Will Cultural Conservatives Condemn Rush...

Should Rush Limbaugh apologize for these comments?

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Is there really an "l" in her name ?

Seems like it should be spelled differently. I dunno.
I hear that Rush now sees himself as a victim in all this. Poor baby!

Poor Rush

The left is always persecuting him

And he's laughing directly at you...stupe.

Think so? I don't.

I think Rush's phone is ringing off the hook with Republicans telling him to shut the f*ck up because he's hurting them BADLY.

National Republican Senatorial Committee vice-chairman Carly Fiorina called the talk show host/provocateur’s language “insulting,” “incendiary,” and “a distraction.

Is Rush Limbaugh damaging the Republican Party? - CSMonitor.com
Personally, I doubt Rush will apologize. Not because he doesn't believe or know he was wrong and went too far. But because he likely believes an apology would hurt his ratings big time since Rush is seen as an 'unapologetic conservative'.
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Poor Rush

The left is always persecuting him

For some reason, I don't think he would have it any other way.


All the way to the bank...

Translation: Rush doesn't give a damn about anything or anyone but himself.

Frankly, it's always amazed me that he's gotten away with his 'I-care-about-conservative-issues' act all these years. Rush is the Lonesome Rhodes of talk radio. One of many, to be sure. But Rush is the template that brought so MANY others to the airwaves. They saw a pay day on the horizon, and they knew exactly what to say to get those syndication deals.
And I'm still waiting for Mustang or anybody else to provide evidence that Rush called anybody a slut. You find it reported all over the more hateful leftwing blogs and boards, but not one gives a time, date, context, or evidence that it ever happened.

And I'm still waiting for anybody to give a coherent argument for why anybody should be required to pay for contraceptives for somebody else.

Earlier? I posted a direct transcript from his site...but here goes again...

Left Freaks Out Over My Fluke Remarks

Ah okay I missed this and thanks. I hadn't thought to go to Rush's website since I so rarely ever go there and I haven't heard his program for more than a very few minutes in awhile. But okay, I can see how the Left would interpret his analogy as calling Fluke a 'slut' even though he actually didn't. It is a pretty safe bet that had that bieen one of their own media icons who said the same thing, they would put that into the proper context. But this is Rush so he gets no benefit of the doubt.

So no, since I don't think he called anybody a slut, I don't think he should apologize. And I won't even suggest that he word things that so that they aren't so easily mischaracterized; but a bit of sensationalism is his stock in trade and keeps him at the top in audience recognition. So I doubt he would take my suggestion to heart. :)

As far as anybody being required to buy somebody else's contraceptives for them, no matter how much sex they think they need to have, I stand firmly opposed to that and will support Rush or anybody else who also oppose that.
This is what I love about DittoTards, they will claim their MessiahRushie didn't say what he said even when it is in black and white right before their eyes.

He describes you perfectly here in the same rant where he calls her a slut and a prostitute:
March 1, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it. It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.

The Dumb Don't Know They're Dumb - The Rush Limbaugh Show

RUSH: What does it say about the college co-ed Susan (sic) Fluke who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex. What does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? Makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex
Oh SURELY the irony of having two mattress companies allegedly drop sponsorship of Rush's show isn't lost on you!

Maybe they can get Fluke herself to make a promo spot "I like fucking on a select comfort mattress better than fucking on any other."

This girl has made herself a national laughing stock. There hasn't been a woman made this much fun of since Monica Lewinsky.
What she did do was get on television and advertise her services as the campus pump!
Oh SURELY the irony of having two mattress companies allegedly drop sponsorship of Rush's show isn't lost on you!

Maybe they can get Fluke herself to make a promo spot "I like fucking on a select comfort mattress better than fucking on any other."

This girl has made herself a national laughing stock. There hasn't been a woman made this much fun of since Monica Lewinsky.


How long before Fluke becomes Fuke ?

What a strange place to draw a line in the sand.
A couple weeks ago, I said that this was going to backfire in the GOP's faces...

And it has.

They set it off this PR fiasco bomb themselves.

What makes it all the more maddening is that they are still going to kick you ass in the senate this fall.

How did it feel to loose the house, which you were supposed to keep for at least ten years, in just two ?

I'll bet you go through the Rolaids.

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