Will Cultural Conservatives Condemn Rush...

Should Rush Limbaugh apologize for these comments?

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Oh SURELY the irony of having two mattress companies allegedly drop sponsorship of Rush's show isn't lost on you!

Maybe they can get Fluke herself to make a promo spot "I like fucking on a select comfort mattress better than fucking on any other."

This girl has made herself a national laughing stock. There hasn't been a woman made this much fun of since Monica Lewinsky.

She's just a laughing stock among wingnut idiots such as yourself. The real national laughing stock is the fat fuck behind the mike who shot his mouth off.

A couple weeks ago, I said that this was going to backfire in the GOP's faces...

And it has.

They set it off this PR fiasco bomb themselves.

What makes it all the more maddening is that they are still going to kick you ass in the senate this fall.

How did it feel to loose the house, which you were supposed to keep for at least ten years, in just two ?

I'll bet you go through the Rolaids.

You think WE'RE going thru the rolaids right now when we're watching the Grand Ol' Party trip all themselves??

That's pretty weak.


If they want to see their public images take a beating with women who control the purse strings in their families, sure.

Ms. Fluke stated it would cost $3,000 a year without insurance coverage, yet Planned Parenthood has this posted on their web site "Cost about $15–$50 each month", so this leads us to the obvious, congress listens to some pretty stupid people and somehow this is Rush Limbaugh's fault? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Bravo...
You think WE'RE going thru the rolaids right now when we're watching the Grand Ol' Party trip all themselves??

That's pretty weak.


Keep laughing.

They were not any better in 2010 and they wiped the floor with you idiots.

They were and are a mess...what does that say about you.

Kiss the senate good bye.
They set it off this PR fiasco bomb themselves.

What makes it all the more maddening is that they are still going to kick you ass in the senate this fall.

How did it feel to loose the house, which you were supposed to keep for at least ten years, in just two ?

I'll bet you go through the Rolaids.

You think WE'RE going thru the rolaids right now when we're watching the Grand Ol' Party trip all themselves??

That's pretty weak.

Even Santorum MILDLY criticized Rush; gotta be an ELECTION year.

Rush Limbaugh draws rebukes from all sides after calling Fluke a "slut" and "prostitute" - latimes.com)

According to Fluke, 40 percent of women at Georgetown struggle with $3,000 contraception bills over the course of law school. Three grand! That's a condom for breakfast, lunch and dinner sex every day for three consecutive years!

Assuming Fluke is the liberated woman she claims to be, it's amazing she had enough time to saunter out of her bedchamber and come to Congress.

In a sane world, Fluke would have earned the ire of the liberal media and feminists for portraying women as helpless wards of the state who have no choice but to submit to men. But this world is not sane, so all guns blazed at the all-knowing, all-feeling, all-seeing, all-everything Maha Rushie.

What did Limbaugh do other than state the obvious? He said: "Well, what would you call someone who wants us to pay for her to have sex? What would you call that woman? You'd call 'em a slut, a prostitute or whatever."

I'd like to supplement Limbaugh's analysis with a few additional descriptions. Fluke is impractical, foolish, and a disgrace to Georgetown. Plus, she has deliberately glossed over the implications of her demands.

If the government forces Catholic institutions to provide contraception against their doctrine, not only are we trampling on religious liberty, but we're opening the door for all sorts of tomfoolery.

Are the Jesuits then obliged to provide pot to distraught, empty-pocketed stoners, vibrators to lonely females, or porn to the sex-crazed teenage boy? Where does it stop? And do her male partners bear no responsibility, or do we have to pay for her cab home, too?

This skewring is worse than what Rush had to say.

After outing herself as the college body shop there is little doubt that however busy she was before, her condom bill has tripled by now. Yes she is a slut. She does not have the integrity of a whore. Whores get paid and pay their own bills. Whores perform a service that they at least think has value. Sluts give it away.
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Damn....Rush is really groveling on this one

Find me someone from Georgetown who doesn't want contraception and put her on the show TODAY


an opposing point of view is not welcome ?

I see.

Welcome yes, but putting someone's name on a blog and writing "their" opinion is not proof positive that this person even exists.

