Will Cultural Conservatives Condemn Rush...

Should Rush Limbaugh apologize for these comments?

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The left get all upset about Rush, but it's just fine and dandy when Bill Maher does the same thing, just in reverse. :)

And I'm still waiting for Mustang or anybody else to provide evidence that Rush called anybody a slut. You find it reported all over the more hateful leftwing blogs and boards, but not one gives a time, date, context, or evidence that it ever happened.

And I'm still waiting for anybody to give a coherent argument for why anybody should be required to pay for contraceptives for somebody else.
The left get all upset about Rush, but it's just fine and dandy when Bill Maher does the same thing, just in reverse. :)

And I'm still waiting for Mustang or anybody else to provide evidence that Rush called anybody a slut. You find it reported all over the more hateful leftwing blogs and boards, but not one gives a time, date, context, or evidence that it ever happened.

And I'm still waiting for anybody to give a coherent argument for why anybody should be required to pay for contraceptives for somebody else.

Earlier? I posted a direct transcript from his site...but here goes again...

Left Freaks Out Over My Fluke Remarks
Wasn't she the Gold Star Mother who was crucified by conservatives?

No, she was the Gold Star Mother used by the batshit crazy left and then tossed in the trash bin when she no longer served a purpose.

Yup. Once she criticized their Dear Leader, they flushed her right down the toilet. They never cared about Cindy Sheehan and her loss. They just wanted to get the power back for their Democrats. It really is a sad tragedy. The poor old lady really was used & abused by the rabid Left.

Strange....I never saw either Obama or his Vice President say anything negative about Gold Star Mother Sheehan

It was the Conservatives who viciously attacked a woman who had given her son in defense of this country
The left get all upset about Rush, but it's just fine and dandy when Bill Maher does the same thing, just in reverse. :)

And I'm still waiting for Mustang or anybody else to provide evidence that Rush called anybody a slut. You find it reported all over the more hateful leftwing blogs and boards, but not one gives a time, date, context, or evidence that it ever happened.

And I'm still waiting for anybody to give a coherent argument for why anybody should be required to pay for contraceptives for somebody else.

Earlier? I posted a direct transcript from his site...but here goes again...

Left Freaks Out Over My Fluke Remarks

Ah okay I missed this and thanks. I hadn't thought to go to Rush's website since I so rarely ever go there and I haven't heard his program for more than a very few minutes in awhile. But okay, I can see how the Left would interpret his analogy as calling Fluke a 'slut' even though he actually didn't. It is a pretty safe bet that had that bieen one of their own media icons who said the same thing, they would put that into the proper context. But this is Rush so he gets no benefit of the doubt.

So no, since I don't think he called anybody a slut, I don't think he should apologize. And I won't even suggest that he word things that so that they aren't so easily mischaracterized; but a bit of sensationalism is his stock in trade and keeps him at the top in audience recognition. So I doubt he would take my suggestion to heart. :)

As far as anybody being required to buy somebody else's contraceptives for them, no matter how much sex they think they need to have, I stand firmly opposed to that and will support Rush or anybody else who also oppose that.
No, she was the Gold Star Mother used by the batshit crazy left and then tossed in the trash bin when she no longer served a purpose.

Yup. Once she criticized their Dear Leader, they flushed her right down the toilet. They never cared about Cindy Sheehan and her loss. They just wanted to get the power back for their Democrats. It really is a sad tragedy. The poor old lady really was used & abused by the rabid Left.

Strange....I never saw either Obama or his Vice President say anything negative about Gold Star Mother Sheehan
It was the Conservatives who viciously attacked a woman who had given her son in defense of this country

Nobody said he did...
And I'm still waiting for Mustang or anybody else to provide evidence that Rush called anybody a slut. You find it reported all over the more hateful leftwing blogs and boards, but not one gives a time, date, context, or evidence that it ever happened.

And I'm still waiting for anybody to give a coherent argument for why anybody should be required to pay for contraceptives for somebody else.

Earlier? I posted a direct transcript from his site...but here goes again...

Left Freaks Out Over My Fluke Remarks

Ah okay I missed this and thanks. I hadn't thought to go to Rush's website since I so rarely ever go there and I haven't heard his program for more than a very few minutes in awhile. But okay, I can see how the Left would interpret his analogy as calling Fluke a 'slut' even though he actually didn't. It is a pretty safe bet that had that bieen one of their own media icons who said the same thing, they would put that into the proper context. But this is Rush so he gets no benefit of the doubt.

