Will Cultural Conservatives Condemn Rush...

Should Rush Limbaugh apologize for these comments?

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Geez lefties, get some perspective and take a course in Constitution 101. So-called cultural conservatives are under no obligation to criticize a radio talk show host even when the left claims to be hysterical. Where were democrats when Clinton fouled the Oval Office with his DNA and used his power as world leader to abuse a girl barely older than his daughter? Democrat politicians marched to the White House in support and the liberal media giggled about adultery in the White House. We still have a remnant of those days of abuse of women and the "bimbo eruption squad' acting as secretary of state. Will democrats ask Hillary what the hell she was doing as chairperson of the dirty tricks political arm of the democrat party dedicated to ruining the lives of women who talked about Bubba Bill?

And they cheered in a collective uber-orgasm when Bill Mahar spoke of "grudge fucking" Palin.
Geez lefties, get some perspective and take a course in Constitution 101. So-called cultural conservatives are under no obligation to criticize a radio talk show host even when the left claims to be hysterical. Where were democrats when Clinton fouled the Oval Office with his DNA and used his power as world leader to abuse a girl barely older than his daughter? Democrat politicians marched to the White House in support and the liberal media giggled about adultery in the White House. We still have a remnant of those days of abuse of women and the "bimbo eruption squad' acting as secretary of state. Will democrats ask Hillary what the hell she was doing as chairperson of the dirty tricks political arm of the democrat party dedicated to ruining the lives of women who talked about Bubba Bill?

And they cheered in a collective uber-orgasm when Bill Mahar spoke of "grudge fucking" Palin.

"Thou must spread more REP around...yaddie-yadda..."
Yup. I still haven't found a sound clip to know exactly what Rush said. If he quoted himself accurately on his website, he didn't call anybody a 'slut'. He did say that this is what women are called who expect to be paid for having sex. And he did say that in context with the young woman attending a very VERY pricey college who implied, before Congress, that she was having so much sex she couldn't afford the contraceptives.

Still, everybody insists he DID call her a 'slut' and that would include even Fox News, so at this point I don't know whether he did or not. If he did, then I would say he crossed over the line into bad taste again. I don't like at all when he does that, but that it vintage Rush at times and if we are going to allow others to be 'who they are', then he is entitled to the same privilege to be who he is.

I am 100% convinced that his motive was not to trash her--which you can't say for Maher or others who pointedly target a person in the most vulgar terms--but to illustrate the absurdity of expecting somebody else to pay for your contraceptives so that you can have as much sex as you want. Or that it was a 'health issue'. Or that anybody old enough and responsible enough to be having sex cannot afford a condom.
or is what Rush said about (and to) Georgetown University law student, Sandra Fluke, acceptable to them?

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, already under fire from Democrats over his language in discussing a Georgetown University law student who testified about contraception, ratcheted up his rhetoric on Thursday, saying the student should post an online sex video if taxpayers are forced to pay for contraception.

Limbaugh on Wednesday had referred to student Sandra Fluke as a “slut” for supporting a requirement that health insurance cover contraception. On his radio show Thursday, Limbaugh went a little further:
"So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you post the videos online so we can all watch."

U.S. News - Limbaugh: Contraception advocate should post online sex videos

Where's the option for: "NO, but I hope she sues his fat ass and wins"?

Actually, I prefer the more direct approach. I think Sandra's father should pay Rush a visit and do exactly what conservatives would expect a father to do when someone has trashed his daughter.
Yup. I still haven't found a sound clip to know exactly what Rush said. If he quoted himself accurately on his website, he didn't call anybody a 'slut'. He did say that this is what women are called who expect to be paid for having sex. And he did say that in context with the young woman attending a very VERY pricey college who implied, before Congress, that she was having so much sex she couldn't afford the contraceptives.

Still, everybody insists he DID call her a 'slut' and that would include even Fox News, so at this point I don't know whether he did or not. If he did, then I would say he crossed over the line into bad taste again. I don't like at all when he does that, but that it vintage Rush at times and if we are going to allow others to be 'who they are', then he is entitled to the same privilege to be who he is.

