Will Cultural Conservatives Condemn Rush...

Should Rush Limbaugh apologize for these comments?

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Not only should Rush not apologize, but today he hit it right on the head. The left has manufactured a contraceptive controversy because they have lost the fight on abortion.
Your MessiahRushie hit YOU right on the head with this!

March 1, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it. It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.
Not only should Rush not apologize, but today he hit it right on the head. The left has manufactured a contraceptive controversy because they have lost the fight on abortion.
Your MessiahRushie hit YOU right on the head with this!

March 1, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it. It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.
A living breathing example. :lmao:
Not only should Rush not apologize, but today he hit it right on the head. The left has manufactured a contraceptive controversy because they have lost the fight on abortion.
Your MessiahRushie hit YOU right on the head with this!

March 1, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it. It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.
And YOU are beside yourself with this? Really? Are you because he was describing you Edith?

Will Cultural Conservatives Condemn Rush...

Of course not. Why would anything think that?
Because some HAVE RDean, it is an election year. Gotta love Boehner, he had an aide disapprove of the Rush's latest.
Will Cultural Conservatives Condemn Rush...

Of course not. Why would anything think that?
Because some HAVE RDean, it is an election year. Gotta love Boehner, he had an aide disapprove of the Rush's latest.
House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) kept quiet on the matter, but his spokesman said Boehner “obviously believes the use of those words was inappropriate, as is trying to raise money off the situation.”

Santorum said Friday that Limbaugh was being “absurd,” but dismissed him as an entertainer.

Meanwhile, at least two of Limbaugh’s sponsors, Sleep Train and Sleep Number, announced on Twitter that they had pulled their ads from his show. Sleep Train, a Sacramento-area mattress company, had advertised on the show for more than 25 years.

A spokesperson for Sleep Number said on Twitter that the company had decided to immediately pull its advertisements because Limbaugh’s statements “do not align with our values.”

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said the president called Fluke “to express his disappointment that she has been the subject of inappropriate personal attacks, and thank her for exercising her rights as a citizen to speak out on an issue of public policy.”

The firestorm also has ignited a dispute between Republicans and Democrats in Congress, with each side blaming the other for allowing rhetoric on the debate over contraceptive insurance coverage to spiral out of control.

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee had called on Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Vista) to condemn Limbaugh’s comments. Issa responded Friday with a letter that called the comments “inappropriate” but said that “regrettable personal attacks…have come from individuals on both sides of the issue.”

Other Republicans voiced stronger repudiations.

“Rush Limbaugh’s comments are reprehensible,”Sen. Scott Brown(R-Mass.) wrote on Twitter. “He should apologize.”

Rush Limbaugh draws rebukes from all sides after calling Fluke a "slut" and "prostitute" - latimes.com
Issa has a point.
You think WE'RE going thru the rolaids right now when we're watching the Grand Ol' Party trip all themselves??

That's pretty weak.


Keep laughing.

They were not any better in 2010 and they wiped the floor with you idiots.

They were and are a mess...what does that say about you.

Kiss the senate good bye.

Yeah, we've all known about the Senate for a while. The demographics favor the Repubs and yet they're doing everything they can to possibly fuck THAT up, too, the way they're going.
You think WE'RE going thru the rolaids right now when we're watching the Grand Ol' Party trip all themselves??

That's pretty weak.


Keep laughing.

They were not any better in 2010 and they wiped the floor with you idiots.

They were and are a mess...what does that say about you.

Kiss the senate good bye.

Yeah, we've all known about the Senate for a while. The demographics favor the Repubs and yet they're doing everything they can to possibly fuck THAT up, too, the way they're going.

But we will most likely still get it.

What does that say about you ????
A couple weeks ago, I said that this was going to backfire in the GOP's faces...

And it has.

Like some are surprised that you are anything other than a liberal. How does this affect the politics of any party? What legislation does Limbaigh vote on in congress? Does he have veto power? OH no he's not the president either so what does it matter?
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Keep laughing.

They were not any better in 2010 and they wiped the floor with you idiots.

They were and are a mess...what does that say about you.

Kiss the senate good bye.

Yeah, we've all known about the Senate for a while. The demographics favor the Repubs and yet they're doing everything they can to possibly fuck THAT up, too, the way they're going.

But we will most likely still get it.

What does that say about you ????

I dunno.

What will it say about YOU if you fail to win back the White House and lose the House again?
A couple weeks ago, I said that this was going to backfire in the GOP's faces...

And it has.

Like some are surprised that you are anything other than a liberal. How does this affect the politics of any party? What legislation does Limbaigh vote on in congress? Does he have veto power? OH no he's not the president either so what does it matter?

Something about spreading it around.
I had to finish what I said.:lol:
Yeah, we've all known about the Senate for a while. The demographics favor the Repubs and yet they're doing everything they can to possibly fuck THAT up, too, the way they're going.

But we will most likely still get it.

What does that say about you ????

I dunno.

What will it say about YOU if you fail to win back the White House and lose the House again?

It would be a confirmation of just how messed up we are (if we lose the house).

You had the senate and house locked up for a decade after 2008. Didn't take long for you to piss it away.

And the probabilities are that you won't get the house back and that you will lose the senate.

And your guy is polling pretty poorly right now.
The whole controversy is stupid. The administration is quite arrogant to think this will detract from Obama's dismal performance as POTUS. I cant believe they believe the voters are that stupid.

Nosomo King, And thew rest.STD's and Pregnancy are not health issues. They are both 100% avoidable by using condoms and birth control. So all of you who continue to argue the bull shit ban on contraception are just wrong or dishonest Most likely the latter. There has been no attempt to ban contraception (birth control). Most likely the latter. The proof is that you guys deliberately bring no hard facts to the argument. All you can do is go on about this political activist supposedly getting called a slut. News flash, When you make national media, that's what happens. And judging by the look of this gal, birth control is a waist of money. Don't see how the fellows would be breaking down the door to get with this one. So keep deflecting guys. You lost this one.
Geez lefties, get some perspective and take a course in Constitution 101. So-called cultural conservatives are under no obligation to criticize a radio talk show host even when the left claims to be hysterical. Where were democrats when Clinton fouled the Oval Office with his DNA and used his power as world leader to abuse a girl barely older than his daughter? Democrat politicians marched to the White House in support and the liberal media giggled about adultery in the White House. We still have a remnant of those days of abuse of women and the "bimbo eruption squad' acting as secretary of state. Will democrats ask Hillary what the hell she was doing as chairperson of the dirty tricks political arm of the democrat party dedicated to ruining the lives of women who talked about Bubba Bill?

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