So no, since I don't think he called anybody a slut, I don't think he should apologize. And I won't even suggest that he word things that so that they aren't so easily mischaracterized; but a bit of sensationalism is his stock in trade and keeps him at the top in audience recognition. So I doubt he would take my suggestion to heart. :)

As far as anybody being required to buy somebody else's contraceptives for them, no matter how much sex they think they need to have, I stand firmly opposed to that and will support Rush or anybody else who also oppose that.

Precisely. The problem with the left and the whole crux of the matter is that too many in this society think others should pay for thier lifestyles so they will be absolved of ALL responsibility.

Makes it easier to blame others...which is thier M.O. to the core.
The left get all upset about Rush, but it's just fine and dandy when Bill Maher does the same thing, just in reverse. :)

And I'm still waiting for Mustang or anybody else to provide evidence that Rush called anybody a slut. You find it reported all over the more hateful leftwing blogs and boards, but not one gives a time, date, context, or evidence that it ever happened.

And I'm still waiting for anybody to give a coherent argument for why anybody should be required to pay for contraceptives for somebody else.

There is none... only emotional appeals about poor starving children and whatnot. It's utter nonsense.
Not only should Rush not apologize, but today he hit it right on the head. The left has manufactured a contraceptive controversy because they have lost the fight on abortion.

Has the right to an abortion been repealed?

It's no longer useful to fire up the base. Creating an impression that someone wants to (horrors) take away the ability of women to get birth control is much more useful. It's a non-issue but it's useful to them.

Contraceptives is a two parter. Should women have the right to and unfettered access to contraceptives? The answer is a resounding yes, any other answer is nonsense. Should women have the costs of their contraceptives be paid for by anyone but themselves or their partners. The answer is a resounding no, any other answer is nonsense.
No, she was the Gold Star Mother used by the batshit crazy left and then tossed in the trash bin when she no longer served a purpose.

Yup. Once she criticized their Dear Leader, they flushed her right down the toilet. They never cared about Cindy Sheehan and her loss. They just wanted to get the power back for their Democrats. It really is a sad tragedy. The poor old lady really was used & abused by the rabid Left.

Strange....I never saw either Obama or his Vice President say anything negative about Gold Star Mother Sheehan

It was the Conservatives who viciously attacked a woman who had given her son in defense of this country

You guys on the Left never cared about Cindy Sheehan and her loss. You just wanted the power back for your beloved Democrats. You could care less about that woman today. The moment she criticized your Dear Leader, you dumped her. Without a quick Google search, you couldn't even tell us her son's name. Like i've told you many times before, you're a very disingenuous person. You need to work on that.
Yup. Once she criticized their Dear Leader, they flushed her right down the toilet. They never cared about Cindy Sheehan and her loss. They just wanted to get the power back for their Democrats. It really is a sad tragedy. The poor old lady really was used & abused by the rabid Left.

Strange....I never saw either Obama or his Vice President say anything negative about Gold Star Mother Sheehan

It was the Conservatives who viciously attacked a woman who had given her son in defense of this country

You guys on the Left never cared about Cindy Sheehan and her loss. You just wanted the power back for your beloved Democrats. You could care less about that woman today. The moment she criticized your Dear Leader, you dumped her. Without a quick Google search, you couldn't even tell us her son's name. Like i've told you many times before, you're a very disingenuous person. You need to work on that.

She's still out there. Are we still out there in Iraq?
Rush keeps doubling down.

Hey, it's not enough that the GOP nomination process resembles a circular firing squad. Rush has to do his part to make Republicans look like the extremists they are. Hell, HE doesn't give a damn. He gets paid regardless of what happens in the election. In fact, it's probably personally BETTER for him if the Democrats win since railing against the Left probably is more financially lucrative than defending the Right.
Wanna know what's far more fun? Watching you batshit crazy lefties soiling yourself over somebody poking fun at a Georgetown Law student who is an obvious buffoon.

Oh no.

Your hero just stepped in it. Big time.

2012 keeps getting better and better. :)

No he didn't... get over it. You should go back and re-read the vile and vulgar shit the Left heaped on Palin... for years. remember when Mahar said he wanted to "grudge" fuck her? The left dismissed it as comedy.

Don't tell me to get over it. Tell his sponsors who have pulled out so far.


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