I am 100% convinced that his motive was not to trash her--which you can't say for Maher or others who pointedly target a person in the most vulgar terms--but to illustrate the absurdity of expecting somebody else to pay for your contraceptives so that you can have as much sex as you want. Or that it was a 'health issue'. Or that anybody old enough and responsible enough to be having sex cannot afford a condom.
it's false indignation from the left for political purposes.
or is what Rush said about (and to) Georgetown University law student, Sandra Fluke, acceptable to them?

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, already under fire from Democrats over his language in discussing a Georgetown University law student who testified about contraception, ratcheted up his rhetoric on Thursday, saying the student should post an online sex video if taxpayers are forced to pay for contraception.

Limbaugh on Wednesday had referred to student Sandra Fluke as a “slut” for supporting a requirement that health insurance cover contraception. On his radio show Thursday, Limbaugh went a little further:
"So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you post the videos online so we can all watch."

U.S. News - Limbaugh: Contraception advocate should post online sex videos

Where's the option for: "NO, but I hope she sues his fat ass and wins"?

Actually, I prefer the more direct approach. I think Sandra's father should pay Rush a visit and do exactly what conservatives would expect a father to do when someone has trashed his daughter.

A father of a liberal is probably a lib as well. As a result, if confronted, would piss himself or threaten a lawsuit.
Where's the option for: "NO, but I hope she sues his fat ass and wins"?

Actually, I prefer the more direct approach. I think Sandra's father should pay Rush a visit and do exactly what conservatives would expect a father to do when someone has trashed his daughter.

A father of a liberal is probably a lib as well. As a result, if confronted, would piss himself or threaten a lawsuit.

You wish. Anyone with any sense knows that you don't mess with any man's daughter. In this case, a rich, powerful, lecherous older man who's nationally famous picked on a fairly defenseless female law student who also happens to be a private citizen. Among other things, it's an abuse of power when a powerful person picks on someone who's relatively defenseless and does so publicly on the airwaves to millions of listeners.

I would LOVE for the cameras to be rolling when those two meet. Let's see how Rush could use his so-called verbal skills to defend himself from Sandra's father when he verbally confronts him. I'm not even talking about a physical altercation. Get Rush out from behind the microphone in his studio, and let's see how he hems and haws when her father demands an explanation for Rush's disgusting behavior. You would quickly see the sniveling coward that Rush is once he's away from his controlled environment.
Yup. I still haven't found a sound clip to know exactly what Rush said. If he quoted himself accurately on his website, he didn't call anybody a 'slut'. He did say that this is what women are called who expect to be paid for having sex. And he did say that in context with the young woman attending a very VERY pricey college who implied, before Congress, that she was having so much sex she couldn't afford the contraceptives.

Still, everybody insists he DID call her a 'slut' and that would include even Fox News, so at this point I don't know whether he did or not. If he did, then I would say he crossed over the line into bad taste again. I don't like at all when he does that, but that it vintage Rush at times and if we are going to allow others to be 'who they are', then he is entitled to the same privilege to be who he is.

I am 100% convinced that his motive was not to trash her--which you can't say for Maher or others who pointedly target a person in the most vulgar terms--but to illustrate the absurdity of expecting somebody else to pay for your contraceptives so that you can have as much sex as you want. Or that it was a 'health issue'. Or that anybody old enough and responsible enough to be having sex cannot afford a condom.

You need the actual clip to know what he said? We have the President commenting and berating Limbaugh, what more do you need? You are trying to get facts and draw rational conclusions based logic and facts, that is not how it is done. You need to take the Presidents word and we should execute him.
Sandra Fluke is Wrong in Contraceptive Debacle, Rush Limbaugh is Right - International Business Times

According to Fluke, 40 percent of women at Georgetown struggle with $3,000 contraception bills over the course of law school. Three grand! That's a condom for breakfast, lunch and dinner sex every day for three consecutive years!

Assuming Fluke is the liberated woman she claims to be, it's amazing she had enough time to saunter out of her bedchamber and come to Congress.

In a sane world, Fluke would have earned the ire of the liberal media and feminists for portraying women as helpless wards of the state who have no choice but to submit to men. But this world is not sane, so all guns blazed at the all-knowing, all-feeling, all-seeing, all-everything Maha Rushie.

What did Limbaugh do other than state the obvious? He said: "Well, what would you call someone who wants us to pay for her to have sex? What would you call that woman? You'd call 'em a slut, a prostitute or whatever."