Apparently Sandra Fluke lied about her age. What makes you think that this Angela M. (closed the tab and don't remember her last name) a) exists and b) said those things.

I'd like to hear something come from her own lips before I believe this completely.

Poor Rush

The left is always persecuting him

And he's laughing directly at you...stupe.

Think so? I don't.

I think Rush's phone is ringing off the hook with Republicans telling him to shut the f*ck up because he's hurting them BADLY.

National Republican Senatorial Committee vice-chairman Carly Fiorina called the talk show host/provocateur’s language “insulting,” “incendiary,” and “a distraction.

Is Rush Limbaugh damaging the Republican Party? - CSMonitor.com
Personally, I doubt Rush will apologize. Not because he doesn't believe or know he was wrong and went too far. But because he likely believes an apology would hurt his ratings big time since Rush is seen as an 'unapologetic conservative'.
January 16, 2009
RUSH: I don't apologize ever.

July 27,2009
RUSH: Gods don't apologize.
Others will take their place as fast as you can snap your fingers.

If they want to see their public images take a beating with women who control the purse strings in their families, sure.

Ms. Fluke stated it would cost $3,000 a year without insurance coverage, yet Planned Parenthood has this posted on their web site "Cost about $15–$50 each month", so this leads us to the obvious, congress listens to some pretty stupid people and somehow this is Rush Limbaugh's fault? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Bravo...
The wench had nefarious intent...right up the alley of the Statists to make thier case...

All the woman did was show that she is a nymphomaniac/whore that wants the taxpayers to pay for her deviant lifestyle.

Rush is 100% correct about this.

The left is livid...:lol:
or is what Rush said about (and to) Georgetown University law student, Sandra Fluke, acceptable to them?

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, already under fire from Democrats over his language in discussing a Georgetown University law student who testified about contraception, ratcheted up his rhetoric on Thursday, saying the student should post an online sex video if taxpayers are forced to pay for contraception.

Limbaugh on Wednesday had referred to student Sandra Fluke as a “slut” for supporting a requirement that health insurance cover contraception. On his radio show Thursday, Limbaugh went a little further:
"So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you post the videos online so we can all watch."

U.S. News - Limbaugh: Contraception advocate should post online sex videos

Where's the option for: "NO, but I hope she sues his fat ass and wins"?
Will Cultural Conservatives Condemn Rush...

Of course not. Why would anything think that?
if women deserve free contraception for "health" issues then I think men should have free gym memberships because of their health issues. The lack of logic with this whole Sandra Fuck thing is so obvious that one has to wonder if the elites are just trying to shift American debate from the real problems of the country...like oh...the debt, or jobs.
if women deserve free contraception for "health" issues then I think men should have free gym memberships because of their health issues. The lack of logic with this whole Sandra Fuck thing is so obvious that one has to wonder if the elites are just trying to shift American debate from the real problems of the country...like oh...the debt, or jobs.
It's a false issue leading up to two things...

The SCOTUS decision coming in June...

Obama's defeat in November.
Sandra Fluke has a raging sense of entitlement that her social activities should be funded by others. She is not performing a life sustaining function by screwing three times a day. She chooses to be that promiscuous. Right now, there are probably men and women on that campus who think about paying for books, about eating something besides beans and rice, and they are wondering what this screwey woman is thinking.
Sandra Fluke has a raging sense of entitlement that her social activities should be funded by others. She is not performing a life sustaining function by screwing three times a day. She chooses to be that promiscuous. Right now, there are probably men and women on that campus who think about paying for books, about eating something besides beans and rice, and they are wondering what this screwey woman is thinking.

Somehow, I don't see the 3K translating into a lot of sex. I watched her interview with Andrea Mitchell and she has the personality of mud. Not very exciting.

I mean it...my guess is that she is not a slut.

She also isn't too bright and I have to wonder how she got into Georgetown. Why would anyone go before congress and say I need 1K a year for birth control when many americans shell out that kind of cash for drugs they REALLY need ? Did anyone vett her statement ?

I mean, c'mon.....you have to think before you go run off at the mouth. Especially in this instance. Next, there will be someone from Texas saying I need viagra....

...for when I visit Georgetown.

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