resist would be equivalent to fighting against God. I'm talking about armed resistance here. Now, I have no problem using the system and protests to achieve justice, but armed rebellion, I believe, would be a sin. I'll have to do some more research on this one.

Check out my post on Ephesians 6:10 18.

It's in the book my friend. And we are commanded to do so.

I'm not so sure. I believe that passage talks about a spiritual battle, and faith in God, not rising up against the government. You see, the coming conflict is one that we cannot win, for it is not a physical battle. We, as Christians, should focus on spreading the good news, not fighting an earthly battle. God has that covered. It is a foregone conclusion.
I do hope so as we see Christians world wide used as fodder. From the middle east to right here in America. If a Christian rises and says I am a Christian the left tells him/her to sit down and shut up...

Sit down and :anj_stfu: you left a few words out.

Christians are doing fine. Get on with yer life, because focusing this much on the negative will only earn you hell on Earth.

There is NO spiritual battle going on except in the heads of religious fundies
I do hope so as we see Christians world wide used as fodder. From the middle east to right here in America. If a Christian rises and says I am a Christian the left tells him/her to sit down and shut up...

Sit down and :anj_stfu: you left a few words out.

Christians are doing fine. Get on with yer life, because focusing this much on the negative will only earn you hell on Earth.

There is NO spiritual battle going on except in the heads of religious fundies
That's exactly the kind of attitude that allowed Hitler to do what he did.
Those poor Christians in the USA are still lamenting how to make the rest of the non-believers,,,,believe...
I do hope so as we see Christians world wide used as fodder. From the middle east to right here in America. If a Christian rises and says I am a Christian the left tells him/her to sit down and shut up...

Sit down and :anj_stfu: you left a few words out.

Christians are doing fine. Get on with yer life, because focusing this much on the negative will only earn you hell on Earth.

There is NO spiritual battle going on except in the heads of religious fundies
That's exactly the kind of attitude that allowed Hitler to do what he did.
You mean that christian Hitler?
They're all out to get you.

No guff!
Watch out...they're coming!


BUT the stupid Europeans have TRAITORS that are in places of power, and have NO IDEA that REVOLUTION is the only way to rid their countries of the scum that is letting in the murderers of European civilization!

What did my sigline use to say? Something about not being able to wake a person pretending to be asleep.
I do hope so as we see Christians world wide used as fodder. From the middle east to right here in America. If a Christian rises and says I am a Christian the left tells him/her to sit down and shut up...

Sit down and :anj_stfu: you left a few words out.

Christians are doing fine. Get on with yer life, because focusing this much on the negative will only earn you hell on Earth.

There is NO spiritual battle going on except in the heads of religious fundies
That's exactly the kind of attitude that allowed Hitler to do what he did.
You mean that christian Hitler?
I like when some Jews I knew would call Hitler a Jew as if to insult him. :eek:

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