I'd like to supplement Limbaugh's analysis with a few additional descriptions. Fluke is impractical, foolish, and a disgrace to Georgetown. Plus, she has deliberately glossed over the implications of her demands.

If the government forces Catholic institutions to provide contraception against their doctrine, not only are we trampling on religious liberty, but we're opening the door for all sorts of tomfoolery.

Are the Jesuits then obliged to provide pot to distraught, empty-pocketed stoners, vibrators to lonely females, or porn to the sex-crazed teenage boy? Where does it stop? And do her male partners bear no responsibility, or do we have to pay for her cab home, too?

This skewring is worse than what Rush had to say.

After outing herself as the college body shop there is little doubt that however busy she was before, her condom bill has tripled by now. Yes she is a slut. She does not have the integrity of a whore. Whores get paid and pay their own bills. Whores perform a service that they at least think has value. Sluts give it away.

What ignorance!

How can the author of the article, apparently a woman, know so little about female contraception. A woman has to take her pill(s) every day, regardless of whether she has sex or not.
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Rush called her a slut but 30 seconds later retracted it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9JLRypv9eA]Rush Limbaugh Calls Sandra Fluke a "SLUT" [Real Audio & Video] - YouTube[/ame]

So left what exactly was your whine fest about?
Yup. I still haven't found a sound clip to know exactly what Rush said. If he quoted himself accurately on his website, he didn't call anybody a 'slut'. He did say that this is what women are called who expect to be paid for having sex. And he did say that in context with the young woman attending a very VERY pricey college who implied, before Congress, that she was having so much sex she couldn't afford the contraceptives.

Still, everybody insists he DID call her a 'slut' and that would include even Fox News, so at this point I don't know whether he did or not. If he did, then I would say he crossed over the line into bad taste again. I don't like at all when he does that, but that it vintage Rush at times and if we are going to allow others to be 'who they are', then he is entitled to the same privilege to be who he is.

I am 100% convinced that his motive was not to trash her--which you can't say for Maher or others who pointedly target a person in the most vulgar terms--but to illustrate the absurdity of expecting somebody else to pay for your contraceptives so that you can have as much sex as you want. Or that it was a 'health issue'. Or that anybody old enough and responsible enough to be having sex cannot afford a condom.

You need the actual clip to know what he said? We have the President commenting and berating Limbaugh, what more do you need? You are trying to get facts and draw rational conclusions based logic and facts, that is not how it is done. You need to take the Presidents word and we should execute him.

:) Well I'm pretty opposed on philosophical grounds to executing people just for saying dishonest or hateful things or for being dumb as rocks for that matter.

A good friend here offered me the password to the Limbaugh private website so I could hear the clip for myself--it has been quoted several different ways by various sources--but I think it probable that he did in effect say that she wanted Congress to require the university to pay for her contraceptives and what do we call a woman who wants somebody else to pay for her to have sex? We call her a slut or we call her a prostitute. Is that the same thing as calling her a slut? I can accept that it is. Or it isn't. In any case it is vintage Rush and I am pretty sure he was using it to make an emphatic point rather than an intention to call her a slut. But oh well.

The real issue is do people have a right to have others subsidize or pay for their sexual activity? And it is THAT issue that those on the right really really don't much want to talk about and would much rather focus on the word 'slut' and get as much traction out of that as they can.
Who should pay for her to have sex?
Sandra Fluke is Wrong in Contraceptive Debacle, Rush Limbaugh is Right - International Business Times

According to Fluke, 40 percent of women at Georgetown struggle with $3,000 contraception bills over the course of law school. Three grand! That's a condom for breakfast, lunch and dinner sex every day for three consecutive years!

Assuming Fluke is the liberated woman she claims to be, it's amazing she had enough time to saunter out of her bedchamber and come to Congress.

In a sane world, Fluke would have earned the ire of the liberal media and feminists for portraying women as helpless wards of the state who have no choice but to submit to men. But this world is not sane, so all guns blazed at the all-knowing, all-feeling, all-seeing, all-everything Maha Rushie.

What did Limbaugh do other than state the obvious? He said: "Well, what would you call someone who wants us to pay for her to have sex? What would you call that woman? You'd call 'em a slut, a prostitute or whatever."

I'd like to supplement Limbaugh's analysis with a few additional descriptions. Fluke is impractical, foolish, and a disgrace to Georgetown. Plus, she has deliberately glossed over the implications of her demands.

If the government forces Catholic institutions to provide contraception against their doctrine, not only are we trampling on religious liberty, but we're opening the door for all sorts of tomfoolery.

Are the Jesuits then obliged to provide pot to distraught, empty-pocketed stoners, vibrators to lonely females, or porn to the sex-crazed teenage boy? Where does it stop? And do her male partners bear no responsibility, or do we have to pay for her cab home, too?

This skewring is worse than what Rush had to say.

After outing herself as the college body shop there is little doubt that however busy she was before, her condom bill has tripled by now. Yes she is a slut. She does not have the integrity of a whore. Whores get paid and pay their own bills. Whores perform a service that they at least think has value. Sluts give it away.

What ignorance!

How can the author of the article, apparently a woman, no so little about female contraceptive. A woman has to take her pill(s) every day, regardless of whether she has sex or not.
Who should pay for her to have sex?
Sandra Fluke is Wrong in Contraceptive Debacle, Rush Limbaugh is Right - International Business Times

According to Fluke, 40 percent of women at Georgetown struggle with $3,000 contraception bills over the course of law school. Three grand! That's a condom for breakfast, lunch and dinner sex every day for three consecutive years!

Assuming Fluke is the liberated woman she claims to be, it's amazing she had enough time to saunter out of her bedchamber and come to Congress.

In a sane world, Fluke would have earned the ire of the liberal media and feminists for portraying women as helpless wards of the state who have no choice but to submit to men. But this world is not sane, so all guns blazed at the all-knowing, all-feeling, all-seeing, all-everything Maha Rushie.

What did Limbaugh do other than state the obvious? He said: "Well, what would you call someone who wants us to pay for her to have sex? What would you call that woman? You'd call 'em a slut, a prostitute or whatever."

I'd like to supplement Limbaugh's analysis with a few additional descriptions. Fluke is impractical, foolish, and a disgrace to Georgetown. Plus, she has deliberately glossed over the implications of her demands.

If the government forces Catholic institutions to provide contraception against their doctrine, not only are we trampling on religious liberty, but we're opening the door for all sorts of tomfoolery.

Are the Jesuits then obliged to provide pot to distraught, empty-pocketed stoners, vibrators to lonely females, or porn to the sex-crazed teenage boy? Where does it stop? And do her male partners bear no responsibility, or do we have to pay for her cab home, too?

This skewring is worse than what Rush had to say.

After outing herself as the college body shop there is little doubt that however busy she was before, her condom bill has tripled by now. Yes she is a slut. She does not have the integrity of a whore. Whores get paid and pay their own bills. Whores perform a service that they at least think has value. Sluts give it away.

What ignorance!

How can the author of the article, apparently a woman, know so little about female contraception. A woman has to take her pill(s) every day, regardless of whether she has sex or not.

Nobody is being paid to have sex (with the possible exception of Rush's wife).

Contraception is used to prevent pregnancy.

Who should pay for her to have sex?
What ignorance!

How can the author of the article, apparently a woman, know so little about female contraception. A woman has to take her pill(s) every day, regardless of whether she has sex or not.

Nobody is being paid to have sex (with the possible exception of Rush's wife).

Contraception is used to prevent pregnancy.
Speaking of idiots?

These leftists want taxpayers to pay for thier deviant lifestyles with no consequences, no responsibility, no guilt.:eusa_hand:
Women who are not having sex need neither condoms nor the pill or any other device to prevent pregnancy or STDs. So if we are required to pay for her to have contraceptives, we indeed are paying for her to have sex.

Anybody old enough and mature enough to be having sex should accept the responsibility for that choice and should be buying their own protection if they choose to use it. Those who don't use protection should be old enough and mature enough to accept the consequences of a pregnancy and should be ready and able to feed, clothe, house, and educate his/her child.

A society that expects and requires people to be responsible will have far fewer problems and far fewer issues than will one that subsidizes immaturity, irreponsibility and/or poor choices. You might even say that being pretty hard nosed about that is far more compassionate than giving people free stuff so they don't have to be responsible and never learn to be.
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